Medical official path

Chapter 829 It's not that simple Next

Chang Haixin said!" You just can't listen to others telling the truth. In fact, you really didn't pull a big project. It's almost the end of the year, and you have to show some grades.

Zhang Yang said, "The project of Diete theme park has been finalized, and there is only the last step to sign the contract. As long as it is signed, it will be more than one billion. I see who will gossip about me when I see it." Xue Weitong has basically confirmed it and promised to sign a contract with Dongjiang before the New Year.

Chang Haixin said, "Besides, the list of rooms has come out. You and Sister Qing have been distributed to Hibiscus Garden, and I have also been distributed to a small set.,...

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "That's good. What's the position? Is it a neighbor?"

Chang Haixin said, "It's all on the top floor. I'm opposite the door with Sister Qing. It's in the east unit of Building 8. You're at the west end." Zhang Daguan said, "This Liu Baoquan, why do you divide us so far? If we stick together, how convenient it is to open all three houses."

Chang Haixin said, "I knew you didn't have good intentions for a long time." Zhang Yang said, "In this way, I have to fly around every day. It's hard. It's really hard." Chang Haixin said, "You, you want to steal incense and jade before you get the house."

Zhang Yang turned over and pressed her under his body and said with a smile, "But for you, I'm willing to work as hard as I can." Zhang Yang came to the headquarters of Xincheng District the next day. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Zhong Changsheng teaching several security guards at the gate. Seeing Zhang Yang, Zhong Changsheng greeted him with a smile: "Director Zhang, have you come back from your business trip?"

Zhang Yang nodded and saw that they had changed into new uniforms. He laughed and said, "The clothes are good. It doesn't look any different from [police].,...

Zhong Changsheng laughed and said, "Director Luo arranged for us to dress uniformly and show the new style of the new urban area headquarters.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "That's good, that's good." He whispered, "Is Changsheng still used to his work?" Zhong Changsheng said, "It's okay. I'm very idle."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "The government agencies are all like this. Come on, this time I met Qiao Pengfei when I went to Tibet. He specifically mentioned you."

Zhong Changsheng was a little embarrassed to hear Qiao Pengfei's name. The world is changing, and no one can predict what will happen tomorrow. He and Zhang Yang were once opposed. At that time, he never thought that they would make up and become friends now. Zhang Yang also gave him so much help in responsibility.

Zhong Changsheng is not good at expressing, but he is extremely grateful to Zhang Yang in his heart.

When Zhang Yang came to the office, Fu Changzheng followed his footsteps and informed him to go to the small conference room for a party group meeting at nine o'clock.

Zhang Yang threw a string of Buddha beads to Fu Changzheng, which was a small gift he brought back from Tibet.

Fu Changzheng said thank you, and he was not polite to Zhang Yang and put away the Buddha beads.

Zhang Yang said, "Long March, go and help me make up my mobile phone. My mobile phone is soaked in water and scrapped." Fu Changzheng nodded.

At the party group meeting on the same day, Qin Qing first conveyed two documents, and then the topic naturally fell on the construction of the new urban area near the end of the year. The preliminary basic project of the new urban area has been fully launched, and the current progress is relatively smooth. However, so far, there has been little improvement in investment promotion. It has been slandered by many people. Qin Qing went to the city for a meeting yesterday to highlight this matter and compared the investment attraction in the new urban area with the development zone. So far, the investment attraction contract signed in Dongjiang Development Zone has reached 7 billion. In contrast, their new urban area has not even reached 300 million so far. Of course, this This kind of comparison is unfair. After all, the construction project of the new urban area has just been launched and has been operating for many years, and the supporting facilities have been basically complete. What's more, the development direction of the two is different. The development zone is mainly aimed at enterprises, and the new urban area is not allowed to settle in the production base.

Qin Qing said: "Since the comprehensive start of the basic project in the new urban area, everything has progressed smoothly, but in terms of attracting investment, it is seriously lagging behind the overall situation." Qin Qing used serious words. When talking about this matter, she couldn't help but look at Zhang Yang. In fact, when she looked at Zhang Yang, others were also looking at Zhang Yang, because the investment promotion work in the new urban area was responsible by Zhang Yang, and the investment promotion results were not ideal. Of course, the person directly responsible was Zhang Yang. The reason why Qin Qing put forward at the meeting was that he was to show that he was selfless, and that if he blocked the mouth of others, it would be better to say that during this period of time, he really didn't care about attracting investment, and Qin Qing was also worried about him. At the end of the year, if you can't make eye-catching results, there will be more and more gossip.

Lin Liangde, deputy director of the Management Committee of Xincheng District, said, "I think there is something wrong with Lou's investment promotion." Huang Ximin, deputy director of the Social Affairs Bureau, nodded.

