Medical official path

Chapter 932 Give You a Good Look

** After going out, he didn't leave directly. He went to Liu Jianshe, the deputy of the county party committee. Usually, ** had a good relationship with Liu Jianshe. He suffered a lot of anger in Zhang Yang. ** was full of grievances. He wanted to find someone to pour it out. The deputy of the county party committee [ .

Liu Jianshe listened to ** patiently. He could only accompany ** to sigh and sympathize with him. He had nothing he could do. In front of Zhang Yang, he couldn't speak.

** He said aggrievedly, "Liu [Shu], tell me where can I get him money? Everyone knows the financial situation of our county. For three consecutive years of fiscal deficit, the matter of Fulong Port has not been finished. I am the director of the Finance Bureau, and I'm not the God of Wealth. Where can I get the money? Liu [Book] Remember, I have the heart to sell blood.

Liu Jianshe said: "Zhang [Shu] At the Standing Committee, he solemnly proposed to improve the appearance of the urban area and rectify the public security in the urban area. The first thing to do is to improve the road and greening and brighten the project in the urban area. This must be the imperative. You are the director of Finance Yes."

** complained incessively, "I'd like to hear it, but do I have money? Up to now, the office building of the administrative center still owes money to others. Next month, the salary of government staff will be gone. Where can I get the money? He said, if I can't get the money in three days, let me resign on my own initiative. I can't help it. If you kill me, I can't get the money. I'll resign. I'll write the resignation report when I go back and send it to him tomorrow.

Liu Jianshe advised: "Lao Zhao. Don't be impulsive. Impulse can't solve the problem.

** said, "Liu [Book], I'm not impulsive. I have nothing to do. Zhang [Shu] This is to force me to a dead end. I don't have the ability. I can't get money. Whoever has the ability will be the finance director.

Liu Jianshe frowned, and then sighed, "Lao Zhao, are we really so financially difficult?"

** said, "It's more difficult than you think."

Liu Jianshe said, "Do you know about this matter?"

** said, "I'm going to tell him."

Liu Jianshe said, "Do you really want to resign?"

** said: "Resign. I'm going to resign!"

** resigned, but he did not have the courage to resign. After working for so many years, at least he has mixed up with some fame. The director of the Finance Bureau of Binhai County is also coveted by countless people, but Zhang Yang's words today are very resolute, and there is no room for manoeuvre. If he can't pay so much money in three days, I'm afraid that the young county party committee will take him.

** Knowing that he should do it first, he did not dare to hand the resignation letter to Zhang Yang. With Zhang Yang's attitude today, he dares to hand it over. Zhang Yang will approve it, so that ** will not take this risk. He has written a resignation letter. This resignation letter is not a resignation letter. ** is not a complete resignation. He is going to ask for sick leave. Retired from the current position, ** already has diabetes. It's normal to use the excuse of recuperation.

Xu Shuangqi browsed the resignation letter of ** and soon threw it on his desk. He stared at ** and said, "What's going on? If you don't get sick sooner or later, you won't get sick. Now you have to take sick leave. I don't think you look sick, do you?

** said, "I'm not in good health and can't cope with my current work. Instead of staying in this position to affect everyone's work, it's better to step down and take care of my health and come back to continue to work for the Party and the people when I'm almost recovered."

Xu Shuangqi said, "Tay it, what's going on?" Xu Shuangqi knew that things were not that simple.

** Then he was aggrieved to tell him what happened in Zhangyang's office today.

Xu Shuangqi said, "He really asked you to find 10 million in three days?"

** said, "Yes! He said that if I can't complete this task in three days, I will resign on my own initiative. Anyway, I can't finish it, County Magistrate Xu, I'd better know each other.

Xu Shuangqi said, "Comrade Haiqing, don't worry. Our career people can't be angry. Well, I'll go to Zhang [Book] to have a good talk. As for your resignation letter, you can take it back first and think about it yourself."

** said, "There is nothing to consider. Anyway, I don't have that ability. Who doesn't know the situation of our Binhai County? For three consecutive years of fiscal deficit, last year's fiscal revenue totaled 85,000 yuan. The first quarter of this year is not as good as the same period last year. In this financial situation, where can I don't have that ability. Who has this ability? I am sincerely convinced that Zhang [Book] is from a big city. Maybe people think that ten million is nothing, so why doesn't he solve this problem by himself? ** Speaking of the obvious negative element in the end, he also saw that Xu Shuangqi was unhappy with Zhang Yang. In fact, now the old man in Binhai County has a lot of opinions about this new [book].

Xu Shuangqi said, "Comrade Haiqing, you can't say that. Zhang [Book] also wants to change the status quo of Binhai."

** said, "Mayor Xu, as the old saying goes, once the emperor and the minister, I read Zhang [book] remembered that this time I asked for this 10 million, because I knew the difficulties and retreated. Maybe he already had a suitable candidate in his heart."

