Medical official path

Chapter 856 Big Troubles

Qiao Pengju finally called and caused such a big trouble. He didn't dare to face his father and grandfather. He called his sister Qiao Mengyuan. When Qiao Mengyuan heard her brother's voice, her eyes turned red: "Brother, where are you? Why turn off the phone? Why do you do this? Do you know that the whole family is worried about you?

Qiao Pengju's voice was a little hoarse: "Mengyuan, I'm fine. I'm not in Hong Kong, and I can't go back to China. I can't go back until this matter subsides."

Qiao Mengyuan said with tears, "Brother, what happened? You say it, I can help you, and our whole family can help you.

Qiao Peng raised, "Weng Liangyu, the bastard, put me together. Someone behind him instructed that this matter was not aimed at me, but our Qiao family." Qiao Pengju was calm, and the sudden blow did not make him confused.

Qiao Mengyuan had guessed this soon after this incident, but Qiao Pengju realized that it was too late, the overall situation had been completed, and he was already deeply involved in the situation.

Qiao Mengyuan said, "Brother, where are you?"

Qiao Peng said, "Mengyuan, I can't tell you. Don't try to find my whereabouts. I still have a way out. I'll be fine. Help me say sorry to grandpa and dad."

Qiao Mengyuan said, "Brother, I'll help you pay back the money you owe. I'm sure you can pay it back."

Qiao Peng said, "They didn't come for money. Weng Liangyu and I have always had one more mind. The financial power was controlled by me. It was precisely because of his trust in me that he confused me. I didn't expect that he didn't come for money at all. He just set up a trap to get me into it. Now the bribery has nothing to do with me at all. He did everything. I did attend their meetings several times, but I don't know anything about his bribery.

Qiao Mengyuan said, "Brother, anything can be solved."

Qiao Peng raised, "Mengyuan, I will find a way to solve the leak I made, and I will find a way to find Weng Liangyu and force him to tell the truth!"

Qiao Mengyuan said, "Brother, don't continue to take risks. You can't have an accident!"

Qiao Peng smiled indifferently and said, "Mengyuan, our Qiao family is not so easy to be knocked down. Remind Dad that there must be someone else who really wants to deal with our Qiao family, and let him be more careful." After saying that, Qiao Peng hung up the phone.

Qiao Mengyuan held the phone and heard the busy sound from her mobile phone, and tears fell. Although she had always been very strong, this time the big brother who loved her the most had an accident. Although the eldest brother was radical and adventurous, he always cared for himself. Qiao Mengyuan thought that he was taking a huge risk at this moment. Hiding in the east, my heart can no longer be stable.

Qiao Zhenliang sat in the living room. Meng Chuanmei passed by him with a blank face and walked to the Buddhist hall that belonged to her, as if she had not seen the existence of Qiao Zhenliang at all.

After she passed by, Qiao Zhenliang finally couldn't help saying, "Have you seen me?"

Meng Chuanmei ignored him and continued to move forward. Qiao Zhenliang shouted, "Do you know that something happened at home? Do you know that your baby son made a big leak?

Meng Chuanmei finally stopped and said indifferently, "Is it serious?"

Qiao Zhenliang walked over, grabbed Meng Chuanmei's arm, suddenly hid the rosary in her hand, and then tried his best to tear it off the rosary, and the scattered beads burst everywhere.

Meng Chuanmei bowed silently and picked it up one by one.

Qiao Zhenliang said sadly, "Why did you become like this? Why do you ignore this family? What's wrong with you since I married you?

Meng Chuanmei knelt on the ground and carefully looked for the lost rosary. Her expression was indifferent and calm, and her mood was not affected in any way. After picking up all the rosary beads, she held them in her hand and walked to the Buddhist hall, put them on the offering table, knelt on the futon and worshipped respectfully, recited the Buddhist scriptures silently, and prayed for the Buddha's understanding.

Qiao Zhenliang strode in and grabbed the incense burner on the table.

Meng Chuanmei realized what he wanted to do. Her nerves were stimulated and screamed to stop Qiao Zhenliang.

Qiao Zhenliang held the incense burner in his hand, and his always kind face showed unprecedented violence, roaring like a beast: "I'm going to smash all this, I'm going to let you come back to reality!"

Meng Chuanmei grabbed his hands: "You smash me to death, you smash me first!"

Qiao Zhenliang said, "If I wanted to kill you, I should have killed you 27 years ago!"

Meng Chuanmei's pupils dilated sharply because of fear. She shook her head hard and said crazily, "You are a hypocrite. You hate me, and you have always hated me."

"If I hate you, why should I endure so many years of humiliation!" The muscles of Qiao Zhenliang's face twitched violently because of pain, which made his expression more and more terrible.

