Medical official path

Chapter 843 Looking for a way out

Liang Zi said: Mr. Qi, in the business, it's not too much for you to say so. I admit that Huiyuan's reputation has been affected, but it's not as unbearable as you said. The reason why I asked you to talk about this matter first is that I know that you have always been interested in Huiyuan. Hui The situation has always been good. Our software and hardware facilities are among the best in Dongjiang and even in the whole Pinghai. So it's not that I can't find any other buyers besides you. The reason why I choose to sell Huiyuan's shares now is not because Huiyuan itself is worthless, but because I'm physically and mentally exhausted now and don't want to play anymore.

Qi Shan came straight to the point: "How much does Miss Sorghum invest in Huiyuan?"

Sulcanzi said, "Fifty million!"

Qi Shan shook his head with a smile and said, "The real investment may not be so much. Some invisible things must have entered the cost."

Shouzi looked at him quietly. With Qi Feng's shrewdness, it was difficult to get a big bargain in today's transaction. She sighed softly and said, "Forty million, this is my bottom line."

Qi Shan said, "20 million, this price is much higher than your actual investment. If you don't agree, then find another buyer."

Sulcanzi said, "You are simply taking advantage of the fire to rob."

Qi Shan said, "I don't care. My main business is not here either."

Liuzi bit his lip: "Thirty million, it can't be lower!" She took the initiative to give in.

Qi Shan smiled and said, "Miss Sorghum is still looking for another buyer!" He stood up, took out his wallet and was ready to pay the bill, putting on a posture that he was not interested in talking to Liazi.

Liu Zi looked at him angrily, and her chest was constantly undulating. Although her total investment was not as much as 50 million, the price given by Qishan was too ridiculous, and his heart was fiercely fighting.

When Qi Shan said goodbye to her, Liang Zi finally decided to give in again: "If you can't do it, just forget it!"

Qi Shan smiled, sat down again opposite the opposite of sorghum, picked up the cup of hot tea that was still hot, and slowly tasted: "I have done some understanding of the situation of Huiyuan, sorghum

My sister's investment should be about 30 million yuan. You have taken a lot of dividends from it. Counting these 20 million and 50,000 yuan, you have not lost money.

Zunzi said, "Is there any loss to me in my heart!" She felt a pain in her heart.

Qi Shan smiled and said, "Miss Liang, with all due respect, your current situation is not good. I heard that the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection has launched an investigation into Liu Bureau, and the people around him will be more or less implicated."

Ligzi said stiffly, "What does this have to do with me? I do my own business without any illegal business.

Qi Shan smiled and slowly dropped the teacup on the table: "I'll weigh 30 million!"

Liu Zi was slightly stunned. He really couldn't understand this man. He was so cruel to bargain today. The reason was that he knew that Liu Xiaozhong had been reported. At present, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection had intervened in the investigation. If Liu Xiaozhong was really found to have a problem, he was likely to implicate him. It was For this reason, it has been negotiated for 250,000 yuan. Why did he give 50,000 more? Does he have a conscience?

Qi Shan said, "The extra 50,000 yuan is the transfer fee of the Blue Rubik's Cube nightclub. Miss Sorghum simply packed it and transferred it to me."

Sorghumz was so angry that his face turned pale. This guy was indeed an asshole. He not only fell in love with Huiyuan's shares, but also thought about his Blue Devil's Cube nightclub. But Sorghum's anger was just an instant thing that she quickly figured it out. At this moment, she may not be able to find a more The buyer. What she needs is time to realize everything on hand in the shortest time as soon as possible. As early as three years ago, she completed the immigration to New Zealand. As long as the money is in her own hands, she will have a chance in the future.

Qi Shan said, "Do you agree?"

Ryazi said, "When will the money arrive?"

Qi Shan said, "Tomorrow morning, I will remit the money to your account immediately after signing the contract, and it will never waste your time." Qi Shan has seen through that Zangzi is about to escape.

Zunzi nodded: "Okay! It's a deal!"

When Ligzi was busy with the retreat, Liu Xiaozhong, the director of the Provincial Electric Power Bureau, had been secretly double-regulated. Everything came very suddenly. Although Liu Xiaozhong had a hunch, he didn't expect everything to come so fast.

That night, Liu Xiaozhong was taken to the Chu Yun Hotel, where he received a question from Liu Yanhong, the leader of the investigation team.

Liu Xiaozhong's attitude is very arrogant. He believes that his affairs should not be interfered by the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. Liu Xiaozhong said, "Mr. Liu, is what you are doing now beyond your scope of authority?"

