Medical official path

Chapter 842 Under responsibility

Although Liu Xiaozhong is the boss of the Pinghai power system. However, compared with a large member like Du Tianye, his momentum is obviously much weaker. What's more, in Su Yuanyuan's affairs, he is wrong first. When he is at a loss, he always lacks confidence.

Du Tianye said, "I've heard about this matter. There is everything the outside world said. Some people say that it was Liu Ju who burned her."

Liu Xiaozhong shook his head in a hurry and said, "Secretary Du, don't get me wrong. I admit that I was there at that time, but this matter really has nothing to do with me."

Du Tianye said, "Liu Ju came here today to explain this to me?" Liu Xiaozhong said, "I don't want to affect our relationship because of this." Du Tianye smiled indifferently and said, "Liu and I have never been very familiar with each other." His meaning is obvious. I don't have much friendship with you.

Liu Xiaozhong was depressing continuously in front of Du Tianye, and he couldn't help but regret it. It seemed that the relationship between Du Tianye and Su Yuanyuan was really extraordinary. If he had known that he shouldn't have come here at all. Isn't he looking for something ugly?

Liu Xiaozhong said, "Secretary Du, I came here today to explain this matter. By the way, please apologize to Miss Su on my behalf."

Du Tianye smiled and said, "Su Yuanyuan is a tolerant and kind girl, but this does not mean that others can bully her. Director Liu, you also help me tell the contractor who burned her and let him stand up now. If you are a man, you have to take responsibility. If you do something wrong, you have to take responsibility for your actions Am I right?"

Liu Xiaozhong sighed and said, "I think so too, but I haven't contacted the contractor so far. I think he is probably afraid of taking responsibility and hiding. I'm really worried about this kind of person to hand over the power project to him." Du Tianye has been confirmed from Su Yuanyuan, that is, Liu Xiaozhong burned her. If Liu Xiaozhong admits this matter today, Du Tianye will probably not pursue this matter. After all, he doesn't have to chase and fight for a small matter, but Liu Xiaozhong still pushes the matter to others, which is irresible. How can people be the top leader of the Pinghai power system? Du Tianye scolded a bastard from the bottom of his heart! He is now beginning to understand why Zhang Yang hates Liu Xiaozhong so much. Du Tianye stopped talking. His cold attitude made Liu Xiaozhong restless. Soon Liu Xiaozhong got up and said goodbye.

After Liu Xiaozhong left the provincial government hostel, he was extremely depressed. He began to believe the rumors about the relationship between Du Tianye and Su Yuanyuan. If their relationship was not so close, Du Tianye would not be so angry for a woman.

Before returning to his car, Liu Xiaozhong received a phone call from Siaozi. His sister-in-law's voice was crying: "Bro-in-law, now the news media has made our Huiyuan stink. You have to think of a way, or Huiyuan will be finished like this." Liu Xiaozhong himself was full of thoughts. Hearing Sorghum's words, he was even more irritable. He said angrily, "Isn't there still Kang Cheng? He is the major shareholder. When the sky falls, he will support him!" Speaking of Kang Cheng, he couldn't help but be angry: "I can't find him anywhere. The phone is turned off, and I don't know where he went. He saw that the situation was not good, so he dodged at all. What a collection! There is no responsibility at all." Hearing the word responsibility, Liu Xiaozhong had a headache. He whispered, "If Huiyuan falls down, he will lose more than you."

Zhazi said, "He can afford it, I can't afford it, Huiyuan is what I do with all my money." Liu Xiaozhong was a little upset when he heard her nagging. He interrupted her impatiently and said, "I still have something else to do. Let's talk about it later. Also, don't call me if there is anything important recently." Li Zi said in astonishment, "What do you mean?"

Liu Xiaozhong said, "It's boring. Don't you think you've caused me enough trouble?" Liaozi said angrily, "Liu Xiaozhong, make it clear that who is causing trouble? If you hadn't seen that Su Yuanyuan was beautiful and provoked others, it would have attracted so many things? Are you human when you say that to me now? Are you responsible for it..."

Liu Xiaozhong quickly hung up the phone, gritted his teeth fiercely, and squeezed out a sentence from his teeth: "Bitch!" Then he raised his head and looked at the gray sun. The vicious curse could only vent the depression in his heart, which did not help the problem at all.

Liu Xiaozhong's attitude made him see his true face more and more clearly. At the critical moment, he can't count on this brother-in-law. He may be unable to protect himself as the mud bodhisattva crossing the river, so he is not in the mood to care about Huiyuan.

After thinking about it, she had to go to Kong Yuan, the minister of the provincial organization.

Kong Yuan is different from Kang Cheng. He did not choose to escape. In fact, he is in the position of the minister of the provincial organization, and there is no way to escape. In the face of Liangzi, Kong Yuan was still smiling, but there was no erotic element in his smile. Minister Kong's heart was bright. At this time, the wind direction has completely changed. Some advantages can be taken advantage of, and some advantages can be taken away even if they are sent to your door.