Meng Chuanmei said, "Because you have to take care of the reputation of your Qiao family. You don't have feelings in hand, but you care about your career. Your Qiao family cares about your face. Therefore, you can play a good husband in front of people, live with someone you don't love at all for more than 20 years, and you It's really difficult for you to play a kind father. You have played for 27 years. Whenever Mengyuan calls your father, is your heart dripping blood..."

"Sit, shut up!" Qiao Zhenliang lost his mind in an instant. He raised his hand and slapped Meng Chuanmei in the face, making Meng Chuanmei fall to the ground. Then he picked up the incense burner and smashed the Buddha statue in front of him with all his strength. The Buddha statue was broken in response to the sound, and the incense ash floated His face was full of indescribable sadness. He seemed to hear the movement behind him. He turned around and saw his tearful daughter standing outside the door. At this moment, Qiao Zhenliang's heart was completely broken. He lost his composure and said, "Mengyuan..."

Qiao Mengyuan covered her lips and shook her head while crying. What she had just heard made her world collapse in an instant, and she ran outside for the rest of her life.

Qiao Zhenliang shouted his daughter's name and chased her out.

Meng Chuanmei knelt there and tried to gather the fragments of the Buddha statue together. Inadvertently, the skin of her fingers was cut, and the red blood flowed out, mixed with the falling ash, and drew a shocking pattern.

Qiao Mengyuan didn't know how to escape from her home. Her mind was empty. She clearly heard her parents' dialogue. If time could turn back, she would rather not appear outside the Buddhist hall. When people are in great pain, they always want to find a place to escape, but Qiao Mengyuan But I don't know where I'm going to escape? The world is so big, where should she go?

Qiao Mengyuan just lowered her head and almost crashed into the car in front of her. Fortunately, the other party stepped on the brake in time. Qiao Mengyuan, who was full of tears, raised her eyes. She saw Zhang Yang and Chu Yanran in the car.

Zhang Yang has never seen such an expression on Qiao Mengyuan, so sad and desperate.

Qiao Mengyuan wanted to escape, but Zhang Yang grabbed her arm.

Chu Yanran also got out of the car. Although she and Qiao Mengyuan were not very familiar with each other, seeing Qiao Mengyuan's expression immediately aroused her inner sympathy. Chu Yanran said softly, "Mengyuan, don't cry. If you have anything to say to us."

Qiao Mengyuan fell feebly into Chu Yanran's arms and sobbed in a low voice on her shoulder.

Zhang Yang raised his eyes and looked at the position of the Qiao family. He saw Qiao Zhenliang and saw the deep pain and sadness hidden in the eyes of the secretary of the provincial party committee. Zhang Yang pointed to Qiao Mengyuan and patted her chest again. Through such an action, he told Qiao Zhenliang that he would take good care of Qiao Mengyuan.

Qiao Zhenliang nodded. He wanted to smile, but he couldn't laugh in any way.

Looking at Zhang Yang and Chu Yanran persuaded Qiao Mengyuan into the car and drove away from the family home of the Provincial Party Committee, Qiao Zhenliang's mood was a little calmer. An official who passed by his door greeted respectfully, "Secretary Qiao!"

Qiao Zhenliang barely smiled, and his heartbeat gradually returned to the rhythm of the past. He realized that he still had to live a strong life and had to continue to live with a mask.

Qiao Zhenliang returned to the Buddhist hall and saw that his wife had gathered the broken Buddha statues together, trying to put the Buddha statue back to the shape of the past. With the faint light, Qiao Zhenliang saw the long-lost tears in Meng Chuanmei's two tools.

Qiao Zhenliang said coldly, "The broken things can never be returned to the complete shape. No matter what you do, you will lose both sides in the end."

Meng Chuanmei smiled with tears and smiled very palely. She said word by word, "Qiao Zhenliang, I want to divorce you!"

Qiao Zhenliang nodded slowly and said, "Whatever, you always remember one thing for me. My son is mine, and my daughter is also mine. If you dare to take Mengyuan away, I will let you repay everything you owe me in the past 27 years! I will make you pay a miserable price for what you said you did.

Tears slowly slid down Meng Chuanmei's pale and snowy face. Drop by drop fell to the ground, and the ash that had just calmed down rose again. She whispered, "My love for my children is not inferior to you. If it hadn't been for Pengju, I would have left this house long ago. I admit I play the role of a wife for you. In the past 27 years, you have insulted me and tortured me all the time. I've had enough. Even if it's a punishment, I've put up with it! Mengyuan doesn't belong to you. You don't love her at all. You want to put your hatred on her. You have to let my daughter continue to accept this kind of torture.

"Shut up!" Qiao Zhenliang roared. He was like a roaring lion, pointing to Meng Chuanmei's forehead: "Remember, Mengyuan is my daughter. No one can take her away from Qiao's house!"

Meng Chuanmei looked at him quietly: "Do you care? What you care about is your reputation, the honor of the Joe family, and anything else. Do you care?

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