Medical official path

Chapter 1023 Subtle Changes Under

Xiao Guocheng coughed after saying this. He coughed for a long time before calming down. He took out a tissue and wiped his lips and said, "In fact, the land south of Beigang New Port is more suitable for enterprises. If you really consider development, you should reconsider your choice."

Zhao Yongfu said, "When will we sign the contract for the 500 mu of land in Binhai?"

Xiao Guocheng smiled and whispered, "Brother Yongfu, do you know why the land in Lin's corner can't be taken down?"

Zhao Yongfu looked at Xiao Guocheng and waited for his next words.

Xiao Guocheng said: "The problem is not Zhang Yang, but the top. According to what I know, Zhou Xingmin attaches great importance to the plan of the bonded area. It can be seen that he wants to take this opportunity to do a big job. People in the officialdom care most about political achievements, that is to say, Binhai has been regarded Tang, he is bound to fish out of it. Your plan to build a branch just conflicts with his interests, so he will come forward to publicize it.

Zhao Yongfu said, "Guocheng, you see the problem clearly."

Xiao Guocheng smiled and said, "From the perspective of a bystander, the problem is always clearer. Brother Yongfu, I want to ask one more question, what is the plan for the 500 mu of land you want in Binhai?"

Zhao Yongfu said, "It's not convenient for me to say it." It's not that it's inconvenient for him to say, but that he doesn't have any plans at all.

Xiao Guocheng said, "Brother Yongfu, we have been old friends for many years. I can't tell you something. The Yuanhe family proposed to buy the land in my hand for 200 million yuan."

Zhao Yongfu frowned, and he realized that Xiao Guocheng had told him something else. Zhao Yongfu said, "Are you moved?"

Xiao Guocheng said, "Money has never been of any special significance to me. A piece of land that was won by less than two million yuan at the beginning has soared to 200 million. What does it prove? It proves that the bonded area is absolutely a big deal, and Pinghai will inevitably list this as a key project. The development of Binhai is unlimited.

Zhao Yongfu felt as if his heart had been pricked by a needle. He is not because of Xiao Guocheng's words. It's because he seems to see Zhang Yangchun's complacency. Every time he saw Zhang Yang, he couldn't help thinking of his dead son, the excellent child who had too many expectations. Although Zhao Yongfu had understood that it was not Zhang Yang who killed his son directly, he always thought that it was difficult for Zhang Yang to get rid of his responsibility. If it hadn't been for the dispute with Zhang Yang, his son might not have That kind of end.

Zhao Yongfu's long silence made Xiao Guocheng feel a little sorry. He explained, "Brother Yongfu, don't get me wrong. That piece of land..."

Zhao Yongfu interrupted Xiao Guocheng with a smile and said, "Don't be embarrassed. I have given up that land, and now that I have decided to give up opening a branch in Beigang. What's the use of that land, and I can't afford the price of 200 million yuan.

Xiao Guocheng said, "Even if it is 200 million, I will not transfer it to the Yuanhe family. If you give up this idea. I will personally invest in the development of this land.

Zhao Yongfu's eyes turned back to the fog-covered sea in the distance: "I don't care about anything about Binhai anymore."

Whether the leaders leave or stay, the celebration plan that has been set will not be changed, especially the publicly announced fireworks party, but Zhang Guanren still made a few adjustments. For example, the groundbreaking ceremony he was going to do in the corner of the Lin family was originally intended to pass In this way, he demonstrated to Taihong, and at the same time, he also pulled the governor Zhou Xingmin into his own camp to aggravate his weight. However, the governor Zhou Xingmin saw through his intention and criticized him. On the issue of the bonded area, Zhou Xingmin had made it clear that he would stand on his side. In this case, there is no need to hold a groundbreaking ceremony.

This celebration of the removal of the county and the city in Binhai has deeply stimulated the nerves of many people. It is too much. Now it seems unnecessary to continue to sprinkle salt on the enemy's wounds, so Zhang Yang quietly asked Chang Haitian to cancel the groundbreaking ceremony.

After Zhou Xingmin left, the leaders of various cities also left. The originally lively Binhai suddenly seemed much cleaner. If the departure of Governor Zhou Xingmin was another arrangement, and the departure of other prefecture-level municipal leaders was busy with official business, then the departure of the leaders of Beigang was very incomprehensible. Binhai is Beigang. As a part of Binhai's celebration of the withdrawal of the county and the change of the city, it was only set up at the request of the leaders of Beigang, and others fell down. Several municipal standing committees in Beigang seemed to have made an appointment, and Qi Qi missed the fireworks party that night in Binhai.

Mayor Xu Shuangqi and Propaganda Minister Wang Junqiang all called. When they came to Zhang Yang's office, their expressions seemed a little unnatural.

Zhang Yang said, "Comrade Junqiang, how are the preparations for the fireworks party in the evening?"

