Medical official path

Chapter 768 Naked Officials

Ma Tianyi said, "Be careful that he escapes. Liao Weizhong's two children are abroad,

His wife studied with him in England, and his parents have also passed away..." At this point, Ma Tianyi's heart became heavy, and he still neglected to guard against Liao Weizhong. If Liao Weizhong really heard the wind and took advantage of this opportunity to escape, the loss must be huge.

He hurried to Li Changyu's office and reported the progress of the matter to Li Changyu. Li Changyu did not expect that things would turn like this. It turned out that Ma Tianyi's judgment was correct at the beginning. Liao Weizhong did have a problem. He started from the overall situation and advised Ma Tianyi to take it as much as possible Handle it in a low-key way. Now it seems that this matter can't be covered. Li Changyu feels quite entangled. One thing after another in Nancy, the last thing he wants is that there will be another big violation of discipline in the cadre team, but Liao Weizhong's matter still happened.

Ma Tianyi said, "Li [Shu] must take control measures against Liao Weizhong immediately. Once he absconded out of the country, it will be difficult to catch him again."

Li Changyu said, "It doesn't prove that he is going to escape now. He should not know that Yang Yun's incident has been found, right?" Ma Tianyi said, "Maybe since Xue Zhinan was arrested, he was ready to abscond. The anger and grimity he showed before may go to our old suspicion to confuse us. I just investigated that his wife went to England not long ago, or after Xue Zhinan was controlled. I think he was ready to escape. ."

Li Changyu habitually took out a cigarette to light it. Ma Tianyi's judgment on this matter was undoubtedly correct. He made some mistakes. He was silent for a while and said, "Sently send someone to Yunnan immediately to control Liao Weizhong and bring him back to Nancy."

Liao Weizhong was arrested by the police on the way from Yun'an to Myanmar. The Nancy police responded in time and joined hands with the Yunnan police to block Liao Weizhong in the border card. After learning that Liao Weizhong was caught, all the city leaders in Nancy were relieved.

Liao Weizhong has been paying attention to the internal movement of the public security. After Yang Yun provided evidence, he foresaw that this matter was not good, so he made a escape plan in time, but he did not expect that the police would react so quickly this time to catch him before he left the country.

Seeing Liao Weizhong again, Ma Tianyi could hardly believe that the white-haired old man in front of him was the manager of the smoke factory who was in full of energy a few days ago and a popular figure in the business world of Nancy.

Liao Weizhong smiled. He habitually brushed his hair: "I used to dye my hair all the time. Did it really scare you?" Ma Tianyi said, "I didn't expect your hair to be so gray."

Liao Weizhong said, "I have worked in a tobacco factory for 35 years and worked in the position of the highest leader for eight years. Eight years ago, I was still full of black hair, but now I have white hair. I can say that my hair is worried about turning white for this enterprise."

Ma Tianyi said, "Do you think it's unfair?"

Liao Weizhong said, "This seat should not have belonged to me."

Ma Tianyi said, "If you make a mistake, you have to bear the consequences for your own mistakes. No one wants to sit in the position of a prisoner, but if you don't sit down, it will prove that our law is unfair." It is unfair to the people."

Liao Weizhong said, "Give me a cigarette.

Ma Tianyi's attitude towards him was quite friendly. He picked up a box of Linglong Tower and handed it to him. Liao Weizhong took the box of cigarettes and looked at it over and over again. He was very familiar with this brand. "The brand of Linglong Tower was created by him. When he took over the Nancy Cigarette Factory, the However, the profits and taxes created every year have reached 5 billion yuan. Almost 90% of the smokers in Pinghai are smoking cigarettes produced by Nancy Cigarette Factory. After entering the 1990s, Nancy Cigarette Factory has become the boss of the Pinghai Tobacco Industry. Liao Weizhong led the enterprise to leap up a step and start to create a Yipin brocade. According to the current market feedback, the recognition rate of the product is quite high. It is foreseeable that Yipin Jinwan will become the flagship product of the cigarette factory, and the profit and tax of the cigarette factory is likely to double next year. "Well, here." There was a burst of sadness in Liao Weizhong's heart. He lit a cigarette, took a sip hard, and spewed two smoke from his nose. The smoke then spread in front of him, making his face a little blurred.

Ma Tianyi said, "Why did you run away?"

Liao Weizhong asked, "Why did you arrest me?"

Ma Tianyi said, "What did you do to Yang Yun?"

