Medical official path

Chapter 967 Timeless

() Zhang Guanru didn't know what kind of resentment Chen Gang would have for himself because of this matter, but he found another interesting change. Xiang Cheng, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, changed his attitude towards himself. It should be Xue Lao, a common bond, which played a role. Second, Zhang Yang got up early in the morning and met him after Xiang Cheng, Xiang Cheng said to him with a smile on his face, "Xiao Zhang, let's go to breakfast together!"

Zhang Yang nodded and could see that Xiang Cheng was in a good mood. He followed Xiang Cheng's footsteps to the restaurant. Huo Yunzhu, the director of the Beijing Office, had been waiting there for a long time, and the breakfast was ready. She smiled and greeted the two. ** No pop-up window **

After Xiang Cheng sat down, he took a sip of milk and said to Zhang Yang, "Xiao Zhang, Xue Lao said that he would go to Beigang in the near future, and the reception work will be left to you at that time."

Zhang Yang smiled understandingly: "Secretary Xiang, you are the leader. You give instructions, and I promise to complete the task."

This sentence made Xiang Cheng very comfortable. He whispered, "Mr. Xue is the most admired in my life. He is very optimistic about you!"

Zhang Daguan said sincerely, isn't it because I can treat him well? Otherwise, how can I, a small generation, get into his old way to enter the house? When he came to Beijing this time, Xiang Cheng made a 180-degree turn in his attitude towards himself. It must be because of Mr. Xue. Thinking of the past, it was difficult for Xiang Cheng to make things difficult for him. It was difficult for Zhang to connect the smiling elder in front of him. Everyone in the officialdom knew how to change his face. Zhang Yang was To show his goodwill, he can't face each other coldly. He said, "I also have a lot of respect for Mr. Xue, and he has also taught me a lot of principles."

Xiang Cheng found that it was really strange to enter Beijing. Before coming to Beijing this time, he still hated Zhang Yang. However, after knowing the relationship between Xue Lao and Zhang Yang, he immediately began to learn to look at the problem from a new perspective. He decided to turn enemies into friends with Zhang Yang. Although he knew that it was not easy to do, as long If you have an idea, you should be able to do it. When Yao and Xue Lao parted yesterday, Xue Lao once gave him a sentence. There is a way to get along with each other. You respect a foot, and you respect you. If you don't give in to each other, you can only get more and more rigid in the end. When the relationship is deadlocked, there must be an active concession.

There is an old Chinese saying that if you want to be good, if you want to be small, Xiang Cheng is doing so now.

It is not unreasonable for Zhang to enter. This guy is actually a master who is afraid of respect. To put it out, the contradictions between him and Xiang Cheng are still caused by public affairs, such as the withdrawal of counties and cities, the brightening of cities, and the conversion of development zones to farmland. These contradictions are not personal complaints. Now Xiang Cheng has The unhappiness in the past will naturally disappear. However, Zhang Yang is not a good coaxer. He will not regard him as a good entry because of the sudden change in Xiang Cheng's attitude, and he will say everything in his heart as if out of his heart. Zhang's specialty is to put forward conditions. His strength is to seize all the opportunities that can be grasped and take as much as possible. First of all, he mentioned the matter on the 1st and talked about the solar self-charging street lamp, in order to take over the project in Beigang.

Xiang Cheng said, "Xiao Zhang, you said it was too late. Before you mentioned this matter to me, the city had signed a contract with the southern street lamp manufacturer. We can't break the contract, can we?" In fact, when Zhang Yang told him, this matter was just that the intention had not been signed yet. Because of a preconnative opinion, he rejected Zhang Yang's proposal without looking at it. Xiang Cheng is not optimistic about Zhang Yang's solar self-charging street lamp plan until now. He believes that this boy's work is very unreliable, and there is a distance between reality and ideal. Even if Binhai Science and Technology Bureau has developed this set of things, how likely is it to be put into production? Will the cost be too high? He suspected that Zhang Yang had not figured it out at all. Although Mr. Xue changed his attitude towards Zhang Yang, he could not change his view of Zhang Yang. In his eyes, Zhang Yang is still an immature young man.

Zhang Yang said, "Secretary Xiang, the financial situation in Binhai is not optimistic. Can you see if the city can give some policies?"

Xiang Cheng sighed and said, "Xiao Zhang, I'm really powerless about this!"

Zhang Guan looked at Xiang Cheng's helpless face and immediately understood that it was really difficult to get money from his hands. It's better to rely on yourself than to rely on the ground. In the future, it's better not to talk about money as much as possible. It's a waste of spit. After thinking through this level, Zhang Yang and Xiang He smiled and said, "Then I'll figure it out myself." Then bow your head and eat.

