Medical official path

Chapter 761 Responsibility

Shuo Yangyang appeared on the opposite side of the road. She saw a scene in front of her in the cafe and rushed out of it. Gu Yangyang was also one of Zhang's personal disciples. She dodged the fist of a strong man, clenched the weakness of the other party in the pink boxing, howled the strong man and stagger Gu Mingjian, who fell to the ground with a blue nose and a swollen face, said with tears, "Brother!"

The three big men still wanted to come up and teach Gu Mingjian a lesson. Liu Guangyang stopped them: "Forget it, don't be like this waste. I'm paralyzed. I really think I'm a figure. When you were in power, others respected you. Now you have retired. In our eyes, you are worthless, waste Mom, stepping on you is like stepping on a bed bug!" Liu Guangyang cursed viciously. After scolding, he felt much more comfortable and turned away with a few people.

Because of the pain, Gu Mingjian's facial muscles twisted, making his face look ferocious and abnormal. Gu Yangyang was afraid that he would cause trouble again. He grabbed him desperately, but he still broke away from him. Gu Mingjian roared, "I killed you beast!" The knife light, the cold knife light, Gu Mingjian pulled out the saber he carried with him, and he rushed to Liu Guangyang desperately.

When Liu Guangyang saw Gu Mingjian pulling out his knife, his face also changed. Gu Mingjian did not hit Liu Guangyang's key point with a knife, but scratched his arm. A strong man took the opportunity to grab Gu Mingjian's arm and twisted it hard. Gu Mingjian couldn't hold the saber. He fell to the ground with Gu Mingjian sat down on the ground. When several strong men wanted to surround him again, Gu Yangyang rushed up bravely to block their fists and feet for his brother.

Gu Mingjian's eyes turned red. He saw the saber not far from him and picked it up again. He rushed up again with the knife and poked Liu Guangyang's lower abdomen with a knife. But at this time, Gu Yangyang's body was pushed over. Gu Mingjian heard his sister's scream. When he reacted, the knife The raised lower abdomen.

Everyone was stunned." Liu Guangyang was the first to react. He said in a trembling voice, "Go, go..."

Gu Yangyang fell to the ground with a pale face. She covered her lower abdomen, and blood gushed out of her wound. Gu Mingjian was shocked. He actually stabbed his sister, and the inexplicable panic enveloped his heart. Gu Mingjian stepped forward. "Seeing a closed lip, it seemed that she wanted to say something, but she couldn't make any sound.

"Give up..." Gu Mingjian said with tears.

At this time, the sound of the siren came from the distance. Gu Mingjian bit his lip. In an instant, he made an extremely absurd decision. He turned around and ran to his car, set fire three times in a row, and then drove away.

Gu Yangyang felt that his body temperature was getting cold little by little." Her throat hair made a weak voice: "Brother..."

When Zhang Yang received Jiang Liang's phone call, his whole body stood there because of shock. After a while, he reacted and walked out in a bathrobe. "Because he was afraid that Gu Yunzhi would hear it, Zhang Yang said in a low voice, "Jiang Liang, tell me clearly" to raise... What's wrong with raising her?" When Zhang Yang said this, he felt that his nose was sore, and his tears almost didn't fall down. He was so well-behaved in his heart. He was a girl I saw You Lian. Who would be so cruel to her?

Jiang Liang said, "I'm giving first aid, and I don't know the specific situation yet."

Zhang Yang said, "I'll be there right away!"

He closed the phone. He took a deep breath and adjusted his mood. He couldn't help but tell Gu Yunzhi about Gu Yangyang's assassination, but he was afraid that Gu Yunzhi could not bear such a blow." When he came to Gu Yunzhi, Gu Yunzhi had realized something from his heavy expression and said in surprise, "What happened? What's the matter?"

Zhang Yang squeezed his lips and said, "Dad, I think we are going back to Jiangcheng immediately."

When Zhang Yang and Gu Yunzhi rushed to Jiangcheng People's Hospital, Gu Yangyang's emergency surgery was still in progress. Outside the operating room, Hu Yinru and Zhao Xinhong's leaders of the pharmaceutical factory came, and many people came to the police. Jiang Liang had been waiting there. On the way, Zhang Yang did not tell Gu Yunzhi the Yunzhi had guessed from his various performances that things must be quite serious. When he arrived at the hospital and heard that his daughter's life was in danger, he was as strong as Gu Yunzhi and could not withstand such great psychological pressure. His legs softened and he almost sat on the ground. Fortunately, Zhang Yang and Hu Yinru supported him in time. Gu Yunzhi grabbed Yang's arm: "Zhang Yang, save me, you must save me.


Zhang Yang nodded and asked Hu Yinru to take Gu Yunzhi to wait in the lounge first.

Jiang Liang came to his side and whispered, "Dean Zuo and Professor Yu personally operated for the upbringing."

