Medical official path

Chapter 971 The ups and downs of the tide

Chapter 971

(Part 2)

Six policemen looked at each other and stretched out their hands flat one by one, and said, "I want to look at the back of my hand!"

They turned over the back of their hands, and Zhang Yang looked at it one by one. Zhang's eyesight was extraordinary. Others saw it as fur, but he could see the subtle changes in the skin color and muscles of the back of his hand. After a person punched with all his strength, his palm would change and would not return to normal in a short time Tongren can't notice it. Even the police can't find it, but Zhang Guanren can see it.

After reading the palms of the six people, he said coldly, "Now tell me honestly, where on earth did Gao Lianming provoke you? How dare you join hands to plot him!"

Several policemen said indignantly, "Secretary Zhang, you can't frame us. We are all colleagues. How can we do something to our own people? Please investigate clearly!"

Zhang Yang said, "No need to investigate!" He pointed to the tall policeman in the middle of the finger and said, "The two punches on Gao Lianming's face are yours. You are condescending, round your arms, and one straight fist and one swing. What a great hatred. You can do it to your colleagues!"

"I didn't..." The face of the tall policeman has changed.

Zhang said harshly, "Don't quibble to me, take off my coat!"

Six policemen looked at Cheng Yandong eagerly: " Director Cheng!" They acted unjustly.

Cheng Yandong said, "Let you take it off, you take it off. There's so much nonsense!"

Several policemen took off their coats, and both of them had bruises on their bodies. They said loudly, "Gao Lianming also fought back. Unfortunately, he didn't hit you in the face. Do you still deny me now?"

Several policemen lowered their heads, and one of them shouted, "Secretary Zhang, this has nothing to do with me. I've been staying in the police room." In a word, he sold everyone else, proving that the beating was done by five other people in partnership.

No one expected that this headless case would be broken as soon as the official Zhang took action. Gao Lianming heard that these colleagues beat him so hard that his eyes turned red. He stood up and wanted to rush to the desperate, but was stopped by Cheng Yandong.

Geng Xiaojiang saw that the case was solved. It was an internal struggle of the police, which had nothing to do with their car trading market. He said in his heart that there was no need to suspend business for rectification.

I didn't expect that Zhang Guanren said slowly: " Even the police participate in the violence, which is enough to prove the chaos of the public security environment in the car trading market. It must be rectified and seriously rectified!"

After saying that, Zhang Daguan turned around and left. Although Xu Shuangqi did not like his arrogance and domineering, he had to admire his ability to solve the case.

Cheng Yandong followed Zhang Yang and whispered, "Secretary Zhang, how can you conclude that it was done by an insider of the police?"

Zhang Yang said, "There is no need to ask. Gao Lianming is just a small policeman in the car trading market, and he has not offended any owners. His mouth is a little more likely to offend his colleagues. I think it may be because his existence has blocked other people's wealth."

Cheng Yandong said, "Can you conclude this matter by speculation alone?"

Zhang Yang said, "After a person exerts his strength, the skin muscles on his fist will change. This change can't be restored in a short time. If you don't observe it carefully, you won't find it. I have been practicing since I was a child, and I am much more sensitive to this kind of thing than you."

Cheng Yandong sighed, "Secretary Zhang, if you are policemen, we will all lose our jobs."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Don't worry, I won't compete with you for a job." He looked at the signboard of the car trading market and whispered, "Take this opportunity to check that most of the private cars in Beigang are flooded from here. I will never allow places to hide dirt under my rule."

Cheng Yandong nodded and said, "Don't worry!"

Xu Shuangqi and Zhang Yang returned to the administrative center in a car. There was no smile on his face. He thought that Zhang Yang used himself again. In front of everyone, the stronger Zhang Yang's performance was, the more he reflected his mediocrity.

Zhang Yang was able to guess Xu Shuangqi's current thoughts. He smiled and said, "Lao Xu, do you have any opinion on my rectification of the car trading market?"

Xu Shuangqi said, "I can't talk about it. I just think it will have an impact on the economic development of Binhai."

Zhang Yang said, "Have you heard of the proliferation of black cars in the car trading market?"

Xu Shuangqi said, "Most of them still have no problem. In fact, there are some such problems in places where there are ports. A large piece of cake may have been stung by flies. We can't throw away the whole piece of cake, can we?"

Zhang Yang said, "Lao Xu, your heart is really not small, but if we tolerate a fly, there will be countless flies coming up. I, a special axis, believe in a sentence, that's better lack than abuse!"

Xu Shuangqi said, "The patient needs to take medicine, but blindly taking medicine will not cure his disease, but will make his condition worse."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Lao Xu, I'm afraid you don't know. I'm a good doctor."

Xu Shuangqi had a suspicious smile on his face.

Zhang's official scolded and paralyzed in his heart. When he told the truth for Mao, no one always believed it?

