Medical official path

Chapter 750 Illness is like drawing silk

Qiao Mengyu also saw Zhang Yang's uneasiness. She whispered, "Do you have something on your mind?

Zhang Yang shook his head: "No!"

Qiao Mengyuan said, "I can see that" you must have something on your mind."

"How do you see it?"

"It's rare for you to stop. Once you stop, it's when you have something on your mind. Have you noticed that you haven't even told a joke all afternoon?"

Zhang Guanren grinned and said, "You really want to know me."

Qiao Mengyuan said, "I've known you for so long, and I still know a little about your temperament." What's going on?"

Only then did Zhang Yang talk about Wen Guoquan's illness. Qiao Mengyuan said, "Go to the capital!"

Zhang Yang was slightly stunned: "But you..."

Qiao Mengyuan smiled and said, "Don't worry about me. Although I had a fever again in the afternoon, I didn't let you help me cool down. I also returned to normal. I can feel that I should have passed the most difficult time. Zhang Yang, go. I let you go not only because Uncle Wen is your godfather, but also He is one of the indispensable leaders of our country. If something really happens to him, it will cause too much damage to the country and the people.

Qiao Mengyuan's profound righteousness moved Zhang Yang very much. He grabbed Qiao Mengyuan's slender hand: "Mengyuan" I'm just a little worried about you!"

Qiao Mengyuan blushed, but she didn't break free from his big hand" and whispered, "What's there to worry about? You don't have confidence in your medical skills, do you? He raised a pair of beautiful eyes as clear as a spring and said, "Don't worry, I will inform you of my condition at any time. You have been with me for so long. You should be very clear about my physical condition, and my dangerous period has passed, and your stay won't do much difference."

Zhang Yang nodded: "Mengyuan, I'll be right back when my godfather's situation stabilizes!"

Qiao Mengyuan said, "Hurry up and go." The onset of this disease is very fierce. In case of delay, it will be too late to regret!"

Before Zhang Yang left, he prescribed a prescription for Qiao Mengyuan after diagnosing her pulse. As Qiao Mengyuan said, "Her condition has basically stabilized, and the most dangerous acute onset period has passed.

Because Zhang Yang is now in a special period of quarantine and observation, if he wants to leave here, he must say hello to Xu Guangsheng. Xu Guangsheng learned that Zhang Yang was going to leave secretly. Although he was reluctant in his heart, when Zhang Yang came up with the reason of state secrets, Xu Guangsheng could only acquiesce. Of course, the He thought that Zhang Yang was not infected.

Except for Xu Guangsheng, Zhang Yang did not disturb anyone in the hospital. In the early morning of the same day, he quietly walked down from the window of the ward, avoided the patrol of the hospital guard, climbed over the wall, and successfully slipped out of the quarantine area. Before he left, he took the car key from Qiao Mengyuan and drove her Cad The second courtyard of tin found that there was no one on the street, and the prosperous city in the past suddenly became deserted and depressed, not even a taxi. The sudden epidemic has aroused the deepest fear in people's hearts, and now most people would rather hide at home than risk making money.

After leaving the Second Academy of Nancy, Zhang Yang first called Luo Huining.

Luo Huining's voice seemed extremely tired. When she heard Zhang Yang say that she was leaving, she suddenly became excited: "Zhang Yang, you're here, you're really coming! That's great!"

Hearing the godmother's excited voice, Zhang Yang inevitably felt a little sorry. This time, it was really not that he did not want to rush there in time, but because of special circumstances.

Luo Huining said, "You go directly to Nancy Military Airport, and I will contact them to send you here by helicopter."

Before getting on the plane, Zhang Yang informed Li Changyu of the matter of going to the capital. Li Changyu was surprised to hear that Zhang Yang had left the hospital. Zhang Yang did not hide the story of Wen Guoquan's illness. "Li Changyu naturally had nothing to say. He whispered, "Zhang Yang, go quickly." Vice President Wen is In case something goes wrong with the important leaders of the family, it is difficult to estimate the impact on the country.

Zhang Yang said, "Li [Book], this matter must be kept secret." In addition, I must not publicize the matter of leaving the Second Academy of Nancy. I only told Xu Guangsheng alone."

Li Changyu said, "Don't worry, I'll solve the matter here. By the way, how is Qiao Mengyuan?"

Zhang Yang said, "My condition has stabilized, otherwise I won't be relieved to leave."

Li Changyu said, "That's good!"

Zhang Yang hung up the phone and walked to the ready-to-go military helicopter in front of him. Before boarding, an officer came over to check all his documents again. After the approval, he was allowed to board the plane.

