Medical official path

Chapter 772 Catch the strong man

Chapter 772 Catch the Strong man (middle)

Zhang Yang heard Chang Lingfeng's activity words. He no longer said that he was determined to leave, but changed to a big holiday. It seems that he still can't give up Zhang Ruirong in his heart. The key to keeping Chang Lingfeng is still Zhang Ruirong. Zhang Guanren patted Chang Lingfeng on the shoulder: "Lingfeng, seriously, I'm still a little hesitant now. I don't know if I should go. I have to think about it for a while."

Chang Lingfeng smiled. From what Zhang Yang said just now, he already knew that Zhang Yang would definitely go to Dongjiang this time. He whispered, "The Provincial Games has not closed yet. Next, there will be the i Economic and Trade Conference. I think you'd better not be busy thinking about the transfer of work. Take it step by step. Since you take a step, you have to take the step in front of you, right?

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "Ling Feng, what you said is exactly what I want to say, and Chang Lingfeng, who knows me, is also."

"Come on, don't talk here. Hurry up and get busy."

During the Provincial Games, Zhang Daguan's busiest thing was to watch the game. When he came out of Chang Lingfeng's office, he took Chang Haixin straight to the track and field to watch the track and field competition. Of the 12 gold medals decided that morning, eight of them fell into the Nancy delegation.

When presenting the award with Qu Shengming, director of the Provincial Sports Committee, Qu Shengming saw the coy smile and couldn't help whispering, "Are you satisfied now?"

Zhang Yang followed him to shake hands with the athletes and couldn't close his mouth with a smile. When he walked off the podium, he said, "Director Qu, aren't you happy to see that Nancy's sports achievements have made such great progress?"

Qu Shengming said, "Don't you think your increase is a little too much this time? At present, you account for nearly half of the gold medals.

"This is strength."

Qu Shengming shook his head with a wry smile and said, "You didn't see it. Now others don't want to play with you. They just come to have a walk, and you don't even look at it. So far, the provincial Games has only broken two national records, and there are no Asian records and world records. I feel difficult For the sake of love.

Zhang's official said carelessly, "What's so embarrassing? The focus is on participation!" This person can't control so much. As long as he wins the first place in the gold medal list as he wishes, he doesn't care what others say. In fact, halfway through the schedule, Nancy's victory is basically unshakable.

Qu Shengming said, "The gold medal belongs to the gold medal. Everyone knows how much gold it contains."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "In terms of total results, it may not be as good as the previous one, but this also proves that the level of sports competition in Pinghai has generally declined, while we in Nancy have steadily risen steadily, so we can achieve such a good result in this Provincial Games."

Qu Shengming only admired the boy's face, but there is one thing he can't deny. In this Provincial Games, the Nancy delegation has achieved quite excellent results. No matter how much water is, the number of gold medals is there.

Qu Shengming said, "When we wait for the next Provincial Games, I hope you can still maintain this result."

Zhang Yang laughed and said, "The feng shui takes turns, and the friendship competition of the Provincial Games is the first and the second. If we Nancy win the first place every time, then what's the point? This kind of competition is for everyone to find an opportunity to have fun, as long as they achieve the purpose of promoting unity. In fact, we don't value gold medal rankings or anything. At this moment, what the guy is saying now is different.

Qu Shengming shook his head helplessly and said, "You are really a talent!"

After the award ceremony on the track and field, Zhang Yang rushed to the gymnasium to watch the basketball game again. Both sides were very close. He and Chang Haixin walked by together. They were busy with work these two days and had never had a chance to communicate alone. Chang Haixin whispered, "I heard that you were going to Dongjiang to work?" When she said this, there was a kind of loss in her heart. If Zhang Yang went to Dongjiang, there would be no point for her to stay in Nancy.

Zhang Yang said, "There is no final decision yet."

Chang Haixin said, "Are you going?" In fact, she has guessed the answer.

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "It's almost the same. The province has given an order, and it's hard to disobey the order!"

Chang Haixin didn't say anything and bit his lip.

Zhang Yang said, "I want you to go with me!"

Chang Hai's face was hot. She pouted her cherry lips and said, "What's the matter with me following you? Besides, the boss didn't let me go there again.

Zhang Yang said, "You used to be Mayor Qin's secretary. You have been very happy to work with her for so long. This time she went to Dongjiang to be responsible for the construction of the new urban area. It's also very good for you to work with her again."

Chang Haixin didn't say anything. After a while, he whispered, "I'm very satisfied with my current job."

