Medical official path

Chapter 763 People always have tired times

Chapter 763 People always have tired times (middle)

After the meeting, Zhang Yang left the Sports Committee and made a special trip to the branch factory of the quaver fragrance group located in the development zone of Nancy City. He made an appointment with Zhu Zongwan, the owner of quaver fragrance.

Zhou Shanhu drove the Toyota bread of the Sports Commission and sent Zhang Yang to the quacking office building. When Zhang Yang got off the car, he saw a girl in a blue dress. She was Ji Ruoying, Zhu Zongwan's assistant. After Ji Ruoying introduced himself, Zhang Yang immediately thought of Ji Ruoyan, the general manager of She asked curiously, "Does Miss Ji know Ji Ruoyan of Taihong Group?"

Ji Ruoying nodded and said, "She is my cousin! Does Director Zhang know her?

Zhang Yang nodded and thought that the world was so small that he could meet acquaintances everywhere. Ji Ruoyan used to be Zhao Guoliang's fiancee, and he had always regarded him as the enemy who killed his fiance. He had repeatedly instigated Liang Kang, one of the three princes in the capital, to fight against him. Thinking of Ji There are many, and most of them are women.

Entering Zhu Zongwan's office, Zhang Yang knew what hardship and simplicity was. The private entrepreneur's office was more than ten square meters, and the desks and chairs could not be ordinary. I remembered that when I went to the tobacco factory and saw the luxury of Liao Weizhong's office furnishings compared with Zhu Zongwan, it was simply It seems that spending your own money is different from spending your own money.

Zhu Zongwan stood up with a smile and greeted him. He held Zhang Yang's hand enthusiastically and said, "Director Zhang, welcome, welcome!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I hope it didn't disturb your work!"

Zhu Zongwan invited Zhang Yang to sit down: "Recently affected by R-type pneumonia, the factory is not surprised. It is estimated that the targets set in the second quarter will not be completed. I hope it can be reversed in the second half of the year."

Ji Ruoying left after pouring two cups of tea for them.

Zhu Zongwan said, "What's the matter with Director Zhang coming to me this time?"

Zhang Yang took a sip of tea and gently put the teacup on the coffee table: "Well, now the city is vigorously promoting the restructuring of state-owned small and medium-sized enterprises. At present, the Nanxi Machine Tool Factory is used as a pilot."

Zhu Zongwan is a sensible person. Zhang Yang didn't finish his words. He already understood what Zhang Yang meant. Zhu Zongwan laughed and said, "The restructuring of state-owned enterprises is the general trend. Nancy has been at the forefront of Pinghai on this point."

Zhang Yang said, "Mr. Zhu, to be honest, I came to you for help this time."

Zhu Zongwan said, "What does Director Zhang want me to do for help?" This sentence was actually asked knowingly, but it was necessary for Zhu Zongwan to ask clearly. He had guessed that Zhang Yang wanted to help him solve the employment problem of workers, but he was not clear about the number of people, so he did not dare to agree rashly.

Zhang Yang said, "It is estimated that there will be 500 people in the Nancy Machine Tool Factory this time. In addition to more than 100 people who meet the conditions for early retirement, there are also work placement problems for nearly 400 people."

Zhu Zongwan said, "I have two workshops that will be completed next month. After being put into production, I need about 200 workers. I can help solve half of them."

Zhu Zongwan's cheerfulness was not expected by Zhang Yang. It was good for him to expect Zhu Zongwan to help solve a hundred people. With Zhu Zongwan, the two hundred people were at the bottom, and the remaining less than 200 people were solved by casual mobilization. Zhang Yang said, "Thank you, Mr. Zhu!"

Zhu Zongwan smiled and said, "There is nothing to thank. I opened a factory in Nancy. Of course, I have to make some contributions to Nancy. In fact, the gap in the Nancy maid market is still very large. As far as I know, Li Boyuan's toy factory and Liangxi's lighting factory are Everything can be solved, but now people's traditional concept is still very heavy. They think that we are a private enterprise, and there is no way to compare with the state-owned iron rice bowl. In fact, the difference is not that big at all. It is also guaranteed for our private enterprises to develop to a certain scale. We have done more in medical care, old-age It's better to have several state-owned enterprises.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "The fundamental reason for the reform of state-owned enterprises is to recognize their own shortcomings. They see the advanced side of private enterprises, so they began to seek change."

Zhu Zongwan said, "I will help mobilize the problem of job placement. At that time, we can provide jobs, but I don't know if these workers don't meet our requirements. We also have conditions to accept it."

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "Of course."

