Medical official path

Chapter 840 Make trouble

Luan Shengwen led people to inspect the room in Huiyuan, which made the residents complain. After the routine inspection, he did not find any abnormality. Just as Luan Shengwen was about to close the team, he received an alarm. The call was the workers who came to repair the circuit. They found that there was something wrong with Huiyuan's circuit and .

Luan Shengwen really laughed and cried when he came to the scene. He said to the workers, "If you find a problem, you should report it to the power system. We are the Public Security Bureau, not the Power Bureau. We are not responsible for managing the power system." At this time, a girl's voice said, "Bureau Luan, is it a criminal offence to steal and cut cables?" Luan Shengwen was stunned for a moment. He turned around and saw a young girl coming towards him. The girl came to him, accompanied by several reporters and filmed around the scene. The young girl introduced herself, "Lian Bureau, I'm Wu Yi, a reporter of Southeast Daily. Stealing electricity and cutting cables in some way. The meaning is the same, and the huge amount is also a violation of the criminal law. Isn't it under your jurisdiction?

Luan Shengwen is so old-fashioned. He smiled and said, "Comrade reporter, the specific nature depends on the situation. We are not responsible for managing the power system, which does not mean that we are idly idly by in the face of illegal acts. If necessary, we will cooperate with the work of the power department."

No one expected the sudden influx of so many reporters, and I don't know who leaked the news. Radio stations, TV stations, newspapers, magazines, and almost all the influential news media in Pinghai appeared in the Huiyuan Hotel.

At ordinary times, Huiyuan Hotel can send security guards to intervene and refuse the interviews of these reporters, but the intervention of the public security has made the matter out of control.

Liangzi's face has changed. She can conclude that behind this is a conspiracy, a conspiracy against Huiyuan. The public security system's investigation is fake, and they are simply escorting these reporters.

There are people from the Public Security Bureau. The security guards of Huiyuan Hotel dare not act rashly. The power employees who came to repair the circuit are subordinate to the Dongjiang Electric Power Bureau. They poked out the matter of Huiyuan Hotel's private electricity and changing the electricity meter. For Liu Zi, this matter is impossible at all. Her brother-in Over the years, the places she runs, whether in bars, nightclubs or hotels, have no problems with electricity consumption at all. Who dares to investigate her? Even if the friendship is done through her, there are countless power affairs. Now these ordinary power bureau employees dare to expose her affairs. Don't these people want to do it?

Kang Cheng was late. All the reporters naturally pointed at Zangzi. Someone interviewed Zangzi with a microphone: "Miss Liang, when did Huiyuan privately change the electric meter?"

"I have nothing to say until the situation is clear!"

A reporter asked, "Miss Sorghum, the country's energy is tight. Recently, the Provincial Electric Power Bureau has cracked down on power theft in the whole province. Why did Huiyuan commit a crime against the wind?" Miss Liang, as far as we know, Liu Xiaozhong, director of the Provincial Power Bureau, is your brother-in-law. Does he know about Huiyuan's electricity theft? Li Zi was asked one question after another, and she was almost out of breath. She waved her hand with a pale face and said, "Don't ask me, I don't know anything, I don't know anything..." As she said, she cried, pushed the reporter away, and rushed out of the circle of the journalists. Of course, she didn't have She was so weak that she cried at this time, not because her emotions were out of control, but because she found that in this way, women were born weak, and it was understandable to cry in public.

Shuizi threw the mess in front of her to Zong Wenjun. She fled back to the general manager's room and let the security guard the gate. What made Lizi angry was that Kang Cheng had already arrived at the Huiyuan Hotel. He must have seen the mess outside, but the man did not come forward. Now he is hiding in the office, standing in front of the French window, looking out with a depressed face.

Hearing the sound of sorghumous footsteps losing rhythm, Kang Cheng turned around. He saw the humiliation and anger on his face. humiliation and anger on hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum He was not only angry about what happened outside, but also Kang Cheng. When she was besieged by those reporters just now, Kang Cheng must have seen it clearly, but he didn't dare to come forward here. This bastard didn't have any responsibility at all.

Sorghum Zi suppressed his anger: "Did you see it?"

Kang Cheng nodded and whispered, "It seems that this matter is for you!"

Hearing what he said, he almost blew his lungs up and said angrily, "Mr. Kang, what do you mean?" Kang Cheng said, "How can they be so familiar with the inside story? Will they know about changing the electric meter?" Li Zi said, "If you ask me, I still want to ask you!" Kang Cheng sensed the anger of Liaozi. He smiled and said, "Sister, calm down. Calm down and think about it. This matter may not only come for our Huiyuan Hotel. They want to do things by stealing electricity. Public security and reporters are all here for this matter, and the purpose is to create influence. If this matter is reported. If you go out, someone will definitely think of Liu Ju.

