Medical official path

Chapter 758 Stealing Beams and Changing Columns

Zhang Yang has understood the situation of the pharmaceutical factory. This time, it fully proves that it is much more difficult to keep the business than to start a business. Gu Jiatong took so long to put the pharmaceutical factory on the road of a virtuous cycle, but in the hands of Gu Mingjian, it has become like this in less than half a year.

Gu Yunzhi has long regarded Zhang Yang as his own child. He smiled bitterly: "I don't have to worry about managing such a big province as Pinghai, but a pharmaceutical factory really embarrass me."

Zhang Yang said, "Dad, you said, as long as I can do it, I will definitely do my best."

Gu Yun knew: "Almost all the middle-level managers in the factory have left. Once any group lacks cohesion, it will become a dish of scattered sand. This is true of officialdom, and so is that of enterprises.

Gu Yang poured a cup of tea to her father and handed a cup of brewed tea to Zhang Yang. She whispered, "Dad, many trucks outside the door have blocked the door."

Gu Yun knew, "That's the vehicle waiting to be returned. These twelve cars are just the beginning. For a period of time, they have sold millions of antiviral punches alone."

Zhang Yang couldn't help but be shocked when he heard this number. He should know that all the drugs sold by Xiaogu Mingjian were fake drugs. The more he sold, the greater the responsibility he had to bear.

Gu Yun knew: "Most of these millions of ** are fake drugs. After they repackaged with Banlangen granules, they pretended to be antiviral granules. The price doubled a few times, just to use the opportunity of oral pneumonia to make a lot of money. Now they have been found, and the drug dealers don't want to. Goods and compensation, I don't think it can be done by 10 million this time. He paused and said, "If these drug dealers insist on holding them accountable, Mingjian's behavior has already constituted a crime."

Gu Yang Xiao: "How could my brother be like this? Dad, has he been deceived by others?

Zhang Yang said, "Yes, although Mingjian is a little confused, he should not be able to do the crime of violating the law. The person in charge here is Liu Guangyang. Did he do it behind Mingjian's back?" The reason why Zhang Yang enlightened Gu Mingjian was not that he wanted to help Gu Mingjian, but because he didn't want Gu Yunzhi to be too disappointed, which could make him feel better.

The more Gu Yunzhi said, the more excited he became. He was so angry that he put the teacup on the table, and the tea splashed out and splashed on the table.

Gu Yangyang quickly grabbed his father's arm and shook it gently and said, "Dad, don't be angry. What should you do if you are angry? I'll go to my brother later and ask him to come and kowtow to you to apologize!"

Gu Yunzhi was angry: "Don't mention that bastard. I don't want to see him in the future!"

Zhang Yang Xiao: "Dad, now that it has happened, it won't help you even if you are angry again. You'd better think about how to solve it. Compensation for the losses of these drug dealers and recover the bad impact that has been caused.

Gu Yang Xiao: "Then hurry up and return the medicine to others! I'll apologize to them." After all, it's easy for her to see the problem.

Gu Yun knew, "He bought a piece of land with medicine, and now he is pretending to ask me for money but not life. I really didn't expect that this son would be so promising."

Gu Yangyang was also angry: "How can he do this!"

It is not surprising to Gu Mingjian's performance. After Gu Mingjian experienced the disaster of prison, his mind and temperament did not become more broad, but became more extreme and surly. He said, "Dad, there is a sentence that I don't know whether I should say or not."

Gu Yun knew: "Tell me! When the family is together, there are not so many scruples!"

Zhang Yang said, "Dad, you can manage a province well, but you may not be able to manage an enterprise well. Officialdom and shopping malls are two different things."

Gu Yun knows: "I have no choice now. If that bastard continues to fail, the pharmaceutical factory will close down in less than two days. I can't watch the pharmaceutical factory collapse like this. I didn't come here to be a manager. I'm trying to solve the problem.

