Medical official path

Chapter 962 Backhand

This time, Zhang Bijun really brought Zhang Yang back to the headquarters. There was nothing unexpected. There were countless crimes waiting for him. Zhang Bijun said, "Where did you hide Sang Beibei?"

Zhang Yang shook his head and said, "I haven't seen her!" Zhang Bijun said, "Zhang Yang, Sang Beibei betrayed the country and betrayed the organization. This is not a joke."

Zhang Yang said with a smile, "When you say that, I dare not admit it even if I have seen her. You said that I hid her. If I admit it, doesn't it mean that I am also a traitor?"

Zhang Bijun said, "Zhang Yang, I always thought you were very smart, but today I found out that you don't know the current affairs at all."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "You finally know me a little now. I'm taking a good class in the party school. You brought me here from the party school just to make me admit treason. Do you think I'm stupid?"

Zhang Bijun said, "Zhang Yang, my tolerance is limited. Many people can prove that you and Sang Beibei joined hands to raid the secret training base and kill colleagues."

Zhang Yang said, "Come on, I'm not the same as you. My establishment is in Beigang. You are mixed with Guoan, and everyone is not in the same trench at all."

Zhang Bijun said, "Zhang Yang, do you really think I can't cure you?"

Zhang Yang said, "You really can't cure me. Even if I make any mistake, I should be under the control of the Commission for Discipline Inspection. If you have so much energy, you still care about national security and go overseas to open more base areas behind the enemy. I said, what's the trouble you and me, a small cadre in a

Zhang Bijun said, "What is the CD you are talking about?" Her topic finally returned to the CD.

Zhang Yang said, "It's nothing! It's just a CD-ROM that records some secrets. Chapter Bureau, you're very nervous. Does this CD have anything to do with you?

Zhang Bijun's face turned pale with anger. This man was obviously telling her that he was clear about the whole thing. Zhang Bijun said, "Zhang Yang, I have never meant any harm to you, otherwise you would not be free until now."

Zhang Yang said, "You mean I should have died a long time ago. Should I have been in the explosion in the villa in Jinbei? Even if I dodged that time, I should have died in North Korea and at the Golden Valley Military Base! I can still sit here well now. Is it all thanks to you?

Zhang Bijun said, "Have you ever thought that if all these things are exposed, who else can keep you?"

Zhang Yang asked, "Do you think you can stay out of the matter?"

Zhang Bijun said, "Zhang Yang, things are not as simple as you think." She raised a file in her hand and threw it on the table: "It's all your records. Any piece of evidence will ruin your future and make you unable to turn over forever."

Zhang Yang didn't even look at the file and said disdainfully, "If you want to add it, there is no excuse for it. Since I dare to come with you today, I'm ready for the worst."

Zhang Bijun said, "Zhang Yang, I appreciate you very much, but appreciation does not mean that you can tolerate it endlessly."

Zhang Yang said, "So what?"

Zhang Bijun said, "The world is very big, and no one will notice the disappearance of one or two."

Zhang Yang looked at Zhang Bijun with a smile, and she was threatening herself.

Zhang Bijun said: "gaga text" So, no one should think of how important they are!"

Zhang Yang said, "I don't think you can get what you want from me."

Zhang Bijun said, "This stuff on the table can destroy everything you have. If you tell me what you want to know, then I can burn it in front of you."

Zhang Yang smiled. The more Zhang Bijun was, the more it proved her inner tension. He shook his head and said, "If I guess correctly, Xing Chaohui and Lifu are both dead in your hands, so we didn't discuss it!"

Zhang Bijun's pupils suddenly contracted, and she whispered, "Don't you regret it?"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "The person who regrets will not be me!"

Zhang Bijun said, "I'll give you three days to think about it." She pressed a red button on the table, and soon two burly agents appeared in the room.

Zhang Yang looked at Zhang Bijun and said, "Are you going to detain me?"

Zhang Bijun said, "Very good measures!"

Zhang Bijun soon understood one thing. The world is very big, and no one will notice if one or two people disappear. This sentence is only relative. The reason why Zhang Yang dares to follow her into the headquarters is that he is ready.

At ten o'clock in the morning, it was Zhang Yang's appointment to go to Xue Lao for a follow-up visit. Zhang Yang, who has always been punctual, has unexpectedly missed the appointment this time. This is an unprecedented phenomenon. Xue Lao feels a little strange. Even if Zhang Yang has something to do, he should call him to explain. Treatment is extremely important. I repeatedly told myself to pay attention to it. Unexpectedly, he paid attention to it, but Zhang Yang didn't come.

Xue Lao asked Xue Weitong to call Zhang Yang, but Zhang Yang's mobile phone could not be connected.

