Medical official path

Chapter 922 Speech

Ji Xiaofang arranged for Zhang Yang to rest in her office. The speech was arranged at 3:00 p.m., and there was more than an hour. Zhang Yang sat on the sofa. Ji Xiaofang made him a cup of tea and smiled and said, "Zhang [Book], you rest here first. I'll go to see the layout of the venue Zhang Yang nodded and said, "You're busy!"

After Ji Xiaofang left, Zhang Yang leaned on the sofa and closed his eyes to rest. Not long after resting, his mobile phone rang. The call was Wu Yi. She knew that Zhang Yang was coming to the party school to give a speech this afternoon, so she wanted to come to support her.

Zhang's official was highly skeptical of Wu Yi's so-called support. Wu Yi knew what Zhang Yang was afraid of, and said with a smile, "You have a hundred hearts. I really just want to support the show this time. I came alone. There is no camera and no director."

Zhang Yang said, "Then you can come!"

Wu Yi said, "I'm already in the party school!"

When Zhang Daguan heard that she had arrived, he was embarrassed to hide and told her that he was in the office of the party school.

It didn't take long for Wu Yi to knock on the door of the office, and Zhang Yang opened the door to let her in.

Wu Yi said, "Oh, I'm hiding here alone in my busy schedule!"

Zhang Yang said, "I'm going to be on stage soon. It is said that there will be more than a thousand people. I have to be ready anyway." He looked behind Wu Yi and said, "No one else will follow."

Wu Yi sat down on the sofa and said, "I've said that I made a special trip to support you today. Since you don't want to be famous, I'm too lazy to to toss around."

Zhang Yang nodded.

Wu Yi said again, "But I saw that the reporter of Beigang Daily is here. Someone will definitely report your report today."

Zhang Yang said, "I haven't been clean since I got on the news."

Wu Yi said, "Don't blame me. I didn't ask you to give a speech."

Zhang Yang leaned against the sofa: "That's right. Do you know Yan Muyun very well?

Wu Yi said, "Yes, she is my aunt! What? Have you seen her?"

"Today, I went to the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee and met her there.

Wu Yi said, "My aunt is a good person."

Zhang Yang smiled and did not say the war between Yan Muyun and Huang Bucheng today.

Time passed quickly. Zhang was accompanied by a group of leaders of the party school to the [main] seat. Huang Bucheng, the propaganda minister, left after dinner. It was said that he was a little unwell, and his speech was also cancelled. Zhang Yang felt that he had drunk too much. And Huang Bucheng's level of officials are naturally not interested in listening to his report.

Hu Jinjian, vice president of the party school, announced the arrival of Zhang Yang in an excited voice. There was a round of applause at the scene. More than a thousand people applauded, but Zhang Yang still heard the applause and was not enthusiastic, which is no wonder. The report meeting was requested by Xiang Cheng. The cadres who listened to the report obviously had little interest in this kind of lecture with a strong flavor of political propaganda. Many people think that listening to this kind of report is a waste of time.

Zhang Yang pulled the microphone in front of him and slowly took out the speech draft Fu Changzheng had prepared for him from his pocket.

Seeing that Zhang Yang on the stage took out a lot of speeches, the audience under the stage became more and more disdainful. More than a thousand people present were cadres, large and small, and many of them had excellent eloquence, and there were even more time to make a report. Those who don't need manuscripts and talk and laugh endlessly. For a party cadre, eloquence is too important. Not only do you have to know how to do it, but you have to say it. If you don't say it, who knows what you have done?

Zhang Yang put the speech aside and said with a smile, "I'd better introduce myself first. My name is Zhang Yang, man. Twenty-seven years old, from Chunyang, Jiangcheng, is currently the county party committee of Binhai County, Beigang City. The reason why I came here today is that the leader asked me to come. In fact, I don't want to come, but I dare not come.

There was a soft laughter at the scene. The opening statement of this young [book] is unique. The key point is that he didn't read the manuscript.

Zhang Yang continued: "I was still full of confidence when I came on stage just now, because I had an attitude of communicating with everyone, but when I sat down. Hearing everyone's applause, my confidence suddenly discounted, because I sat on it and could see clearly. Two-thirds of the people present applauded, and some of them did not applaud. Even if they applaud, the applause was not warm, which proved that everyone did not welcome me so much..."

Zhang's words were interrupted by warm applause. Zhang Yang smiled and said, "This applause is not a welcome, but your counterattack and protest against me."

Laughter came from the scene, and the applause became more and more enthusiastic.