Zhang Yang Xiao: "Although the current situation of the pharmaceutical factory is not good, it will not fall to the point of bankruptcy. The development of Jiangcheng Pharmaceutical Factory is rooted in our products. After Mingjian took over the pharmaceutical factory, the management of the pharmaceutical factory was chaotic and the production efficiency was low. It is not that the products of our pharmaceutical factory could not be The production level is that others take the money to wait for, and the pharmaceutical factory has nothing to give to others.

Gu Yunzhi nodded and said, "Several fist products of the pharmaceutical factory are your exclusive secret recipe. Take antiviral granules as an example. If the output can keep up, this time it must be another take-off opportunity for the pharmaceutical factory. Unfortunately, this boy does not take the right path and does not grasp it from the root, but his kindness

Zhang Yang said, "He also wants to make money, but recently there have been serious problems in the management of the pharmaceutical factory. The production capacity can't keep up, and the fat meat that is unwilling to slip away in vain, so he has a crooked mind."

Gu Yun knew: "Zhang Yang, can you give me an idea to make the pharmaceutical factory get through this crisis smoothly?"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I'm not a talent in enterprise management, but I know the crux of Xiao Pharmaceutical Factory. The most urgent thing is to resume production first."

Gu Yunzhi Xiao: "People's hearts are scattered, and it's not so easy to resume production."

Zhang Yang Xiao: "I'll solve it. I dare not say all the people who have left, but I can let some of them come back.

The pharmaceutical factory has no money in its account now. If you want the pond fish to come back to life, you have to bring water first.

Gu Yunzhi Xiao: "I will solve the problem of money. I should be able to borrow a sum of money to solve the current financial difficulties of the pharmaceutical factory."

Zhang Yang said, "That's good. Leave the other little things to me!"

When Zhang Yang decided to help Gu Yunzhi reverse the predicament of the pharmaceutical factory, he already had an idea. He first called his godmother Luo Huining. At present, the R-type virus antibodies are ready to be put into production in large quantities. Zhang called Luo Huining for the purpose of asking her to help list Jiangcheng Pharmaceutical Factory as one of the After thinking about it, I agreed to Zhang Yang's request.

After finishing this matter, Zhang Yang had a seven-minute grip in his heart. Then he went to the Jiangcheng Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government. Du Tianye, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, was holding a standing committee, so Zhang Yang waited outside his office for an hour to see Du Tianye's true face.

When Du Tianye heard that Zhang Yang was coming, he asked his secretary to lead him to the office.

Zhang Yang observed his face. Du Tianye's expression was solemn, and it seemed that he was not in a good mood. Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I just now! When the capital came, he was almost dragged to quarantine by the station staff.

Du Tianye Xiao: "You're complaining about me, don't you think our policy is a little overdone?"

Zhang Yang said, "Now it's the same everywhere. Mouth pneumonia is good at the wind and down of the whole country, and people are panicked. No one wants the epidemic to expand to their own land."

"As long as you know." Du Tianye leaned back on the back of the chair, straightened his hands and spread out on the table, and gently tapped twice: "What can I do for you?"

Du Tianye Xiao: "You're complaining about me, don't you think our policy is a little overdone?"

Zhang Yang said, "Now it's the same everywhere. Mouth pneumonia is good at the wind and down of the whole country, and people are panicked. No one wants the epidemic to expand to their own land."

"As long as you know." Du Tianye leaned back on the back of the chair, straightened his hands and spread out on the table, and gently tapped twice: "What can I do for you?"

Zhang Yang came straight to the point: "It's about Jiangcheng Pharmaceutical Factory!

Zhang Yang said, "Are you going to launch the pharmaceutical factory like this? Don't you listen to it?"

Du Tianye Xiao: "The possibility of withdrawing management is not ruled out!"