Xu Shuangqi sighed. He picked up the resignation letter and said, "Comrade Haiqing, you should calm down and don't publish some [words] that are not conducive to unity."

Xu Shuangqi thinks that this matter must be well talked with Zhang Yang. The new county party committee [book]'s enthusiasm for municipal construction made him unexpected. He just proposed it at the Standing Committee, which should be put into practice. Does he treat this as a child's house? Although Binhai County is not big, it also needs a systematic planning and demonstration process. There must be a process from proposal to implementation.

Zhang Yang was not surprised when Xu Shuangqi came to find him. He smiled and greeted Xu Shuangqi in and said happily, "Mayor Xu, what wind blew you here?"

Xu Shuangqi said, "Zhang [Shu], I have something important to discuss with you today."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "If you have nothing to do, you can't go to the Three Treasures Hall. It's really suitable for you."

Xu Shuangqi smiled. He sat down on the sofa with Zhang Yang and directly handed **'s resignation report to Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang glanced at the beginning, glanced at the signature at the end, and a meaningful smile appeared at the corners of his lips.

Xu Shuangqi said, "** Comrade has been engaged in financial work in Binhai for many years. He has been conscientious and self-denial. He is a well-known good comrade. Just now, he came to my office to submit his resignation letter, and tears were rolling in his eyes. Zhang [book], you should be more considerate of the difficulties of

Zhang Yang threw his resignation letter on the coffee table: "You mean that I'm making things difficult for me?"

Xu Shuangqi is so angry. What's your fucking attitude? Although you are [book], I am not inferior to your level. I am much older than you. At least respect the old and love the young, do you know? Xu Shuangqi said patiently, "That's not what I mean. I mean Zhang [book] You just came to Binhai, and you don't fully understand the actual situation of Binhai."

Zhang Yang said, "County Chief Xu, do you think it's difficult for me to let him collect 10 million in three days?"

Xu Shuangqi said, "Last year, the total fiscal revenue of our Binhai was 85 million..."

Zhang Yang laughed without waiting for Xu Shuangqi to finish: "County Magistrate Xu, let's do this. A meeting will be held in the first conference room tomorrow morning. All the members of the county party committee and the party group of the county government will attend. As for the other participants in the meeting, I will ask someone to inform us that we will

Xu Shuangqi was a little confused and had to have a meeting again. After the arrival of the goods, there was no meeting for more than ten days, but in the past two days, it seemed that in order to compensate for the losses of the previous two days, he had a desperate meeting. The Standing Committee had several times, and the county party committee meeting would be held What exactly does he want to do? However, Xu Shuangqi thought about it and had a meeting. I had more meetings than you have had. ** Zhang Yang did not return the resignation report to Xu Shuangqi. Xu Shuangqi stretched out his hand to get it, but he didn't expect that Zhang Yang held the resignation report in his hand first: "Mayor Xu, let me take a closer look at what Comrade Haiqing has!"

At 9:30 a.m. the next day, a meeting of the county party committee was held in the first conference room of the administrative center. The meeting was presided over by Zhang Yang of the county party committee. Zhang Daguan made a concluding speech entitled "Strengthening the implementation of measures and speeding up the pace of catching up the leap in seizing Zhang Yang pointed out that this county party committee work conference is an important meeting to emancipate the mind, unite and forge ahead. All departments at all levels should put the spirit of this meeting into practice, transform the spirit of speech into conscious action, further strengthen measures, emancipate the mind, gather strength, highlight the key points, improve the institutions, and do a good In the implementation, it is necessary to continue to emphasize cohesion, which means that the thoughts and will of the whole county should be unified to the ideas and goals of the county party committee to accelerate the development. The "cohesion" is to gather the wisdom and strength of the people of the county party committee on the deployment and measures to catch up with the leap. Therefore, we must adhere to the principle of emancipating the mind without wavering, and earnestly achieve the "four overcomes": overcome the idea of pride and complacency, strengthen the concept of daring to compete for the first and break through; overcome the feared mind, and establish the confidence of "I can do, I can, I succeed"; overcome the old Concept; overcome the idea of standardism and enhance the overall awareness of the county's "one game of chess". Effectively infiltrate the emancipation of the mind into work practice...

If this speech is a political model according to the text, then the topic of Zhang's official is very sharp. Zhang Yang finished reading the speech written by Fu Changzheng for himself, and then his topic came to the municipal construction of Binhai.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Today, there are leaders from our various departments in Binhai, as well as elites from all walks of life. They said that it was the county party committee meeting, but I invited a lot of people to come and listen." He pointed to the distance and said, "Mr. Ding, you sit so far. I thought you didn't come. There is an empty row in front of you. Come and sit in the front!"