Medical official path

Chapter 884 No Choice Next

Zhou Xingguo also slipped to their side and smiled!" I have some business in North Korea. Since last year, I have imported anthracite from them. They have a lot of scammers. At the beginning, I was also cheated out of a sum of money. First, I have to be bold to do business there. Second, I have to be kind-hearted. If I am cheated, I have the right to donate With a tail, funds need constant investment. I wanted to make a deal, but I couldn't settle the goods intermittently, so it was delayed until this year, but it doesn't matter. If you really find the trick, the profit is still not small. Well, when you leave, I'll arrange for the business partners over there to receive you!"

Zhang Daguanren sighed and said, "When you say so, how do I feel that I'm going to a place where people come out of the poor mountains and rivers?"

Zhou Xingguo laughed and said, "It's not true. The national conditions are different, and the folk customs are naturally different. After long-term political education, their ideological realm is different from ours."

Zhang Yang said, "Aren't they all socialist countries? How can there be such a big difference?"

Xu Jianji said, "It's different. Their road has completely entered a dead end, closed and self-righteous. In today's era, there is no development without opening up."

Xue Weitong praised, "Second brother, your words are becoming more and more like an official."

Xu Jianji smiled and said, "I have eaten a lot at home these two days, and I have been brainwashed by my family."

His words caused another burst of laughter.

At this time, Zhang Yang received a phone call from Qiao Mengyuan. She has helped Zhang Yang solve the problem of going to North Korea through the relationship, and she will be able to handle it tomorrow morning.

There is no need to say that thank you to Qiao Mengyuan. He and Qiao Mengyuan came here after breaking up on the streets of Chang'an. Unexpectedly, Qiao Mengyuan went back to help her go to North Korea. She knows what you need. Even if you don't open your mouth, she will do her best for you. Qiao Mengyuan shows However, it was Zhang Yang's confidant. She knew Zhang Yang's temperament and knew that she could not make him change his idea of going to North Korea to save people, so what she could do was to try her best to create conditions for him and promote the early completion of his operation.

Zhang Yang knows that his trip is extremely delicate. If he doesn't handle it properly, it may cause diplomatic trouble, so he doesn't want too many people to know the real purpose of the trip. The one who really knows the inside story is Zhang Bijun, and the other is Qiao Mengyuan. Zhang Bijun has given up on Lifu. Except for the video and a little information, she has not provided any help to Zhang Yang. If she really wants to help Zhang Yang, it is a piece of work for her to go to go to North Korea, but Zhang Bijun did not do so, which proves that she wants to put aside herself and this matter. I don't want to get involved in trouble. In fact, Zhang Yang doesn't want to rely too much on Zhang Bijun. In his heart, he has never been able to trust Zhang Bijun. Even this time, it is difficult for him to be sure whether it is a trap. But what if it's a trap? Liv plays an extremely important role in his heart. Knowing that Liv is in trouble, he has no choice but to go to the rescue.

Holding the phone, Zhang Yang didn't know what he should say to Qiao Mengyuan. After a while, he said, "Don't tell others about this." Although even he himself felt that this sentence was a little superfluous.

Qiao Mengyuan whispered, "Don't worry, I know what to do. Zhang Yang, you should be careful. This matter is very **. Try not to cause too much impact."

Zhang Yang nodded: "I know it in my heart."

Qiao Mengyuan said, "I'll pick you up at nine o'clock tomorrow morning."

Zhang Yang has a lot of um.

Qiao Mengyuan said, "How many days are you going to go?"

Zhang Yang said, "One week, if it goes well, I should be able to come back within a week. I said the same thing to others, just saying that I accompanied my friends to North Korea to do business.

Qiao Mengyuan said, "I'll wait for you!"

Zhang Yang couldn't see Qiao Mengyuan's shy expression at this time, but he was deeply moved by Qiao Mengyuan's words and whispered, "I will definitely come back safely!"

Wu Dezhi and Zhao Tiantian arrived in the capital at four o'clock in the morning on the second day of the lunar new year. After receiving Zhang Yang's phone call, they put down everything and rushed over by train. Because of the heavy snow in the north of the country, many airports were closed and the expressway was temporarily closed. Their only mode of transportation It is not difficult to buy train tickets during the Spring Festival.

Zhang Yang has been waiting for them. Wu Dezhi and Zhao Tiantian walked into Zhang Yang's suite in the Beijing office with wind and snow. After Zhao Tianian entered the door, he couldn't stand the spring temperature. His nose itched and sneezed several times in a row.

Wu Dezhi took off his coat and smiled at Zhang Yang: "What happened?"

Zhang Yang did not greet them much, but directly showed them the video of Liv being tortured.

Although Wu Dezhi and Lifu are in Guoan, he has not had any contact in the past. He whispered, "Who gave you this video?"

