Medical official path

Chapter 767 Nosy

Zhang Guanren is a man who must do what he says. That night, he went to Qinghu Hospital with Cheng Yandong. Of course, before going to Qinghu Hospital, he still needs to dress up. He changed into a police uniform, put on a pair of rimless glasses, and followed Cheng Yandong when they entered Qinghu Hospital. Zhang Yang said, "You said you have a temperament like me. I can't hide my glory anywhere...

Cheng Yan said, "Director Zhang. Do you know that there is a word in the world called narcissism?

Zhang Yang smiled and saw someone coming up in front of him. He hurriedly closed his mouth and lowered his head. Follow Cheng Yandong honestly. It's not the first time Cheng Yandong has come here, so he is very familiar with this place. Wang Qiang, the vice president of Qinghu Hospital, was on administrative duty that night. When he heard that Cheng Yandong wanted to investigate the situation with Yang Yun again, Wang Qiang couldn't help laughing bitterly and said, "Cheng Ju, do you still want to ask? After she was found this time, she became very nervous and always in a state of panic. According to the consultation of the expert group, the situation was worse than in the past...

Zhang Yang said, "Is it worse? Does it mean that her condition has changed? Wang Qiang nodded and said, "With a little movement, she becomes extremely frightened, trembling all over, and even screaming...

Zhang Yang said, "That is to say, she has reacted to the outside world?"

Wang Qiang said, "This kind of patient has always reacted to the outside world, but she used to fight against the outside world in a silent way, magining that she lived in a completely closed world. No matter what happens in the outside world, she just pretends that she didn't hear it, and nothing happened to deceive herself. Now she still lives in a closed world. In addition to her, there is also fear in the world. Every little thing will be infinitely magnified by her. Patients in this mood are very dangerous, and it is possible to attack and self-harm That's why our hospital had to give her the necessary control... He paused and said, "The tranquilizer doesn't have much effect on her... Wang Qiang did not suggest that the police go to see Yang Yun now, but as a hospital administrator, he still had to cooperate with the police. Yang Yun's disappearance this time would not have been so smooth to find it without the help of the police.

Wang Qiang led Zhang Yang and the others through an iron gate to Yang Yun's intensive care ward, through the window of the ward. They saw Yang Yun sitting cross-legged **. He stared at the blank wall in front of him, motionless, as if he had settled. Wang Qiang introduced: "The world where mental patients live is quite self-centered. In our opinion, it is just an ordinary blank wall. There will be all kinds of scenes in their eyes. In fact, their fear is not caused by the outside world. It's themselves. People's imagination is endless. Normal people have a certain ability to control their own thinking. They can imagine good things and give up imagining bad things. And they will let their own thoughts and actions, and they have no control over their own consciousness... Speaking of this, he couldn't help looking at Cheng Yandong and said, "Cheng Bureau. Why do you want to see her now? Cheng Yandong nodded and said, "Don't worry, I won't hurt her."

Wang Qiang motioned the administrator to come and open the door.

Yang Yun began to cover her ears when she heard the sound of the door. Her body was trembling slightly. Wang Qiang's expression was a little nervous. He reached out to stop Cheng Yandong and Zhang Yang, signaling them to keep a certain distance.

Cheng Yandong smiled and said, "It's okay. You go out first."

Wang Qiang was stunned for a moment, and Cheng Yandong's request obviously violated the regulations of the hospital.

Cheng Yandong said, "Dean Wang, don't worry, I just want to say a few words to her alone. It won't cause you any trouble."

Wang Qiang still seemed to be very hesitant. Cheng Yandong pointed to Zhang Yang beside him and said, "This is the best psychological counseling expert in our bureau. He is best at dealing with all kinds of people...

Wang Qiang said, "But Yang Yun is not a normal person. She can't communicate with you at all."

Yang Yun still covered her ears. Her body swayed back and forth rhythmically.

Wang Qiang finally agreed to Cheng Yandong's request. The patient's condition is bad enough. No matter how bad it is, how bad can it go? He said to Cheng Yandong, "Cheng Bureau, we are outside the door!" Cheng Yandong smiled and watched Wang Qiang and the administrator go out of the door. He whispered to Zhang Yang, " Hurry up, they are staring at us outside."

Zhang Yang walked to Yang Yun's bedside and was facing Yang Yun. Yang Yun still repeated what she had just done and didn't see him at all.

Zhang Daguan has no research on modern psychiatry, but he knows that dealing with a patient like Yang Yun must attract her attention and let her focus on herself. The best way to control other people's consciousness is ecstasy. Zhang Yang once encountered a master in this field on the Great Wall. Since he almost suffered a loss, Zhang has begun to study ecstasy, and he has already had a considerable heat. People who can master ecstasy must have super willpower. Otherwise, if you can't control the other party by using Ecstasy, you will be burdened by it.

