Medical official path

Chapter 715 The Past

Before Zhang Yang came, she didn't know that there were so many people at home. Liu Yuying came to chat with her family in the living room with her son in her arms. When she saw Zhang Yang coming in, Liu Yuying stood up with a smile and walked over with the freshman in her arms: "Let's see who is here!"

Zhang Yangle put down the things in his hand, called Aunt Liu, looked down at the child, and was so cute. Zhang Yang stretched out his finger and gently touched the broken face of the little freshman, and said with a smile, "Little freshman, do you recognize me?"

The freshman looked at Zhang Yang with a pair of dark eyes. Unexpectedly, he laughed and stretched out his chubby little hand to grab Zhang Yang's clothes.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "He is very happy to see me! Let me give you a hug!"

Liu Yuying smiled and said, "The freshman knows that you are his life-saving person. Of course, I'm close to you." She handed over her son to Zhang Yang. Although Zhang Daguanren has been a person for two generations, he does not have much experience in holding children. Such a small child in his arms can't help but feel a little nervous, and at the same time, he is a little novel. Looking at the pure eyes of the new life, Zhang Daguanren sighed secretly. No It is not polluted by the secular world.

Zhang Yang said, "Freshman, grow up quickly. When you grow up, I will teach you kung fu!"

The freshman looked at Zhang Yang curiously and stretched out his little hand to grab Zhang Yang's nose. Zhang Yang smiled, but the little face of the freshman suddenly became very aggrieved, wow! With a cry, Zhang Daguan was puzzled in his heart. What is this good child laughing at? In June, the child's face became really fast. When he was puzzled, he felt that his chest was hot, and he suddenly understood that he was tricked!

Liu Yuying hurriedly picked up the child and said with a smile, "Look at this child, he just peed and came again!" But I saw that Zhang Yang's body was already wet.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "The boy pees, it's a good thing. The freshman really takes care of me."

Liu Yuying's eldest brother Liu Yushan came over and said, "Xiao Zhang, I have clothes. Why don't I change them in the room first?"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "It's okay. It's warm and comfortable."

Song Huaiming heard the noise and also came out of the study. He said to Zhang Yang, "When will Zhang Yang get to the riveting..."

Zhang Yang said, "I just came in for a while."

Song Huaiming said, "Have you eaten yet?"

Zhang Yang didn't eat, but it's past seven o'clock in the evening. If there is no one else in Song Huaiming's family, he won't be polite. But now there are so many people, of course, he is embarrassed to stay here for dinner and said with a smile, "I've eaten!"

Song Huaiming said, "Come up and talk!"

Zhang Yang smiled at Liu Yuying and said hello to Liu Yuying's family before he went up the stairs and followed Song Huaiming to his study.

Song Huaiming smiled and said, "It's rare to be so lively at home. Now the whole family is around a child."

Zhang Pi smiled and sat on the sofa with Song Huaiming.

Song Huaiming said, "Do you want to drink tea?"

Zhang Yang shook his head and said, "I just want to tell you something in person. I'll leave right away."

Song Huaiming said, "What's important?"

Zhang Yang said bluntly, "Uncle Song, do you know a person named Li Tongyu?"

Song Huaiming was obviously stunned when he heard Li Tongyu's name. He got up and poured a cup of tea for Zhang Yang from the teapot and handed it to him, "I know the president of Southeast Daily!"

Zhang Yang said, "Yesterday he went to Nancy to talk about the reporting rights of the Provincial Games. I talked to him for a while."

Song Huaiming said, "Have you prepared enough? I've thought of everything."

Zhang Yang said, "He talked about Yanran!"

Song Huaiming's hand suddenly paused, and then smiled and said, "What are you talking about?"

Zhang Yang said, "He said that he knew Commander Chu and that he had been a good friend with you in the past."

Song Huaiming raised his head. His expression was extremely complicated. He stared at Zhang Yang and said in a low voice, "What on earth did he say?"

Zhang Yang said, "He said he wanted to tell her something about Yanran's mother!"

Song Huaiming squeezed his lips and said, "Does he know that Yanran is back?"

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "I think he should know." After saying that, he quietly observed Song Huaiming's expression. Song Huaiming fell into silence for a long time. After a while, he said, "Yanran is in Jing'an."

Zhang Yang said, "I know that I can see that Li Tongyu seems to be unfriendly to you, so I'm worried that what he told Yanran may damage the relationship between your father and daughter.

Song Huaiming drank silently. The tea filled the teacup again. He stared at the water color in the teacup and whispered, "Li Tongyu used to be my best friend. In those years, we often played table tennis together. Our practice skills were about the same, and we were about the same age. Once, we made an appointment to play in the Workers' Cultural Palace. He brought a girl Say hello to me before, and let him win that day. Speaking of this, Song Huaiming fell into meditation on the past.