At three o'clock in the morning, the helicopter had appeared over the capital. The whole capital was shrouded in spring rain, and the helicopter landed in a small military airport. There was a military jeep waiting there. As soon as Zhang Yang got on the car, he was taken into the car. The driver was Li Wei. He and Zhang Yang were old acquaintance In addition, there is a soldier. Li Wei motioned Zhang Yang to hand over the certificate to the soldier. Regular procedures, even Zhang Yang is no exception. Zhang Yang gave him the certificate. After reading it, the soldier checked Zhang Yang's temperature, and then nodded and signaled Li Wei to drive.

Zhang Yang said, "How's it going?"

Li Wei said, "You will know when you arrive!" He still says so little.

After Wen Guoquan fell ill, he was temporarily closed for treatment in Xianghe Sanatorium. It is located in a remote area, about 50 kilometers away from the center of the capital. In the past, it was once a resort for national leaders to recuperate. After the outbreak of R pneumonia, two of the leaders of the central government were also infected. Therefore, First, because it really needs isolation treatment. Second, it is to close the news. In fact, Wen Guoquan was ill yesterday morning. As for the reporter's question that Zhang Yang saw, it was not a live broadcast.

Looking at the dark world outside the car window, listening to the sound of more and more rapid raindrops, Zhang Yang suddenly realized that everyone is fair in the face of the mouth-shaped coronavirus. "No matter your status is high or low, no matter the gap between the rich and the poor, it gives everyone equal opportunities.

When the window fell, the humid air was mixed with a strong smell of Lai Sur. Zhang Yang knew that he should have arrived at his destination.

Li Wei stopped the jeep, Zhang Yang pushed the car door and walked down. The soldier held up the umbrella, covered the fine rain in the sky for him, and led him to the direction of the backyard. From here, he had to pass three levels to get to the place where Wen Guoquan recuperate. Each level was guarded by soldiers. When passing by Check Zhang Yang's certificate, compare it in detail, and make sure that it is correct before releasing it.

Before entering the isolation ward where Wen Guoquan is located, Zhang Yang changed into protective clothing as required. Wen Guoquan's ward is a suite. "He is in the innermost part of the suite, and Luo Huining is outside the suite. Although they are husband and wife, it is to ensure that she is not infected." Xu entered the maximum range "Since Wen Guoquan's illness", Luo Huining has been sitting in front of the window, quietly paying attention to the scene inside through the glass window.

The sound of footsteps attracted Luo Huining's attention. She turned around and saw Zhang Yang in protective clothing appear in front of her. Luo Huining stood up: "Zhang Yang", and she was speechless after just called Zhang Yang's name. The helpless and hesitation that had accumulated for so long all surged into her mind. Luo Huining I almost burst into tears.

Zhang Yang came forward to hold Godmother's hand. He whispered, " godmother, I'm sorry, I'm late!"

Luo Huining quickly controlled his emotions and whispered, "It's good to come. I understand that it's difficult for you to do it."

Hearing Luo Huining's words, Zhang Yang was very ashamed. He understood the meaning contained in Luo Huining's words. Maybe Luo Huining did not think that the real reason for postponing his visit was his feelings for Qiao Mengyuan, but because of the background of the Qiao family. In fact, Zhang Yang did not consider any political factors in this matter. You have to get any benefits from it. It's the same for Qiao Mengyuan and Wen Guoquan.

Zhang Yang said, "Godmother, I'll talk to you later. I'll go to see Godfather first!"

Luo Huining said, "Go quickly. The body temperature has always been high. The doctor has tried a lot of tenon methods, but he still can't lower his body temperature."

Zhang Yang nodded and walked into the isolation ward. Wen Guoquan lay in **, which gave Zhang Yang the opportunity to look down on him for the first time. Although he was seriously ill, Wen Guoquan still maintained a sober consciousness, and his willpower was extremely strong.

Seeing Zhang Yang, a smile appeared on the corners of his lips and said, "Zhang Yang is coming!"

Zhang Yang nodded. He grabbed Wen Guoquan's right hand: "Godfather, I'm late!"

Wen Guoquan said, "I won't let your godmother bother you, but she has to make this call. There is nothing she can do in the world now. How much can you do? It's just that one more person takes risks."

Zhang Yang said, "Godfather, don't think too much." Let go of your national affairs, worry about the country and the people for the time being, and let me take a look for you." When talking, the cold power of the palm of the yin Sha Shura's palm has been continuously sent into the [body] of Wen Guoquan along the palm of his hand. With the experience of helping Qiao Mengyuan cure the disease, Zhang Yang is more and more proficient in this method of physical cooling.

Soon, the temperature index on the monitor changed significantly. Within ten minutes, Wen Guoquan's temperature dropped from 39.5C just now to 37.1C. If he hadn't witnessed it, none of the medical staff around him could believe that everything in front of him was the truth.