Medical official path

Chapter 996 Efficiency

Zhang Daguan drank without panic. Wine!', feelings, as the name implies. Only when you have feelings can you have feelings. If this feeling is gone, the feelings will be gone. If there are always feelings between men and women, this feeling can last for a lifetime, that is love!"

Shi Wei said, "Well, I thought you could say something creative. Vernacular, I think you are at this level."

Xiao Meihong said, "I first heard it in the vernacular, but it's a little interesting to think about it carefully. It's like I used to be. At that time, I loved him so much that I had the idea of not marrying him. But later, after drinking too much with Mengyuan, I suddenly felt that it was gone. Such a person!" Qiao Mengyuan didn't say anything, but thought of her and Xu Jiayong. In fact, it was not what Xiao Meihong said between her and Xu Jiayong in those years. She also had a love affair with Xu Jiayong, but later that feeling became lighter and lighter, and finally passed away with the wind. Now when she thinks of Xu Jiayong, she only feels that But there is no feeling of heartache. Maybe this is exactly what Zhang Yang said. The feeling is gone, and the love is gone. Her emotional changes are directly related to Zhang Yang. It was the appearance of Zhang Yang that made her forget Xu Jiayong and look at Zhang Yang. Qiao Mengyuan's heart is extremely complicated. She tried to leave Zhang Yang far away. , try to avoid meeting him, but there is an indescribable magic in Zhang Yang's body, which makes her can't help thinking of him. When she can't see him, she will think about him, but when he is in front of him, he can't help thinking about him in his heart. This is a feeling that Qiao Mengyuan has Love is also superficial and profound. Qiao Mengyuan silently thought, did she really fall in love with him? Hopelessly trapped in love?

Xiao Meihong was stunned when she saw Qiao Mengyuan and couldn't help saying, "What do you think of Mengyuan?" Qiao Mengyuan smiled indifferently. She looked at Zhang Yang and said, "A person may fall in love with many people in his life, but do you believe that a person will fall in love with many people at the same time?"

Zhang Daguan said: "Emotions are like drinking. People drink differently. Some people will vomit after drinking a cup, but some people will not get drunk after drinking a thousand cups. If you compare wine to feelings, can you say that people who can only drink a glass of wine are people who really know wine? Does the one who can drink a thousand cups know nothing about wine? Obviously not. Those who are capable work hard. It has been the same since ancient times. Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty also has love. Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty also has love, and Wu Zetian has also had true love. Everyone has their own emotional standards, even if his emotional outlook is not accepted by society.,,

Shi Wei's eyes widened and said, "Boh! You are an asshole logic. According to your words, a man with a hu's heart is a good man instead? Zhang Daguanren smiled and said, "I won't tell you. With your emotional intelligence, I can't understand my shining thoughts at all."

Xiao Meihong said, "Zhang [book], your nose sounds a little scary and true. No matter how you listen to it, it is an excuse for the man's heart.

Zhang Guanren smiled and said, "Let me give another example. A plate of Chinese cabbage and a plate of braised pork are put in front of you. If you choose Chinese cabbage, you can enjoy it alone, but if you choose braised pork, you have to share it with others. Do you choose braised pork or Chinese cabbage?"

Xiao Meihong was stunned. She blinked and said nothing.

Qiao Mengyuan smiled and said no words.

Shi Wei stared and said, "I pick braised pork, but whoever dares to fight with Lou, I will kill them all!" Now everyone's eyes are focused on Shi Wei. Shi Wei said, "Yes! Why should I share what I like with others!" Zhang Daguan laughed and stood up and said, "So you can only eat fruit paste in your life. If you don't leave, I'm afraid I'll have a bloody disaster!" Zhang's official soon learned that the [police] inspectors of the Xingang Branch were not incompetent. The next morning, he received a phone call from Su Rongtian. Su Rongtian told Zhang Yang that the lost wallets and documents had been recovered.

Zhang Yang didn't expect that the efficiency of these people was so high. It seemed that the greater the pressure, the greater the motivation. Su Rongtian said, "Zhang [book], I'm really sorry. I'm going to send you the lost property." Zhang Yang has always been respected by others. He respected the master of others. Seeing that Su Rongtian had such a good attitude and helped recover the lost property overnight, Zhang Yang's anger naturally faded a lot. He smiled and said, "Well, I'll invite Su to have morning tea!"

Su Rongtian walked into the tea restaurant in the golden harbor and saw Zhang Yang sitting at the table near the window. The early morning sun was projected in from the floor-to-ceiling window, which reflected Zhang Yang's angular five-characters more and more layered. Sitting in the sidelight, Zhang Yang made Su Rongtian's

Seeing Su Rongtian coming over with a brown paper bag, he smiled faintly at the corners of his lips: "Have you eaten yet?" Su Rongtian shook his head and yawned tiredly, "I can't sleep all night!" Then he added! 'It's a shame that this kind of thing happened in my jurisdiction.' He is not self-criticting, but to show his merit, for fear that others will not know how hard he worked last night.

