Medical official path

Chapter 825 Life and Death Seal on

An Yuchen was still asleep. Zhang Yang clicked her sleeping hole. He didn't want An Yuchen to experience this long psychological suffering.

Looking at the sleeping An Yuchen, Zhang Yang seemed to go back to the past in a trance, thinking of the moment when he gave birth to the imperial concubine, but even at that moment, the pressure he was not as great as it is now. What he is facing now is the woman he loves deeply, and in her belly is his flesh and blood The palm fell gently on An Yuchen's abdomen and felt the gently squirming under the palm. The fetus seemed to feel something. He was communicating with his father in this way.

Zhang Yang felt an indescribable depression in his heart, which almost made him breathless. He closed his eyes and whispered, "Don't worry, I will guarantee your safety."

Chen Xue could feel Zhang Yang's nervousness. She whispered, "If you are not ready, you can treat her another day!"

Zhang Yang shook his head. He could wait, but An Yuchen couldn't wait any longer and missed the best time. If the new meridians aged, the difficulty of treating her will increase countless times, and the risk will naturally increase. Zhang Yang took a deep breath, abandoned the distracting thoughts in his mind, and calmed his consciousness.

Chen Xue said, "Master En Zen is outside to protect our Dharma."

Zhang Yang said, "Have you recovered from your injury?"

Chen Xue said indifferently, "It's completely fine!" She realized that Zhang Yang's mood was not calm at this time, and whispered, "If you can't completely calm down, not only can you save the mother and son, I'm afraid it will hurt yourself."

Zhang Yang said, "Don't worry, I'm waiting!"

Chen Xue followed his eyes and looked at the table. The clock on the table had pointed to 11:50.

There are still ten minutes left. At noon, it is the most active moment in the human body. Zhang Yang chose this time to start, in order to ensure that the fetus can get enough support as much as possible. Zhang Yang said, "You remember what I just said to you."

Chen Xue nodded and said, "I remember everything."

Zhang Yang said, "The little demon is very likely to wake up in the middle of the journey. I must concentrate in the process of doing the work. If she wakes up, you have to tell her to use Mingheng Yoga to slow down the speed of internal breathing."

Chen Xue said, "Don't worry."

Zhang Yang said, "The golden needle is ready, and you have learned the method of the golden needle to pierce the acupuncture point. At the critical moment, you know what to do!"

Chen Xue said softly, "I believe you can succeed!"

Zhang Yang smiled, finally looked at the clock, took An Yuchen from ** to the carpet, took off her clothes, put his palms against her smooth and delicate bare back, and the internal force slowly penetrated into her body.

It is difficult to heal An Yuchen's natural vein. Now it is not only necessary to cure her stubborn disease, but also to ensure that the fetus is almost unharmed, which is even more difficult for Zhang Yang. In order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to accurately control the size of the internal force. It is too small to break through An Yu When it comes to the fetus, the difficulty of treatment lies in this.

Zhang Yang's inner breath was injected into An Yuchen's body and began to swim in her body. His consciousness was also completely concentrated in an instant, entering an empty world, and all the movements outside had nothing to do with him.

His consciousness swims with his internal forces, as if he has entered a desolate desert that has been sleeping for more than 20 years. The new meridians between the mother and the fetus are precisely the oasis in the desert. Zhang Yang wanted to use his internal strength to open up a ditch in the desert to connect the oasis and the meridians of An Yuchen. In the past, he also used to forcibly open up the path in the meridians of An Yuchen with his domineering internal force, but after all, such a passage is acquired, and it will soon face the danger of isolation Later, the meridians were born in her body, and only by using the combination of innate and acquired methods could she hope to completely cure her stubborn disease.

Zhang Yang's mind was impressed by a complete vein map, with the mother on one side and the fetus on the other. The first step he had to do was to cut off the collaterals in the vein, and finally completely closed the traffic between the mother and the baby and changed it to An Yuchen's own meridians. In the process, in order The connection between the fetus and the mother cannot be cut off, that is to say, in the process of doing the work, the position between the fetus and the mother will be reversed. Originally, the mother provided support to the fetus, but in a short time, the fetus provided support to the mother, which is an extremely dangerous process for the fetus.

If you want to ensure the safety of the fetus, you must shorten the time of this process as much as possible.

Zhang Yang first forcibly opened up the partially blocked meridians in An Yuchen's body, just like digging a river. Before releasing water, the prerequisites must be prepared. This process is extremely depleted. Although Zhang Yang learned the Mahayana formula, in the process of opening up the meridians for An Yuchen, because of the huge loss, the power The drama fell, and before long, his whole body was full of sweat.