Wang Junqiang said, "Everything is ready, but Secretary Xiang and others..." He didn't say the next words, but looked at Xu Shuangqi with his eyes.

Xu Shuangqi said, "I just called. Secretary Xiang and others have important arrangements when they return to the city, so they can't attend the fireworks party in the evening."

Zhang Yang said, "That must be a big deal, otherwise the Standing Committee of Beigang City could not be absent collectively. Lao Xu, didn't you ask what happened?"

Xu Shuangqi said, you don't know what happened to you? Didn't you offend it? You've done all the bad things, and now you're starting to pretend to be innocent here. Why do you have so many intentions, a young man? Xu Shuangqi also has a lot of eyes. This guy is a political demon. Even if the level is not high, the qualification is absolutely old enough. Zhang Yang has been here for so long. Xu Shuangqi has been fighting with him, and he has a little understanding of him in his heart. This time, the governor Zhou Xingmin came, and he saw his attitude towards Zhang Yang Remember that he is more favored than the Secretary of the Beigang Municipal Party Committee. Xiang Cheng is angry because of this matter. As a result, Xu Shuangqi has a deeper understanding. He is not Zhang Yang's opponent at all. If he wants to fight, he must be qualified to fight with Zhang Yang. With such a mentality, Xu Shuangqi will naturally not fight with Zhang Yang **. People are self-aWARE. He can only I won't do it.

Once people give in psychologically, they will inadvertently show their weakness. Xu Shuangqi's face also showed unprecedented humility. He asked for Zhang Yang's opinion in a low voice and said, "Secretary Zhang, since the leaders have left, do you think this party will be done?"

"Fa! Of course you have to do it!" Zhang Yang said without hesitation. He looked at Xu Shuangqi: "Our fireworks party is originally for the people. Let's have fun with the people, so that the people of Binhai can share the glory and joy of withdrawing the county and changing the city. The leaders are not the point. They are not there. Our fireworks party will be held as usual."

After Xu Shuangqi and Wang Junqiang left Zhang Yang's office, Wang Junqiang said, "Mayor Xu, or you can contact the city again to see Secretary Xiang..."

Xu Shuangqi smiled and said, "Forget it, it's a waste of effort to make many phone calls. Let's do it as Secretary Zhang said and have fun with the people."

Not long after Xu Shuangqi and the others left, Chang Haixin, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee of the League, came to Zhang Yang's office. Her eyes were a little red, and she could see that she had just cried.

When Zhang Yang saw her appearance, he couldn't help but feel pity in his heart. He walked over, closed the door, opened his arms and held Chang Haixin into his arms. He kissed her on his pretly face and said softly, "Why are you crying?"

Chang Haixin had some scruples in his heart. After all, this is an office place. She was a little embarrassed to break free from her open embrace and said, "No, I just sent my father away. He was very sensational, which made my nose a little sore."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "It's May Day soon. Can't you go home again?"

Chang Haixin said, "Do you want me to go so much?"

"How can it be? I can't wait for you to be by my side day and night." Zhang Daguan raised Chang Haixin's jaw and pecked at her cherry lips.

Chang Haixin said, "You, this is the office. Do you understand to keep your distance?"

Zhang Yang returned to his seat with a smile and sat down: "Comrade Xiaochang, what kind of work do you want me to do?"

Chang Haixin said, "It's not about tonight's fireworks party. The provincial leaders have left, and the city leaders don't give face. Most of the VIP seats we prepared today will be vacant, and a large area is sparsely vacant. Even if they are on TV, it's not good."

Zhang Yang said, "It's not easy to do. Go to the social welfare home and invite the children to watch the fireworks show."

Chang Haixin smiled and said, "There are many ghost ideas to save you. Everyone said that you offended all the leaders of Beigang this time, so they didn't give you face."

Zhang Yang said, "I don't need them to give me face. If they don't come, I can't waste food."

Chang Haixin said, "Come on, why didn't Sister Qing come this time?"

Zhang Yang also scratched his head strangely and said, "I'm also puzzled. She was supposed to come, but she hasn't seen anyone yet, and there is no one who doesn't call. I haven't had time to call her yet."

Chang Haixin said, "Let's hit one." She said goodbye to Zhang Yang. This celebration is jointly organized by the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee and the Youth League Municipal Party Committee, and there is still a lot of work to be done.

Zhang's official came over, wrapped his slender waist, put his big hand on her **, and put her delicate body closer to his arms. Chang Hai raised his beautiful face shyly and let his hot lips kiss him. It was not until she was almost suffocating. Zhang Yang let go of her and whispered, "I miss you!"

Chang Haixin felt that he was close to his own changes and said in a delicate voice, "I'm done tonight. I'll call you..."

Zhang's official would smile, and then he let Chang Haixin go. He returned to his seat and turned around in place. He also pays attention to the realm of being an official. Now he is comfortable with both public and private. ( To be continued...RQ