Zhang Yang said, "I'll go and have a look!" Gu Yangyang was punctured in the liver, causing heavy bleeding. Yu Ziliang and Zuo Yongjun joined hands to partially remove the liver lobe for her. When Zhang Yang entered the operating room, the operation was almost over. Yu Ziliang handed over the task of suture to Zuo Yongcao and walked out of the operating room. He arrived at Zhang Yang. He un The head said, "I'm coming. Fortunately, the rescue was in time. This life has been saved!"

Zhang Yang was relieved and said, "Thank you, thank you!" Yu Ziliang patted him on the shoulder and said, "You're welcome. It will take a while for the patient to wake up. Do you want to see her?"

Zhang Yang shook his head, and now he should quickly tell Gu Yunzhi the news of Gu Yang's safety.

When Gu Yunzhi learned the news that his daughter had survived the danger, his eyes turned a little red. He dominated the officialdom for most of his life, but only now did he feel that he was so helpless and fragile. Gu Yunzhi did not know another truth.

Jiang Liang quietly called Zhang Yang aside. Zhang Yang gritted his teeth and said, "Tell me, who did it?"

Jiang Liang sighed and said, "Gu Mingjian!" Zhang Yang could hardly believe his ears: "What?"

Jiang Liang said, "According to bystanders, there was a conflict between Gu Mingjian and several social idlers led by Liu Guangyang. They beat up Gu Mingjian. Gu Yangyang saw his brother beaten and rushed to protect him. Gu Mingjian was dizzy and touched a knife to assassinate Liu Guangyang. In the course of the conflict, he accidentally stabb On the body."

Zhang Yang said angrily, "Son of a bastard, I have to kill him!" Jiang Liang said, "This boy is an asshole. He stabbed his sister like this with a knife. He was afraid of taking responsibility and fled from the scene every day. If our police hadn't arrived in time and delayed the treatment, I'm afraid he would have died." He patted Zhang Yang on the shoulder and said, "I asked Du Yufeng to take someone to catch them. I believe they can't run away." At this moment, Du Yufeng called and said that he had caught Liu Guangyang and his three accomplices. Zhang Yang said, "I'm going to find him!"

Jiang Liang knew his temper and advised him, "Don't be angry. Let's leave this matter to our police."

Zhang Yang said, "I have to ask in person whether this is exactly what you said!"

Liu Guangyang didn't expect that Zhang Yang was also in the interrogation room. Seeing Zhang Yang's murderous face, he couldn't help but panic a little. He got up and said to Du Yufeng, "Officer, he, he is not a [police], you... You are blatant violation of discipline. Be careful Du Yufeng said, "If you want to complain, go and see if everyone believes you or me." Zhang Yang walked over without saying a word. He grabbed Liu Guangyang's collar and rewarded them with their big mouths, which made Liu Guangyang's nose bleed for a long time. Liu Guangyang screamed, "Abuse lynching, you are the people [police], how can you abuse it..."

Zhang Yang has caught him like an eagle and a chicken, and hit him hard on the wall.

Du Yufeng also felt that something was wrong and whispered, "Brother, take it easy!"

Zhang Yang sneered and said, "It's okay. I killed him and found some corpse water to melt it, leaving no trace."

Liu Guangyang's face changed: "Don't... don't...ah! I didn't fucking kill anyone. Why are you looking for me?" Zhang Yang stuck his neck and said, "Say, did you stab Gu Yang's knife?"

Liu Guangyang complained bitterly, "It has nothing to do with me. It's Gu Mingjian who stabbed her. I'm too wronged. I've always been a good citizen who abides by the law."

Zhang Yang punched him in the stomach again, making Liu Guangyang bow up like a shrimp. After coughing for a long time, he said, "I won't admit it if you kill me. This matter... I really didn't do it!"

Du Yufeng nodded to Zhang Yang. Looking at the situation, Liu Guangyang did not lie.

Zhang Yang said, "Even if you didn't do it, it has something to do with you. Let me tell Liu Guangyang that everyone involved in this matter today is fucking unlucky." Liu Guangyang said with a sad face, "Why can't you get along with me? Gu Mingjian is crazy. He even killed his own sister. If you don't catch him, why are you looking for me?"

Du Yufeng said, "Why did Gu Mingjian kill you?"

Liu Guangyang said, "How do I know? His money was cheated away, so he put all the blame on me. He asked me for money. How can I have money to give him? When he heard that I didn't have money, he became angry. He pulled out his knife and wanted to kill me. Fortunately, there were several friends around me. Everyone helped me beat him down. We should be regarded as self-defense, but he was red-eyed. He picked up the knife and actually wanted to stab me to kill me. Who thought that his I swear that I'm telling the truth. If I make up a sentence, I will never go back on my word.