Xu Shuangqi knew that Zhang Yang must use the topic this time, and he felt helpless about it. Although Zhang Yang did not come for a long time, Xu Shuangqi already knew something about his temperament, and this thing he determined was bound to stick to the end.

It rained heavily on the day when Cheng Runsheng came to Binhai. As a secretary of Binhai, Zhang Yang personally came to Beigang Railway Station to pick him up. His daughter Cheng Min accompanied Cheng Runsheng. Cheng Min talked a lot. As soon as he got on the bus, he complained about the weather in Beigang.

Zhang Yang drove in person, and Chang Haixin sat in the co-driver's seat. The two of them couldn't help smiling bitterly while listening to Cheng Min's nagging. Fortunately, Cheng Runsheng's mood was not affected in any way.

Cheng Min said, "Secretary Zhang, where are we staying tonight?"

Zhang Yang said, "Go back to Binhai, I will arrange for you to stay at my house." Zhang Daguan's house in the Ocean Garden was too large, and it was also empty. Originally, Chang Haixin was going to arrange for Cheng Run's father and daughter to stay in the county party committee hostel, but Zhang Yang was worried that the conditions there were simple and neglected the hard-earned the professor.

Cheng Runsheng smiled and said, "Just arrange a place to stay. It's too troublesome to go to your house."

Zhang Yang said, "I live alone in a big house. Professor Cheng, you went there just to be lively. Also, I asked someone to prepare a fishing rod for you. When the weather improves, I will accompany you to go fishing." Zhang's official said that he would do what he liked.

Cheng Runsheng laughed and said, "Okay!"

Cheng Min said, "Looking at the weather here, I don't know how many days it will rain."

Zhang Yang found that Cheng Min was a little resentful woman, as if she was dissatisfied with everything and kept nagging. Later, Zhang Yang learned that Cheng Min had liked Chang Hailong in the past, but Chang Hailong did not call her, so the two of them were deliberately ruthless and did not become a couple in the end. Perhaps because of the emotional dissatisfaction, Cheng Min's temper has become a little strange.

The city and county highway from Beigang to Binhai is very muddy, mainly Binhai Fulong Port. Large trucks carrying goods pass frequently, and the road is seriously damaged. Cheng Min complained all the way.

Cheng Runsheng said, "Zhang Yang, this road should be repaired well."

Zhang Yang said, "It has been reported to the city. This road has been repaired, and an expressway for cities and counties will be built to be completed at the beginning of next year."

Cheng Runsheng said, "The road to improve the image of the city must go first."

Zhang Yang nodded.

When passing the Binhai toll station, he saw that the toll station had been demolished. Zhang Daguan was quite satisfied, but the road was blocked because of the collision of two trucks in front of him, so he had to take a detour from the side path.

Zhang Yang's ground tiger has strong off-road performance. Of course, he is not afraid of any muddy paths, but when he detoured from Jiangzhuang, he saw that someone set up a roadblock on the road ahead. The so-called roadblock was a small tree. When the vehicle came, they put the tree down. After the driver gave the

Zhang Daguan is so depressed that he removed all the toll stations in Binhai after taking office. I can't think of another one here, but this is unofficial. Three men dressed in raincoats were quite dedicated there and charged one by one.

When it was Zhang Yang's turn to go by, one of the black-faced men stretched out his hand and said, "Five yuan!"

Zhang Yang didn't feel sorry for the five yuan, but felt that the matter was quite depressing. He looked at the watch and said, "The toll booth has been withdrawn. How can you collect money here?"

The black-faced man scolded, "He***, if the toll station hadn't been withdrawn, would we have stood here to collect money on a rainy day?" This rural toll station has existed for a long time. In the past, cars took a detour from here to escape the toll station. The official toll station charged ten yuan. They charged two yuan, and they also had a large amount of income a day. But since the toll station was removed, their rural toll station was naturally not interested. Today, I heard that Come and make a small fortune, and the charge has also increased from the past two yuan to five yuan.

Zhang Yang said, "Who asked you to charge here?"

The black-faced man stared at him and said, "Who are you?" He looked at Zhang Yang's license plate. The countryman had little knowledge. He thought it was just a license plate from other places. The black-faced man spit on the car and said, "A foreign car dares to be awesome on the land of Binhai. Look for a beating!" It's ten yuan for an out-of-town car!"

Later, Cheng Min sneered. She regarded Zhang Yang's current experience as a joke.

Zhang Daguan has always been a face-loving master. In front of distinguished guests, he was actually bullied by several villagers in his own acre of land, which made his face go anywhere.

If Zhang Yang can't argue with these villagers at ordinary times, he said harshly to the black-faced man, "Get out of the way quickly. I'm a government employee. I'm obstructing my official duties. You have to be responsible."

"Boh! What government staff, even if you are the county party secretary on the way from our village, you have to pay... RQ