Medical official path

Chapter 1037 Low-key Handling

... Every family has its own difficult scriptures. They all saw the thief eating meat and not seeing the thief being beaten. Many people have seen the scenery on the surface of Qiao Zhenliang, but who really saw the bitterness behind him? Until now, Qiao Zhenliang's heart is still dripping blood, and the feeling of raising a daughter is not good.

Qiao Zhenliang was able to arrange everything so smoothly in Jingshan Funeral Home thanks to a person - Wu Ming, Secretary of the Jingshan Municipal Party Committee. In the past, when Qiao Zhenliang was the Secretary of the Pinghai Provincial Party Committee, he did not want to see Wu Ming. Wu Ming also suffered a cold treatment in his official career. After several turns Position, but despite this, Wu Ming did not dare to hold a grudge. Qiao Zhenliang's political status was beyond his reach, let alone against him. Now Qiao Zhenliang is the Minister of Agriculture. He opens his mouth to let Wu Ming do things, so Wu Ming naturally dares not neglect it.

Not long after Qiao Zhenliang came to Jingshan Funeral Home, Wu Ming had already heard the news.

Qiao Zhenliang was a little unhappy when he received a phone call from Wu Ming. He frowned habitually, hung up the phone and said to Zhang Yang, "Wu Ming is here."

Zhang Yang said, "He is the secretary of the Jingshan Municipal Party Committee. When you are here, he has to come to visit him." Zhang Yang didn't want to deal with Wu Ming. He got up and said, "Minister Qiao, I'd better avoid it first."

Qiao Zhenliang nodded. Not long after Zhang Yang left, Wu Ming arrived. He walked into Qiao Zhenliang's VIP lounge alone. When he entered the door, his face was full of sadness. He didn't know that he thought his mother was dead.

Qiao Zhenliang stretched out his hand, and Wu Ming greeted him quickly. He held Qiao Zhenliang's hand in both hands and shook it hard and said, "Minister Qiao, my condolences."

Meng Chuanmei has registered the death, and it is not difficult for Wu Ming to find out the identity of the deceased.

Qiao Zhenliang sighed and sat down on the sofa with Wu Ming. Wu Ming said with concern, "Minister Qiao, how could such a thing happen?"

Qiao Zhenliang said, "My wife is obsessed with Buddhism. You should have heard about becoming a monk before."

Wu Ming nodded.

Qiao Zhenliang said, "She has been in poor health during this period. Her daughter went to see her. She said she wanted to go to Xishan Temple to burn incense, but she didn't expect to go on the road of no return..."

Wu Ming said sadly, "There are undisputed people in the sky. Minister Qiao, since the tragedy has happened, please express your condolences."

Qiao Zhenliang said, "Our family doesn't want to over-promise this matter. You should understand that even if there is a little wind in the political arena, someone will use the topic to make waves."

Wu Ming nodded repeatedly and said, "Mr. Qiao, you are my old leader. I will do whatever you say." I can't help but feel a little regretful. It seems that Qiao Zhenliang wants to deal with this in a low-key way~~ Book Network first release~~ If I had known this, I wouldn't have come. Instead, I have buried a hidden danger for myself. In case someone uses this matter to make an article in the Doubtful to yourself?

Wu Ming deliberately changed the topic and said, "I seemed to see Zhang Yang's car outside just now."

Qiao Zhenliang nodded and said, "Mengyuan asked him to help. This is not far from Binhai."

Wu Wen didn't ask much. After clarifying Qiao Zhenliang's attitude, he decided to leave as soon as possible. This kind of trouble is better not to provoke your Qiao family's affairs have nothing to do with me.

Zhang Yang went to the lounge to visit Qiao Mengyuan. Qiao Mengyuan did not fall asleep, but just took a photo of her and her mother.

As soon as Zhang Yang entered the lounge, he received a phone call from Lin Xiu, but the radiation in Meng Chuanmei's blood was found. It was initially determined to be Bao poisoning. In the environment, this radioactive element is easily evenly absorbed by the human body. It exists in the soft tissue of the whole body, especially in the muscles. Long-term To death.

Lin Xiu reminded Zhang Yang to check the common items around Meng Chuanmei to see if there is any radiation.

Zhang Yang did not tell Lin Xiu about Meng Chuanmei's death. He hung up the phone and came to Qiao Mengyuan. Qiao Pengfei saw him coming and got up and said, "Zhang Yang, you can talk. I'm going to see my uncle."

Zhang Yang nodded. After Qiao Pengfei left, he came to Qiao Mengyuan's side and sat down and whispered, "Do you feel better?"

Qiao Mengyuan said, "This is my mother's own choice. I can't change it."

Zhang Yang said, "In fact, there is no difference between life and death in the concept of Buddha. Everything has reincarnation. Maybe Aunt Meng has now understood and blurted out..."

Qiao Mengyuan said, "I hope she can really be relieved." Her hand gently turned the Buddha beads, the string of Buddha beads left by her mother.

Zhang Yang stretched out his hand to bring the string of Buddha beads. The string of Buddha beads is green, and the texture is delicate and rotating. You can see that one of the beads is engraved with two words and illusory.