When Zhang Yang saw this guy, he was so angry that he didn't get angry. He was paralyzed. Did you nod after Lin Liangde say one, two or three? The sound worm is not like you. However, Zhang's official is still a little self-restraint, and there is no attack for the time being. He is waiting for Lin Liangde to finish his words.

Lin Liangde said: "The new urban area project has just started, and we really need to attract foreign investment, but we also need to see that at present, we are not attractive enough at the beginning of everything. I think we should set our goal lower, first based on Dongjiang, based on Pinghai local, and attract local investors to enter. In the new urban area, they have a deeper understanding of Dongjiang and have more confidence in the development of Dongjiang New Urban Area. "... Huang Ximin said, "I agree!"

Zhang Yang said, "What do you agree with?"

Huang Ximin was stunned for a moment. He really didn't understand what Lin Liangde meant in his speech.

Zhang Yang said, "People follow the clouds!" Huang Ximin was taunted by him in public and blushed, but Huang Ximin did not dare to fight against Zhang Yang, so he could only suffer this dumb loss.

Qin Qingdao: Liu Xiaozhang, you want to allow other comrades to have different opinions."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Qin [Book], everyone, there was a problem with the direction of our investment promotion work of Deputy Director Lin just now. I don't agree. For a long time, the investment promotion work has been handled by Director Luo and me."

Didn't Luo Andingxin of the Comprehensive Administration say that you were bad? Why don't you usually see you pulling me? It's time to take responsibility. You pulled me up. Do you want me to cushion your back? You think I'm stupid! Luo Anding had a humble smile on his face: "I dare not seize the credit. Director Zhang has always been focusing on the specific work of the China Merchants Office.

"What he means is obvious. I won't take credit for you, but you want to pull me on my back. Hey hey, I'm sorry, there's no way.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Where are you talking about? By the way, I quite disapprove with the Huafan words of the deputy director of the cup. Fortunately, we are now in an internal meeting of the party group. If those words just now are spread, they will definitely make people laugh.

Lin Liangde looked at Zhang Yang in a sway. He didn't think what he said was funny.

Zhang Yang said, "Where we build a new urban area in Dongjiang, we have proposed to build a first-class urban area in China. What is first-class in China? This requires us cadres to stand high and see far, do things forward-looking, and be based on the local good, but can you build a first-class urban area in China by relying on local investors alone? I think some comrades are not conservative, but too short-sighted. I suggest that these comrades better understand the planning of our new urban area before expressing their opinions.

Qin Qing frowned. Lin Liangde did mean to Zhang Yang just now, but Zhang Yang's revenge came too fast and too obvious. She whispered, "Xiao Zhang, pay attention to your wording. Everyone is for work."

Zhang Yang said, "I know that the recent investment promotion work lacks eye-catching results. Many comrades may think that my work is not good, but there is a process in everything. There is a saying that the Great Wall is not built in a day."

Huang Ximin whispered and reminded in a low voice: "Rome is Rome", which pretended to be a kind reminder. In fact, he was a public appearance in retaliation for Zhang Yang's mockery of himself just now.

Zhang Guanren grinned and said, "Lao Huang, you don't know how to be in a way. Rome was not built in a day. Is the Great Wall built in a day? What do you mean by foreign use? You still think I really don't know!"

Huang Ximin's old face turned red again and he was paralyzed. He didn't bring such a playful person, but he also blamed himself for being cheap. Why did he have to say that?

Zhang Yang said: "The project of Dit Theme Park has been basically determined, and there is only the final signing of contract. The investment in this project alone should be about 1.5 billion yuan. The reconstruction project of Qiuxia Temple has been put on the agenda. These two projects can attract an investment of 2 billion yuan. The investment attraction in the new urban area is just the The beginning of the letter is also acceptable.

Liu Baoquan, the director of the management committee who hasn't said much, said, "But now the actual contract is less than 300 million."

Zhang Yang said, "There must be a process in everything. I believe that a number of projects will be signed centrally before the end of the year. I dare not say anything, but I can implement the investment of 2 billion yuan."

One sentence shocked everyone. Isn't this a big talk? What is the concept of two billion?

Seeing Zhang Yang's confident appearance, Qin Qing estimated that he had implemented the matter of the Duchy of Diete with a smile and said with a smile, "Xiao Zhang, everyone has heard what you said."

Zhang Yang said, "I will be responsible for what I say. Isn't it only 2 billion? I will complete the task 100% before the end of the year!"

After the meeting, Qin Qing called Zhang Yang to his office and stared at him angrily and said, "You should also change this problem in the future. There is still a month before the end of the year, and the actual contract project is less than 300 million. Can you complete the task of 2 billion?" Qin Qing also didn't believe that Zhang Yang could achieve the goal in such a short time.