Zhang Yang said, "Gu Mingjian is indeed a bastard in this matter, but before he came to manage Jiangcheng Pharmaceutical Factory, it had always been a big profit and tax household in Jiangcheng, and a model for the successful restructuring of Jiangcheng enterprises. At the beginning, it was still the typical one you set up. Are you really going to destroy it again?"

Du Tianye Xiao: "What do you mean? Now there is something wrong with the pharmaceutical factory. At this time, what a bad social impact has been caused by a large number of counterfeiting? If I don't take some necessary measures, how can I face these drug dealers and those ordinary people whose vital interests have been harmed?

Zhang Yang said, "The problem is with the managers. You can't deny everything because of one thing, can you? Now Gu Mingjian has handed over the management power of the factory. At present, Secretary Gu temporarily manages Jiangcheng Pharmaceutical Factory.

Du Tianye said, "So what about Secretary Gu? If something goes wrong, someone will come out and take responsibility.

Zhang Yang Xiao: "He came here to take responsibility."

Du Tianye said, "Okay, take responsibility, right? First solve those fake drugs, and then hand over the person responsible"

Zhang Yang said, "Lao Du, I'm here to ask you for help today. Don't be so condescending, okay?"

Du Tianye said, "When did I condescend? Now you have done something wrong. I'll take time to listen to your explanation here. I need to take care of so many things in the whole city. As soon as Director Zhang comes, I will throw everything down to talk to you. You are still not satisfied. What else do you want?

Zhang Yang heard that Du Tianye was not angry and looked at him in surprise: "Have you taken the gunpowder? At least I'm your friend, right? It's a pleasure to have friends from afar. You can't be happy with me, and you won't dump my face, will you?

Du Tianye Xiao: "I admit that you are my friend, but I don't know if you treat me as a friend. People's hearts are separated from each other. Who knows what others think?"

The more Zhang Yang listened, the more uncomfortable he became. He nodded and said, "I said Secretary Du, you have something to say. Didn't I just say a few words about the pharmaceutical factory? Now Secretary Gu has retired. If he is in power, I think you still dare to be so tough?" Zhang Yang was also rude to speak in front of Du Tianye.

Du Tianye Xiao: "I always do things openly, and I will never do it face to face."

"Who will do it in person, Du Tianye, please make it clear to me!"

Du Tianye said, "You have gained a lot on your trip to the capital this time!"

Zhang Yang finally understood why Du Tianye had such an attitude. He probably knew that Wen Ling had woke up. He thought he had deceived him. As a friend, he did not tell him the news of Wen Ling's awakening at the first time.

Zhang Yang tried to ask Xiao: "You are for Wen Ling 9"

Du Tianye looked directly at Zhang Yang: "Have you cured her?"

Zhang Yang shook his head: "I don't have that ability. She woke up by herself. I went to the capital for something else, and I didn't expect her to wake up." From Du Tianye's current performance, Zhang Yang has seen that Du Tianye has not forgotten Wen Ling, which is not a good thing. As his friend, Zhang Yang does not want any entanglement between Du Tianye and Wen Ling from the bottom of his heart, but he realizes that the entanglement between the two is inevitable. Zhang Yang said, "If you don I will never take the initiative to mention it to you, because I think you don't know that it's better for you.

Du Tianye sighed: "This sentence seems to be said by a friend." After hearing the news of Wen Ling's awakening, his mood was also very complicated. He didn't know how he should face Wen Ling, a woman he had loved deeply, and this woman was angry with his father. It should be said that the most impact on Wen Ling's awakening was Du Tianye.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I'm your friend."

Du Tianye said, "It's not that I don't give Secretary Gu face, but Gu Mingjian is really outrageous. If I hadn't suppressed it, this matter would have been a big deal long ago. I don't understand what's going on with him. He stole the beam and changed the column, thinking that he was very smart Shi, how can you have such a son?

Zhang Yang said, "It's not too late to make up for it. Secretary Gu came this time to make a remedy in time."

