Medical official path

Chapter 859 Bullets loaded

Sun Yuanxin said that don't laugh at the old monk. Your son is more chaotic than my son. He whispered, "The matter of Huiyuan has been clearly made clear. All the right and wrong are made by sorghum. Kang Cheng is just an investor, and all the evidence is there."

The smile on Qiao Zhenli's face suddenly converged and said coldly, "Do you need evidence?"

Kong Yuan was excited from the bottom of his heart, not bad! Do you need evidence? If he is determined to deal with himself, he doesn't need evidence at all. After being immersed in the officialdom for so many years, why did he forget such a simple truth? Kong Yuan's back was suddenly wet with cold sweat. He began to realize that the trouble was big. Qiao Zhenseng's trouble was brought by his son, but his son's trouble was brought to his son. Kong Yuan was fighting fiercely in his heart.

There was no smile on Qiao Zhenli's face. He still sat there, but Kong Yuan felt that there was a sense of being wrapped around him. He realized that it was the murderous spirit from Qiao Zhenli. If Qiao Zhenxun really wants to deal with him, he will not give him a chance to speak. The reason why he can still stand here until now is that he still has the value of being used.

Kong Yuan understood that the reason why Qiao Zhenliang attacked Kang Cheng was that he wanted to force himself to say the main messenger behind him. If he cooperates, Kang Cheng may be able to avoid this trouble. If he insists on not saying anything, then Kong Yuan almost dares not continue to think about it.

Qiao Zhenlige had seen the change in his heart from Kong Yuan's expression. Qiao Zhenli's eyes fell on the wall clock on the wall. In this way, he reminded Kong Yuan that there was not much time left for him, and he did not have much patience.

Kong Yuan's mouth moved and whispered, "Kang Cheng will be fine, right?"

The corners of Qiao Zhenliang's lips showed some contempt. At this time, Kong Yuan was still thinking about negotiating with himself. Why don't you think about it? Are you qualified to negotiate with me?

Qiao Zhensang's silence made Kong Yuan quickly realize this. He lowered his head and said after a while, "I have seen Vice Wen [General] before. He is very concerned about Pinghai's affairs."

Qiao Zhenli's sharp eyes stared at Kong Yuan's eyes as if he wanted to penetrate his heart.

Kong Yuan said again, "Guncil Governor Song and I have a common view on many issues." Although Kong Yuan didn't say much, he revealed a lot of information to Qiao Zhensiao, and this information is exactly what Qiao Zhensiao is most concerned about. Is the mastermind behind the scenes really Wen Guoquan? As for Song Huaiming?

The office fell into a long silence. After a long time, Kong Yuan called Qiao [book] in a low voice.

Qiao Zhenli said, "From today on, you don't have to participate in the standing committee. You know what to do."

Kong Yuan nodded silently. Qiao Zhenliga's meaning was obvious. He would not leave himself at the highest power core of Pinghai. Whether Kong Yuan himself went to the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection to explain the situation or Qiao Zhenliga reported him and left it to Kong Yuan to decide.

Kong Yuan is really concerned about Kang Cheng's problem, but he knows in his heart that Qiao Zhenliang may not be open to Kang Cheng's net, and everything depends on the development of the matter.

Kong Yuan left the office of the Provincial Party Committee in frustration.

Although Qiao Zhenli had obtained what he wanted and slapped Kong Yuan in the face, he did not have any pleasure of victory. Kong Yuan was just an insignificant pawn, and whether to cut it off the result of the battle did not have much impact. If everything Kong Yuan said was true, the means of Wen Guoquan were too sinister. He took Qiao Pengju as a breakthrough to deal with the Qiao family, but this time the opportunity was artificially created, and Qiao Zhenx fell into deep anger.

Not long after Kong Yuan left, Mr. Qiao called. He called to ask if he had any news about his grandson. Qiao Zhenli picked up the phone and heard his father's voice. He immediately realized that his father was not just asking Peng Ju's situation. He whispered, "Dad, don't worry, I have nothing to do here." Qiao Lao's voice was still so stormy: "I heard that Chuanmei hasn't been home for a few days?"

Qiao Zhenliang guessed that Shi Wei must have said something in front of the old man about his divorce from Meng Chuanmei. Wei didn't know that it should not be transmitted to the old man, but the little girl who has been living at home recently will definitely notice some differences.

Qiao Zhenli said, "Dad, for the sake of Pengju, we have some unhappiness. Recently, she went to the temple to recite scriptures and pray for blessings." Mr. Qiao said, "What's the use of chanting and praying? I've already told you to communicate well. It's not a way to go on like this. Qiao Zhensiao repeatedly said yes.

Mr. Qiao said, "Do you have any idea about Pengju?" Qiao Zhenxun did not hide it in front of his father and told him everything he had just asked from Kong Yuan.

Mr. Qiao said, "Zhung, his words may not be credible. Many things are often not clearly seen by those who are in it. You should understand this truth." Speaking of this, he paused for a moment and whispered, "You'd better take time to come to the capital and explain the situation of Pengju."

