Medical official path

Chapter 936 Under the shield

Zhang Yang said, "Isn't it for you? Isn't he going to build an industrial park? If you eat someone else's food tonight, your mouth will be soft, and you can't turn on the green light in this matter. Du Tianye shook his head with a wry smile and said, "How do I know such a cunning and tricky guy as you?" Du Tian's ambition is clear that Zhang Yang is his true friend and the kind of friend who can share difficulties. If it hadn't been for Zhang Yang, he might have become the defeated general of the political struggle. It was Zhang Yang's support at the critical moment that made him sit firmly in the position of Jiangcheng Municipal Committee [book]. There is always a debt in his ambition. Because of the matter of Jiangcheng New Airport at the beginning, Zhang Yang tried his best to run for the new airport, but in the end he was taken down by Du Tianye. Although Du Tianye was under pressure at that time, he always felt that he did not support Zhang Yang when he needed help most. In morally, he could Go.

Although Zhang Yang did not hold a grudge for this matter, and now his relationship with Du Tianye has returned to the same as before, Du Tian's ambition always remembers that he always wanted to find an opportunity to compensate Zhang Yang. This time, Zhang Yang took the initiative to come to Jiangcheng for help, so that Du Tianye finally found a suitable opportunity. However, after carefully reviewing Zhang Yang's lighting system information, Du Tianye found that Zhang Yang's project did have unlimited prospects. Even if he did not join, Zhang Yang would definitely be able to find another partner as a city. The leader of the city must have advanced vision and excellent wisdom. Another important point is that personal preferences should not affect the correct judgment of the overall situation. In this regard, Du Tianye is much better than Xiang Cheng. If Zhang Yang's lighting system is not as advanced as he said, or not With too much investment value, Du Tianye will not cooperate because of their friendship.

Liu Yanhong and Wu Ming arrived soon. Although Wu Ming was happy on the surface, Zhang Yang still sensed his embarrassment from his subtle expression.

Among a group of people, Liu Yanhong is the natural focus. Although Du Tianye already has the title of provincial standing committee, Liu Yanhong's position is very special. Du Tianye laughed and said, "Liu [Shu] Do you need my cooperation in this private visit?" This sentence is clever, which means that you didn't come for me, did you?

Liu Yanhong smiled and said, "Du [Book], you haven't had any news recently. This is not like your style. In our Commission for Discipline Inspection, there are two kinds of people who have been complained and reported the most. One is indeed incompetent cadres, and the other is cadres who dare to forge ahead and boldly reform and Based on this, a good cadre, if no one complains for a period of time, it proves that he hasn't done anything, at least he hasn't done anything. In today's era, as long as he does something, someone will complain. Several people laughed.

Zhang Yang said, "Liu Shuzhao, the more I listen to you, the more you look like me."

Liu Yanhong said, "You belong to the kind of lice that doesn't itch and you don't have to worry about debts. If no one reports you one day, we should feel abnormal."

Wu Ming said, "Liu [Shu] is right. I also found that the more he is, the more he is a mediocre cadre. The more no one complains, but no one complains may prove that he is competent." Zhang Yang said, "But there are exceptions, Wu [Shu], you are more competent than me, but I haven't seen anyone complain about you!"

Wu Ming laughed twice and scolded in his heart. I haven't offended you for a while. When you see me, you start to hurt me!

Du Tianye and Wu Ming don't have much friendship, but after all, Wu Ming is the municipal party committee of the neighboring city. There are many opportunities to cooperate with each other, so they must give each other face. However, Du Tianye didn't have time to relieve Wu Ming. Liu Yanhong had already spoken first: "Zhang Yang, it's not our staff of the Commission for Discipline Inspection. How do you know that no one has complained about him!"

Liu Yanhong's original intention was to help Wu Ming relieve the siege, but she didn't expect that this sentence was caught by Zhang Yang. Zhang Daguan grinned and said, "Wu [Book] There are also people to report it, hehe, what did you report? Is it a financial problem or a style problem?

Liu Yanhong stared at Zhang Yang fiercely. This boy's mistake is really not a little moral. After all, Wu Ming is the Jingshan Municipal Party Committee. In the past, he was also his leader. Is it harmful to meet people like this? However, Liu Yanhong did not know that Wu Ming was scared by Zhang Yang. Although Zhang Yang put on a very aggressive posture when he met, Wu Ming was not angry and said with a smile, "It's mediocrity not to be envied. These days, I am embarrassed to say that I am a national cadre without being told behind the scenes and handing Wu Ming was quite smart. These words not only responded to Liu Yanhong's words, but also gave Zhang Yang a powerful counterattack.

Zhang's official also secretly praised Wu Ming's alertness. In Du Tianye's view, Jiang is old and hot, and this round of Zhang Yang's fight with Wu Ming did not have any advantage.

