Medical official path

Chapter 768 Naked Officers Under

Ma Tianyi said righteously, "You can't explain it clearly. You can't explain why you send all your wife and children abroad. You have long realized that something will happen to you, and sooner or later, something will happen. You are paving the way for your family, and you are also preparing for your escape in the future."

Liao Weizhong said indifferently, "No matter how much I say, it won't work. Your job of the Commission for Discipline Inspection is to find a small mistake and overthrow my life's efforts. I admit that you have succeeded!"

No matter how Liao Weizhong emphasized his innocence, he transferred 7:30 million yuan from the factory when he fled, and the money was directly transferred to his son's international account, which was enough to constitute his embezzlement.

After Liao Weizhong was captured, Xue Zhinan's psychological defense also began to loosen. The evidence of his use of the relationship to reselling the approval to the outside for profit has also been implemented. At the same time, Yang Yun gradually calmed down under Zhang Yang's treatment, and has entrusted a lawyer to formally sue Xue Zhinan and Liao Wei

Although the Provincial Games is approaching, there is not much joy on the faces of the members of the Standing Committee of Nancy. The most ironic thing about the Liao Weizhong incident this time is that the accounts of the tobacco factory really did not find out that Liao Weizhong had any personal problems. If it hadn't been for the transfer of 7:30 million yuan from I can't catch any of his problems. As for the rape of Yang Yun, it has nothing to do with the economy, and according to the current situation, Liao Weizhong is also a victim. Xue Zhinan planned this matter. With the in-depth investigation of the case, it was found that Yang Jing did not know nothing about this matter. She and Xue Zhinan broke The real reason is that Xue Zhinan didn't give her a million yuan after the event.

Many people in the Standing Committee even think that the embezzlement case of Liao Weizhong was forced by Ma Tianyi. It was Ma Tianyi's step by step that forced Liao Weizhong to move when he heard the news, so that the evening festival was not guaranteed in the end. In private, some people even thought that if Ma Tianyi had not .

Ma Tianyi said, "Liao Weizhong's incident seems to be very ordinary, but it is quite representative. First, he is about to retire." Second, his wife and children are all abroad. He is an unscrupulous naked official."

The members of the Standing Committee whispered, and most of them heard the concept of naked officials for the first time.

Ma Tianyi said, "In recent years, the phenomenon of naked officials has always been common in our cadre team. Many cadres emigrate all their wives and children overseas when they are in power and hot, which not only facilitates the transfer of corruption income out of the country, but also leaves a good way for their corrupt behavior once exposed. Even if you accidentally overturn the boat and escape without success, you can ensure that your family is safe and rich. If you can, you can fish. If you can't, you can run. If you can't, you can run. It has become the tacit secret secret of these corrupt officials. Liao Weizhong is a typical one. His children are studying abroad, his wife is studying in England, and he is the only one left in China.

Ma Tianyi paused for a moment and said, "This is a phenomenon worthy of our vigilance. With the development of the economy and the progress of the times," the phenomenon of naked officials emerged one after another. I have summarized that there should be six reasons. First, it is because some of our officials have a crisis in their beliefs: economic development has changed their psychology unconsciously, and they begin to turn everything to money, money first, and lose their original faith.

Second, it is our imperfect regulatory system" gives corrupt officials a chance to take advantage of it; at this point, I will first take on my own mistakes.

Third, it is the excessive power of officials, which creates conditions for corrupt officials to do whatever they want: take the cigarette factory as an example. Liao Weizhong is the same within the enterprise. The party and the government hold the absolute right to speak of the tobacco factory. In the past two years, the products of the tobacco factory have been in short supply. As long God, in order to get the approval from him, flattery caused him to be arrogant and regarded the enterprise as his own property.

Fourth, it is the improper social atmosphere, which leads to the existence of many "slimeers" who pull corrupt officials into the water.

V. It is the superior leader or competent department that closes his eyes and gives corrupt officials "sustainable"

The opportunity to drill through.

VI. After a large number of corrupt officials are found, they are not dealt with or dealt with slightly because of various relationships, resulting in the "on-element" corrupt officials to act boldly and succeed.

Ma Tianyi's words are merciless. He not only pointed out the reason for the emergence of naked officials, but also alludes to the leadership's poor governance of corruption. Li Changyu and Xia Boda didn't look good. It was true that the six relatives did not recognize what Muma Tianyi said.

