Medical official path

Chapter 885 This is Pyongyang

Zhang Yang said with a smile!" Don't worry, I don't like to make trouble.

"It's weird!" When Qiao Mengyuan said this, she didn't know why her nose was a little sore and her eyes turned red.

Zhang Yang said, "Okay, don't make it like life and death."

"Don't talk nonsense!" Qiao Mengyuan was afraid to hear this word.

Zhang Yang squeezed his lips and said, "I'll be back soon!"

Qiao Mengyuan said, "Keep in touch with me at any time. If you encounter problems that can't be solved, call back immediately."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Is there any problem in the world that can embarrass me?"

Qiao Mengyuan opened her handbag and handed him a scarf knitted by herself: "It's cold over there, put it on!"

Zhang Yang held the scarf, and a warm current in his heart was clearing. He had the impulse to hold Qiao Mengyuan in his arms and kiss her cherry lips fiercely. However, in public, Zhang finally restrained himself and did not take practical actions.

Qiao Mengyuan seemed to see through his thoughts, and her pretty face was slightly red. She whispered, "You must come back safely. There are some things I want to say to you."

Zhang Yang said, "Why don't you say it now?"

Qiao Mengyuan shook her head. Zhao Tian and Wu Dezhi had completed the formalities in the distance and came this way side by side. Qiao Mengyuan sorted out her emotions: "One week, come back as soon as possible!"

As soon as Zhao Tiantian boarded the Air China plane, he covered the blanket and fell asleep. He didn't sleep almost all night last night. He was quite tired.

Zhang Yang and Wu Dezhi sat together. Neither of them was too casual. Wu Dezhi whispered, "When I was at the airport just now, I saw several suspicious people."

Zhang Yang wrapped the blanket tightly, found three more comfortable positions to lean down, and smiled and said, "I'm afraid this trip will not be peaceful.

Wu Dezhi yawned and said, "It's all in your mind. If you don't make trouble, we will be peaceful."

Zhang Yang laughed.

Wu Dezhi said, "Qiao Mengyuan is good to you!"

Zhang Yang said, "I can't help it. Many girls are very good to me."

"It's so arrogant! Do you feel very good that so many people care about you?

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "You're not bad!"

Wu Dezhi coughed awkwardly. Of course, he knew who Zhang Yang was referring to. Since he was disfigured in the explosion, Wu Dezhi began to escape from Tong Xiuxiu's feelings. Although he knew that he had not forgotten her until now, he hurriedly changed the topic and said, "I haven't slept all night. I'm Cheer up, I'll take a nap for a while and call me when I get to Pyongyang!"

Zhang Guanren looked at him and closed his eyes and pretended to sleep to ignore his own Wu Dezhi. He couldn't help shaking his head with a wry smile. He asked what love in the world is. Tong Xiuxiu and Wu Dezhi clearly fell in love with each other, but the two had to face such a reality. What they loved deeply in their It was because he was afraid of dragging Tong Xiuxiu down that Wu Dezhi chose to give up.

Zhang Yang thought of Qiao Mengyuan. During this period, Qiao Mengyuan was not maintaining a distance from herself, but when she was in trouble, Qiao Mengyuan still showed her concern for him for the first time. The real feelings were not transferred by will.

Wu Dezhi beside him has made a slight snoring sound. Yesterday, it took him and Zhao Tiantian more than ten hours to get to the capital, but they didn't get a rest at all on the way. It was really tiring to fly to North Korea with Zhang Yang, and the corners of Zhang Yang's In fact, he should really be satisfied with having so much love and care about his family, lover and friends. He should be content, and what he needs to do is to protect all those who love him from harm!

Zhang Yang also fell asleep in his sleep. In his sleep, he saw Liv shouting his name, wearing a long white skirt and falling into the shocking pool of blood. A pair of beautiful eyes looked at him with horror and helplessness. The picture in his mind suddenly switched to the scene of Gu Jiatong falling into the Niagara River. Zhang Yang suddenly opened his eyes and Rong's panic made his body covered with cold sweat and his chest heaved violently.

The movement around him woke up Wu Dezhi. He looked at Zhang Yang in surprise: "Are you all right?"

Zhang Yang shook his head, picked up a towel and wiped the cold sweat off his forehead: "It's okay, I just had a nightmare!"

Wu Dezhi handed him a glass of water. Zhang Yang felt dry and drank the water in the glass in one gulp. At this time, the stewardess's sweet voice sounded, and the plane had arrived over Pyongyang, North Korea. Because of the snowstorm, the airport was cleaning up the snow, and it was expected that the landing


Wu Dezhi whispered, "If you care, you will be in trouble. Now that it has happened, don't think too much. Lou will look at it step by step."

Zhang Yang nodded and saw that Zhao Tiantian also woke up and was almost there with the stewardess.