Zhang's official has no interest in Su Rongtian's hard work or not, and will not have any sympathy because of his hard work. All he cares about is whether the lost property will be recovered.

Of course, Su Rongtian also knew what Zhang Yang really cared about. He took out his wallet and certificate from the kraft paper bag and looked at it casually. Su Rongtian said, "Let's see if anything has been lost." Zhang Yang said, "We have to wait for them to come and have a look!" He looked at the time, and it was just seven o'clock.

Su Rongtian smiled and said, "It's too early. I'm bothering you."

Zhang Yang invited Su Rongtian to have breakfast together. Su Rongtian was not polite. In the situation last night, he did have nothing to say to Zhang Yang. Now, after all, he has found Qiao Mengyuan and Shi Wei's wallets and certificates, which is at least a credit. Su Rongtian said, "Zhang [book], the car has With manpower, all the police officers of the whole branch were mobilized to investigate and reported the matter to other districts. As long as the car is still in Beigang, it will definitely be recovered.

Zhang Yang said, "It's hard, Su Bureau, has the thief caught it?"

Su Rongtian said, "We carried out a comprehensive action last night and interrogated all the suspicious people who often moved in the Newport area. Finally, we found clues. This wallet was done by two Western Xinjiang thieves who often stole in the area of Haifeng Road. Now that the people have been captured by us, they say that the money in the wallet has not been too late.

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "The Soviet Bureau is really efficient!" Su Rongtian smiled and said, "The two thieves said that they didn't know that the car had been stolen. Through our preliminary interrogation, they should have nothing to do with the car theft case." Zhang Yang said, "Su Bureau, seeing your efficiency, I have regained a lot of confidence in the police." What did Su Rongtian say about you? I found all my wallet for you. Do you think I'm a waste of money? In fact, it is not difficult for Su Rongtian to find his wallet. He often moves on the sea breeze road

Stealing nothing more than those few, all of them will be caught back for the first trial, and there will be a result. Although Su Rongtian was a little dissatisfied with Zhang Yang, he did not dare to show what Zhang Yang was. He had heard about it in the past. Last night was his first contact with the young county party committee. Although he went a little later, he failed to witness the heroic scene of Zhang's invincible and invincible. Face, but he saw the tragic situation after the war with his own eyes. More than 30 men were beaten to the ground and moaned. Who can have such an ability? No matter how strong a person's combat effectiveness is, that is, a martial artist. The power of publicity is that he is not only powerful, but also has a deep background. He is so young that he is already the county party committee of Binhai. Anyone can see that his future development future is unlimited.

Su Rongtian said, "We arrested all the people involved in the trouble last night, and the little boss who led the trouble has been detained by us."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I didn't expect Beigang and such a doer as Su Bureau. It's really a blessing for Beigang!" Su Rongtian said, "It is our duty to maintain social security." He was about to sing a few high-profile words when he saw Qiao Mengyuan and Xiao Meihong coming together. Su Rongtian recognized Xiao Meihong. He greeted her with a smile, "Mr. Xiao, it turns out that you know Miss Qiao!" Xiao Meihong said, "Did the Su Bureau come so early to bring good news?"

Zhang Yang pointed to the wallet and documents on the table.

Qiao Mengyuan went over and looked at it and found that she even had a lot of cash. She smiled and said, "Thank you very much. I didn't expect you [police] to be so efficient in handling the case." Xiao Meihong smiled and said, "Who is the score? Zhang [Shu] Remember to come forward. Su Bureau will definitely do it with all his strength. Am I right?" Although Xiao Meihong said with a smile, this sentence was full of sarcasm.

Su Rongtian's old face was a little hot. He said awkwardly, "This is our business. In fact, we treat every case equally." He didn't even believe this. If it was not Qiao Mengyuan who lost things, and if it hadn't been for Zhang Yang's appearance, he wouldn't have mobilized the whole branch to find the lost property for Qiao Mengyuan overnight. However, this matter went smoothly. After all, I got my wallet and ID card back, and I also got a little face.

Su Rongtian said, "Miss Qiao, don't worry, I will be responsible for what happened in my jurisdiction to the end, and I will be afraid to help you find a car.

Qiao Mengyuan said, "It's good to get these documents back. Don't worry about the car." Xiao Meihong said, "Su Bureau said that if you can find it, you can definitely find it. Su Bureau, Miss Qiao is my good friend. You must pay attention to this matter." Su Rongtian smiled. He seemed to be a little afraid of Xiao Meihong. He drank the milk in front of him and hurriedly got up to leave.