Xiang Cheng also slowly ate his own breakfast. He ate very slowly and chewed slowly to help his health. At his age, he had to pay attention to health. After a few mouthfuls of rice, Xiang Cheng remembered another thing: "Xiao Zhang, the Ministry of Agriculture recently issued a notice to the city about the Binhai Development Zone."

Zhang Yang was secretly happy. He poked out this matter. Xiang Cheng came to Beijing this time to deal with this matter. Because of the Binhai Development Zone, the Ministry of Agriculture regarded Beigang as a negative example. Qiao Zhenliang criticized the leadership of Beigang by name, and Xiang Cheng was also ashamed because of this matter.

Zhang Yang pretended to be confused and said, "What does the notice say? I haven't received any news yet.

Xiang Cheng secretly scolded the boy for being cunning. He made the matter 100%. Now he is still pretending to be innocent in front of him, but Xiang Cheng is not easy to break it. He sighed and said, "The Binhai Development Zone has been progressing slowly, and there is not much improvement. A large area of land is idle When I got up, the local people lost their land and failed to solve the employment problem in time, so there were great contradictions and grievances constantly accumulating. We were not able to make guidance in time, so some of them were sued to the Ministry of Agriculture. Now the Ministry of Agriculture attaches the most important issue of arable land, so Minister Qiao Let's get through."

Zhang Yang said in his heart, you deserve it. Look at the place where the Binhai Development Zone was selected. It's a little amateur. Good arable land has been occupied by you, and there is still a large area of barren land on the coast, evil!

Xiang Cheng said, "In fact, the development of any new thing does not happen overnight. The development of the city requires a process."

Zhang Yang said, "I heard that urban development is like a woman giving birth. There must be a process of labor pain. As long as you hold on, a new life will be born."

Xiang Cheng heard it inexplicably and said in his heart, "Where is this? Let me talk to you about development. Can you talk to me about having a baby girl?

Zhang Yang said, "If you want to develop, you have to endure a little pain. In fact, I can't bear to close the development zone, but when I went to the development zone on the spot, the two enterprises were supporting there, and a large area of land was idle. The good fields in the past were all full of barren grass. The people How do they live? The purpose of our development zone is not to promote the development of the city and make the people's lives better, but now that the development zone has done, the people's life is not as good as before. How can they feel comfortable? It's normal for them to complain.

Xiang Cheng said, "A development zone is a long-term process from project establishment to approval to construction. I don't know how many comrades have made hard work and silent dedication."

Zhang Yang said, "No matter how much useless work is done, it is still useless. A donkey can more or less grind a little face around the grinding disc. You let a donkey pull the grinding disc forward. Even if it is exhausted, it can't be grinded out at all. Try to guide the right direction."

Xiang Cheng said, "Then what do you think about the development zone?"

Zhang Yang said, "Give back the land to the people and return the fertile land of the development zone to the people, but the development zone is not to do without it. I have solicited the opinions of professional scholars, and I plan to move the development zone to the north, and the large area of saline and alkaline land north of the port is not used in

Xiang Cheng said, "If you think it's feasible, don't worry about it, but..." He paused for a moment and then said, "You'd better talk about it in person with Minister Qiao of the Ministry of Agriculture. We will rectify the problems they pointed out immediately. I hope that the Ministry of Agriculture will not make our Beigang tree The image of the city has a great negative impact.

Zhang Yang said, "I can only try. I can't guarantee that I can convince Minister Qiao."

The two-in conversation is more like an exchange. Xiang Cheng vaguely said that he would make concessions, but let Zhang Yang also make some concessions to eliminate the negative impact caused by him as much as possible. The first notice from the Ministry of Agriculture is a warning if they really regard Beigang as a blind occupation of agricultural land. As a typical example of development, Xiang Cheng's old face will be lost. Xiang Cheng knows very well that the relationship between Zhang Yang and Qiao Zhenliang is extraordinary. Since he can say that Qiao Zhenliang can help him, he will definitely resolve this matter.

When the two were chatting, he saw Chen Gang, the secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, coming over. Chen Gang's eyes seemed to be searching for something. Xiang Cheng waved to him: "Lao Chen, come here!"

Chen Gang smiled. His eyes did not stop on Zhang Yang's face at all. He came to Xiang Cheng and sat down, as if he hadn't seen Zhang Yang at all: "Secretary Xiang, get up so early!"

Xiang Cheng smiled and said, "I heard that you drank a lot last night, and I thought you couldn't get up today."

Chen Gang said, "Secretary Xiang, I'm not that old enough. This waist can still be straightened up."

Xiang Cheng laughed loudly.

Chen Gang still ignored Zhang Yang on one side. In his opinion, even if he said hello, Zhang Yang should greet him first, but Zhang Yang only cares about eating his own breakfast, and Chen Gang has never appeared.

(To be continued) RQ