Medical official path

Chapter 851 Hope Son Jackie Chan Next

Lin Xiu had fought with Zhao Yongfu in the past. When he saw Zhao Yongfu coming, he couldn't help laughing and said, "Mr. Zhao, I didn't expect you to come to Jing'an to supervise the war in person!" She introduced Zhao Yongfu to her husband Xie Guozhong.

Zhao Yongfu shook hands with Xie Guozhong very enthusiastically: "Xie Bureau, I didn't expect your son to be so excellent. I watched the game all the way just now. Xie Xiaojun must be the future star of football."

Xie Guozhong said modestly, "It's not that powerful. It's just that he played very well today."

Zhao Yongfu said, "You two might as well think about it and let your son come to Taihong to play football. The welfare benefits will definitely be much better than here."

Zhang Yang said, "Mr. Zhao, it's time to poach openly!"

Zhao Yongfu looked at Zhang Yang and smiled faintly. He didn't expect to meet Zhang Yang here. This time, Zhao Yongfu performed much more generously than in the past. He took the initiative to reach out his hand to Zhang Yang. Zhang's official was still very open-minded to Zhao Yongfu. Although Zhao Yongfu had targeted him many times in the past, he lost his son after all. Although Zhao Guoliang was not killed by Zhang Yang, the car that killed him After shaking hands, Zhao Yongfu said, "Director Zhang did a good job in Dongjiang. I didn't expect you to have such a great interest in football."

Zhang Yang said, "I'm here to make trouble, not to watch the game!"

Zhao Yongfu nodded and turned his eyes to Chu Yanran. Lin Xiu introduced, "This is Miss Chu, the president of the American Benin consortium!"

Chu Yanran smiled and stretched out her hand and shook hands with Zhao Yongfu, "I have been looking forward to Mr. Zhao for a long time. Taihong has always been a model in the business community."

Zhao Yongfu smiled and said, "I have heard about the Benin consortium for a long time. I hope we can have the opportunity to cooperate in the future."

After the two sides broke up, Chu Yanran saw that the relationship between Zhang Yang and Zhao Yongfu was not very harmonious. After asking, she knew that Zhang Yang and the Zhao family had a holiday. Chu Yanran said, "That's the case, I won't cooperate with him."

Zhang Yang couldn't help laughing and said, "My relationship with him has nothing to do with your business."

Chu Yanran said, "I don't care. Anyway, whoever offends you offends me, Chu Yanran!"

Zhang Daguan couldn't help holding Chu Yanran's slender waist, and he couldn't help getting a wife like this.

Zhang Yang and Chu Yanran left the funeral on Monday morning. Since Margaret did not want to go to Dongjiang, the two of them temporarily changed their route. Chu Yanran proposed to give up the near and seek the distance. From Qingtai Mountain to Chunyang via Jingshan, she went there to visit Zhang Yang's mother, and then went to Dongjiang.

Zhang Yang also deeply agreed with this. In fact, Chu Yanran wanted to go to Qingtai Mountain and revisit the places where they used to know each other.

At dusk that day, Zhang Daguanren drove the Hummer on the mountain road of Qingtai Mountain, so he revisited the place. Chu Yanran hummed a brisk song, and Zhang Yang suddenly slowed down the speed: "Daughter, do you remember here?"

Of course, Chu Yanran remembers that this is the slow 18 plates of Heishanzi Township. In those years, she accidentally fell into the cliff because of racing here. It happened to save her from the cliff from the stinky Zhang Yang. The past was as clear as yesterday. In a blink of an eye, four years have passed and they have gradually become mature However, the feelings between them remain unchanged.

Chu Yanran held Zhang Yang's hand, leaned on his shoulder, and whispered, "If I hadn't met you that night, I'm afraid I would have died."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Maymon there will be a mountain man who saved you. You fell in love with him at first sight, and now you have become a mountain daughter-in-law."

Chu Yanran smiled and said, "You are from the mountains. In my opinion, you have always been the director of the Family Planning Office in Heishanzi Township."

Zhang Daguan corrected: "Destant Director!"

Thinking of the scene at the beginning, the two of them couldn't help but feel warm in their hearts. Chu Yanran said, "I really want to go to the place where you fought and lived in those years."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Okay!" He drove directly to Heishanzi Township. Today, Heishanzi Township has become one of the most economical townships in Chunyang County because of the tourism development of Qingtai Mountain. In the past, the potholed road has also been built into a straight and wide road. Many new buildings have been built on both sides of the road, most of which are hotels, because It is the off-season of tourism, so there are not many tourists here. The streets seem to be a little empty and deserted. The gate of the township government has also been renovated. The dilapidated township buildings in the past have also been demolished and rebuilt. The Heishanzi Township in front of them has become strange to them.

Zhang Yang's Hummer is still very eye-catching and has attracted the attention of many mountain people. Some people ran to the roadside to wave to them. This is not because someone recognizes Zhang Yang, but because they want to attract business.

Seeing the developing Heishanzi Township, Zhang Daguan was gratified and felt a little disappointed.

The two did not continue to stay in Heishanzi Township and chose to go directly to Chunyang.

Because Zhang Yang did not greet his family before, the arrival of him and Chu Yanran brought unexpected surprises to his family. Xu Lihua didn't come back from Dongjiang for a long time. Recently, he has been busy looking after Zhao Lijun and Yu Meilian.