In order to ease the mood of passengers and help everyone spend the waiting time before landing, the plane broadcasts some customs and habits of North Korea and things to pay attention to when coming to North Korea.

Fortunately, the plane's landing process was smooth. After hovering over Pyongyang for half an hour, the plane was finally allowed to land and slowly docked at the black-and-white Korean airport. The black one was the runway, and the white one was the snow that had not been cleared.

Through the porthole, Zhang Yang observed the Korean airport. The size of the airport is not the same as that of the capital airport at all. The airport is parked with some old planes, most of which are from the former Soviet Union, most of which is Figure 154. Zhang Daguan even doubted whether such aircraft can find accessories.

After leaving the plane of Air China, the three of them suddenly felt that they had come to another world. Everything in front of them was so simple, as if they had traveled back to the [China] country of the 1950s and 1960s. Everything at the exit and the terminal was so simple, simple and even a little shabby. North Korean border inspectors They don't seem to understand the concept of smiling service at all. In the face of the guests who come to North Korea, they are more like dealing with bitter class enemies.

They just walked out of the airport. Zhao Tiantian, who came to North Korea for the first time, was surprised by everything. He took out his camera and wanted to leave a photo at the airport as a souvenir, but before he pressed the shutter, a man in a blue uniform and a leader on his chest quickly walked over, blocking Zhao Tiantian with a serious face. Like Zhang, he scolded very harshly. Although Zhang Yang and Zhao Tiancai didn't understand, they could also hear that what this guy said was definitely not a good thing.

Wu Dezhi knew some Korean words. He explained to the man with a smile and told him that the three of them were businessmen from [China]. They were all new to North Korea, so they didn't know the situation here.

The North Korean staff member stared and nagging a few more before giving up.

Zhang Yang couldn't understand what he was talking about. Hearing Wu Dezhi say that it was forbidden to take photos here, he snorted disdainfully, "I'm paralyzed, what are you going to show off? The poor family broke the yard, do you think we are willing to shoot?

Zhao Tiantian nodded and put away the camera that was almost confiscated.

Wu Dezhi said, "It is precisely because the poor family has broken the courtyard that they are afraid of being photographed by others. They have been publicizing how their country is prosperous and strong. If you take pictures of their poor side, isn't it damaging their national image?"

Zhang Yang said, "The Goryeo sticks are all of the same virtue, and the swollen face is pretending to be fat."

The three of them stood at the door and waited for a while. Before coming to North Korea, Zhou Xingguo agreed to ask his business partners in North Korea to pick them up. Zhang Yang looked at the time. Counting the delay of the plane, it was already a whole hour late. Zhou Xingguo's business partner was too unpunctual.

Zhao Tiantian said, "Take a taxi?" Wu De took a look at the dark street and said, "The premise is that you can fight!" Let's take the bus!"

At this time, I saw two jeeps driving one after the other, one is a Beijing Jeep 2 and the other is a Toyota off-road. At first glance, the brand looks okay, but the off-road car is at least 20 years old, and the double exhaust cylinders burst out black smoke.

A middle-aged man wearing a Lei Feng hat and a gray cotton coat came out of the Toyota SUV. He walked to Zhang Yang with a smile on his face and took the initiative to stretch out his hand: "You are guests from the country!" He is very fluent in Chinese.

Zhang Yang looked at him with some vigilance: "How do you know?"

The middle-aged man pointed to the emblem on his chest: "Everyone in our country carries the emblem of a leader, and the light of the leader warms our hearts all the time.

Zhang Yang and Zhao Tiantian looked at each other and felt funny and wanted to laugh.

But Wu Dezhi knew that he was telling the truth and his attitude was very serious, so he didn't laugh. Laughing would make people feel impolite.

Middle-aged man: "You can also see from your clothes that Mr. Zhou asked me to come here."

Zhang Yang stretched out his hand and shook him and said, "Zhou Xingguo is my eldest brother, and these two are my friends."

The middle-aged man laughed and said, "My name is Li Bingmin. I am Mr. Zhou's business partner here. Mr. Zhou specially asked me to welcome you. Because of the snow today, our car had some problems halfway, so I arrived late. Fortunately, I didn't delay your trip." He will explain it for himself.

Zhang Yang noticed that they had two cars, but a total of two people came. In fact, one car was enough. Unexpectedly, North Koreans also paid attention to show off. Zhang didn't know that Li Bingmin didn't want to pay attention to the show. This old Toyota SUV was his. It turned off the engine halfway, so he had to call his friends. The Beijing Jeep 213 was originally intended to be used as a trailer for him.

Anyway, I'm here. Let's just make an appointment to pick up people at the airport and support him by the way.

All three of them got on Li Bingmin's Toyota SUV. The appearance of the car was broken, and the interior was more worn out of the appearance. Li Bingmin's SUV had not turned off the engine because he was afraid that he would no longer be able to start the fire after the engine was turned off. After the car restart Go.