Medical official path

Chapter 985 There is a reason for the accident

Zhang Yang was invited to stay in Guandi No. 1 that night, but Xiang Cheng left at night. Before going to bed that night, Zhang Yang came to Mr. Xue's room. Mr. Xue pointed to a word on the table and said, "This is my recent work. I feel quite satisfied. Take a look!" Zhang Yang walked over, but saw the three words of Damingchun written on the paper. He couldn't help laughing. After all, Mr. Xue was Mr. Xue, and he didn't even leave a trace of fulfilling his promise. These three words were still written by Mr. Xue for help from Mr. Jiangcheng Winery. Xue did what he said. Zhang Yang said, He already has the style of a master. Xue Lao smiled and said, "Don't flatter me. It's okay for me to fool the layman! But in front of you is the door of the class!" I'm also fooling a lay fool!"

Mr. Xue laughed and said, "Stinky boy, I'm a laydian!"

Zhang Yang put away the word while laughing and came to Mr. Xue to diagnose his pulse.

Mr. Xue handed his hand to Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang sent a little real gas into Mr. Xue's meridians, and his breath walked along his meridians. Mr. Xue felt that a clear stream was swimming in the [body], as if there was a small fish walking everywhere along his whole body meridians. He knew that this kind of thing Talk again. After Zhang Yangzai carefully explored Xue Lao's meridians, he just let go of his wrist and smiled, "That's good, that's good!" Xue Laohua was also relieved to say this and breathed a sigh of relief: "I went to the hospital for a full-body physical examination before, which showed that the boundary of cancer has been blurred, and the range is less than two centimeters at present."

Zhang Yang said, "I have contacted experts in this field. We may go to Jiangcheng for a visit." Mr. Xue said calmly, "Since I'm here, I'll follow your arrangement."

Zhang Yang said, "I'll give you another medicine to consolidate it. I'll accompany you to Jiangcheng in three days." Xue Lao said, "The world may come over."

Zhang Yang said, "Did you tell him about this?" Xue Lao nodded and said, "He asked my full-time doctor to cross-examine me. After all, this matter can't be hidden from him." Zhang Yang said, "It doesn't care if he knows. After all, there are certain risks in applying blood replacement treatment for you." Xue Lao smiled and said, "Don't worry. I have been indifferent to life and death. If I really can't get through this, it's also my fate."

Zhang Yang said, "When did Mr. Xue believe in his life?"

Xue Lao said, "There are some things that can't be changed by human beings. For example, human life, no matter how strong a person is, there will be a day when life ends." Zhang Yang will set the treatment time for Xue Lao three days later. First, he will use these three days to use drugs to strengthen his physique and solidify his roots. Second, he can use these three days to comb his meridians. Zhang Yang's treatment plan is somewhat similar to his original method of detoxifying Lifu, and the blood in the old man's The liquid is cleaned up, but this can never be done by relying on his internal strength. After consulting with Yu Ziliang, Yu Ziliang proposed that modern medical technology can already do a large-scale blood change for the old man.

What Zhang Yang needs to do is to control the possible exclusion reaction and remove the remaining tumor cells in Xue Lao's [body] by internal force. These must mean great risks to him in the past. However, for him, who has achieved the Mahayana formula, the strength of internal force lies in the amazing adaptability, which is just right. The occurrence of rejection reactions can be restrained.

Xue Lao's performance in the past few days in Beigang has been no different, and he also took time to accompany Xiang Cheng to several well-known scenic spots in Beigang.

The one who really knew Xue Lao's condition was not only Zhang Yang, but also Xue Shilun. One day before Xue Lao went to Jiangcheng for treatment, Xue Weitong was called back by an emergency telegram in the capital. Her business encountered some problems, which was actually an excuse used by Xue Shilun to send her away.

Shortly after Xue Weitong left, Xue Shilun arrived at Beigang. He and Zhang Yang accompanied Xue Lao to Jiangcheng.

In order to keep this secret, Xue Shilun also took great pains to this time. He did not dare to accompany his father from the beginning. The purpose was to be afraid that others would be suspicious. Xue Shilun was deeply uneasy about the result of his father's treatment. In fact, at the beginning, he did not believe in Zhang Yang at all, Later, when he saw that the tumor in his father's liver was indeed shrinking, he began to be a little skeptical, and then there was hope.

Xue Lao went to bed soon after getting on the car. Zhang Yang and Xue Shilun sat side by side. In their memory, they had not been in close contact with each other. Xue Shilun handed Zhang Yang a bottle of mineral water, and he took a bottle of mineral water himself, unzunled it and poured two mouthfuls.