Xue Lao naturally would not tell Xue Weitong the secret between him and Zhang Yang. He sighed and said, "This boy obviously promised to come to teach me calligraphy in the morning, but now it's okay to play with me and disappear."

Xue Weitong said, "It's okay. He's probably in class at the party school. I'll go to him right now."

Xue Weitong got up and was about to go out when her mobile phone rang. The phone was a strange number. After Xue Weitong answered the phone, he heard the other party say, "Xue Weitong?"

Few people in the capital call Xue Weitong his name directly. Most of them respectfully call her Master Xue. Xue Weitong said, "Who are you?"

"Don't care who I am! Zhang Yang had an accident, and Zhang Bijun from the tenth game took him away, saying that he was treason!"

Xue Weitong was stunned: "What did you say?"

"He asked me to tell you!" After saying that, the other party hurriedly hung up the phone.

This call was made by Sang Beibei. Before leaving, Zhang Yang left Xue Weitong's phone number to her. The purpose was to tell Xue Weitong about this matter through Sang Beibei. Xue Weitong knew that it was equivalent to Xue Lao. Sang Beibei called Zhang Yang before eleven o'clock because she was worried that Zhang Yang would be in trouble. At that time, she found that Zhang Yang had lost contact. She did not dare to neglect him. In the past, she had followed Zhang Bijun for many years and still had a good understanding of her way of doing things. She concluded that Zhang Yang was in trouble. So she made a decision and immediately called Xue Weitong.

Xue Weitong put down the phone and came to Grandpa. He said in a panic, "Grandpa, a stranger called and said that something had happened to Zhang Yang!"

Xue Lao was slightly stunned: "What?"

Xue Weitong just repeated the content of the phone call just now. Xue Lao said, "Did they play the piano randomly? Do they have any evidence? Just arrest people randomly?

Xue Weitong said, "Grandpa, it doesn't seem like a prank."

Zhang Guanren calculated the whole matter clearly. After experiencing the "harmony" of Sang Beibei, Zhang Bijun had to show her the card to herself. She would deal with herself at all costs, and even label herself as treason. As Zhang Bijun said, she has a lot of evidence in her hands. Zhang Yang himself is not impeccable. In the past, he has borrowed the power of Guoan many times, including rescuing Qin Mengmeng, killing in the United States, sneaking into the mansion in Jinbei, and going to the Golden Valley Military Base in North Korea to rescue Lifu. This series If Zhang Bijun wants to deal with himself, he can find thousands of reasons. The crime of treason can definitely beat him down to 18 layers of hell and never turn over.

Although Zhang Yang has Song Huaiming and Wen Guoquan behind him, they know nothing about their behavior in Guoan. If they know, they don't know what they think. If Zhang Bijun lists the so-called evidence of treason, it is not convenient to intervene in their position.

So Zhang Yang thought of Mr. Xue. Before Mr. Xue retired, he had always been responsible for Guoan. Now many of the backbones were promoted by him. After Zhang Yang learned about this matter, he came up with such a method. Now he may be the only one who can save Mr. Xue in the world. Zhang Bijun wants to be right. Paying yourself is equivalent to dealing with Xue Lao.

Zhang Bijun did not have enough understanding of the complexity of this matter. She calmly analyzed the current situation. Sombe has not had any news so far. She stabbed Sambebe with a snake-poisoned army "gaga mighty" knife. Under the premise of no antidote, Sambebe should not last more than 12 hours As for the CD she said, Zhang Bijun vaguely felt that it might be just a means for Sang Beibei to intimidate himself. It is not clear whether the CD is in her hand or not. Even if there is such a CD, the content of it may not prove anything, otherwise Sambebei would have taken out the CD to deal with herself.

Zhang Bijun took the initiative to dial that number, and she told him in a low voice about the control of publicity.

After Zhang Bijun finished speaking, the other party sighed and said, "It seems that he knows a lot of things, and now he can only do this. In fact, we could have done it more secretly."

Zhang Bijun said, "I can't take risks. He and Sang Beibei must have jointly kidnapped Ruirong. I don't know what he will do next. I have to do it first."

"There may be some resistance."

Zhang Bijun said, "I have many of his secrets in my hand, each of which is enough to put him to death. Once I show the evidence of his treason, no one will talk to him anymore, and no one wants to cause this trouble.

"It's hard not to be stared at by the upper layer for what you have done recently. You have to be careful."

"It all started because of the investigation of Jinbei. If it hadn't been for the investigation of him, so many things would not have happened."

The other party whispered, "The man in Jinbei is very deep. I always suspect that he has some evidence in his hands."

Zhang Bijun said, "You think highly of him!"

"Looking at people must not be limited to the surface. He is much more narrow-minded than others. We should be careful."