Liu Yanhong said, "Comrade Liu Xiaozhong, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection entrusted us to investigate your problem on your behalf. All measures against you have been approved by superiors in advance. Tomorrow, the special commissioner of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection will come to Pinghai to talk to you. You can say it now, or wait for the Central Your problem."

"What's wrong with me?" Liu Xiaozhong said coldly.

Liu Yanhong said, "Before talking about your personal problems, I must inform you of a few things. Zhang Qingfeng and Hu Guowei, power engineering contractors, are now under the control of the procuratorial organs. According to their reports, in the process of bidding for power engineering, they have bribed you, according to our preliminary information. Besides, the amount of bribes paid to you by the two of them alone is more than 50,000 yuan. Is this true?

"A line of nonsense! It's a malicious frame-up!" Liu Xiaozhong shouted loudly.

Liu Yanhong smiled and said, "We also hope that it is a false accusation. Although I work in the Commission for Discipline Inspection, I sincerely hope that each of our cadres are innocent. I hope that each of you can abide by the rules and be worthy of the trust of the Party and the people, but my experience tells me that the scum in our But there are endless things, Liu Xiaozhong, you can choose to say or not, but there is one thing I must tell you in advance that there is not enough evidence, and we will not take action against you.

Liu Yanhong's last words instantly defeated Liu Xiaozhong's tenacious will, and his head slowly hung down: "I have nothing to say!"

After Qishan and Lizi signed the transfer contract, he immediately transferred the money into Lizi's overseas account. From Liazi's behavior, it was not difficult for him to judge that she wanted to run away. At this point, Qishan was undoubtedly kind. He did not choose to fall into the well. When shaking hands with Lizi, Qishan smiled and Know when to meet.

Liaozi recognized his meaning and whispered, "Mr. Qi's benefits to me, I will always remember."

Qi Shan smiled and said, "I sincerely hope that what you said is not irony."

Ligzi shook his head: "Truth, although you killed me hard, you are still a principled person."

Qi Shan said, "Have a good trip! He stretched out his hand to Lizi.

Liuzi's lips moved. The man in front of him was so shrewd that he had guessed that he was going to run away. Liaozi shook hands with him and whispered, "Thank you!"

Zhang Yang didn't know the news that Liu Xiaozhong was double-regulated and that Zongzi ran away in time. He couldn't help blaming Qi Shan: "Since you know that Zongzi is going to run away, why do you still give her money?"

Qi Shan smiled and said, "I don't understand politics. I'm just a businessman. There are the principles of shopping malls in the mall. If you sign the contract, you have to abide by it. She transferred the shares to me. I pay according to the contract. It's natural. As for whether she will escape, why do you run away What does it have to do with me?"

Zhang Yang said, "There must be something wrong with Liangzi. If Liu Xiaozhong hadn't taken care of her secretly, how could he have accumulated so much wealth?"

Qi Shan said, "There are few clean officials, and few businessmen are clean, but they don't check. If you check, everyone will find out the problem. I'm fine now. It doesn't mean that everything I do is legal, just because others didn't check me."

Zhang Yang said, "You are a little self-akoned!"

Qi Shan smiled and said, "I only follow my own rules. As for who the other party is, I don't care what he does."

Zhang Daguan said, "You have no sense of social responsibility. If you escape with the money, our country's property will be outflowed."

"I didn't know she was going to escape!

Liu Xiaozhong's mouth was very strict. No matter how the task force interrogated, he did not implicate Liang Zi in this matter. Nevertheless, the amount of corruption he was verified to have reached an astonishing 230,000, and a number of officials of the Electricity Bureau were arrested because of the war.

At the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial Party Committee [Book] Qiao Zhenliang mentioned this matter. Qiao Zhenliang said, "We put the slogan of anti-corruption and integrity on our mouths all day long. I remind you again and again, but there are still people who have fallen in one after another. Money and beauty really I don't want to emphasize the responsibility and trust that each of us should bear. Everyone knows that it is difficult to be an official, but what about being a human being? Why don't some of our officials, after becoming officials, even the most basic people will do it? Destroy the most basic character a person should have? Even three years old

Children all know that stealing is shameful, but some of our cadres, who have been educated by the Party and the people for so many years, still have to reach out their hands to pay for the country and the people's. Don't they even understand the minimum shame in their hearts? Greed blinds the eyes, and greed blinds the heart.

When Qiao Zhenligao said this, he looked around the crowd and finally fell on Kong Yuan, the head of the organization. At this time, Kong Yuan also pretended to be solemn and sad. However, when he was stared at by Qiao Zhenxun's sharp eyes, his heart still trembled involuntarily, and a cold air came from his All the way up to the neck.