Medical official path

Chapter 922 Speech Next

The applause at the scene lasted for a long time, and everyone was moved by the public words.

Wu Yi suddenly understood why Zhang Yang didn't like to be on the news. She began to believe that this seemingly cynical guy actually had an extremely sincere part in his heart, which had a strong attraction to everyone. It was because of his sincerity that he easily conquered more than a thousand listeners present.

Zhang Yang made a gesture, and it was not easy to suppress everyone's applause. When the scene calmed down again, Zhang Yang said, "This is my first speech on this matter, and it will be the last time. I have enjoyed too much thanks, too much applause, too much honor. I want to release today's speech several times. I gave up, but later I decided to come, because I think this is an opportunity to be honest with everyone. I didn't come to Binhai to be a hero. I'm the secretary of Binhai County Party Committee. My duty is not only to save one or two people. I want to reverse the chaos and backwardness of Binhai. I want the people of Bin Son, I want Binhai to become a prosperous, prosperous, fair and peaceful land. What I want to do is not to save, but to prevent the recurrence of Li Mingfang's mother and son. I think it is much more difficult to do this than to be a simple hero.

He looked around the crowd and said, "I've said so much today. I just want to tell you that the career we are engaged in is ordinary on the surface. In fact, it is extremely great and arduous. Maybe most of us can't get the title of hero in our lives, but we can do the same as heroes, even beyond English. Xiong's achievements, so you don't have to look up to me, let alone feel that there is a special aura in me. The reason why you look up to me is because I sit on this podium. I am an ordinary person like you and everyone else. It is impossible for everyone to become a hero, but I firmly believe. As long as we do things with our conscience, everyone can have a clear conscience!" After Zhang Yang finished speaking, he paused for a long time. Seeing that there was no reaction below, he smiled and said, "My speech is over!"

At this time, everyone applauded desperately as if they were awake, and many people stood up when they applauded. What Zhang Yang said today has reached the hearts of many people.

Zhang Yang also stood up and bowed politely to all the listeners: "Thank you, thank you..." His voice was drowned out by the continuous warm applause. Zhang Daguan didn't expect that his speech had such a good effect, which could cause such a warm response from the audience present.

Zhang Yang left the venue under the arrangement of the staff and returned to Ji Xiaofang's office. Several beautiful teachers from the party school came to ask him for his autograph. Zhang Daguan felt that he had suddenly become an idol star. This is not the effect he wanted. He even suspects that it may have been deliberately arranged by the party school, but Zhang Yang still happily signed for these young female teachers. There is no denying that Zhang's handwriting is too beautiful.

Two reporters from Beigang Daily also found here. They proposed to make an exclusive interview with Zhang Yang, but Zhang Daguan refused without hesitation. He even went to CCTV News. He would not see such a local newspaper, but Zhang did not refuse abruptly, but smiled and said, "I'm sorry. I promised to leave the exclusive interview to the reporter Wu of the TV station.

Wu Yi happened to appear in front of the door, which became an excuse to prevaricate.

Hearing him say this, Wu Yi blinked his beautiful eyes and said, "Secretary Zhang, you promised me. This exclusive interview is left to me."

Zhang Yang and Wu Yi left the party school together. Seeing that no one was following behind him, Wu Yi smiled and gave Zhang Yang a thumbs up and said, "Wonderful. The speech was really wonderful.

Zhang Daguanren smiled and said, "I drank some wine at noon today, and I'm not in good condition."

Wu Yi said, "If you say you are fat, you will start to gasp, right?"

Zhang Yang said, "Now you understand why I don't want to be interviewed by the news?"

Wu Yi said, "Well, just think I've hurt you. Can't I pay more attention in the future?"

Zhang Yang waved his hand and stopped a taxi and said to Wu Yi, "Where are you going? Shall I see you off?"

Wu Yi was a little surprised and said, "Where's your Russian armored car? Why don't you open it?"

Zhang Yang said, "It's too ostentatious. I am now a news figure, and my every move is seen by others. It's better to keep a low profile."

Wu Yige laughed. She got into the taxi and said to the driver, "Send me to the TV station!" After saying that, he said to Zhang Yang, "Where are you going?"

Zhang Yang said, "I'll do it back!"

"Are you going back at night?"

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "The driver came to pick me up at five o'clock..." When he spoke, his mobile phone rang again. Zhang Yang smiled shyly. He picked up the phone, but it was Liu Jianshe, deputy secretary of the county party committee. Liu Jian, first congratulated Zhang Yang on his successful speech, which surprised Zhang's official Just after the speech, Liu Jianshe knew it over there. The news is really well-informed.

Liu Jianshe said, "Secretary Zhang, I'm here to inform you of something. Just now, Deputy Secretary Jiang of the Municipal Party Committee called. He asked you and asked you to leave your mobile phone number. I guess he may contact you later."