Liangzi said, "Mr. Kang, do you think the purpose of their incident is Liu Ju?

Do you think Huiyuan's reputation will not be affected? Do you think you can completely put aside your responsibilities? Lizi already understood that when Kang Cheng saw that things were not good, he already had the idea of getting away from his own business. Lizi told him clearly that everyone was a grasshopper tied to a line. At this time, if you want to escape, there is no door.

Kang Cheng said, "Sister Liao, you misunderstood. I'm just talking about the matter. Do you think you want Liu Ju to come forward to suppress this matter?"

Liangzi bit his lip. Kang Cheng didn't know whether he was pretending to be confused or really confused. Since he knew that the other party was pointing at Liu Xiaozhong, he actually proposed to let Liu Xiaozhong come forward. At this time, it was too late for Liu Xiaozhong to hide. How could he show too much attention? Zangzi said, "Mr. Kang, reputation is very important to the service industry. I can say without exaggeration that reputation is even related to the survival of Huiyuan. What we need to do now is not to find out who is making trouble, but to find a way to suppress this matter as soon as possible and eliminate the bad impact."

Kang Cheng said, "I'm trying to figure it out!"

Zangzi said, "Mr. Kang, in fact, as long as Minister Kong comes out to say something, it should be very simple to calm down this matter." Kang Cheng said, "I contacted him."

At this time, Zong Wenjun came back with a happy face to return to them. The people of the Public Security Bureau had left, the reporters had also left a lot, and the remaining reporters had been invited to the teahouse by them.

Kang Cheng called his uncle again in front of Zongzi, mainly because he wanted Kong Yuan to come forward to the propaganda department and ask these news media not to talk nonsense. In the phone, Kong Yuan had no choice but to complain about him again.

When he saw that Kang Cheng's attitude towards dealing with things became proactive at this time, he knew that what he had just said had played a role. Kang Cheng realized that now is by no means the time to put aside the stakes. If Huiyuan's affairs are not handled well, it will damage to their common interests.

Kang Cheng put down the phone and said to Liangzi, "It shouldn't be a big problem. In terms of reporters, my uncle promised to do some work, but you have to come forward about the power system."

Sorghum nodded.

Kang Cheng said, "Sister Liang, who on earth did this?"

Sorghum didn't say anything.

Kang Cheng said, "Are you the two bastards of Zhang Yang and Qi Shan?" Li Zi said, "There is no evidence that they did it now, but Zhang Yang threatened to suspend Huiyuan's business. I think he should be the most suspected."

Kang Cheng gritted his teeth and said, "If I find out that he did it, I will never forgive him." Zha Zixin said that you just said harsh words. Nine times out of ten, this matter was done by Zhang Yang. There is Kongyuan behind you, but Zhang Yang's back is a little tougher than you. You can see it clearly. This matter is about the background. In the end, it may be the struggle between Kong Yuan and Song Huaiming. These things have nothing to do with Liangzi. What really bothers her is that, as Kang Cheng said, Zhang Yang's contradiction this time refers to her brother-in-law Liu Xiaozhong. Today's thing is to write on electricity. This matter can be big or small. If you can control the news media, the worst thing is to find someone to blame. Liu There is some loss, but if things are infinitely enlarged, I'm afraid it will be troublesome.

Sangzi left Kang Cheng's office with a lot of trouble. Without waiting for her to return to his office, he saw Zong Wenjun rushing over again. He said angrily, "Mr. Liao, Zhang Yang and Qi Shan are coming to dinner again."

When Li Zi heard the news, a pair of beautiful eyebrows suddenly frowned. The two were really ostentatious. At this time, they actually dared to come to Huiyuan for dinner, which was deliberately challenging their psychological limits.

Zong Wenjun said angrily, "Isn't this bullying?" He said, "Why did they bully you?"

Zong Wenjun said, "Who can't see it? Yesterday, I beat people, and today I got a group of people to make trouble. They did it all!" Liaozi said, "Did they beat people today?"

Zong Wenjun shook his head.

"If they come to eat and spend money, we have to take good care of it. If our service does not satisfy our guests, they have the right to complain about us."

Zong Wenjun said with a bitter face, "Mr. Liang, in my opinion, they are not eating. They are here to make trouble at all."

"So what?" Li Zi looked at Zong Wenjun and said, "Do your own part well. You don't have to think too much about other things.