Medical official path

Chapter 890 In the same hole

Zhang Daguan said, "It's really good to die with the same hole, but I prefer to sleep together alive. Two air-dried skeletons are held together, and it feels much worse than the living body."

Liv spat, "When you die, you still want to be a hooligan."

Zhang Yang said, "If we really die, what are we going to do during this period?"

Liv was silent. After a while, she whispered, "Anyway, I'm going to die. You can do whatever you want. I, a weak woman, can't beat it, and I can't escape. I can only be obedient." When Liv said this, she was a little shy in her heart, but she was indescribably sad. If it weren't for herself, how could Zhang Yang fall into such a desperate situation?

Zhang Yang came to her, held up her jaw, and wanted to kiss her soft lips. Liv covered his lips and said, "I will infect you."

Zhang Yang said, "So what about infection? Have you ever heard of the color gallbladder? If you die under the pomegranate skirt, it's also romantic to be a ghost.

Liv suddenly put her arms around Zhang Yang's neck and sobbed in a low voice. Zhang Yang knew what she was thinking. She comforted her softly and said, "Don't cry. Even if we can't get out, we won't live so short. Let's just stay here and have a down-to-earth baby. ?"

Liv nodded with tears.

Zhang Yang pressed Liv's hot body and leaned over to kiss her cherry lips again, but Liv said, "It's so good back!"

Zhang Yang let go of her and shined on the stone wall behind her with a hand lamp, only to find that the two words Mahayana were engraved on it.

Zhang Daguan blinked his eyes. He can't forget the calligraphy. Basically, he inferred who wrote it from the font. These two big characters were engraved with a sword. Zhang Yang recognized it almost at first glance. This word was written by the same person he found in the underground cave of Mr. Tianchi's home. That person was the Korean sword Burma garrib.

Liv whispered, "How can there be Chinese characters here?"

Zhang Yang said, "It's not only Chinese characters, but also this character has been engraved for some years. It should have been engraved by Jin Men, a swordsman in the Sui Dynasty. These two words were engraved with a long knife." When he spoke, Zhang Yang stroked these two words with his fingers. It can be imagined that the martial arts of Jinmyan garrius should have reached the first-class level at that time. This may be his place of practice in those years. Zhang Yang whispered, "Since Jin Myanmar garri has chosen to practice here at the beginning, there should be an exit to the outside."

Lifu said, "It has been more than a thousand years since the Sui Dynasty. Everything has changed. If there were North Korean soldiers who exported it, they would have found it long ago."

Zhang Yang shook his head and said, "The R&D center was built by North Koreans later. Maybe they didn't find another universe under it." Zhang Yang lit the wall with a hand lamp and did not find too many abnormalities.

He bowed down. Just now, he just checked the stone wall, and did not check the ground under his feet to see if there was really another mystery under their feet?

Zhang Yang tapped around for a few times, and finally made an empty sound not far from the two words of Mahayana. He let Liv flash to one side, and the internal force condensed on his right arm. He aimed at the ground with a punch. His fist fell to the ground, and the rock layer on the ground suddenly cracked, and a one-meter-diameter hole appeared. The black charm came out of the cold air in it. I don't know how deep it was?

Zhang Yang shone in with a hand lamp, roughly estimated that there should be at least ten meters from here to the bottom. He said to Liv, "I'll go down first, and you jump down later!" After saying that, he jumped into the hole and landed firmly on the ground. He raised his head and said, "Jump down!"

Liv jumped down and held her arms open to catch her against Lifu's forehead. She found that her body temperature had risen again, and the air below was obviously much fresher than the upper level. The leap just now had consumed most of Liv's strength. At this time, she was so soft and she didn't even have the strength to speak.

Zhang Yang looked at the surrounding environment and found that it was actually a natural cave below. Compared with the top, it was much wider and the air was not dull. It proved that there should be a vent here connected to the outside world. Seeing that Liv's condition was getting worse, he had no intention to consider how to escape as soon as possible. He hugged Li

The furnishings in the cave room are very simple. The stone bed, stone table and stone stool have been visited for a long time, so it is full of thick dust. Zhang Yang simply cleaned the stone bed, but found that the tentacles of the stone bed were very cold. To Zhang Yang's surprise, this stone bed was made of eternal cold jade. Zhang Yang Jade**.

Unbuttoned Liv's clothes through the light and found that her worship had appeared to be small

The rash of


Liv said: "RFLV virus is the latest virus developed by Nezhkov. After infection, there will be fever, rash, cough, and finally ulceration and death of the whole body. The virus is transmitted through breathing and secretions, and it is very infectious." She coughed for a long time before she recovered: "Zhang Yang, leave me alone Let's exit!"

