Medical official path

Chapter 782 Chess Game Begins

It's depressing that the fish didn't eat, but the officials were depressed that they didn't want to touch the fish at all, but they made it fishy. Zhang's official is romantic, but he is not in mean, and he has restrained a lot in his feelings recently, and the flowers and plants outside rarely take the initiative to provoke him. ; Zhang's official has a bad reputation. Others look at him with old eyes, and most people don't believe in his innocence. In fact, he should reflect on his past love history is too brilliant.

Later, Liang Xiaoou called. She specifically apologized to Zhang Yang. After all, this matter was all caused by her boyfriend Shao Ankang. Although Zhang Yang was very angry, he also knew that Liang Xiaoou, like himself, were all victims. Zhang Yang said, "It's okay. The clear person is clear, and others can think whatever they want. "

Liang Xiaoou said, "We are innocent. Why did he throw dirty water on us? I will never forgive him again."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "You didn't forgive him for being a matter between you. To be honest, your boyfriend is indeed a little small-minded. It proves that he likes you. I think you'd better find an opportunity to explain it to him. Don't delay a happy marriage because of misunderstanding."

Liang Xiaoou said, "I can see through him. Just like him, I don't have any happiness when I marry him. It's better to make a decision than to be painful in the future."

Zhang Guan Ren Ren said that your breakup has nothing to do with me. He smiled and said, "Don't be angry, relax. You have been in the same boat for a hundred years, and you can sleep together for thousands of years. It's not easy for two people to get together. Be careful!"

Liang Xiaoou sighed and said after a while, "Zhang Yang, I felt that you were unreliable in the past, but today I found that you were really good."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Actually, I'm really unreliable. Don't think I'm good. I think my good girls are basically in love with me. Let's not make it come true."

"Fad you!"

Both of them laughed at the same time.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Yang's mood was much more comfortable. He took a shower and sat up Mingheng Yoga on the indoor carpet naked. Zhang Daguan has a good foundation and his comprehension in martial arts is extremely amazing. Now he is a yoga master.

When Zhang Yang supported the ground with one hand and maintained the balance of his whole body, An Yuchen called. Zhang Yang pressed the answer button with one empty hand, and his whole body was still balanced under the support of his left hand.

Zhang Yang said, "How's it going? How's your health?"

An Yuchen smiled and said, "Okay, I built a big wooden villa on the shore of Lake Sangzhu near Dingri. The scenery here is better than that of Lake Geneva in Switzerland."

Zhang Yang is most concerned about her body: "Dear, what's the abnormal reaction recently?"

An Yuchen said, "No, it's only five kilometers away from the hospital I helped build. I drive there every day. Little Lama Doji and Master Enchan have been here recently. They help treat the people nearby."

Zhang Yang said, "I received the photo you sent me two days ago, girl, it's much darker!"

Anyu Chenge said with a smile, "The ultraviolet rays of the plateau are strong. If it is a while, I may become an African girl.

Zhang Yang said, "I really don't know Africa. Next time I see it, I'll try it."

"Get out! He began to play hooligans without three words.

Zhang Yang laughed and said, "Well, how about our son?"

An Yuchen said, "I haven't been born yet. Do you know whether it's a son or a daughter? Do you think you value boys over girls?

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "As long as you gave birth to it, no matter your son, daughter or brother will like it."

An Yuchen said, "I don't believe it, but he is quite naughty. I guess he should be a boy. The hospital can be put into use at the end of the year. My due date is in January next year. Maybe I will become the first mother in the hospital."

Zhang Yang said, "It's very memorable."

Both of them were silent. An Yuchen gently stroked the bulging abdomen on the other end of the phone. She put the phone on her abdomen, then picked it up again and said softly, "Did you hear it?"

Zhang Yang said, "What?"

An Yuchen said, "His heartbeat?"

Zhang Yang bit his lip, and an indescribable feeling of missing filled his heart: "Little demon, I miss you!"

An Yuchen said softly, "Me too!"

Zhang Yang said, "In a couple of days, I'll take time to see you."

An Yuchen said, "Don't worry about me. I'm in good health now. The Zen master has accepted me as a disciple. He personally guided my yoga and took a lot of medicine to help me heal my body. Recently, the little lama Doji has been accompanying me. He just gave me a little Tibetan masto. When you come, the Yes."

Zhang Yang said, "Be away from the dog during pregnancy. There are many parasites."