Arranging the employment of workers in the machine tool factory was not originally within the scope of Zhang Yang's responsibilities, because Executive Vice Mayor Gong Qiwei found him, so Zhang Yang took over the task. The reason why Gong Qiwei came to Zhang Yang is that at the beginning of the reform of state-owned small and medium-sized enterprises, he did not want to cause too much noise. He took the initiative to ask Nancy to become a pilot of Pinghai, and Nancy Machine Tool Factory is also a pilot of Nancy. The reform of the machine tool factory is not allowed to be lost. Only then can the reform work continue to be carried out.

After Zhang Yang told Gong Qiwei about his meeting with Zhu Zongwan, Gong Qiwei was quite happy. He smiled and said, "Zhang Yang, you have solved a big problem for me this time. As long as you ensure the employment of these workers, the future reform work will be easy."

Zhang Yang said, "According to Zhu Zongwan, there is a big gap in our helpers in Nancy. After the completion of the high-tech zone, more workers will be needed."

Gong Qiwei said, "The reform of the machine tool factory has been successful, and we will have a lot to go in the future."

Zhang Yang said, "This is the end of the task you have given me. The matter of enterprise reform has nothing to do with me in the future."

Gong Qiwei nodded with a smile: "How are the preparations for the Provincial Games?"

Zhang Yang said: "This r-type pneumonia has added great difficulty to the Provincial Games. Our Nancy is the place with the most severe epidemic in Pinghai. Now other cities have a cautious attitude towards coming to us. The registration work has begun, but the first-class athletes in other cities have basically not signed up, and they all say that they are trained. It's a heavy task. I think they have a lingering fear of r-type pneumonia and are afraid of coming here to get infected.

Gong Qiwei frowned and said, "It's not that serious. Although Nancy is the most serious place of the Pinghai epidemic, as soon as it was found, we effectively controlled it, and the epidemic did not spread. Besides, now that the virus antibody has been developed, even if it is infected, it can be cured.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Actually, it's better not to come!"

When Gong Qiwei saw the guy's bad smile, he immediately understood what he was thinking. Gong Qiwei pointed to Zhang Yang and said, "You boy, I can't wait for others to come, so that you can win the first place in the gold medal."

Zhang Yang said, "Mayor Gong, what you said is wrong. I don't want them not to come. I'm posting heroic posts now. I have notified every city. Now I have shown twelve points of sincerity. They don't want to give me this face. Since they don't want to come, we also You can't force it, can you? Even if all the athletes don't come, we have to hold the provincial sports meeting. At worst, we have the right to hold a municipal sports meeting. The gold medals and medals are all won by our Nancy people. How face is it?

Gong Qiwei smiled and said, "Is it interesting to play with yourself?"

Zhang Yang said, "Mayor Gong, when the Provincial Games were held, I thought it was the first in the competition, but now I understand that the Provincial Games is a form. There are not many people who care about the gold medal ranking at all. None of these excellent athletes take the Provincial Games seriously. You city leaders say it. In fact, what we attach importance to is not the competition itself. What we attach importance to is that we can run the Provincial Games well, have face in front of the leaders, and have a good political impact. On this basis, if we can promote economic development, it is a matter of both sides. If both are realized, it can also improve the people's body. The enthusiasm of education to promote the so-called national sports is to add joy and icing on the cake.

Gong Qiwei said, "Your boy is a conspiracy theory when he speaks now. How can there be so many conspiracy theories?"

Zhang Yang smiled. He did not believe that the main purpose of the leaders in the Provincial Games was to promote the cause of national sports. After working in the position of the director of the Sports Committee for a long time, after seeing more things, Zhang Yang understood that domestic sports activities, large and small, are basically linked to politics.

Gong Qiwei said, "What is politics for? Politics is better governance through administrative means. What is the purpose of governance? The purpose is to promote better economic development and faster social progress through our administrative intervention, so as to improve the lives of the people, which is our ultimate goal.

"It's a pity that I really don't think so much like you."

Gong Qiwei said, "No matter what others think, the first thing is to take care of yourself. I remember that the provincial party committee said in the past that I don't require each of our cadres to be able to sacrifice themselves for others, but I hope that each of our cadres can manage themselves and do their own affairs well, as long as everyone can take care Our cadre team is a clean team, and our work efficiency will be unprecedentedly strong. In any society and any country, there will be all kinds of people. Everyone has selfishness, but in our position, we must restrain our selfishness, because we represent everyone's interests, and we must put everyone's interests first. I don't say this sentence is high-sounding. At least that's what I think, Zhang Yang. I feel that there are some deviations in your thinking. I hope you don't doubt our team because you see some bad phenomena in our system. I am convinced that our party and most of our cadres are pure and responsible!"

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