Medical official path

Chapter 720 Tiger's power

I knew from Chu Yanran that Xiaozhuang saw that something was going on and kept calling her." Chu Yanran finally picked up the phone. Zhang Yang said, "Why did he call you to answer the phone, but you didn't answer the call?" Chu Yanran whispered, "You are different..."

"Why is it different?"

"It's just different, I just don't answer!" Zhang Yang laughed. After the laughter stopped, he spread his arms and hugged Chu Yanran's delicate body into his arms: "Thank you for protecting me!" The locomotive obviously shook, and then Chu Yanran quickly controlled the direction and said, "I'm driving. You're so annoying!" No far ahead is the red Jeep Wrangler. Chu Yanran stopped the locomotive. He asked Zhang Yang to drive the car back. Zhang Yang was still a little worried and said, "You can't leave me away this time."

Chu Yanran said, "Okay, I know!"

Zhang Yang remembered the injured Xiao Zhuang again. After talking to Chu Yanran, he asked Chu Yanran to call him to say hello. Xiao Zhuang had arrived at the hospital at this time. He had three stitches on his head and was not seriously injured, so that they didn't have to worry about going back quickly.

Back on the speedboat of Mengxian Lake, Zhang Yang remembered the material that Li Tongyu gave to Chu Yanran, but I don't know if she had seen it. Chu Yanran noticed something from Zhang Yang's eyes and whispered, "Are you caring about that thing?"

Zhang Yang nodded.

Chu Yanran said, "Do you care about him very much?"

Zhang Yang shook his head and said, "I don't care about him, but you. I'm afraid that the material will hit you."

Chu Yanran said, "I know the purpose of his giving me these things."

Zhang Yang said, "In those years, Li Tongyu has always been secretly in love with your mother. Because of love and hate, this kind of thing is actually very common."

Hearing the four words of love and hate, Chu Yanran stared at Zhang Yang fiercely.

The speedboat is close to the island. From afar, he saw a figure standing on the island pier. It was Song Huaiming. He stood motionless on the dock, looking forward to his daughter's arrival. When Chu Yanran saw her father's figure, an unspeakable feeling suddenly appeared in her heart.

Chu Yanran said to Zhang Yang, "I don't allow you to disclose the matter of Li Tongyu to him!" Zhang Yang said, "I think some words are still good."

Chu Yanran said angrily, "Are you on his side or on my side?"

Zhang Guanren smiled bitterly and said, "Do you still need to ask? Of course I'm on your side." As he slowly docked the speedboat, he whispered, "Actually, he asked me to bring you a letter to you before. After Jing'an, so many things happened. I haven't had a chance to give it to you." He came and wanted to go back."

Chu Yanran nodded the head of the collection.

Song Huaiming saw Zhang Yang and his daughter return safely with a gratified look on his face. He quickly greeted him and stretched out his hand to his daughter, but Chu Yanran did not give him his hand and jumped directly ashore.

Song Huaiming had realized everything from his daughter's delicate movements, and Chu Yanran quickly walked past him.

When Zhang Yang tied the rope on the dock, the father and daughter had already gone away.

Song Huaiming caught up with his daughter's footsteps: "Yanran, why do you go out so late?" Everyone is worried about you."

Chu Yanran stopped and turned around, looked at her father and said, "I know, I've heard you countless times since I was a child."

Song Huaiming said, "Yanran, I know I'm sorry for you. I didn't do my duty as a father. I will try my best to change it. You give me a chance." Let me prove that I'm not a bad father."

Chu Yanran said, "Are you good or bad?" I can't deny the fact that you are my biological father, but you don't understand that I don't care about this matter." I've been thinking, why didn't you save my mother in those years? Do you love her or not?"

Song Huaiming shouted excitedly, "I love her." No one in the world can replace her in my heart. After she has left me for so many years, my feelings for her have not faded at all, and have never changed!" "Anyway, my mother is dead, you can say whatever you want!" Chu Yanran's attitude was very resistant.

"Yangran! In the earthquake that year, "I didn't let your mother go to the rescue team, and I insisted that she stay and take care of you." I had a fierce quarrel with her about this matter.

Chu Yanran said, "I'm afraid it's not just for this delicate matter, right?" Song Huaiming took out a letter from his arms: "This is the letter I asked Zhang Yang to bring to you two days ago, in which I wrote everything clearly." After I came to Jing'an, I knew that Zhang Yang had not had time to give I asked him to come back and wanted to explain to you in person what happened in those years. "But what happened to your grandfather happened again."