Zhang Daguanren's hand gently stroked Liv's delicate body, and finally stayed between her legs. Liv clamped her legs shyly and Zhang Yang said, "The exit has only been found...

Liv spat, "When are you still talking nonsense?"

Zhang Yang said, "There are antibodies to any virus in the world. Some people will be infected with the same virus, and some people will be fine."

Liv said, "I'm afraid I don't have antibodies."

Zhang Yang said, "It's okay. I should have it."

Lifu said, "Zhang Yang, I know you're good to me, cough, but how can I not let you take risks for me..."

Zhang Yang said, "I do. I've thought about it. The only chance to save you is to wash your pulse."

"Wash the pulse?"

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "I checked your information. Your blood type is the same as mine, and it's all 0


Liv said, "What do you want to do?"

Zhang Yang said, "The only possible way at present is for me to use my internal force to wash the blood in your body."

"You mean to fuse our blood together?" Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Isn't it incredible? This method is called transferring the uterus and changing blood.

Liv shook her head with a game: "No! It's so risky!"

Zhang Yang said, "It's worth it!" He reached out and hit Liv's acupuncture point, helped her sit down, and then sat cross-legged on the cold jade bed. After disinfecting the general's knife with fire, he threw away the skin of his palm, and then opened Liv's palm skin, and the two hands were close together. Liv was unable to move because of the acupuncture point. She looked at Zhang Yang with tears in her eyes. She knew that Zhang Yang's current behavior was actually taking the risk of his life. Although they have never said a word of love, Zhang Yang's behavior is better than a thousand words. It is easy to find a priceless treasure and rare lover. In the face of a man who has put life and death aside for himself, what if she is allowed to sacrifice her life for him?

Zhang Yang whispered, "You just need to relax yourself and leave everything to me!"

There is a great risk of changing blood. Zhang Yang chose this method when he had no way out. Now Liv's body is extremely weak, and the RFLV plus virus has begun to attack. With Liv's own resistance, it is impossible to control the virus. Zhang Yang does not know whether he can successfully restrain the virus, but He will never watch Liv die like this. The way to change the blood is to connect the blood of the two people together, and the blood of the two people is exchanged for circulation, which is equivalent to the two people. Zhang Yang uses his own internal force to kill the virus, and then sends the purified blood back to Liv's [body].

This process takes quite a long time, and it is dangerous. If you are not careful, you may both die.

A stream of heat was sent from the palm of the left hand to Liv's [body]. At the same time, her blood entered Zhang Yang's blood through the wound in the right palm. Zhang Yang's expression at this time became solemn. He used the secret of everything for me to integrate herself and Liv's bloodline, and began to live

Night Comics...

A helicopter landed on the tarmac of the Golden Valley Military Forbidden Zone. Li Changjie, dressed in military uniform, jumped off the plane. He quickly came to his brother's body and lifted the white sheet. Seeing his brother's tragic death, Li Changjie's eyes turned red. He picked up his brother's body and roared, "Who? Who killed him?"

Several North Korean soldiers lowered their heads and dared not speak. Li Changjie stood up and walked to another body next to him. Zhao He had been dead for a long time, and his eyes were still wide open, full of contzation and unwillingness. He never thought that Li Wanji would attack him.

Li Changjie took out his pistol and aimed at Zhao He's face and pulled the trigger continuously until he smashed Zhao He's face. It was not until he finished shooting all the bullets that he threw the smoking pistol on the ground. He gritted his teeth and said, "No matter who it is, I must find him My brother's spirit in heaven.

A North Korean officer came to him and said, "Colonet, Nezhkov is also dead. We found something that belonged to him. The body was blown to pieces and we couldn't see the human form at all."

Li Changjie was not concerned about Nezhkov's life or death. He glanced at the burning R&D center and said, "Where's the box?"

The officer said, "We searched carefully and didn't find the box. Maybe the box burned when the plane crashed."

Li Changjie said, "It's impossible. That box is specially made. Even a bomb can't blow it up. How on earth did they leave?"

The officer said, "Paraglider, someone saw that he left the base by paragliding."

Li Changjie nodded and said, "Find him, you must find the box!" Before boarding the helicopter, he said to the officer, "Take a moment to evacuate here. In half an hour, it will be razed to the ground by fighter planes!"

Continue to code words, because today is Monday, and the recommendation vote is very important. I hope that readers can vote for the recommendation vote for the doctor as soon as possible, and will send a chapter in the evening. Starting from today on, the persistent octopus is back!