Zhang Yang told the beginning of the matter to Wu Dezhi, Wu Dezhong!" With a video alone, it is difficult to conclude that she fell into the hands of a North Korean soldier. Aren't you worried that this is a trap?

Zhang Yang said, "The nightingio has been missing for a long time, and I have been looking for her whereabouts." Wu Dezhi and Zhao Tiantian looked at each other. Both of them knew that Zhang Yang had made up his mind to go to North Korea, and no one could stop him.

Wu Dezhi said, "Well, let's first identify whether this video is true."

At seven o'clock in the morning, under the collaborative work of the three of them, the preliminary analysis of the current data was finally completed. Zhao Tiancai is good at computers. Wu Dezhi himself has worked in the national security technical department for many years. The results of their joint analysis are quite professional. Through the preliminary determination, this video should come from North Korea. Several soldiers in the video speak standard Korean language, and their military uniforms and equipment have no doubts.

Zhang Yang said, "I have to go to North Korea to save her"...

Wu Dezhi smiled and said, "I have nothing to do in my spare time. I don't mind going with you."

He knew that the purpose of Zhang Yang's call for himself was not to help analyze the material. Since leaving Guoan, Wu Dezhi's career and feelings have both fallen into a trough. Life is no longer of much significance to him. He has already put life and death aside. When he heard that Zhang Yang was going to North Korea, he was the first to ask Ying to accompany him. In the depths of Wu Dezhi's heart, he still owes Give him back the opportunity.

Zhao Tiantian said, "Have you ever thought that this is a trap? Will Zhang Bijun deliberately release a fake video to harm you?

In fact, Wu Dezhi also has doubts about this aspect. Recently, the interior of Guoan is not peaceful, and there are problems with intelligence organizations in many places. The rumor that Guoan has traitors has caused panic. Wu Dezhi's withdrawal is also attributed to dissatisfaction with some of the organization's practices. But he couldn't figure it out. As Zhang Bijun in Guoan, she should not have to spend so much energy to set up a trap to deal with Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang said, "To be honest, I also suspect that this matter may be fake."

Wu Dezhi and Zhao Tiantian looked at Zhang Yang strangely. Zhao Tiantian said, "You mean, do you doubt Zhang Bijun?"

Zhang Yang said, "The key to the problem is that she points all the blame on Xing Chaohui. With my understanding of Xing Chaohui, I always feel that he doesn't look like a bad person."

Wu Dezhi said, "Sometimes the good and bad of people can't be seen from the surface."

Zhang Yang said, "So I have to verify it myself."

Wu Dezhi suddenly understood that there was another meaning for Zhang Yang's insistence on going to North Korea this time. He wanted to personally verify whether this trip to North Korea was a trap and what kind of person Zhang Bijun was! Such behavior is undoubtedly full of adventurous factors. Wu Dezhi said, "Have you ever thought that if this time is really a trap, then the person who set the trap will not give you a chance to escape?"

Zhang Daguan said confidently, "That depends on whether he has the ability or not!"

He stood up and stretched out and said, "It's time to eat some West. I'm going to North Korea today." Zhao Tiantian said, "I'll go too. I'm idle. I'll go to North Korea to see their white mountains and black waters. What's the difference between them and ours?"

Zhang Yang looked at the two of them and said, "It's okay to go, but you have to promise me one thing. You just need to help with the logistics work, fight and kill the enemy, and go deep into the enemy's back. I'll do it myself!"

Zhao Tianian smiled and said, "I'm afraid of death, and with my skills, if I really accompany you deep into the tiger's den, it will only be a burden, no problem!" With the help of Qiao Mengyuan, Zhang Yang and the other two successfully completed the formalities to North Korea on the morning of the second day of the lunar new year. Qiao Mengyuan also prepared tickets for them at noon that day. The snow had stopped, and the snow sweeper at the Capital International Airport was busy, and the flight to Pyongyang was delayed for an hour and a

Qiao Mengyuan personally sent them to the airport, when Zhao Tiantian and Wu Dezhi went to check their luggage.

Qiao Mengyuan called Zhang Yang aside, and her beautiful eyes were full of worry. She handed an address book to Zhang Yang: "There is the address and communication method of General Li Yinri in North Korea. He is an old friend of my grandfather. If you are in trouble or need help there, you can find him directly. "

Zhang Yang smiled and put away the address book. He and Li Yinri had known each other for a long time. In fact, Li Yinri still owed him a lot of favor. At the beginning, Qiao Lao came forward to ask him to see a doctor for Li Yinri. If he hadn't taken action, Li Yinri would have gone to see the Lord Because of the reason that Mr. Qiao especially emphasized, Zhang Yang did not tell others, and even Qiao Mengyuan did not know the origin of him and Li Yinri.

Zhang Yang said, "Help me keep it secret."

Qiao Mengyuan said, "Be careful when you get there. North Korea is very vigilant."

(To be continued