Medical official path

Chapter 902 Nostalgia II

Zhang Daguan doesn't like to be superior, but if someone around him looks up at him, it forces him to have to look down on others, although he doesn't want to. Yuan Wenli, an old neighbor in the past, did not dare to tell jokes easily in front of Zhang Yang. At this time, the former mistress has now become a department-level cadre. In addition to lamenting the great change, there are only a few compliments.

On the contrary, the old director Zhou Yanling was as funny as ever. She somehow remembered what happened in those years and told a story in front of everyone. Once an intern had an internship with her in a gynecological clinic. The old director said that the more he listened, the more he looked like herself. When Zhou Yanling talked about his writing outpatient medical records Love, everyone present laughed one by one, and Zhang Daguan couldn't help laughing. Four years have passed in a blink of an eye. These four years are of great significance to him. Four years ago, he was still living as Zhang Yizhen in the Sui Dynasty, but four years later, he had turned into a national cadre in the 20th century. This turned his Fortunately, he didn't have any malformity. Instead, he enjoyed such a change process. No wonder it is said that in the evil old society, the Sui Dynasty was really thousands of miles away from today's new socialist country.

Zhou Yanling said with emotion, "I am really gratified to see you grow up and have a successful career. Although I don't have all the names of your interns, I still remember what you look like, especially you!" She pointed to Zhang Yang and smiled, "You are a naughty egg!"

Zhang's official laughed very innocently. He left a mischievous impression on Zhou Yanling because of the chaos of time and space. Imagine that a person who has just come to modern society from the Sui Dynasty will definitely not immediately adapt to everything around him. It's good that people around him don't treat him as a psychopath.

Zhang Yang and Gao Wei drank two glasses of wine. Four years later, Gao Wei is now just an orthopedic doctor in Jiangcheng Second Hospital. The achievements are far from being compared with Zhang Yang. In the face of Zhang Yang, he could no longer find the pride of that year, and the smile on his face couldn't help but be a little frightened.

This kind of nostalgic party, one is to find the old feelings, and the other is to show the achievements. It is purely a coincidence that Zhang Guanren can come to participate. He has no idea of showing his achievements in front of people at all. In fact, his achievements in the past few years are obvious to all, and there is no need for him to publicize When it came to Zuo Xiaoqing, it was a pity that the two of them were close at the end of the world. Zhang Yang sat down for nearly 20 minutes and did not find a chance to talk to her.

Wu Jimin said, "Director Zhang heard that the construction of Dongjiang New Town has been very colorful!" Zhang Yang smiled. At this time, his mobile phone rang, but it was the phone of Jiao Naiwang, the new head of the organization. Zhang Yang didn't expect him to call so late. He got up and walked aside respectfully, "Minister Jiao, what are the instructions?" Jiao Naiwang said, "The provincial meeting has just ended!"

"It's still a meeting so late! It's really hard work."

Jiao Naiwang said, "Recently, there have been several liability accidents in the province, the most serious of which is the Beigang fire. Because of this incident, the Binhai County Party Committee [Book] Remember that Shijie has been dismissed. You should know that?"

Zhang Yang nodded and took a few steps to Jiqian: "I heard Governor Zhou mention it when I was in the capital.

Jiao Naiwang said, "Then I don't have to spend more time. Get ready. After the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, you will go to Binhai to take office. I'll accompany you." Zhang's official was quite flattered: "Minister Jiao doesn't need to be so grand. I'm a county-level cadre."

Jiao Naiwang said, "There is a long way to go. The matter of Beigang is not as simple as you think!" After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Zhang Yang closed the phone and returned to his position. Wu Jimin sat down and said with a smile, "Director Zhang is very busy!" Zhang Yang nodded. At this time, his work had been completely implemented. He said to himself that I would be Zhang [book] in the future, director? It's the old calendar.

After finishing the entertainment at this table, Zhang Yang got up and toasted to the table next door one by one. Finally, she came to Zuo Xiaoqing. Hong Ling was very sensant and gave up her seat to Wu Jimin's table to toast.

In fact, most of the interns present know that the old relationship between Zuo Xiaoqing and Zhang Yang is inconvenient for anyone to mention. After all, Zhang Yang has become the son-in-law of the current provincial party committee. In their eyes, there is no chance between Zuo Xiaoqing and Zhang Yang.

Although Zuo Xiaoqing tried her best to calm down, her eyes still exposed the tension in her heart, and her white slender hands held the glass tightly.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "We haven't seen each other for a while!" Zuo Xiaoqing hummed, and even she could hardly hear her own voice. Her beautiful face couldn't help blushing. She picked up her glass and touched Zhang Yang: "Congratulations!" Zhang Daguan said, "Congratulations on me for what?"

Zuo Xiaoqing said, "Congratulations on your happy work and life!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "It's a good reason!" He drank the wine and whispered, "It's still a little regrettable."

