Medical official path

Chapter 1017 has an account

Zhang Yang understands that Chen Gang can't play a key role in the construction of Taihong's factory. In this matter, only the Municipal Party Committee [Book] Xiang Cheng has the decision-making power, and Xiang Cheng's current focus is only on the possibility of great economic growth after Taihong's construction of the factory. He will do his best to create conditions to stay Taihong.

On Wednesday, Duval rushed back from Australia, with his completed design, with floor plans and three-dimensional animations. Zhang Guanren specially invited the Standing Committee of Binhai City to watch Duval's plan... diagram demonstration in a small conference room.

The planning of the whole bonded area... implements the original design concept, green and environmental protection. The initial renderings are viewed from the air. The bonded area is like a white dove flying in the green jungle with its wings. One of the wings is Linjiajiajiao. In Duval's planning, Linjiajiajiajiao occupies an extremely After describing the planning of the industrial park, Fulong Port and the logistics park respectively, the planning of the Linjiajiao part is enlarged, focusing on the idea of building a green industrial park and an enterprise office headquarters here. In Duval's idea, the whole Linjiajiao was originally assigned to the bonded area to build the largest green space in Beigang around Linjia Park, this is also Cheng Runsheng's advice.

After Duval finished his plan..., the members of the Standing Committee on the scene fell into silence. Even Xu Shuangqi, who had been standing on the opposite side, had to admit that Duval's plan was very perfect. The layout from macro to micro was impeccable. Under the concept of green environmental protection, if it suddenly appeared in Linjiajiajiao. A large steel plant will destroy the entire plan that Duval has completed, and the concept of green environmental protection in the bonded area can't be talked about.

Chang Haitian, the general consultant of the construction headquarters of the Binhai Free Trade Zone, was invited to attend the meeting. Under the hint of publicity, he was the first to stand up and speak. Chang Haitian went to the projection, picked up the laser pointer, and drew a circle with a laser beam pointing to the position of Lin Jiajiao: "Xin Jia The port, which is about ten square kilometers in the north, belongs to the coastal area. According to what we know now, there are some problems in the destination of this area of Linjiajiajiao. The city tends to hand over Linjiao to Taihong Group to build a steel branch, not only the part that originally belonged to Beigang, but also the ten square kilometers of land that originally belonged to our Binhai. If the city insists on doing so. It is bound to destroy the plan we have completed and affect the layout of the entire bonded area.

Duval frowned and said, "If the Beigang Municipal Government insists on doing this, I will not continue to cooperate with your city. I can't start my work again. One more thing, I want to ask, do you leaders in Beigang understand planning? It's a big joke to build a steel factory next to an emerging bonded area and in the center of two cities!"

All the members of the Standing Committee looked at Zhang Yang. They were waiting for Zhang Yang to speak. Zhang Yang smiled at Cheng Runsheng, the chief designer of coastal urban greening, and said, "Professor Cheng, please say a few words."

Cheng Runsheng nodded. He took off the old haā mirror and whispered, "Since Zhang [book] let me say it, I will say a few words. It is understandable that the city should develop and introduce large steel enterprises. I have been working on landscaping design all my life, so everyone should know about this matter from the perspective of environmental protection There are three kinds of waste in the industry, such as waste water, waste gas and waste residue. These three waste iron and steel mills are all available. It is said that the environmental protection process has progressed and zero pollution can be achieved. I don't know if you will believe this. If it is me, I absolutely don't believe it. After the reform and opening up, China's industry is in a stage of rapid development, but our environmental protection industry has just begun, which is much worse than the international advanced level. Even in a country that is first-class in environmental protection, they are cautious in choosing the site of steel mills. How far is it often built far away from urban areas? There is no clear international standard, but according to my comprehensive survey, countries that have done a good job in environmental protection have adopted the rule of 30 kilometers away from the city. Don't underestimate these 30 kilometers. I can take out a pile of data to prove its scientificity.

Zhang Yang added in a timely manner: "I would like to add that the industrial land provided by Nanwu City to Taihong is about 35 kilometers away from the urban area, which is in line with the rules mentioned by Professor Cheng." He smiled and motioned Cheng Runsheng to continue.