1 Liang Zijiao called Minister Kong.

Kong Yuan smiled and said, "Xiao sorghum, please sit down!" He pointed to the sand opposite, and the first thing he had to do was to wake up and show his attitude.

Sulcanzi is an extremely smart woman. From the first sentence of Kong Yuan's mouth, she realized that she might be wrong. She smiled and sat down on the sand. She raised her legs gracefully. At the moment she raised **, she noticed that Minister Kong's eyes lit up involuntarily, and then quickly dimmed with Liangzi's overlapping legs. Lizi cursed the old ** stick from the bottom of his heart, but the expression on his face was charming and gentle.

Kong Yuan saw the coquettishness of sorghum and felt a little hot between his legs. He had to admit that sorghum had an indescribable ** power to him. Kong Yuan picked up the teacup, drank a sip of water, and then swallowed his fresh saliva. Kong Yuan took out a kind tone: "

Sangzi said, "Minister Kong, do you have any news about Kang Cheng?"

Kong Yuan said, "Kang Cheng? I haven't seen him for a long time." Of course, he knew the purpose of his coming, and Kang Cheng suddenly steamed, which was what he did at his instruction.

Liangzi sighed and said, "Minister Kong, now Huiyuan is in big trouble, and Mr. Kang has disappeared at this juncture. I, a weak woman, don't know how to face such a scene."

Kong Yuan said, "Xiao sorghum, don't be nervous. Take your time, what's going on?"

Langzi scolded him thousands of times in his heart. This old man was typically shameless. After eating, he forgot it. Huiyuan had so many things. Kangcheng was his nephew, and he didn't know anything about what he could pretend. Li Zi complained in his heart, but he couldn't express it on his face. He said the matter briefly.

Kong Yuan is actually very clear in his heart. He pretended to be confused here. After saying that, he sighed, "There is really something wrong with your management of Huiyuan. How can you let the security guard hit the reporter?"

Sulcanzi said, "Minister Kong, I have investigated this matter. It is not done by our employees at all. Someone must have used this matter to frame us!"

Kong Yuan said, "What's the use of saying this kind of thing now? The bad social impact has been caused. I just don't understand why a hotel as big as Huiyuan wants to work on water and electricity?

Don't you know that such behavior will cause losses to the country? And your identity is very special. Do you know what consequences this will bring to Comrade Xiaozhong?

Zhazi said in a delicate voice, "Minister Kong, I regret it now, but I have done it if I don't do it. I have to be responsible for what I have done?" When she said this, she stared at Kong Yuan with a pair of wonderful eyes, and the charm just now had disappeared.

Kong Yuan heard the implication of sorghumous words. The woman was clearly threatening herself. Kong Yuan laughed and said, "Unexpectedly, Xiaoli, you are a responsible girl.

"Although Ligzi is not small, she is still just a girl in Kong Yuan's eyes.

Children always have childish points. When she said such words, she immediately alerted Kong Yuan.

Kong Yuan said, "Xiaoliang, you may not know how much trouble this electricity theft has brought to Comrade Xiaozhong. According to me, Comrade Xiaozhong's situation has not been very good recently!"

Liungzi couldn't help but be a little scared when she heard Kong Yuan say this. Her business has always been so smooth, relying on her brother-in-law Liu Xiaozhong's connections. If something happens to Liu Xiaozhong, her financial career will be cut off. Liangzi said, "Minister Kong, please help me. What do you think I should do now?"

Kong Yuan said, "Who got the matter of Huiyuan?"

Zangzi said, "Zhang Yang and Qishan!" Speaking of these two names, she hates them so much.

Kong Yuan said, "But I heard that Su Yuanyuan is the girlfriend of Du Tianye, Secretary of the Jiangcheng Municipal Party Committee. The reason why she really caused so many things is that some of Comrade Xiaozhong's behaviors have affected his relationship with Du Tianye."

Liangzi was silent. Now calmly recall that Su Yuanyuan is indeed the fuse of the whole thing. If Liu Xiaozhong hadn't provoked her, how could Zhang Yang have targeted Huiyuan?

Kong Yuan said, "Du Tianye has a good relationship with Zhang Yang. You should have learned Zhang Yang. You probably don't know Du Tianye well. He used to be the director of the Fifth Office of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and has considerable relationships and connections in the discipline inspection system. Recently, the Commission for Discipline Inspection has received a lot of reports against Speaking of this, Kong Yuan deliberately paused for a moment. He believed that with his understanding, he should understand that the real goal of publicity was to engage in Liu Xiaozhong.

Shuangzi said, "Minister Kong, will it be very troublesome?"

Kong Yuan said indifferently, "Everything in the world is relative, and the trouble is found by yourself. If you don't take the initiative to provoke him, how can the trouble find you?"

There should be another chapter tonight! Continue to code words, continue to vote!