As soon as Zhang Yang heard it, he knew that Liu Jianshe didn't tell the truth. Jiang Honggang, deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, wanted his phone number and he still needed to go all the way to Binhai to contact? Moreover, he didn't call his office directly, but turned around to ask Liu Jianshe. Isn't that unnecessary? No one stipulates that the deputy secretary of the municipal party committee and the deputy secretary of the county party committee have a vertical leadership relationship? Liu Jianshe's words conveyed two messages to Zhang Yang. First, he had a good relationship with Jiang Honggang, deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, and second, Jiang Honggang wanted to find himself.

Zhang Yang said, "Lao Liu, I haven't met Deputy Secretary Jiang yet."

Liu Jianshe smiled and said, "He seems to know you very well."

Zhang Yang said, "Why don't you give me his phone number and I'll contact him first."

Liu Jianshe quickly reported Jiang Honggang's phone call to Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang got Jiang Honggang's call and immediately called Jiang Honggang. Zhang's official has always been an active person. He doesn't like to wait blindly. What's more, he is at a higher level than himself. Taking the initiative to call him can also show his respect for his superiors.

Jiang Honggang, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, was very happy to receive a phone call from Zhang Yang. He smiled and said, "Zhang Yang, are you still in Beigang?"

Zhang Yang said, "Yes! I'm about to leave."

Jiang Honggang said, "Don't be busy. Let's meet tonight!"

Zhang's official is somewhat inexplicable. He and Jiang Honggang don't have this friendship. What's the purpose of his meal? Do you want to have a relationship with Song Huaiming through yourself?

Jiang Honggang said, "I have something else to do here. Don't go. I'll stay in Beigang tonight. I'll contact you later."

Zhang Guanren could only agree. Wu Yi heard clearly: "Why don't you leave again?"

Zhang Yang smiled bitterly and said, "The leader asked me to stay. Do you think I can go?"

Wu Yi said, "What the leader asks you to do? Why don't you have any opinions at all?

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Who do you see has his own opinions in front of the leader? Whoever has his own opinion will definitely not be accepted. I'm new here. I'm not familiar with it. I don't want to wear small shoes.

Wu Yi said, "You are also tacky enough. All the good impressions I got from the speech just now are zero." The taxi had come to the front of the TV station. Wu Yi pushed the door and walked down. He waved to Zhang Yang and said, "If you are free in the evening, I'll ask you to have a drink!"

Zhang Guanren laughed and said, "On the premise of not affecting my company with the leader, there is no problem!"

"Cut, I despise you!"

Zhang Daguan said with a confused face, "Where do you look at contempt? You teach me!" Wu Yi rolled his eyes with his anger.

The taxi driver is driving! He burst into laughter.

Zhang's official returned to the municipal government. Zhou Shanhu had already arrived. It was agreed that he would take him back. Hearing Zhang Yang said that he would not go back tonight, Zhou Shanhu said, "So... should I go back first?"

Zhang Yang said, "No, you've come all the way. Why do you go back? Well, book a room and we'll go back early tomorrow morning.

Zhou Shanhu nodded. He pointed to the Audi lane in front of him: "Your special car, I just drove it out today."

Zhang Yang didn't like the official car at all. He yawned and said, "Go and make a reservation. I'll go back to rest for a while. I may have to drink at night."

At 5:30 p.m., Jiang Honggang, deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, called and asked where Zhang Yang lived. Now he sent a driver to pick him up. Zhang Yang originally planned to let Zhou Shanhu send him. Since the other party has a car, of course, it's best to at least help the finance of Binhai County save a Fang said that in less than ten minutes, Jiang Honggang came to his downstairs in person.

Zhang Yang did not expect that the deputy secretary of the municipal party committee would come in person. He was quite flattered. After receiving Jiang Honggang's phone call, he hurried down and saw the Audi car exactly the same as himself. It seemed that there was no difference between the county party secretary and the deputy secretary of the municipal party committee in the car.

Jiang Honggang didn't get out of the car. The driver Xiao Huang stood outside and waited. Seeing Zhang Yang coming out, Xiao Huang came forward and said respectfully, "Okay, Secretary Zhang, Secretary Jiang is waiting in the car."

Zhang Yang quickly walked into the Audi car and saw Jiang Honggang, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee, sitting there, looking at himself with a smile.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Secretary Jiang, why did you come here in person?"

Jiang Honggang laughed and said, "Get in the car quickly. People are coming and going here. It's not good to be seen by others."

Zhang Yangxin said that he didn't do anything wrong. What are you afraid of? He got into the car and stretched out his hand to Jiang Honggang: "Secretary Jiang, please take care of me when we meet for the first time."

Jiang Honggang shook hands with him with a smile and said, "The care is for sure. It's not certain to meet for the first time. The news has been playing your things repeatedly in the past two days. I have a deep impression on you." Zhang Yang smiled, not only Jiang Honggang, but also the people in Beigang are very impressed with his face. ( To be continued)