Medical official path

Chapter 740 Nature and Man

Chapter 704 Nature and People (Part 2)

Most people will say that money is not omnipotent, but most of the time, money can play a decisive role. For Zhang Yang's 10,000 yuan, Ciren Wangjie decided to lead the way for him and climb Mount Everest overnight. Ci Ren Wangjie also has conditions. He can't climb to the peak with Zhang Yang, and he doesn't think Zhang When he reaches the top, he will try his best to do it and take Zhang Yang to appreciate the ice peak wonders that others can't see.

Ciren Wangjie told Zhang Yang that the straight-line distance from the Everest base camp to the top of Mount Everest is 19 kilometers. If it is on the flat ground, this distance is certainly nothing. However, all the way up, the more difficult it is. The Everest base camp where they are located is 5,200 meters above sea level, which is the farthest that ordinary tourists can reach. On the road from the base camp to Mount Everest, you will first pass a beach with a radius of two square kilometers, which is where the mountaineering teams are ready to The base camp, referred to as b, is between the Everest base camp and b, which can be reached by ordinary tourists, there is a dividing line made of small stones. All those who have not approved to climb are not allowed to cross this protection line. It is impossible for people without a mountaineering certificate to come here, and Zhang Yang does not have a mountaineering certificate, but for the sake of that 10,000 yuan, Ciren Wangjie took him around the protection line. It was dark around them, and there was no light in the mountaineering camp. The mountaineering professional team members who came to climb the mountain have fallen Climbing and accumulating physical strength, there are mountains on all sides. Looking up at the night sky, it is dark. Standing here feels like standing in a wellhead, and there is no wind in the middle of the night.

Ciren Wangjie strode forward with Zhang Yang. From Zhang Yang's portable equipment, it can be seen that although Zhang Yang is well equipped, he is just a layman in mountaineering. When crossing this camp, Ciren Wangjie kept silent. It was not until he left the camp far behind him that he said, "From here. Let's start climbing. I can take you to a place about 7,500 meters above sea level, and I can only go there at most. He looked at Zhang Yang's equipment and added, "If you still want to die."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "You just need to take me through the route you showed her. My purpose is to find someone, not to climb Mount Everest!"

Ciren Wangjie said, "Looking for someone? With such a big mountain, can you be sure that she will definitely go up the mountain?

Zhang Yang said, "I can be sure!"

Ciren Wangjie sighed. If the girl had been up the mountain yesterday for more than 20 hours, it would be difficult to imagine a girl going up the mountain alone and staying in the mountain for so long.

Zhang Yang said, "You are not the only guide in the area of Mount Everest. Will anyone else take her up the mountain?"

Ciren Wangjie shook his head and said, "It's impossible. We will all communicate between each other. Everyone will be in touch with who takes many people up the mountain and where they go. If someone takes her up the mountain, it's impossible for me not to know.

Zhang Yang said, "Does anyone know that you took me up the mountain?"

Ciren Wangjie said, "Yes, my uncle knows that he will take the tourists I picked up to the mountain tomorrow." Speaking of this, Ciren Wangjie couldn't help complaining, "Actually, I'd rather bring 20 ordinary tourists than one."

Zhang Yang smiled. He was a little cheap and obedient. He took an ordinary tourist for only 100 yuan, and he got 10,000 yuan. I guess he won't meet a few times in his life.

The mountain road ahead gradually became rugged. Ciren Wangjie was surprised to find that Zhang Yang did not have any plateau reaction. On the way, he walked vigorously and did not breathe at all. Ciren Wangjie also had to sigh at Zhang Yang's super strength. Two hours later, they had come to Mount Everest Snow. Line, it is about 6,000 meters above sea level.

Because going up is all the ice and snow that has not melted for years. Although it is still late at night, it gives people the illusion of dawn. Ciren Wangjie wears goggles and Zhang Yang also wears them. The mountaineering clothes and carry-on equipment he wears are all prepared by Zhao Tiantian, all of which are world-

Ciren Wangjie said, "Don't speak loudly, let alone shout loudly. On the snowy mountain, your voice can easily cause an avalanche."

Zhang Yang looked down at the ground. There were many footprints on the snow. He has just arrived at the Everest snow line, and most people can reach here.