Zhang Yang said, "Actually, I don't like to listen to the leader's report. The reason is very simple and boring. Every time I listen to the leader's report, I think that if the leader speaks, it would be good to have the level of Mr. Ma Sanli. Standing on the stage, after a paragraph, everyone continues to From the bottom of my heart, I hope the old gentleman can say more. Sometimes, when the leader makes a report, our applause is also very warm. Why? Because we feel relieved at the same time, thank God, you finally finished it!"

The scene was full of laughter, and the applause sounded like thunder. Zhang Daguanren obviously succeeded in mobilizing the emotions of the audience. Many people whispered under the stage. Unexpectedly, although the boy was young, he had a good eloquence.

Zhang Yang said, "I have worked in many places in the past. Most of my leaders' evaluation of me is that I am young and impulsive, more than enough, and I am not calm. Some leaders say that I dare to say and dare to do it, and never ignore the consequences. Up to now, I have not figured out whether what they are My work is still recognized by the leaders, otherwise I would not have been able to become the Binhai County Party Committee. Now I may still be working as a clerk in that small town. It seems that I can still get a lot of appreciation from the leaders. From this, I have come to a conclusion and take it out to discuss with you. The criterion for judging whether an official is qualified is the reputation of the people. The criterion for judging whether an official can be promoted depends on whether the leader is satisfied, so it is difficult to be a strict good official. We must be left and right. We must not only let the people say hello, but also let the leaders say hello..."

The stormy applause sounded, and gradually everyone agreed with Zhang Yang's words.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Everyone who applauds is empathy. What I said just now is a little off topic. I'd like to talk about today's theme, that is, the report on the deeds of bravely saving people in this picture."

Zhang Yang picked up the teacup and drank it. Tea glanced at the speech. At this time, he had decided not to refer to Fu Changzheng's speech. If you follow the script, most of the masters under the stage have to sleep, and the officials have never disdain to do mediocre things.

Zhang Yang said, "It's not the first time for me to save people bravely!"

This guy was really amazing. There were a lot of exclamations at the scene. She thought he was going to be modest. Who would have thought that as soon as she opened her mouth, she put down another bomb? Wu Yi sat under the stage and looked at Zhang Yang with bright eyes. She began to find that the connotation of Zhang Yang was actually very deep.

Zhang Yang said, "Since it's a report, let me talk about something that happened many years ago. At that time, I was still in the Jiangcheng Investment Office. At that time, it was a cold winter. I accompanied Mr. Kim Sangyuan, the president of South Korea Blue Star Group, to inspect the situation of the development zone. Suddenly, I heard The child in the play fell off the ice. At that time, it was not me, but Mr. Jin Shangyuan. He was in his fifties. The first one rushed to the lake and jumped off the ice. I was the second person to go down. I rescued the children from the cold lake with him. After that, many media reporters wanted to interview, but Mr. Jin Shangyuan refused. Yes."

Zhang Yang paused for a moment and drank it. Tea, the scene was silent, and everyone was attracted by his story.

Zhang Yang said, "I remember when I went to the tower to save the mother and son, a reporter asked me, what was I thinking at that time? If something happens if I slip when I save people, is it worth it? Zhang Yang's eyes searched for Wu Yi in the crowd and soon found her. Looking into her eyes, Wu Yi's eyes were still full of inquiries.

Zhang Yang said, "Some people also asked Mr. Jin Shangyuan like this. As the president of an international multinational company, why did he take such a big risk to save a few children, and these children are not Koreans? Is it worth it if he loses his life because of this? This is a question of values. At that time, Mr. Jin answered that life is priceless, and money is not worth mentioning compared with life. Since I can take risks for money, of course I can take greater risks to save lives. What I have done is just an extremely ordinary thing. Anyone would do it. This is human nature!"

Zhang Yang said, "This is human nature! There is no difference between Chinese and foreigners, and there is no noble ** spirit driving me. I want to tell you that what I have done is just an ordinary thing. People will do it. A normal person will not watch two living lives disappear in front of them. Everyone has good Heart, everyone has a kind heart. The reason why many people hesitate is that they are blinded by too much secular and rationality, and they have lost their nature. If I hadn't saved them at that time and let them die in front of me, I think I would have been uneasy for the rest of my life. Obviously, I didn't do what I could do. I'm sorry for my conscience. The starting point for saving people is so simple. What I thought in my heart, I did it! In fact, everyone at the scene has the opportunity to become a hero. Maybe everyone has the idea of being quite a hero, but they may give up for various reasons. Maybe they are one step slower than me. The reason why I became a hero is that the mother and son have perfected me, the spectators around me have perfected me, and the news media has become me. It's that sentence. Whether there is anyone or not, I will save the mother and son. I don't want to be a hero, but to be worthy of my conscience, so that when I look back on the past, I won't feel guilty for what I can do but don't do!"