An Yuchen smiled and said, "I know! Work at ease. Don't worry about me. If there is anything bad, I will let you know right away. Don't worry, I'm more nervous than ever. I must give birth to our children in good health!"

At the end of the call with An Yuchen, Zhang Yang put his hands on the ground, and then changed his index finger to touch the ground. This is a finger Zen. After the combination of Indian ancient yoga and Chinese martial arts, such Buddhist stunts were easily mastered by Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang doesn't have much feeling about this future life. What he really cares about is An Yuchen's life. According to his plan, he will go to An Yuchen's side one month before giving birth, use the new meridians formed between the mother and the baby to reshape the meridians in her body, and see if he can heal An Yu One thing about Zhang Yang did not tell An Yuchen. Although there is hope that this method can cure her in theory, it is difficult to ensure the safety of the baby. Even while healing the mother's body, it will inevitably hurt the baby. Zhang Yang has never dared to tell the truth. He is afraid that he will suffer after saying this matter. When An Yuchen refused, he could see that An Yuchen valued this child.

At the expanded meeting of the Standing Committee of the Dongjiang Municipal Party Committee, Liang Tianzheng, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, officially introduced Qin Qing to the municipal leading cadres present. He smiled and said, "Today, I would like to introduce a new member of our Dongjiang leadership team, Comrade Qin Qing!"

Qin Qing stood up with a smile. At any time and anywhere, Qin Qing's elegant and noble temperament always made her look so outstanding, like a lotus flower that came out of the mud and did not stain. It was always easy to attract everyone's attention. Qin Qing was 31 years old, but he could not see any years from her face. The traces left, her skin is still as delicate and smooth as a girl. Her beauty is both inside and outside, which makes people appreciate and pleasant, but also makes people feel inviolable.

When the leading members of Dongjiang City who were present saw Qin Qing, they couldn't help sighing that the most beautiful woman in Pinghai's political arena was indeed not in vain.

Qin Qing said gently, "Hon, leaders, I'm Qin Qing. I have met most of you here. From today on, I will come to work in Dongjiang. I hope all the leaders will support my work.

There was warm applause at the scene.

Liang Tianzheng motioned Qin Qing to sit down. He smiled and said, "Comrade Qin Qing's work achievements during his tenure as deputy mayor in Lanshan were extremely outstanding. This time, the provincial leaders chose her to come to Dongjiang from many candidates after careful consideration. In the future, Comrade Qin Qing will be responsible for the construction and command of the new Deputy Commander-in-Chief and Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Xincheng District. Liang Tianzheng's words expressed a meaning. It was the provincial decision for Qin Qing to come to Dongjiang.

Applause sounded again at the scene. Liang Tianzheng, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, is personally responsible for the position of the commander-in-chief of the new urban construction headquarters. Of course, this is only an honorary position. He has rarely asked about specific matters. Although Qin Qing is the deputy commander-in-chief, he actually exercises the power of P>

Liang Tianzheng said, "Everyone has a very good understanding of the situation in Dongjiang. I don't need to say more here. With the progress of the times, the old city of Dongjiang can no longer adapt to the changing development. As the provincial capital of Pinghai and the largest city in Pinghai, we must play a leading role. Our urban construction With far-sighted thinking, this time, our new city plan has received the full support of the provincial party committee and the provincial government. They have transferred a group of elite soldiers and strong generals to us from the local government, so as to concentrate their efforts to build the new city. I will give this burden to Comrade Qin Qing. I hope that under your leadership, we can implement The construction of the new urban area will be completed as soon as possible!"

Qin Qing got up again, expressed his feelings to the leaders present, and at the same time clarified his determination.

After the meeting that day, Qin Qing walked out of the conference room, and then she went to Mayor Fang Zhida's office to meet him.

When she came outside, her assistant Chang Haixin came face to face. Qin Qing smiled at her and walked to the top of the stairs with Chang Haixin. Chang Haixin said, "Sister Qing, is the meeting going well?"

Qin Qing smiled and said, "Just to meet everyone, Haixin. I'm going to Mayor Fang now. He has some work to explain."

Chang Haixin nodded and said, "Then I'll wait for you outside."

Qin Qing said, "The city has arranged an office for us. You go to Secretary-General Liao Bosheng. He is in charge of this matter. I will go directly to the office to see you later."

Chang Haixin answered and whispered, "Director Zhang arranged it late. The banquet is going to pick up the wind and wash the dust for you.

Qin Qing said, "I'm afraid not tonight. There are already arrangements in the city."

(To be continued)