Zhang Yang smiled and stopped talking, but he had already made a calculation in his heart. This matter should be communicated with Qin Qing. Qin Qing came forward to adjust Chang Haixin to Dongjiang, which seemed natural. It would not be ridiculous to let Chang Haixin pass, which was not only convenient for care, but also to enhance the communication between her and Qin Qing. At the critical moment, he can also cover the relationship between him and Qin Qing, which is a matter of killing three birds with one stone. Zhang Daguan's calculation is perfect.

Strangely, Li Changyu and Zhang Yang have never talked about the transfer. Until the end of the Provincial Games, when Zhang Yang came to the municipal party committee office to report to him on the successful closing of the Provincial Games and the preparations for the i Economic and Trade Fair, Li Changyu said, "Have you decided?"

Zhang Yang was stunned by a sudden question, but he immediately reacted. Li Changyu was referring to his transfer. Zhang Yang coughed and said, "You have been too busy recently. I've been embarrassed to mention this to you."

Li Changyu smiled and said, "I'm not busy. If you have anything to say, say it!"

Zhang Yang said, "I'm ready to go."

His answer had long been expected by Li Changyu. Although he was psychologically prepared, Li Changyu still felt a little frustrated. He squeezed his lips, picked up the cigarette box from the table, and walked over, picked up the lighter first and lit it for Li Changyu. The lighter was given to him by Zhang Yang in those years.

Li Changyu smoked a cigarette, took the lighter and played with it in his hand. He was silent for a long time before he said, "The situation in Dongjiang is much more complicated than ours."

"I know!"

Li Changyu added, "Your job transfer has attracted the attention of the province. It's not going to be like this. We can't see many of the leaders' ideas now. When you understand, you may already be in the situation."

Hearing Li Changyu's confidant words to himself, Zhang Yang was moved for a moment in his heart. Li Changyu really cared about him. They have established a relationship of teachers and friends for a long time. Li Changyu is his political enlightenment mentor. Zhang Yang agrees with Li Changyu's words. From the beginning, he felt that It's a little strange that the transfer of my small department-level cadres has actually touched the attention of so many provincial leaders. This matter itself is very unusual. The least lacking in the officialdom is a conspirator. All codes of conduct should be based on political interests. Because of this, the relationship between people has become complex and changeable. Touch. Zhang Yang said, "I'm a simple person. I'm too lazy to spend a lot of time on many things. I like to stay where I go."

Li Changyu shook his head and said, "You're not that kind of person. You can't calm down. It seems that you don't know yourself until now."

Zhang Yang grinned and said, "Do you know me?"

Li Changyu said, "I don't understand. You do things too much as you want, so you can't figure out the rules of your cards." He spit out a thick smoke, narrowed his eyes and said, "Are you sure Vice Premier Wen will arrive tomorrow morning?"

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "Arriving at Nancy Airport at 9:30, the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the Economic and Trade Fair begins at 10:00. His scheduled trip will stay in Nancy for an hour, and then go to Shanghai."

Li Changyu said, "It's really in a hurry!"

Zhang Yang said, "It's not easy to come!"

Li Changyu smiled. In fact, Zhang Yang invited Wen Guoquan to come over this time, which made him quite embarrassed. When Qiao Zhenliang, the provincial party committee, came to Nancy to participate in the Provincial Games, he did not mention this matter. Qiao Zhenliang could not know that Li Changyu was still quite embarrassed in this matter. After knowing the news that Wen Zhang Yang said hello to the province. At present, it is confirmed that only the governor Song Huaiming is coming, and Qiao Zhenliang, the provincial party committee, said nothing about it.

Li Changyu always feels that Wen Guoquan's arrival this time is not so simple. As the vice-president of the government and one of the most powerful figures in the State Council, his every move attracts everyone's attention. At the time of the domestic political arena is at the time of the alternation of the old and the new, Wen Guoquan is likely Another peak of power in his life.

Zhang Yang saw that Li Changyu was thinking about the problem, so he did not disturb him and waited quietly for him to speak.

Li Changyu said, "Will Governor Song come tonight?"

Zhang Yang shook his head and said, "I came here to report this matter to you. He temporarily changed his plan and arrived at Nancy Airport at about 9 a.m. tomorrow to greet Vice Premier Wen and his party."

Li Changyu said, "It seems that we will go to the airport early tomorrow to prepare for the leaders."

Zhang Yang said, "Uncle Li!"

Li Changyu raised his head, and there was a little surprise in his eyes. Zhang Yang never called him that way in public, especially in office places.

Zhang Yang said, "I'm sorry!"

A sorry contains too much meaning. Li Changyu understood that he laughed, and Zhang Yang also smiled. Don't say a lot of words, just understand. Li Changyu said, "You are always you, and you have never changed!" RO