Su Yuanyuan greeted everyone to sit down. Liu Yanhong and Hu Yinru had been dealing with each other before. When Zhou Yunfan's smuggling case in Dongjiang Province broke out, Liu Yanhong was responsible for supervising the case. She once interrogated Hu Yinru in person and knew that Zhang Yang was running around for Hu Yinru. Finally, because Responsibility, Hu Yinru was just acquitted. Women's minds are meticulous. Liu Yanhong's usual work is to deal with officials and is good at grasping people's psychology. Although Zhang Yang and Hu Yinru are very frank, Liu Yanhong can still detect that their relationship is unusual. Liu Yanhong has nothing to do with Zhang Yang. She can't agree with Zhang Yang's emotional view in the bottom of her heart, but except for the flood of Zhang Yang's feelings, this young man really can't find any problems. Liu Yanhong also knows that Chu Yanran has identified Zhang Yang in her life. Yanran is a smart girl. She is right Zhang Yang's things may not be aware of it, so why do you have to worry about it?

After the officials were together and a few glasses of wine, the topic naturally returned to the officialdom. Wu Ming knew that Zhang Yang had no good impression on him, and of course he would not take the initiative to touch the mold head. He took the initiative to talk with Du Tianye. The two talked about how Jiangcheng and Jingshan could strengthen economic and trade exchanges, Develop together and create regional economic hot spots. There are many overlapping places between the two cities in tourism resources. Qingtai Mountain is located between the two cities. The southern foothills belong to Jiangcheng, and the northern foothills belong to Jingshan. In recent years, there have been some frictions between the two cities in tourism development, and negotiations on tourism resources are also under way

Du Tianye has long had a comprehensive consideration for this matter. He smiled and said, "This matter is actually easy to solve and develop together! Divide the benefits evenly. When Wu Ming heard Du Tianye's words, he suddenly smiled, because the scenic spots of Qingtai Mountain are more concentrated in the southern foothills. If they can be jointly developed and the benefits can be divided, it is obvious that Jingshan City will take advantage of it. But he immediately knew that there was no pie falling from the sky. Du Tianye then raised the matter of diverting water from Jingshan Grass Lake to Chunyang. Chunyang's water was tight. The Chunshui River has now been exhausted. The nearest water source to them is Jingshan Grass Lake. Because the two cities belong to two provinces, this matter has never been solved. It was very appropriate for Du Tianye to choose this time. Wu Ming did things quite simply. He made a decision on the spot, and he sold Du Tianye a favor to divert water from Gehu to Chunyang. The Jingshan section was funded by their government, which also showed Wu Ming's sincerity and the joint development of Qingtai Mountain for Du Tianye. The return of equal division of benefits.

Zhang Guanren listened to the two people exchanging conditions with each other there. It's so hot. It's a pity that I'm too far away from others, Binhai is too poor, and there is nothing to exchange.

Zhang Yang didn't mention it, but Du Tianye took the initiative to mention the solar self-charging lighting system. He didn't say that it was made by Zhang Yang, but said that Jiangcheng was ready to update the street lights.

Wu Ming said: "I have some understanding of this aspect. Our public lighting system in Jingshan is also too old, so this year we will also list the upgrading of the city's lighting system as a key plan. Our leadership has visited many places on this matter, and we also tend to adopt an energy-saving and environmentally friendly solar street lamp system, but according to Research, if this new type of energy is used, the initial investment will be considerable. Zhang Guanzhi stopped talking. He and Wu Ming were opposite. In front of this man, he must put on airs and can't beg him, otherwise he would have caught the opportunity to fight back.

Du Tianye was not clear about the feud between Zhang Yang and Wu Ming. He smiled and said, "Zhang Yang came to Jiangcheng today to introduce me a very advanced system, and the price is also very advantageous." Wu Ming said, "Really? How about the price compared with the traditional lighting system? Du Tianye said, "There are not many Lou!" Wu Ming said, "If it's true, then we are also interested in Zhang Yang. Let's have a colleague. This kind of good thing can't be too conservative!" Zhang Yang smiled and said to himself that you took the initiative to bump into it. I didn't recruit you. Zhang Yang said, "Well, it hasn't been mass-produced yet." Du Tianye said, "Zhang Yang, Wu [Shu] is not an outsider. Don't be too conservative. In fact, your lighting system should be promoted nationwide. Think about it, if we use this clean and environmentally friendly energy all over the country, how much will it cost?" Zhang Guanren nodded repeatedly, but Du Tianye's words reminded him that business is business, and business is business. This should not be mixed with personal grudges. Wu Ming is not to flatter him. He really wants to need this lighting system. From this point of view, Wu Ming's realm is much higher than that of Xiang Cheng. It's all the Municipal Party Committee [Book]. How can the gap between people be so big?

Liu Yanhong said, "Du [Shu] said it well. What era is it now? If you have good things, you should take them out and divide your nose. This is called resource sharing."