Zhao Lijun and Yu Meilian have simply moved home to live since they gave birth to their son, which is often said to eat official meals to save private money.

When Zhang Yang and Chu Yanran came home, Xu Lihua was coaxing his grandson there. Seeing Zhang Yang and Chu Yanran entering the door, he excitedly stuffed the child into Zhao Tiesheng's hands.

Xu Lihua was not because of her son's excitement. She met in Dongjiang two days ago and didn't miss it to this extent. She came back because of Chu Yanran, and her future daughter-in-law came back from the United States. Chu Yanran called her aunt sweetly. Xu Lihua grabbed Chu Yanran's hand and loved it To this extent, she even prefers He Xinyan, who comes from a poor family, more in her heart. But since she and Zhao Tiesheng went to Dongjiang to meet Ding Zhaoyong's parents, she happened to meet Song Huaiming. Because of Song Huaiming's affinity, she had a great good impression on Chu Yanran, a girl. Xu His hand said, "Yanran, when did you come back from the United States? Don't say a word! Hurry up! It's cold outside. Hurry up and sit in the room!"

Zhang Yang carried his suitcase and then walked in.

Zhao Lijun and Yu Meilian also came out. Yu Meilian stared at the box in Zhang Yang's hand and thought about what gifts were in it.

Zhao Lijun was also very happy to see his brother coming back, grinning.

Zhao Tiesheng came over with the child in her arms. Chu Yanran knew that this was the son of the eldest brother and sister-in-law. She had prepared the red envelope in advance. She had always been generous. There were 2,000 US dollars in this red envelope. In fact, she wanted to give more, but Zhang Yang insisted on Tiesheng and his wife are spoiled. His sister-in-law Yu Meilian gave Zhang Yang a very bad impression, Taishiyu.

Although the red envelope was for the child, it was eventually handed over to Yu Meilian for safekeeping. Yu Meilian's market yu immediately showed it. She could actually open the red envelope in front of Chu Yuran. Looking at the twenty hundred-yuan dollars, she was a little stunned. After all, she had never seen the world. She had expected to But she doesn't know this kind of coin.

Zhang Yang was afraid that the woman would make jokes again. He quickly told her, "Sister-in-law, this is Yanran's gift for the child. It's US dollars. Don't treat it as RMB!"

"U.S. dollars!" Yu Meilian blinked her eyes, and then turned into two beautiful crescents: "Yanran, you're welcome. When you come home, it should be your sister-in-law to greet you. Why are you so polite?"

Chu Yanran smiled and said, "Sister-in-law, it's the first time I've seen my little nephew. Of course, I have to give him a gift."

Yu Meilian nodded repeatedly and said, "Yes, you are our Longlong's aunt! Then I'm not polite. I'll accept it on behalf of Long Long!"

Hearing what she said, Chu Yanran's beautiful face turned a little red.

Yu Meilian is envious of this future surname. She knows that Chu Yanran runs a large company abroad, and her father is also the governor of Pinghai Province. She dare not offend such a relative, and what she said is particularly sweet: "Yangran, haven't you eaten yet? My sister-in-law is going to cook for you.

My husband's father Zhao Tiesheng said, "Can you eat the food you cooked?"

Yu Meilian blushed with one sentence. If it hadn't been for the distinguished guest at home, she would have had to quarrel again. Zhao Tiesheng handed over the child to her: "You'd better look after the child. I'll cook with your mother!"

Chu Yanran said, "Uncle Zhao, don't be busy. I'll accompany my aunt to cook!"

Zhao Tiesheng is also quite kind to Chu Yanran: "Yanran, you are a distinguished guest of our family. How can you do it? You and Zhang Yang should rest. I'll cook with your mother!" Zhao Tiesheng said it smoothly.

Chu Yanran's blushed more and more. Xu Lihua stared at him and blamed Ran for talking nonsense. Although Chu Yanran and Zhang Yang were engaged, after all, they were not married and had not changed their words.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Mom, then I'll take a break!"

Yu Meilian pulled Chu Yanran to sit down on the sofa. It was really a rare enthusiasm. In fact, she was wondering whether Chu Yanran had brought her a gift from the United States.

At this time, the child cried again. Zhao Tiesheng called Yu Meilian to go back to the house to breastfeed. Yu Meilian had to go back. The couple entered the room. Yu Meilian stared at Zhao Tiesheng fiercely and said, "Shouting, shouting, shouting, you have to ask me to do anything. Can't you

Zhao Tiesheng smiled bitterly and said, "Milk, I don't have that thing."

Yu Meilian untied her clothes and stuffed one side of her chest into the child's mouth: "Tie Sheng, how much is 2,000 US dollars in RMB?"

Zhao Tiesheng said, "It's more than 10,000!"

"more than ten thousand!" Yu Meilian's face was full of surprise: "Tie Sheng, she is really rich! You said that she has so many gifts for her children. Will she also bring us some gifts?

Zhao Tiesheng couldn't help frowning when he heard this: "I said, why do you talk like that? My brother officially came to the door with his fiancee. Don't worry about other people's things.

"Oh, why are you pretending to be tall! I'm thinking about other people's things. Who made you in a way? If you have the ability, why don't you make more money back?

Zhao Tiesheng glanced at her and said, "I'm too lazy to talk to you!"