Cheng Runsheng said, "I think the leaders of Beigang City lack understanding of this industry, and the concept of environmental protection is weak. So far, no iron and steel enterprise can achieve absolute zero pollution. Taihong Construction may be in Linjiajiajiao's proximity to the coastline and superior geographical environment, but They didn't take into account the local ecological environment. Linjiajiao is the best place in the ecological environment in the whole Beigang area. It not only has the best beach in Beigang, but also has the most beautiful forest in Beigang. If Taihong builds a steel factory here, it will inevitably seriously damage the local ecological environment. I'm not alarmist, I'm well-documented. Some people may ask, will the construction of a bonded area affect the local ecology? I said no, because we have considered this problem in our planning. Our enterprises and office headquarters in Linjiajiao will not have any pollution. We will save the forest area of Linjiajiao to the maximum extent. It will integrate our buildings into nature and create the first ecological office area in Beigang and even the country. I sincerely hope that the relevant leaders can look at construction and development from a longer-term perspective. Our construction is not to change nature, but to adapt to nature, integrate into nature, and become a part of nature. Finally, I would like to give you a sentence that only if you respect nature, nature will give you back greater wealth. No Then you can only get the cruel revenge of nature!" Zhang Daguan was the first to applaud, and the members of the Standing Committee also applauded.

After the applause rested, Zhang Yang stood up, took the laser pointer from Chang Haitian's hand, and walked along the outline of the projected bonded area. He whispered, "Look, does our bonded area look like a white pigeon flying?"

The members of the Standing Committee nodded.

Zhang Yang said, "This white pigeon is our painstaking effort. Now someone wants to break one of the wings of the white pigeon. Do you agree?"

Executive Vice Mayor Dong Yuwu shouted, "If you don't agree, of course you can't!" This man has now completely turned to Zhang Yang's camp. Every time he jumps out to support Zhang Yang, he is the first one.

Zhang Yang said, "I think this plan... is very perfect. In my career, I have always been a person who pursues perfection. What I am sure of will not be changed by any external pressure. I will give this plan to the city and the province respectively. Every inch of land in the corner of the Lin family belongs to the people of Binhai. As long as I am on any day, no one will be allowed to harm the interests of the people!" Did he really say that?" The mayor's face was gloomy and terrible.

Xu Shuangqi, the mayor of Binhai, sighed on the phone: "Mayor Gong, it's not the way to go on like this. Now many comrades have a lot of opinions on the city. They think that the city is too biased towards Taihong Group in terms of policy, and think that the city is not considerate about the construction of

Gong Huanshan said, "I know, Lao Xu, what do you think of this matter?" Xu Shuangqi was stunned for a moment. After an execution, he whispered, "Mayor Gong, in fact, I also think it's not as good as building a steel factory in Linjiajiao..." Gong Huanshan said, "You people have been successfully brainwashed by him. What else does this boy understand except exaggerating and alarming? Even if it brings some disadvantages, it is insignificant compared with the huge benefits brought by Taihong. Well, I know about it. After saying that, Gong Huanshan hung up the phone impatiently.

He picked up the remote control and turned on the TV. CCTV was playing Today's Focus. Gong Huanshan did not pay attention to it, but when he heard a few words from the picture of Taihong Iron and Steel Group, he immediately focused on the screen. Today's Focus was to interview Nanwu. The news of farmers around Taihong Iron and Steel Group began with the death of large areas of trees around Taihong, interviewed the local people, and dug up the old story that Taihong caused a large number of deaths of fish and shrimp from local farmers due to illegal discharge of wastewater the year before last.

Gong Huanshan looked carefully at the logo. Yes, it was indeed the focus of CCTV today. He suddenly felt that something was wrong. Gong Huanshan got up and changed his clothes and shouted upstairs, "I'll go out!"

Xiang Cheng and Gong Huanshan lived next door. Gong Huanshan came to Xiang Cheng's house and heard the music at the end of today's focus. He knew that Xiang Cheng must have seen the news.

Xiang Cheng's face was also ugly. Seeing Gong Huanshan coming to find him, he pointed to the sofa beside him and asked the nanny to make a cup of tea for Gong Huanshan.

After Gong Huanshan sat down, he couldn't help sighing. Xiang Cheng turned off the TV and whispered, "Taihong's several pollution incidents in Nanwu were stabbed by CCTV." Gong Huanshan said, "He must have done it!" He had no evidence, so he didn't say Zhang Yang's name directly.

There was no smile on Xiang Cheng's face. He held his hands together and frowned: "I didn't expect that he was really capable." He had learned Zhang Yang's ability for a long time, but he did not expect that Zhang Yang's action this time was so decisive that he directly exposed several pollution incidents in the past of Taihong to CCTV and successfully broadcast it.

Gong Huanshan said, "He is likely to offend Taihong. Zhao Yongfu may change the original intention of building a factory in Beigang in anger."

Xiang Cheng suddenly felt upset. He closed his eyes and said, "It's going to rain, and my mother is going to get married. Let him go!" Gong Huanshan said, "Xiang [Book], are you really willing to be ruined by him? What does it mean for a steel company with an annual output of millions of tons? If you miss this opportunity, it will be too late to regret it in the future. Xiang Cheng said, "I can see that he is determined to work with us this time." Gong Huanshan said, "It's strange that there is no movement on Taihong's side. Is Zhao Yongfu really going to give up?"