Ciren Wangjie said, "The more you go up, the fewer footprints there are. As the weather gets warmer, the snow line keeps going up. In summer, the snow line can retreat to about 7,000 meters. At that time, it is the easiest time to climb the mountain. Now is the most dangerous time. Spring is warm and flowers bloom, and

Zhang Yang looked at the night sky, and a bright moon poured a cold light on Mount Everest. The mountains were covered with snow, and the world around him was immersed in the snow and moonlight. With the snow, he could see the scenery around him several miles away, but he could not see the figure of An Yuchen. Zhang Yang silently called from the bottom Li?

An Yuchen is indeed on Mount Everest. She climbed the mountain this morning. Now she has been on the mountain for nearly 20 hours. An Yuchen has reached 7,500 meters above sea level. She set up a tent on the snow, sat in the tent, hugged her knees, and quietly looked at the small lamp. Mount Everest is the closest place to the sky on earth. In this pure land, she tried to forget everything in the past, but when she really came here, she found that instead of forgetting something, she became clearer and clearer. She hasn't slept for two days in a row. Since she came here, she has not dared to fall asleep. She is afraid that she will fall asleep like this and never wake up. It seems that the wind is blowing outside. An Yuchen hid her body in a sleeping bag. Tomorrow she will continue to march towards the top of the mountain. No one in the world knows where she is going. She chooses to leave this life quietly and end her life in the purest place, which is a satisfactory end to her short life, but It was An Yuchen who still had concerns in her heart. The person she thought about the most was still Zhang Yang. I don't know if Zhang Yang would be sad after her death. A few years later, would he still remember that there was such a naughty and wayward female apprentice... Tears quietly slipped down An Yuchen's face, and she quickly erased her Tears, he said to himself, "I don't cry! I'm not afraid!"

It was getting brighter and brighter outside. An Yuchen drilled out of the tent, and the golden morning light was projected from the sky. The emerald-like glacier and the gem-like ice tower formed a wonderful picture, transforming the scenery that should not belong to the world, but the magnificent scenery in front of him revealed an indescribable silence In addition to listening to her breathing, An Yuchen was white in front of her, and she could not see anything alive at all. The cold wind blew her breathlessly, and she seemed to be suffocating.

An Yuchen looked at the top of Mount Everest. In the haze, she seemed to see snow and fog rising from the top of the peak. She decided to continue to move forward, shaking off the snowflakes caused by the cold wind, and at the same time shake off her last attachment to the world. She wanted to forget all Love and love that has not yet sprouted...

The wind was very strong, mixed with snowflakes and ice particles mercilessly hit the climbers. Ciren Wangjie used his climbing pole to walk with difficulty. Zhang Yang followed him. Until now, Zhang Yang still walked in without using any climbing tools, which made Ciren Wangjie quite surprised. From his understanding of Zhang Yang, this He should not have been systematically trained in mountaineering, but his super physical strength and super climbing skills made Ciren Wangjie suspect that he was a master of mountaineering.

Ciren Wangjie led Zhang Yang to the rear of a huge ice rock, which was relatively sheltered from the wind. Ciren Wangjie took off his mask. Even Tibetans like him, who had lived in the mountains for a long time, felt a little difficult to breathe, but on the other hand, Zhang Yang was still calm and breathing freely. Ciren Wangjie gasped and said, "You are in good physical physique!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "It's okay. It's better than ordinary people!"

Ciren Wangjie pointed to the ground under their feet and said, "Someone should have camped here!" He bowed and observed carefully for a while and said, "It should have been a while. The traces are basically covered by ice and snow."

Zhang Yang has no experience in this field and can't see anything. He whispered, "It must be her!"

Ciren Wangjie said, "There are a lot of people coming here to climb the mountain. You can't conclude that you are the person you are looking for just by the traces of camping!" He pointed forward and said, "Let's go further to the ice blade beam, which is the furthest distance I can lead the way."

Zhang Yang looked in the direction he pointed, but saw an icicle standing on a steep hillside in the distance, like a huge ice knife mountain. The name of the ice knife beam was really vivid.

Ciren Wangjie said so much in one breath and felt that he was struggling. He began to gasp loudly. After a while, he recovered. He looked up at the sky and said, "The clouds are not right. There may be wind and snow in the afternoon. I advise you to go back. If you go on like this, if you encounter wind and snow In the mountains, it's too late to regret.

Zhang Yang said, "Let's keep going and wait until the ice blade is on."

Ciren Wangjie didn't expect Zhang Yang to be so stubborn that he would never look back. He shook his head helplessly. He rested in place for a while and continued to walk towards the ice blade beam with Zhang Yang.

There is another chapter after! RO