Medical official path

Chapter 774 Farewell

Zhang Yang said: ... I also feel that they may not be ready to use me when they dug me up."

Dung Qiwei also has this kind of worry. Zhang Yang has won the trust of the leadership in Nancy. With the strong support of him and Li Changyu, Zhang Yang is like a fish in water here. The work is so smooth that he can give full play to his maximum energy. However, when he goes to Dongjiang, Dongjiang may not give him the same Whether it is the water pollution incident of the Turban River or the subsequent friendly cities and the competition for the mainland factories of Indel Company, Zhang Yang has offended a large number of Dongjiang leaders. He will inevitably encounter resistance to work in Dongjiang. It is difficult to say that these people will all treat Zhang Yang with an inclusive attitude regardless of the past. Zhang Yang is indeed a good knife, which has been verified in Jiangcheng and Nancy." But it is difficult to say when he goes to Dongjiang. Gong Qiwei even thinks that Liao Tian is digging Zhang Yang into Dongjiang. The real purpose is to hide the knife. Even if he doesn't use it, he can't let Nancy use it.

Dung Qiwei said, "Many things in Dongjiang are under dual leadership" and it is much more complicated than ours."

Zhang Yang said, "There are so many department-level cadres over there. My small department is just a little shrimp in Dongjiang." The leaders should not notice me."

Dement Qiwei smiled and said, "You can't be a little shrimp anywhere. With your personal ability, even if you go to the capital, you can create a world."

Zhang Yang raised his glass and said, "Thank you, Mayor Gong, for your praise. For your words, I'm embarrassed not to work hard to do something."

Gong Yaxin brought the steamed crab and sent it over. Zhang Yang asked her to sit down and eat together. "Gong Yaxin had to go to class in the afternoon, so she didn't refuse and sat aside.

Gong Qiwei said, "Dongjiang and Nancy are not far away. When Gong rests in the future, don't forget to take time to come back and have two glasses of wine with me. It's good to talk."

Zhang Yang's key point.

Gong Yaxin finished her meal soon. She picked up her schoolbag and left Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang said, "Is the homework so hard?"

Yang Ning came over with a dozed casserole chicken." She said, "The education system of the country is like this." The children were overwhelmed by their homework and said that they were against reading. But what can you do if you don't study like this? Everyone is learning, and this education system has lasted for many years"

If you act as an alien, you can't get into the ideal university.

Gong Qiwei said, "I don't agree to put too much pressure on my children."

Yang Ning said, "I didn't force her." But Yaxin's child is very conscious and puts pressure on herself. She learns after eleven o'clock every night." I feel sad when I look at it. Zhang Yang said, "She has always achieved excellent results."

Yang Ning said, "Now I think that she has survived the three years of high school. She wants to be admitted to Tsinghua University. I heard from the teacher that it should not be a big problem with her grades."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Actually, there are shortcuts. The school should have a guarantee quota." This man is very smart and thinks that with Gong Qiwei's identity and status, it is not difficult to get a guaranteed place.

Dung Qiwei said, "I've thought about it, but Yaxin doesn't need it. She thinks that she can be admitted with her grades. The child has a strong self-esteem. She doesn't want to rely on me for any relationship."

Zhang Yang praised: "It's really valuable to be able to do this."

After Yang Ning sat down, Zhang Yang poured her a glass of wine. Yang Ning picked up the glass and said, "Xiao Zhang, I'll use this glass of wine to see you off. I hope your work will go well after going to Dongjiang and have good luck."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Thank you, sister-in-law." I also wish you a smooth work and a happy family." He looked up and drank the glass of wine.

Yang Ning said, "Xiao Zhang, you must inform us when you get married, and then our whole family will go there together."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Sertainly."

Gong Qiwei said, "When are you going to start work?"

Zhang Yang said, "I'll go to the provincial party school to attend a class next week. I'll familiarize myself with the environment first. As for the problem of going to work, I'll wait until I get to Dongjiang."

Dung Qiwei said, "After going to the new environment, try to see as much as possible.

After saying this, he couldn't help laughing again: "Actually, you don't need me to explain. If you encounter something you don't understand at work, just ask Governor Song for advice. Anyway, it's close." It's convenient to ask for advice." In Gong Qiwei's opinion, his worry should be that the superfluous governor Song Huaiming is Zhang Yang's future father-in-law. He will not sit idly by and ignore Zhang Yang's affairs.

Zhang Yang said, "I may have to take a few people away." He greeted Gong Qiwei in advance because after he came to Nancy, he formed a team around himself, including Chang Lingfeng, Chang Haixin, Gao Lianming, Fu Changzheng and Lieng Dongping. At present, it has been determined that Gao Lianming and Fu Changzheng will go with him. Chang Lingfeng wants to rest for a while before considering work. Chang Haixin has never made a statement. As for Yang Dongping, Zhang Yang has not had time to talk to him." However, it is estimated that this man will probably go with him. After all, it was Zhang Yang who brought him to Nancy at the beginning, and he didn't know anyone except Zhang Yang.

Except for Chang Lingfeng, Gong Qiwei was not too impressed by others. He nodded and said, "You definitely need help to go to Dongjiang. Chang Lingfeng is a very talented person. Of course, it would be best if he is willing to stay in Nancy, but I have talked to him. He doesn't seem to have much interest in officialdom."