Chu Yanran said, "Tell me, listen!" Song Huaiming looked at his daughter's eyes and saw too many shadows of his wife in the past. Song Huaiming squeezed his lips in pain." He whispered, "Your mother was terminally ill before she joined the rescue team." She didn't tell anyone that before the earthquake, I Only then did I know about this. I asked her to apply to go to the United States, where the medical conditions are better than those in China, and there may be a way, but she insisted that she had no cure. She gave up treatment and would rather spend her last time with her family at home.

"You tell a lie!" Chu Yanran shook her head vigorously.

Song Huaiming said, "I didn't tell a lie." I will never deceive my family. I still keep Jingzhi's medical records. She didn't have time to say goodbye to anyone before she died. She said, "If she dies one day, she will disappear quietly. I won't tell anyone except me. Others will ask about her She has gone on a long trip, at least there is still a bit of hope in the hearts of her relatives, but we didn't expect that bad luck would come so quickly." Chu Yanran said, "In this case, why don't you explain to your grandfather and let her misunderstand you for so many years?" Song Huaiming said, "I promised your mother, Don't tell anyone about her condition. "Your grandfather, your grandmother, they regard me as the murderer who indirectly killed Jingzhi. If I release it, they will only be more sad and sad. Let them hate me, and their hearts will be better."

Chu Yanran said, "Why didn't you tell me?" "You are my daughter. I don't want you to bear such a blow. I've been ready to tell you the truth after you really grow up." I even thought about giving up my career to take care of you, but I..." Song Huaiming's eyes turned red.

Chu Yanran shook her head: "Do you think I will believe you? On the day of the earthquake, you had a chance to save my mother, but you took the rescue team to the neighboring primary school. Who are you going to save? Who else did you save besides those children?

Song Huaiming's eyes were full of shock and astonishment, and there was a dull pain in his heart.

Chu Yanran said, "Liu Yuying, she was the teacher of that school back then!"

Song Huaiming said, "Who sued you? Who told you this? He roared loudly.

Chu Yanran said, "You can never cover up the truth!"

Song Huaiming thought of a person, Li Tongyu! If Li Tongyu appeared in front of him now, he would rush up without hesitation and give him two slaps. Song Huaiming's eyes were intertwined with pain and sadness. He whispered, "Yes, Liu Yuying is the teacher of that primary school, but when I went to save her, I didn't know that she was..." "You She?" "Yes! But I'm innocent between me and her. I'm loyal to your mother!" Song Huaiming roared.

Chu Yanran took out the material, and the envelope had been torn open. She finally couldn't restrain her inner curiosity. After reading the material, the father and daughter quietly confronted each other in the night. Chu Yanran's face was as pale as snow, and Song Huaiming's facial muscles were tight. He was trying to control his inner grief

Chu Yanran found a few yellowed photos from it, including a group photo of Song Huaiming and Liu Yuying. Although it was not a group photo, in the group photo, Song Huaiming and Liu Yuying stood together. Both of them smiled sweetly. Chu Yanran raised the photo and threw it on the ground: "What is this?"

Song Huaiming didn't say anything, and his expression became more and more painful.

Chu Yanran took out another letter. The years have made the letter old, but the handwriting on it is still clear. Chu Yanran said, "Would you like me to read it to you? Do you want me to read this emotional text to you?"

Song Huaiming's eyes widened: "Yanran, I admit that this letter was written to me by Liu Yuying," but I never did anything wrong to you and your mother." I didn't save her because I had any special feelings for her. I was mainly for those children..." Chu Yanran said, "You have known Liu Yuying for a These group photos and this letter have proved that you have been in contact for a long time! And my mother has been deceived by you. What makes her frustrated? It's your betrayal! You betrayed my mother!"

"Shut up.!" Song Huaiming roared crazily. He could no longer keep calm. He raised his hand and gave Chu Yanran a loud slap in the face. After that, both of them were stunned. Chu Yanran covered her face and shook her head. She did not shed tears, and her eyes were full of stubbornness and

Song Huaiming looked at his daughter's distant back, slowly raised his hand and muttered, "What did I do?" What did I do?" He felt dizzy. He reached out to hold the big tree beside him. There was a kind of squeezing pain in his heart. He suddenly raised his hand and punched the trunk fiercely until the skin opened, but he didn't seem to feel any pain.