Liao Weizhong said, "Ma [Book], you have been working in the Commission for Discipline Inspection for so many years. What do you think of the risk of being an official?"

Ma Tianyi said, "It's very risky!"

Liao Weizhong nodded with recognition, and he took another sip of smoke and said, "If you are walking on thin ice, you are a little careless and discredited. In retrospect, I don't know why I have worked so hard all these years?"

Ma Tianyi said, "You are a member of the Communist Party. What did you say when you swore the party flag!"

Liao Weizhong said, "In my position, I face a lot of **. I ask myself that I am still a firm person. I don't know what the girl you are talking about. In fact, I also drank a lot of wine that day, so my self-control ability became very poor. She dedicated herself to a purpose, and I think it's a trade-off between me and her.

"Efit exchange? You are exchanging the interests of the country!" Ma Tianyi's tone suddenly became harsh.

Liao Weizhong said, "Ma [Shu], I know you are a person who can't rub the sand in your eyes. Since you came to Nancy, you have identified me. Do you think I'm squandering the country's property? Before you make an attributive word to me, I want to say a few things. Have you learned about the development of the tobacco factory in the past eight years? Have you ever seen our contribution to the development of Nancy? The annual tax we pay has reached 5 billion yuan. I have improved the welfare of employees. Have you seen it? What I take from the tobacco factory every year is only a salary, plus the year-end dividend. Last year, I took 100,000 yuan of dividends from the tobacco factory, all of which were written on the account. It is clear and clear. Maybe this has become the reason for many people to report me. In the past eight years, I have taken a total of 500,000 dividends "

Ma Tianyi said, "500,000 yuan, I can't earn it in my life."

Liao Weizhong said, "What is the comparison of 500,000 and 5 billion profits and taxes? For the same foreign enterprises and people in the same position as me, their annual salary is at least 50 million yuan. With a small salary, I lead such a large enterprise, the energy and pressure they put in are countless times more than them. Do you think it's fair?

Ma Tianyi said, "What's wrong with you? It's the state that gives you this position. You work for the country. The cigarette factory is not your personal. All you said is not enough to be the reason for you to squander the country's assets."

"Did I squander it? The luxurious decoration of Jinwan Hotel has also become a reason to report me. What is corporate image? I'm not good at being an official, but I know better than anyone else about doing business. I don't think I'm an innocent official, but I'm not as bad as you think. Since I dare to let you investigate me, I'm not afraid that you will find out the problem. What's the reason for controlling me now? Is it because of my corruption or bribery? I have never done it. My children went abroad by using my own relationship to send them out, and they have nothing to do with the enterprise.

Ma Tianyi said, "Your own relationship? If you are not in the position of the director of the cigarette factory, will your relationships work for you sincerely?

Liao Weizhong said, "Actually, since your transfer committee Xue Zhinan, I knew that sooner or later you would burn this fire on my head."

Ma Tianyi said, "I'm not aiming at you personally, but at your behavior."

Liao Weizhong said, "I'm too high-profile. It's always the truth in China. Someone advised me to restrain myself a little early, but I can't learn. Today, I finally fell behind." Ma Tianyi said, "Jing grievance?"

Liao Weizhong said, "You can check the accounts of the cigarette factory carefully. Each of our accounts is clear and clear."

Ma Tianyi said, "In that case, why did you escape?"

Liao Weizhong said: "People have a premonition about danger. I have a feeling that a disaster is coming recently. Although I didn't take any money from the company in the past, I have approved a note to countless people. The cigarettes in the tobacco factory are in short supply. How many related households have found me and sent me money, and how many On the other hand, although I didn't make a profit from it, once you investigate it, these will become my crimes. I understand that the wall is pushed by everyone, and I am now shouting and beaten by everyone.


Ma Tianyi said, "You don't admit your mistake and attribute all your mistakes to others. Look at what you have done. You appoint your brother Xue Zhinan as the general manager of Dacheng Printing. At present, we have mastered the matter of his approval to the outside world through your relationship, and every year through his relationship, there is Tens of thousands of boxes, the benefits he gets from it will never be less than a million. You can push it all, but what about your family? Your wife has done a lot of things in this regard when she was in Nancy. Your children's tuition and living expenses are more than 200,000 yuan every year. How can you support it with your publicized economic income? Liao Weizhong said, "The purpose of your investigation of Xue Zhinan for a long time is to find out about me. There is nothing to say about the crime I want to add. I have nothing to say."