Qiao Mengyuan felt something abnormal from Zhang Yang's behavior and was surprised and said, "What's wrong with this Buddha bead?"

Zhang Yang said, "Nothing, Mengyuan, this thing is so precious that I will save it for you first. You have been in a trance these two days. Isn't it a pity if you are lost?"

Qiao Mengyuan nodded. She trusted Zhang Yang wholeheartedly. She whispered, "My father wants to cremate my mother immediately." She paused and said, "I know that he doesn't want this matter to have a bad impact on him. I don't understand. My mother is dead. Why does he still have so many scruples? Why can't he let my mother leave safely? Why should he consider the feelings of the outside world?"

Zhang Yang patted her gently on the shoulder and whispered, "Mengyuan, in fact, your father also has his difficulties. Aunt Meng died of suicide. If this matter is known by outsiders and used by people with intentions, you don't know what kind of storm to create. You don't want Aunt Meng to have no peace after death. In fact, in my opinion, your father's behavior is understandable. He is not only for himself, but also for the reputation of the Qiao family. It is also to protect you.

Qiao Mengyuan said, "What he really value is nothing more than his official position."

Zhang Guan sighed in his heart that Qiao Mengyuan obviously blamed his mother's death on Qiao Zhenliang. From Zhang Yang's point of view, Qiao Zhenliang is very worthy of sympathy in this matter. He has to endure Meng Chuanmei's betrayal, his heart is extremely painful, and he has to force a smile in front of people, which is The torture.

Qiao Pengju came to Jingzhou City that afternoon. Qiao's family held a brief meeting together. Finally, they decided to cremate Meng Chuanmei's body first and take her back to the capital. Although Meng Chuanmei's wish was to scatter her ashes into the sea, after all, there were still people in the Meng family, even if The ceremony will be held in private.

Although Qiao Mengyuan was reluctant, she finally agreed to her father and brothers's proposal. When the body was cremated, the Qiao brothers and sisters cried dimly, and Qiao Zhenliang couldn't help shedding tears. The tears were not only for Meng Chuanmei, but also for the complete evil relationship between them.

Zhang Yang wanted to accompany them to the capital, but Qiao Zhenliang politely declined. Meng Chuanmei's funeral Qiao Zhenliang just wanted to be held quietly in the family and did not want outsiders to participate.

Zhang Yang also understands that he has completed his mission, and if he follows the past, it will cause trouble to the Qiao family.

Zhang Yang and Qiao Zhenliang's family broke up outside the funeral home. Before leaving, they asked Qiao Mengyuan to take good care of her health.

Zhang Yang did not leave Jingshan immediately. Although Meng Chuanmei's body was cremated, it did not mean that the matter had come to an end. He found Xie Zhiguo and asked Xie Zhiguo to help test the string of Buddha beads left by Meng Chuanmei.

Sure enough, this string of Buddha beads contains a large number of radioactive abalone ingredients. Before Meng Chuanmei's death, this string of Buddha beads has always been with her side. Although I don't know how many years this string of Buddha beads have been with her, it can be concluded that the hidden radiation abalone hidden in this string of Buddha beads has created It has become long-term radiation damage. The person who gave her this string of Buddha beads should not be unintentional, but may have intended to harm her.

Xie Zhiguo was also quite surprised by the test results. He asked with some surprise, "Where did you get this string of Buddha beads?"

Zhang Yang said, "A friend, he has been not feeling well recently. After the blood test, it was found that he may have radiation sickness, so he remembered to take this string of Buddha beads for testing."

Xie Zhiguo: "This may be a murder case, Zhang Yang, which friend are you?"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "It may be something he bought accidentally, and he doesn't want to investigate it."

Xie Zhiguo knew that the boy did not want to tell the truth, so he pushed the Buddha beads placed in the lead box back to Zhang Yang and said, "The content of abalone in it is very high. This kind of thing has strong radioactivity, which will cause soft tissue damage. Long-term contact will lead to weakness of limbs, and eventually even death

Zhang Yang said, "I will let him deal with this properly."

Xie Zhiguo: "Zhang Yang, I heard that you came here to treat Mrs. Qiao this time?" Zhang Yang asked Lin Xiu for help, and naturally he did not hide this matter from him.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Lin Ajie told you everything?"

Xie Zhiguo: "This matter will not have anything to do with Mrs. Qiao, will it?" He has been engaged in criminal investigation for so many years, and his publicity can't hide it from his eyes.

Zhang Yang said, "This matter, others don't want to show up. I think we still have nothing to do with ourselves."

Xie Zhiguo smiled and said, "I'm too lazy to meddle in this kind of business, but using radiation to harm people is a serious criminal case. As the director of Jingshan City, it is also within the scope of my responsibilities. We all know some things in our hearts. You don't want me to ask, and I don't want to ask. As long as it's not a big deal.

From Xie Zhiguo's words, Zhang Yang heard that he may know much more about the situation than he thought. In fact, there is no impenetrable wall in the world. Meng Chuanmei died in Jingshan. If he wants to completely block the news, I'm afraid it's not so easy. What Qiao Zhenliang wants is to cover up Home causes trouble.