Zhang Yang didn't dare to disturb him and quietly played with the teacup in his hand.

Song Huaiming said, "That was the first time I saw Jingzhi. I knew that Li Tongyu liked her very much and was pursuing her, so I played a few games with Li Tongyu that day. I lost all of them, but I lost so many games in a row. Seeing Jingzhi laughing, I felt embarrassed, so I changed my mind. So I tried my best, and Li Tongyu also tried his best. Our level was almost the same, so this game was very wonderful.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Who won in the end?" Unexpectedly, as calm as Song Huaiming, there was a time when Mou Qing was full of energy.

Song Huaiming shook his head with a smile and said, "In the end, I lost. Not only did I lose, but also in order to save the last ball, my body was out of balance because of difficulty, and my head hit the corner of the table tennis table."

There was a bang.

Song Huaiming said, "Unfortunately, the table tennis table was made of cement at that time, and my forehead was hit with blood. At that time, Jingzhi rushed over and pressed my bleeding forehead with a handkerchief. I felt very happy at that time, and I fell in love with her since then. The two of them sent me to the hospital. After arriving at the hospital, I knew that Jingzhi was the doctor of this hospital, and I had five stitches on my forehead. Song Huaiming pointed to the left side of his forehead and looked at it carefully. Sure enough, he saw that there was a shallow scar in the place he was referring to, because the recovery was better, and he could not see it without looking carefully. Unexpectedly, there was such an allusion to this scar.

Song Huaiming said, "Jingzhi and I have known each other since then. She has changed medicine several times. She was present. Jingzhi's heart is kind-hearted. I accidentally broke my head. She always felt that she was responsible and told me that she was sorry. I like her kindness, but I also know She, so I have always kept a distance from Jingzhi. After I got over from my injury, Li Tongyu and I played table tennis together again. Jingzhi often came to see it. At first, Li Tongyu brought her here, but later, when she left, she always waited for me to go with me.

Zhang Yang sighed that Li Tongyu's hatred for Song Huaiming really originated from this. He thought that Song Huaiming grabbed love with a knife. Maybe he would think that Song Huaiming had used a bitter trick, first win Chu Jingzhi's sympathy, and then take the opportunity to steal her heart.

Song Huaiming said, "It's really hard to say about the relationship. Although I know that this is a blow to Li Tongyu, Jingzhi and I still can't control each other's feelings later, and we fall in love. After Li Tongyu learned about this, he was greatly stimulated. He found me and had a fight with me, accusing me of using bitterness to deceive Jingzhi's feelings. I advised him to calm down. He attacked me like crazy, but the scene at that time was seen by Jingzhi again. She stood on my side and scolded Li Tongyu for being unreasonable He never contacted me again, but I knew that he still didn't let go of Jingzhi in his heart.

"After Jingzhi fell into Yanran, because of work, the couple lived separately. Li Tongyu still pestered Jingzhi. After I knew it, I was very angry and took the initiative to talk to Li Tongyu about this matter. Li Tongyu told me that Jingzhi could not like him, but no one has the right to stop him from being kind to Jing I warned him to stay away from Jingzhi and not to interfere with their quiet life. We didn't agree with each other and fought. This time I won!" Speaking of the past, Song Huaiming's mouth was deeply sad.

Zhang Yang originally just wanted to remind Song Huaiming to beware of Li Tongyu's trouble from it. He didn't expect Song Huaiming to say so much to him, and even revealed the emotional entanglements of those years, which showed that Song Huaiming still trusted him quite a lot.

Song Huaiming said, "Which venue in 1982 took Jingzhi's life. I lost my wife and my daughter's trust... Time has become what thousands of people have said. They all think that I am the culprit for Jingzhi. At Jingzhi's funeral, my father-in-law insisted on not letting me attend. When I He took out his gun and wanted to shoot me!"

Zhang Yang can imagine the scene at that time. With Chu Zhennan's hot temper, this kind of thing can definitely be done. From Song Huaiming, he couldn't help thinking of himself. He made Chu Yanran suffer so many grievances. Mr. Chu didn't know how angry he was in his heart. This time, he wouldn't turn the muzzle to himself, would he?

Song Huaiming said, "Li Tongyu was also in the disaster area at that time. He was a reporter and reported on the situation in the disaster area. After learning the news of Jingzhi's death, he ran to me and was persuaded by others. I still remember what he said in those years. He wanted me to pay for Jingzhi's

Zhang Yang looked at Song Huaiming sympathetically. On the issue of Chu Jingzhi, I'm afraid that Song Huaiming could not raise his head for the rest of his life.