The next second step is the acupuncture point, which is the threshold of the human body. If the meridians are criscrossed rivers, then the acupuncture points are the gates on the river. If you want the water flow smoothly, you must ensure that all the gates are opened, transported to the wind, and the point falls on An whochen. With A wisp of white steam steamed above his head, and in the end, his body was covered with a layer of lemon fog. An Yuchen's white and delicate skin glowed with a faint blush.

After the acupuncture point is opened, Zhang Yang's internal force helps An Yuchen's meridians to reverse. This process is the most dangerous process. The blood in the fetus will flow into the mother's body. Although it is only a week, it takes less than a moment, the test for the fetus is the greatest. Zhang Yang bit his lip The palm flattened against her Dantian, and the internal force slowly spit out.

The sharp pain from the torn all over her body made An Yuchen wake up from her dream. She opened her eyes and saw this situation. She was terrified. When she was about to open her mouth and scream, Chen Xue pressed the big vertebrae behind her in time. A cold air flow went straight into her head along her spine. Chen Xue said Yoga slows down the pain!" While Chen Xue helped An Yuchen calm down, her internal force penetrated into the fetus's body to help the fetus survive the difficulties. Although Chen Xue's internal strength is far less than that of Zhang Yang, the victory is pure, like a trickling stream. Under Zhang Yang's domineering internal force, he has not been disturbed at all. This is the fundamental reason why Zhang Yang asked her for help. If it were someone else, it would definitely conflict with his internal strength.

The fetus in An Yuchen's abdomen began to feel uneasy, and the fetal movement gradually became more frequent. Because Chen Xue was nervous, fine sweat oozed from her forehead. She looked at Zhang Yang. At this time, Zhang Yang's eyes were still closed, and his clothes were completely wet with sweat, and the The steam rushed straight up. The meridians of the human body are innate, and the special situation of An Yuchen allows her to use this method to renew the meridians. Using her own internal strength to help An Yuchen open the meridians and wash the marrow, which is a great challenge to Zhang Yang's force.

Master En Zen sat quietly outside, and the little lama paced uneasily indoors. He finally couldn't help saying, "Master, do you think Sister An will be all right?"

Master Zen slowly opened his eyes and smiled, "Everything has a conclusion. Why are you in a hurry?"

Doji said, "But Sister Ann is a good person!"

Zen Master En said, "How do you think you are better than Buddha?"

Doji said in panic, "How dare a disciple compare with the Buddha!"

The Zen master said, "You can see the truth clearly, but how can the Buddha not see it clearly? So you don't have to worry, just pray!"

Dorji nodded and was about to calm down and pray, but saw the master stand up and slowly walk out of the door. Dorji hurriedly followed.

A military-green off-road vehicle parked outside the villa. Wen Ling, dressed in a black leather windbreaker, came down from the car, took off her sunglasses, looked at the wooden house villa, and whispered, "Mage Zen, how are you well!"

The Zen master put his hands together and said, "Amitabha!"

The little lama Doji said, "Who is the female beneer looking for?"

Wen Ling said, "I'll talk to the owner here!"

"The master is sick and is not suitable to see guests now. Please ask the female benef to go back!"

Wen Ling put her hands behind her back, and a pair of cold eyes turned around on the face of the Zen master Gujing Bubo: "The master didn't go to the Nile Temple to recite the scriptures, but he came here to help people take care of the house. It's really hard to figure it out."

When Doge heard her bad words, he said angrily, "What does my master have to do with you?"

The Zen master said indifferently, "Don't be rude!"

Wen Ling said, "The master is a Taoist monk. Why don't you ask me to sit inside!" She walked slowly to the door of the villa. Dorji wanted to stop her, but was drunk by the Zen master.

Wen Ling approached the door step by step with a sneer on the corners of her lips, but Master En Zen stood there to stop her way. Wen Ling said, "Master, please get out of the way."

The Zen master declared the Buddha's name: "Amitabha!"

Wen Ling's feet were pointed, and her body jumped up in the air. The Zen master did not see any movement, and his body also rose into the air, blocking Wen Ling's way.

Wen Ling said angrily, "A monk actually has too much trouble!" She slapped the Zen Master En with one palm.

The cold air came to my face, and the Zen master's hands remained unchanged. An ordinary boy worshipped Buddha and sent his hands forward to seal Wen Ling's palm. The two forces met in mid-air and made the sound of air burst. The thin body of the Zen master shook violently and fell to the ground from the air. And Wen Ling also stagnated because of the obstruction of the Zen mage, and her feet fell on the ground.

She gritted her teeth and said, "Do you think you can stop me?"

Zen Master En's face was peaceful, and he still stood there, just like before, step by step.

[To be continued]