After listening to Ma Tianyi's report, the Municipal Party Committee [Book] Li Changyu made a concluding speech. He said solemnly, "I'm very sad! Although we have emphasized the self-discipline and integrity of cadres many times, there are still people constantly having problems. I hope this is the last time. Just now, Ma [book] summarized the phenomenon of naked officials. Personally, I think that the existing cadre selection system in China has caused a situation of harmony between supervision and the supervised, and the legal system has been blurred. In this way, no matter how the system is set up, the final effectiveness will be greatly reduced. The fundamental solution to this problem lies not in "thorough investigation" or "filing", but in full transparency. It can be asserted that as long as they are really open and transparent, those "** officials" will really become ** in full view of the public. It will not be so easy for them to calmly prepare for their escape with "1 clear plank road, dark warehouse".

Li Changyu's words attracted a lot of applause. After the applause subsided, Li Changyu said, "Since something has happened and we have found mistakes in our work, we must correct them in time.

[Zhong] There is an old saying that it is not too late to make up for the lost sheep. I would like to make a suggestion that if we want to minimize the institutional loopholes in power for personal gain and power-money trading, we must further promote the construction of anti-corruption and integrity. We should standardize the supervision of the use of power, money and employment of leading cadres at all levels. Only by constantly improving our supervision mechanism can we reduce the occurrence of these similar corruption incidents. Just now, Ma [book] said it clearly and is also very reasonable. There are many naked officials like Liao Weizhong in our system. Not to mention far away, let's talk about the municipal party committee compound, and the children of most cadres have been sent abroad to study, of course I'm not against studying abroad. It's a good thing to be able to go abroad to learn advanced experience abroad. I heard that these children who come back are divided into two types, one is the overseas returnees, the other is the overseas waiting faction, and the overseas waiting faction is the young people who have returned from overseas to work. The members of the Standing Committee laughed.

Li Changyu said, "It sounds funny, but it's not the case. The leading cadres receive such a small salary. If you check the tuition fees of your children, you may go abroad at your own expense, except for a few who can really get scholarships, right? Where did you get the money when you went abroad at your own expense? The scene suddenly became quiet. If Li Changyu really wanted to find out the problem of his children going abroad, I'm afraid he would have to sweep a lot of it. Many of the children of the standing committee present were studying abroad.

Li Changyu said, "I propose that from today on, all spouses and children who settle abroad or abroad, or become a foreign national, or obtain permanent residence abroad, shall not serve as members of the party and government and important departments. All their children studying abroad should be I will explain it in detail."

Xia Boda smiled and said, "Li [Shu], is your proposal a little formalistic? Let me declare first that my son studied law in England, but he was admitted."

Li Changyu said, "Lao Xia, I'm not against you. As long as you explain the situation and prove that it is reasonable for your children to go abroad, you can explain it clearly. This is also to prevent Liao Weizhong from happening again in our cadre team."

Ma Tianyi said, "Yes, Liao Weizhong transferred 7:30 million yuan before the incident, and it is difficult to recover the money."

Wu Ming, deputy of the Municipal Party Committee, said, "I agree with Li's proposal. The phenomenon of naked officials must be put on the brakes and send all his wife and children abroad. How can such a person be a good cadre in Cao Yingxin Han?"

Xia Boda said, "It seems that I really have to let my son come back quickly, otherwise I, as the mayor, will not be able to do it." Li Changyu said, "Lao Xia, I'm really not against you. Who doesn't know that your son's grades are well-known. He got Oxford with real ability." Li Changyu praised Xia Boda, but he became more and more disgusted with Xia Boda in his heart. Xia Boda deliberately said so in order to sing against himself.

Xia Boda said, "I think what Li [Shu] said is not comprehensive. The naked banquet should be guarded, and the potential naked officials should also be guarded." Li Changyu said, "Potential naked official, Lao Xia, I don't understand your words."

Xia Boda said, "Let me give an example, for example, Xiao Zhang of the Sports Committee. His fiancee has been working in the United States for a long time. Is such an official a naked official?"

No one thought that Xia Boda actually turned the spear to Zhang Yang, and the members of the Standing Committee did not say anything. Because it was inconvenient to speak, Xia Boda put out Zhang Yang's problem to embarrass Li Changyu, but he seemed to forget that Chu Yanran was the daughter of Governor Song Huaiming.

Li Changyu and He Xuren immediately grabbed the loophole of Xia Boda. He smiled and said, "The unmarried couple do not belong to what I said.


Xia Boda pressed step by step, "Chu Yanran is the daughter of the governor of Song, right? According to Li [Book], the governor of Song is not suitable for the party and government?" Li Changyu looked at Xia Boda coldly. This man was deliberately singing the opposite tune. He said indifferently, "Lao Xia, as I said, the premise is that it is not for work. It is necessary for Governor Song's daughter to stay in the United States for a long time."