Medical official path

Chapter 714 Entering and Out of the Play

Zhang Yang did not immediately give Zhou Yunfan a positive reply. Zhou Yunfan was also very patient. He looked at Fengyan Lake in front of him and sighed softly, "If I hadn't come here by chance, I wouldn't have been interested in it. Fengyan Lake's resources are very good. Although the area of the lake is not large The government project, which has been completed for five years, has always lacked effective management and unified planning. It seems lively, but there is no decent consumption place in the whole water street. If I can take over this place, I will increase my investment in culture and style, and build Fengyan Lake Water Street into the most tasteful and highest-end consumption in Pinghai. Fee place.

Zhang Yang has reservations about Zhou Yunfan's taste. A zeal businessman, who put money first, and expects him to make any taste, which is almost a fantasy.

But the current situation of Fengyan Lake Street is indeed a little chaotic. After all, Zhou Yunfan is willing to invest capital here. After all, Zhang Yang nodded and said, "I don't think this matter is a big problem."

When Zhou Yunfan heard Zhang Yang's words, he couldn't help smiling. Zhang Yang said that it was not a big problem, which proved that there was no problem in this matter. He believed in Zhang Yang's ability.

Since returning to China, Zhang Yang has not seen Aishwarya. When he came to the courtyard of the villa, he saw Aishwarya in red Indian national costume sitting in a wheelchair, bathed in the midday sun, quietly watching the roses in the yard.

Her uncle Lakuma was also on the phone on the platform on the second floor in Nancy. When he saw Zhang Yang and Zhou Yunfan coming in together, he waved to them with a smile. Then he pointed to the phone, indicating that he hadn't finished talking yet.

Zhang Yang smiled and looked back to Aishwarya. Aishwarya turned around, and her emerald-like eyes bloomed with a strange look because of seeing Zhang Yang. She was surprised and said, "You're here!" Zhang Yang suddenly found a very strange phenomenon. When Aishiwaya saw her, she rarely called her Mr. Zhang, Director Zhang or even Brother Zhang. This way of speaking made people feel that they were very familiar.

Zhang Yang laughed and said, "Are you all right?"

Aishwaya nodded hard, her beautiful eyes blinked, flashing like stars, and her slender snow-white fingers tried to move, and she was showing her recovery results to Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang walked over, squatted down, held her right hand, and explored her pulse. Aishwarya felt a warm air flowing in her [body]. Looking at Zhang Yang's handsome face, Aishiwaya's heart also warmed up.

In the eyes of outsiders, the speed of Aishwarya's recovery is quite amazing, but in Zhang Yang's view, the speed of Aishwarya's physical recovery is slower than he expected. After repeated consideration, Zhang Yang came up with a inference, which is likely to be related to Aishwarya's practice of yoga since After her injury, she stimulated the protective effect of her own instinct. Although she has been effectively treated, her own skills are still in a state of protection, which has a rejection reaction to the treatment of the outside world. As the saying goes, Xiao He and Xiao He. At this time, yoga has delayed Aishiya's recovery.

Zhang Yang said, "Is there anything abnormal in your body recently?"

Aishwaya said, "Recently, after taking the soup you prescribed me, every time you take it for half an hour, your lower abdomen will hurt, and then extend to the limbs of the body. After these two days of pain, muscle stiffness will appear." Maybe it is a normal reaction in the recovery process." Zhang Yang Head.

When Aishiwaya saw Zhang Yang's solemn expression, her heart couldn't help sinking. She was too eager to recover her health. She was too eager to walk normally. In the past, she was once desperate. It was Zhang Yang who awakened the hope in her heart. The gradual recovery of her body feeling made her confidence build up little by little, She is more and more afraid of failure. If she fails again this time, she will lose the courage to live. Aishwaya said in a trembling voice, "Isn't it...",...I..."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Don't be afraid." I found out the reason."

Lakuma came to Zhang Yang's side. Aishiwaya's recovery made him very gratified. He expressed his gratitude to Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang said, "Rehabilitation is a long process. It may take a few months or a few years to wait, but what I can be sure of is that Aishiwaya can definitely recover her health." This time, his words obviously became cautious, because Zhang Yang did not know the skills of yoga, so he did not know the next Kang. What will happen in the process of recovery?

Aishiwaya's green eyes are covered with an imperceptible shadow.

Zhang Yang said, "If you don't mind, I want to go for a walk by the lake with Aishva."