Zhang Yang said, "Uncle Xue must have spent a lot of effort this time in order to hide it from his family, right?" Xue Shilun turned around and looked at his father and whispered, "It's not just to hide it from my family." His words are profound. His father's health is related to all aspects of interests. If the outside world really knows the [true] situation, the things around his father will certainly set off a storm. Every time he thinks about this, Xue Shilun's heart will be filled with a sense of sadness, not for others, but for himself. He found that his father's importance to the Xue family was still irreplaceable. No matter how hard he tried and how much wealth he had, he could not replace his father's position in reality.

Zhang Yang said, "Don't worry, everything will be fine."

Yu Ziliang had already prepared for this treatment. When Zhang Yang returned to Beigang from the capital, he greeted him as soon as possible. Three days ago, Xue Lao arrived in Beigang, and Yu Ziliang began to prepare everything needed for treatment. After Xue Lao arrived at the hospital, he was admitted to a special ward. At Zhang Yang's request, all In the air, only Mr. Xue lives here.

In order to ensure that his father was not disturbed, Xue Shilun specially hired six first-class bodyguards.

Everything started very smoothly. After Xue Lao was admitted to the hospital, Xue Shilun and Yu Ziliang met alone. He specially investigated the treatment of too much Ziliang, and also quite agreed with Ziliang's medical skills. Xue Shilun saw that Yu Ziliang had only one purpose. In his opinion, there is no need to pay in return in the world. He first wrote a cheque of one million yuan to Yu Ziliang.

Yu Ziliang looked at the check handed over by Xue Shilun and couldn't help but be stunned. He quickly pushed the check back and whispered, "I can't use so much. Zhang Yang is my friend. If it's someone else's, I will definitely not agree to such a thing!" He smiled and pointed to the check and said, "Friendship can't be exchanged for money, so Mr. Xue, please take back the money first. After Mr. Xue is discharged from the hospital, I will calculate the cost and send the documents to you on my own initiative." Yu Ziliang had recognized Mr. Xue. Before that, Zhang Yang did not tell him that it was Mr. Xue who came for treatment this time. Although Yu Ziliang is relaxed on the surface, he is under a lot of pressure in his heart. Who is Mr. Xue? If the treatment is successful, it is gratifying, but if there is really something wrong in the middle, I'm afraid that the reputation he has worked hard for half his life is likely to be wasted. But Yu Ziliang has an almost blind trust in Zhang Yang. He has witnessed too many miracles in Zhang Yang's hands, and he believes that this time will be no exception.

When Xue Shilun saw that Yu Ziliang did not accept it, he did not continue to insist. After collecting the check, he smiled and said, "If my father can recover this time, I will donate a ward building for your hospital." Xue Shilun's action is indeed extraordinary, which shows the importance of his father's position in his mind.

Yu Ziliang said, "Actually, I'm just assisting in this matter, and the person who plays a key role is still publicity." Xue Shilun said, "Professor Yu, if I ask something I shouldn't ask, how much do you think my father hopes to recover this time?"

Yu Ziliang said, "We will try our best!"

Yu Ziliang is a cautious person. He is naked in medicine and can't exaggerate at all. For the same question, Xue Shilun will not ask Zhang Yang, because Zhang Yang's medical skills are beyond what he can understand. In Xue Shilun's view, Yu Ziliang, who is rigorous in learning should be much more reliable than Zhang Yang, Lake warlock, his treatment method is mysterious and unpredictable, but the examination results are clearly there, so Xue Shilun can't believe it.

When Xue Shilun and Yu Ziliang met, Zhang Yang talked with Xue Lao in the ward.

Mr. Xue is in a good mental state, and he has not discussed any problems in treatment from beginning to end.

Zhang Yang took the initiative to talk about this matter: "Xue Lao, when I was in Dongjiang, I went to visit Gu Yunzhi Gu [Book]. He knew that you were coming to Pinghai in the near future, and he was also very happy, and he said that he wanted to come to see you." Xue Lao smiled and said, "I know, I haven't seen him since he withdrew from politics. He used to work under me in the past and is a rare talent. He will call me to greet me during the Spring Festival."

Zhang Yang said, "Do you always want to see him?"

Xue Laolian nodded repeatedly and said, "Yes, I want to, when I am discharged from the hospital, I will take time to visit the old friends and subordinates in the past." Speaking of this, Xue Lao suddenly felt a little strange in his heart. Although he looked down on life and death, when he really reached the critical moment of life and death, he was still a little nervous in his heart.

Zhang Yang said, "Then I'll call him later and ask Gu [Shu] to come tomorrow." Mr. Xue said, "It's still two days later. I don't want to be seen by others when I'm sick." Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Do you always have no confidence in me, or do you want to stay in the hospital when you see this place?" This kind of words can only be said to Mr. Xue with a sense of publicity.

Xue Lao laughed and said, "What kind of hospital are you? I don't even want to stay here for a moment." Zhang Yang said, "After the treatment tomorrow, you can go to another place to live. I have arranged for you, the best scenic place in Jiangcheng, Nanhu Wooden House Villa.

Although it is not as luxurious as Guandi No. 1, it will definitely make you feel at home.