Qiao Zhenling chewed an unusual meaning from his father's words. Going to the capital to explain the situation may not only mean the old man, but also the need between father and son. Qiao Zhenxun said, "Dad, I can't leave now!"

Mr. Qiao said, "When the big wave hits, there is no need to stand up. Not everyone can stand on the top of the wind and waves. As long as you cross it safely, what if you get wet?"

Qiao Zhenli said, "I'll go!"

"Very good!" After saying that, Joe hung up the phone.

Qiao Zhenliga stood up slowly. He walked to the window and thought for a long time before he picked up the phone and called Governor Song Huaiming: "Huaiming! Let's have lunch together!"

Provincial Party Committee [Book] It is rare to have a working meal with the governor. Although it is the same four dishes and one soup, their meal is specially made by the chef. In fact, there are not many opportunities for the two Pinghai bosses to have a working meal.

When the two of them were eating, they talked about family affairs. Qiao Zhenliang even proposed to have time another day, and the two families would get together. Song Huaiming nodded with a smile, but he understood in his heart that Qiao Zhenliang was just talking. With the current state of the Qiao family, it is impossible to be in the mood to have a family Zhen Liang's wife Meng Chuanmei has become a monk, but this matter has not been confirmed. Song Huaiming looked at Qiao Zhenshang, who was talking and laughing, and guessed that maybe Qiao Zhenshang was the only one who didn't know about this matter.

Qiao Zhenliung said, "I had a good talk with Kong Yuan in the morning!"

Song Huaiming didn't know what Qiao Zhenshang and Kong Yuan were talking about. He smiled and said, "I heard that Minister Kong suddenly fell ill!" I know in my heart that Kong Yuan's sudden illness must have a lot to do with Qiao Zhensui. Although Song Huaiming was very interested in what the two talked about, he knew that he could not ask. In fact, even if he didn't ask, Qiao Zhenliou should have said it.

Qiao Zhenligo said, "He is mentally ill!" Speaking of this, he glanced at Song Huaiming: "Huaiming, do you know what I admire most?"

Song Huaiming smiled and said, "Qiao [Book] Remember that there are more highlights worth learning."

Qiao Zhenliga smiled and said, "Three people must be my teacher. Even Kong Yuan has something worth learning, don't you think?"

Song Huaiming's heart sank slightly. Qiao Zhensang's words were equivalent to making a conclusion for Kong Yuan. The real reason for Kong Yuan's illness was that he made a mistake. Song Huaiming remembered that not long ago, Kong Yuan openly jumped out and sang a show with Qiao Zhensang at the Standing Committee. Is it because of that incident that angered Qiao Zhensiao? Song Huaiming still knows Kong Yuan very well. Since Kong Yuan came to Pinghai as the Minister of Organization, he has done things exquisitely on all sides, and the relationship in all aspects is good. To be fair, Kong Yuan's work ability is still worth affirming. He has a certain vision in the selection and appointment of cadres, but this does not mean that Song Huai Ming appreciates people like Kong Yuan. If he sets up the leadership team of Pinghai, he will definitely exclude Kong Yuan. Song Huaiming smiled indifferently and said, "Everyone has something worth learning. Qiao [Book] is right." On the surface, it sounds like he agrees with Qiao Zhensorghum, but in fact, he does not agree with Kong Yuan.

Qiao Zhenli said, "I can't do it when I'm old. As I talk, I'm off the topic. I find that my recent energy is not as good as before, and I often can't grasp the main things when looking at problems."

Song Huaiming smiled and said, "Qiao [Book] is too modest. You are our backbone. If you say so, we will not be able to grasp the direction.

Qiao Zhenli said, "It's getting farther and farther, it's still the topic just now, Huai Ming, do you know what I admire most?"

Song Huaiming shook his head.

Qiao Zhenli said, "What I admire most is your education of your children."

Song Huaiming laughed and said, "Qiao [Book], I don't have any credit in this regard. My son hasn't learned to walk yet. Speaking of my daughter, Yanran has not been with me since she was a child. She has always been taken care of by her grandparents. Speaking of this matter, I feel guilty."

Qiao Zhenliung said, "Do you know about my son?"

Song Huaiming nodded. Since Qiao Zhenlio took the initiative to talk about this matter, he could not avoid talking about it. Song Huaiming said, "Young people lack consideration and value what is in front of them too much, so it is easy to be used by the outside world** and by some people with ulterior motives."

Qiao Zhenliang sighed and said, "It's me, who didn't do it well as a father. If I had been strict with my children at ordinary times, such a thing would not have happened. It's too late to regret now."

Song Huaiming said, "The children of cadres are a huge group to do business. In fact, it is difficult to completely put an end to this matter.

Qiao Zhenxun said, "You did a good job."

Song Huaiming said, "It's just a fluke. If Yanran has always lived with me, if she chooses to do business when she grows up, as a father, I have no right to interfere with her. Qiao [Book] To be honest, if that's the case, I may not be able to do better than you."