Lakuma nodded with a smile.

Zhang Yang pushed Aishwaya away from his house and walked to Fengyan Lake.

Asyvania's expression was very nervous. She whispered, "Do you have a mountain to say to me?" Zhang Yang saw her nervousness, patted her on the shoulder with a smile and said, "The reason why I brought you out is to ask you something alone. You once told me that practicing yoga since childhood can detail your practice in detail. Tell me?"

Aishwaya said, "I learned yoga from my grandfather. It should be when I was five years old. After three years of study, he took me to the ancient Temple of Rennes in the suburbs of Mumbai to visit the Buddha. By chance, I met the Buddhist master Mokodo. He gave me a Buddhist scripture. The second half of the Buddhist script At that time, I didn't care. The next year, my grandfather went to the temple to practice. I cried and came to the ancient temple of Rennes with him. I saw Master Mo Kedo again. Master Mo Kedo comforted me and told me to study the Buddhist scriptures well. Naturally, if there is a Buddha in my heart, I will not be afraid of Hong, her lovely nose **, and continued, "From then on, Grandpa has completely left me. Whenever I think of him, I read the Buddhist scripture, but Master Makdo lied to me. Although I understood the Buddhist scriptures, I still can't let go of my miss for Grandpa. I began to practice yoga according to the ancient method above. At the The progress was very slow, but later I could gradually eliminate distracting thoughts and enter the state of selflessness. At least when I was practicing, I could forget the missing of my grandfather. Later, my parents also left me, and I still used this method to forget my sadness. I know that I should be counted as a master of yoga. Aishwarya smiled self-deprecatingly.

Zhang Yang said, "Aishwarya, your recovery is slower than I thought."

Aishwaya said, "I'm already very surprised and very happy. Before I met you," my body was unconscious. In the past few months, my body has gradually regained consciousness, and my fingers can also move slightly. For the first time, I have hope for recovery."

Zhang Yang said, "It's not enough." According to my experience, you should be able to recover your arms now.


Aishwaya whispered, "Maybe I'm slower than others, and the treatment varies from person to person."

Zhang Yang shook his head and said, "I guess it has something to do with the yoga you practice. I remember that when I first treated you, I found that you were paralyzed for so long, but the muscles of your body did not atrophy like ordinary people. They are still healthy and still maintain elasticity."

Aishwaya nodded and said, "It should be related to my practice of yoga." Yoga slows down the speed of my body's metabolism and the speed of muscle atrophy."

Zhang Yang said, "It also slows down your recovery. Your yoga has been quite profound. It shows resistance and rejection to my treatment. This is just an instinctive reaction to protect your body, but it is not conducive to your recovery."

Aishwarya understood a little. She whispered, "But I haven't practiced yoga since I was injured."

Zhang Yang said, "You have been practicing yoga since you were a child, and many things have been integrated into your [body]." After you are injured, yoga will protect your body to delay shrinkage. Although you don't use yoga, your body will involuntarily have an instinctive reaction."

Aishiwaya bit the cherry lip and said, "What should I do?"

Zhang Yang said, "If I want to solve this problem, I must understand your yoga. Chinese martial arts and Indian martial arts are two completely different concepts. I dare not rashly treat you."

Aishwaya said, "Do you want to know about the yoga I practice?"

Zhang Yang explained in a hurry, "I never meant to steal the teacher." Zhang Yang knows that all parties in the country's martial arts strictly keep their martial arts secrets, and never easily reveal the key to outsiders. I don't know if India is like this.

Aishwaya smiled and said, "Don't say yoga, I won't refuse if you let me do anything!"

Zhang Daguan was slightly stunned, and Aishwaya's words made him a little misunderstood.

Aishwaya had realized this from Zhang Yang's expression, and she blushed and said, "I mean, I can do it. I'll give you that Buddhist scripture when I go back."

Zhang Yang smiled bitterly and said, "Even if you give it to me, I can't understand it. When I get to India, I'm illiterate." Zhang Daguan suddenly felt the necessity of unifying the languages of various countries. "Obviously, they are all human beings. Why do you have so many languages?" It is inconvenient to communicate, but to say that the most common language in the world requires [body language]. Zhang Daguan thought of evil when he thought of it.

Aishwaya said, "There are maps on the Buddhist scriptures. I'll read them to you how to practice by hand."

Zhang Yang said, "I must understand the practice of yoga before I can find out the method of counter-treatment within the sheath."