Du Tianye Xiao: "Isn't he really going to manage the pharmaceutical factory in person?"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "How come? There was nothing he could do. Gu Mingjian was disappointing. At the beginning, the pharmaceutical factory was Jia Tong's painstaking efforts. He didn't want to see the pharmaceutical factory finished like this. I didn't want to. Can you understand?

Du Tianye said, "I understand, but Gu Mingjian has made such a big leak. I'm afraid it's not easy to solve."

Zhang Yang said, "I have discussed with Secretary Gu that all the fake drugs sold from Jiangcheng Pharmaceuticals are unconditionally recycled. If we are willing to refund the money, we will refund the money. If we are willing to replace **, we will replace them and make corresponding compensation."

Du Tianye said, "It's simple. It's illegal to make and sell counterfeit drugs."

Zhang Yang said, "It's not a fake medicine, it's unqualified**."

Du Tianye said, "You can say whatever you want. I'm afraid those pharmacists won't agree."

Zhang Yang said, "I will reveal to you an insider information that the oral virus antibody has been successfully developed and will be put into mass production immediately. After my efforts, Jiangcheng Pharmaceutical Factory has been listed as a licensed manufacturer. If you give the pharmaceutical factory a definition of making and selling fake drugs, what do you think it will cause? What's the impact?"

Du Tianye said suspiciously, "Are you telling the truth? Jiangcheng Pharmaceutical Factory has been designated as a licensed manufacturer of antibodies?

Zhang Yang said, "What's the point of me lying to you? This matter is very stable. Think about it, this is a good opportunity for Jiangcheng Pharmaceutical Factory to develop. Although the business was not good a few days ago, as soon as it is publicly announced, the pharmaceutical companies who go to Jiangcheng Pharmaceutical Factory to pick up goods are guaranteed to queue up. You are Jiangcheng's parents. Do you want to help Jiangcheng Pharmaceutical Factory complete Or are you ready to fall into the well, hit Jiangcheng Pharmaceutical Factory into the fire, and never turn over?

Du Tianye Xiao: "Speaking of it, you still want to help Gu Mingjian escape responsibility."

Zhang Yang said, "Who doesn't do anything wrong? Although people like Gu Mingjian are not worth helping, I don't want Secretary Gu to be sad. He blamed the pharmaceutical factory's responsibility on himself, thinking that he saw the wrong person and made Gu Mingjian come to manage the pharmaceutical factory and made a big mistake.

Du Tianye said, "Zhang Yang, to be told the truth, I don't want to have an accident in the pharmaceutical factory. I don't understand. In such a short time, how did a thriving and vibrant enterprise suddenly become like this? Gu Mingjian is really an adou who can't help.

Zhang Yang said, "I seldom ask for help. Today, I open this mouth. You have to give me face for everything you say. I will solve the matter of the pharmaceutical factory, but you have to help to resist the matter. I know you are in a dilemma, but I have opened my mouth, so you can make it difficult this time." Zhang Daguan is relying on Du Tianye today.

Du Tianye sighed. He put his hands together and shook them hard: "Zhang Yang, I won't do it again. I'll try my best to finish the matter. Those drug dealers are not easy to deal with. You have to find a way to stop them from making trouble again."

When Zhang Yang heard that Du Tianye finally agreed to resist this matter, he immediately smiled. He knew that although Gu Yunzhi was very tough, he was not far away to see his son go to prison again, but Gu Yunzhi would never open his mouth to beg Du Tianye because of his face. This kind of thing needs to be done by Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang said, "Don't worry, I will stop them from making trouble!" Let the impact of this matter be turned into small things.

Du Tianye didn't know where Zhang Yang's confidence came from, but he thought that since Zhang Yang could make Jiangcheng Pharmaceutical Factory a licensed manufacturer of oral virus antibodies, it was not a problem to deal with those drug dealers. The merchants put interests first, and these drug dealers would never be against the money.