Zhang Pi said, "Yang Yun!"

Yang Yun still repeated her movements "as if she didn't hear his voice at all.

Zhang Yang said, "I know you can hear my voice, but you don't want to admit it! Yang Yun's eyes are confused and confused.

Cheng Yandong said, "It's useless. She can't listen to it at all."

Zhang Yang gave him a white look. Before he started, he retreated to himself. Zhang Yang said, "Can you be quiet and listen to me a few words? Yang Yun still moved one after another. Zhang Yang said, "Yang Yun, look at me!" He stretched out his hand to grab Yang Yun's shoulder. Before he touched Yang Yun, she screamed loudly, but as soon as she shouted, Zhang Yang stretched out his finger and clicked her acupuncture Yang Yun suddenly couldn't make any sound. She grew up, and the blue veins on her neck and forehead bulged out from under the pale skin, which looked very terrible, but her eyes still did not look at Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang said, "You can see me, why don't you look at me? You are denying everything you see. You don't like the world you live in. You don't like everything you see, so you are always running away...

In Cheng Yandong's view, Zhang Yang's current behavior is more like playing the piano to a cow, and it is in vain to reason with an autistic patient.

Zhang Yang said to Cheng Yandong, "Yangdong, go outside and talk to President Wang. Let him go away. With so many people watching, it's not easy for me to treat her...

Cheng Yandong nodded, and he turned around and went out.

Wang Qiang, vice president of Qinghu Hospital, did not leave. He has been watching outside, at least at present, he has not seen any abnormal conditions. Seeing Cheng Yandong coming out, he greeted him with a smile: "Cheng Bureau, are you finished asking so soon?"

Cheng Yan said, "Dean Wang, I want to ask you about her treatment. Let's go. Let's go to the doctor's office and talk about it...

Wang Qiang is not a fool. Of course, he can hear that Cheng Yandong is deliberately trying to get away from himself. He winked at the administrator and motioned the administrator to stare at him here. Since Cheng Yandong wants to open their thoughts, of course, he will not let the administrator stay alone. He said to the administrator, "Come with you You should know her situation best."

Although Wang Qiang felt that Cheng Yandong's behavior was inappropriate. But think about it, after all, he is the director of the branch bureau, and he can't talk nonsense! If you refuse, you may offend him, whether it is a big official or a small official. When thinking about problems, we will start from the interests. Everyone doesn't want to offend others easily, especially those they can use.

After Wang Qiang left, Zhang immediately took out the needle box and pulled out a golden needle from it.

Yang Yun's acupuncture point was controlled by him. Of course, she couldn't move. The cold flashing needle light finally attracted her attention, and Yang Yun's eyes showed indescribable panic.

Zhang Yang was not in a hurry. First, he pierced her eyebrows with a golden needle, and then looked twice and pillowed behind him. When he finished all this, Yang Yun's eyes stared straight ahead, as if he could not move.

Zhang Guan came back to the opposite side of Yang Yun and stood up. He smiled and said, "You see me now. Can you see me clearly?"

Yang Yun looked at Zhang Yang. Her expression was extremely frightened, and her pupils were scattered because of panic.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "You are too tired. Don't force yourself. When you need a break. Be sure to take a proper rest. I won't hurt you. Don't be afraid. I'm here to protect you. No one can hurt you without me...

Yang Yun listened to it and felt that his voice was very comfortable, like a spring breeze blowing on her face, which made her feel warm from the bottom of her heart.

Zhang Yang used the golden needle to seal Yang Yun's acupuncture point to help her restrain her mind. Only in this way can he have the opportunity to take advantage of it. Yang Yun lives in her own world and is very defensive to the outside world. Ecstasy is similar to the current hypnosis and wants to hypnotize each other. The other party must relax their nerves. Giving up resistance and vigilance, publicity can't be done only through words, so we can only rely on the method of acupuncture. Seeing that Yang Yun's eyes have eased. Zhang Yang was secretly happy. It seems really promising.

He whispered, "Do you have a lot of sad things in your heart? Tell me!" Yang Yun's eyes suddenly turned cold again.

Zhang Yang shouted in secret, and the entry point was wrong. If Yang Yun was on guard again, I'm afraid it would be in vain to make so many efforts. Once this autistic patient re-closed the heart that had just opened a crack in the door, it would be much more difficult to find a way to enter the door than at the beginning.

Zhang Yang changed his tone: "Xiao Yun... Xiao Yun. Don't you recognize me? Don't you really know me? I'm your father!"