Zuo Xiaoqing's clear eyes blinked and whispered, "In fact, the lack is also a kind of beauty!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said nothing. Chen Guowei, his deskmate, came up and said, "Zhang Yang, I heard that you did a good job in Dongjiang Xincheng District?" Zhang Yang said, "It's sloppy." Another classmate said, "Zhang Yang, I'm going to Dongjiang on a business trip next month. Is it convenient to visit you?" Zhang Daguanren laughed and said, "My job will be transferred soon, and I won't be in Dongjiang after the Spring Festival." What a coincidence, where are you going?" Zhang Yang said, "Beigang Binhai County!" After the continuous intertance of these people, the conversation between Zhang Yang and Zuo Xiaoqing naturally could not continue.

Zhang Yang drank a lot that night, and the dinner party didn't end until almost ten o'clock. According to their original arrangement, they wanted to go to Eno Karaoke to sing, but four years later, the Enorie Karaoke operated by Niu Wenqiang had completely disappeared on the streets of Chunyang because of the demolition, so they went to the Galaxy Karaoke, because most of them came from other places, they all stayed at the Pearl Hotel that night, across the street from Galaxy Karaoke.

The teachers left first. In the end, there were only more than a dozen students who interned together in those years. When Zhang Yang just went to check out, he knew that the account had been paid in advance by Wu Jimin, the director of the County People's Hospital. Hong Ling came to Zhang Yang and said, "You still have enough face. Just now The teacher paid for it. As soon as Director Zhang came, he saved us a meal. Zhang Yang smiled and said, "What does it have to do with me? President Wu was ready to pay the bill early in the morning, not to give me face.

" Although he said so, he understood in his heart that Wu Jimin was probably because of his arrival, otherwise he could not pay the bill for these interns in those years.

Hong Ling said, "Have you driven yet?"

Zhang Yang nodded and pointed to his sitting tiger. Hong Ling went to call Zuo Xiaoqing. She got into Zhang Yang's car with Chen Guowei. The other classmates hit three Xia Li, and a group of people went to Galaxy Kara 0k.

Zhang Yang is not very interested in singing. The reason why he persists until now is that Zuo Xiaoqing, or how can he say that this person is more lust than friends?

When he arrived at the Galaxy Karaoke, Zuo Xiaoqing was a little carsick. Zhang Yang asked her to sit in Fengli to rest first. He accompanied Hong Ling's group to karaoke. Zhang Yang was very good at doing things and rushed to book the private room. Hong Ling said to him, "Why don't you send Zuo Xiaoqing back first Zhang Yang nodded and knew in his heart that Hong Ling was creating opportunities for him.

Zhang Yang settled the bill of the package first, and then left Galaxy Karaoke.

Back in the car, I saw Zuo Xiaoqing lying on the window of the car, blowing the cold wind.

Zhang Yang opened the door and sat in: "Don't you feel well?" Zuo Xiaoqing said, "Maybe I drank a few more drinks tonight, and I'm a little carsick!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Is it because of the wine or the car?"

Zuo Xiaoqing shook her head. She couldn't tell the difference. In fact, she was not so uncomfortable. Now it's better. She whispered, "Why don't you go in and play with them?" Zhang Daguan said bluntly, "I'm here for you!" Zuo Xiaoqing blushed. She turned her head and looked outside. After a while, she said, "I live in the Pearl Hotel opposite." Zhang Yang said, "Is this an invitation?"

Zuo Xiaoqing said anguly, "What nonsense? Why don't we go for a walk by the Spring Water River?

Zhang Yang nodded, started the engine and drove to the Chunshui River. He pushed the door and jumped down, circled to the other side, and helped Zuo Xiaoqing open the door and stretched out his hand. Zuo Xiaoqing hesitated for a moment and still put her hand in the palm of his hand. Her hand was as soft as ever, but a little

Holding Zuo Xiaoqing's slender hand, Zhang Yang didn't mean to let go.

The sides of the Chunshui River have not changed much. The trees have grown taller, and there are still a lot of residual snow on the pine needles that have not been able to melt. Zuo Xiaoqing and Zhang Yang walked silently along the riverside path. Her hands were held by Zhang Yang, and she was warmed by the temperature of Zhang Yang' A winter.

Zhang Yang said, "Do you still remember that we met Li [Shu] here?"

Zuo Xiaoqing blushed. In those years, she only had a hazy impression of that matter. She did not think deeply, but with the passage of time, when she was in the United States, she recalled the time in Chunyang countless times. She naturally had a deeper understanding of what happened in those years, and she could even It is speculated that the reason why Zhang Yang was able to enter the official career with the help of Li Changyu's nose was because he was far away on the bank of the Chunshui River that night.

Zuo Xiaoqing gently broke free from her open hand and put both hands in her pockets.

Zhang Yang also learned from her appearance. The two walked forward side by side and said, "Li Changyu and Ge Chunli are married. Now they are happily married and have a happy family."

Zuo Xiaoqing bit the cherry lip and said, "Why did you suddenly think of saying this?"