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "He was kidnapped by me. I want him to go to Dongjiang with me. Until now, he hasn't promised." Gong Qiwei said, "It's not easy to find a talent like him. I've always been surprised. Chang Lingfeng is so young, but his mentality is like an old man who has read all the vicissitudes of life. He is not surprised when he encounters anything. Does he really see through the world?"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "No wonder!" No one knows Chang Lingfeng better than him. Everyone has weaknesses, and Chang Lingfeng is no exception. Zhang Ruirong is his emotional dead point. As long as he tries to transfer Zhang Ruirong to Dongjiang, he doesn't have to worry about Gong Qiwei not following him, but he is still a little hesitant in the bottom of his heart. After all, Zhang After put aside the relationship with Guoan, Xing Chaohui's situation in Guo'an is not good now. Zhang Yang doesn't want to ambush another chess piece beside him.

Gong Qiwei and Zhang Yang talked about the work of the Sports Committee. When mentioning the suitable successor, Zhang Yang recommended Cui Guozhu. This is not because Cui Guozhu gave him a gift. To be fair, Cui Guozhu is one of the most capable of the deputy directors of the Sports Committee. Since Zang Jintang's bribery was found out, Others are not very competitive with Cui Guozhu.

Gong Qiwei sighed, "If you go to Dongjiang, we will re-approach the manager of the high-tech zone."

Zhang Yang said, "Nanxi City has more capable cadres than me."

Dung Qiwei said, "I don't think so."

It was his group of friends who were most concerned about Zhang Yang's transfer. Chang Haitian heard that Zhang Yang was going to Dongjiang to come from Jinghai to see him off. That night, Yuan Bo was the east, the three Chang Haitian brothers and sisters, Zhao Tiantian, Gao Lianming, Li Chenglong and Cheng Yandong were all present. Originally, Yuan Bo also invited Chang Lingfeng and Qiao Mengyuan, but Chang Lingfeng didn't like the hustle and bustle and politely declined. Qiao Mengyuan was busy with work and couldn't come.

When Zhang Yang arrived, it happened that Chang Haixin drove Audi to carry her two brothers over,

Several people met in the parking lot and said with a smile, "Hailong, where is your Toyota domineering?"

Chang Hailong said, "I'm going to be drunk with you today, so we didn't drive."

Chang Haitian came to Zhang Yang, patted him on the shoulder and said, "It's not righteous. I just came to the Nancy factory. Did you go to Dongjiang to hide from me?" Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Distance produces beauty, and we can't get too close."

They came to the most luxurious private room in Haitian. Yuan Bo had asked someone to bring cold dishes. Seeing them coming in together, he quickly asked them to sit down and pour wine in the glass. Yuan Bo picked up the glass and said, "Today I saw Zhang Yang off in Haitian. In a few days, I will wash the dust for him in the Wangjiang Tower

Everyone laughed and said, "This guy is blackmailing you. You can eat and drink for nothing wherever you go."

Yuan Bo said, "This is called a willing to beat and a willing to suffer. I think that when Liu Bang, the ancestor of the Han Dynasty, was still splashing skin in Pei County, the general Fan Yu was selling dog meat on the street. Liu Bang didn't go to eat every day, eat and drink for nothing, but in this way, Fan With him eating and drinking for free, my business will not prosper. Yuan Bo's gratitude to Zhang Yang is from the bottom of his heart that his business has developed so smoothly over the years, thanks to Zhang Yang's help.

Sorghum Chenglong said, "Well said, come on, let's see Director Zhang off together."

Zhang Yang picked up the glass and drank the glass of wine. He smiled and said, "It's not thousands of miles away. Nancy and Dongjiang are very close. As long as I want to come, I can come back every day. Why do you feel that you send me so grandly? I'm afraid I can't wait for me to go."

Chang Hailong smiled and said, "It's not a gift for you. Haixin is also going to work in Dongjiang!"

As soon as the news was told, everyone looked at Chang Haixin. The first reaction of outsiders was that Chang Haixin must have followed Zhang Yang, and even Zhang Yang himself thought so.

Sorghum Chenglong said, "What's the matter? Do you also go there with Director Zhang? Chang Hai's face was hot, and he secretly blamed his brother for telling him about going to Dongjiang so soon. This kind of occasion should not be said, and it is easy to be misunderstood by others. She explained softly, "Mayor Qin called me. As soon as she went to Dongjiang, she always wanted to have an assistant beside her. In the past, I was her secretary, so she was the first to think of me. I have worked with her for so long, and the cooperation has been very tacit, so I thought about it and decided to go." Zhang Yang was overjoyed. What helped Qin Qing carry out his work was just a lie. The real reason why Chang Haixin went to Dongjiang was herself, and she was reluctant to leave herself. Zhang Yang pretended to say, "Mayor Qin, this is digging my foot."

Chang Haixin smiled and said, "I still prefer Mayor Qin's work style. I have to learn from you to work with you."

A group of people laughed.

Chang Haitian said, "Well, many people go to Dongjiang to take more care of them." Of course, he didn't know that Zhang Yang had taken care of his sister.

Chang Hailong said, "Zhang Yang, have you decided on your specific work?" Zhang Yang shook his head and said, "I'm not sure. Let me go to the party school to participate in the study class first, concentrate for half a month, and then assign specific work. I estimate that nine times out of ten, it is to build a new urban area and work under the leadership of Mayor Qin."

Sorghum Chenglong smiled and said, "You boy Yunyutong."

Zhang Yang said, "To tell the truth, I don't want to go to Dongjiang. It's your municipal party committee [book] uncle's name to get me over, sorghum Chenglong, ugly words I have to say in the front, if it's sorghum [book] for me to wear, I'll settle


Sorghum Chenglong smiled and said, "Don't worry, my uncle is not so narrow-minded."