Medical official path

Chapter 1037 Dissatisfied Next

Chapter 1037 [Unsatisfied] (Part 2)

Zhang's ear strength was much stronger than that of others. He immediately recognized that the voice was Xie Xiaojun's, and he didn't care to explain it to Xie Zhiguo and his family at all, so he got up and rushed out. After Zhang Yang pushed the door open, the sound was obviously much clearer. Xie Zhiguo also heard it and rushed out.

Outside the gate of Chaozhou Seafood City, a group of people have gathered. There is obviously a smell of gunpowder smoke in the air. Xie Xiaojun held Xu Ning's blood-stained body and sat outside the gate and howled helplessly.

Zhang Yang came to him at the first time and was sure that Xie Xiaojun was fine. It was Xu Ning's girl who was injured, so he was a little relieved. No wonder Zhang Yang. Everyone has selfishness. Of course, he doesn't want the people close to him to be injured.

Zhang Yang's action was like lightning. He quickly hit Xu Ning's acupuncture points and helped her stop the bleeding. Seeing Xu Ning's wound on his lower abdomen, he explored Xu Ning's pulse and was convinced that Xu Ning should not have the risk of his life before he was completely relieved.

Xie Zhiguo and Lin Xiu rushed out one after another. Seeing the scene in front of him, they were scared to death. Lin Xiu was concerned about his son. When Xie Zhiguo saw that his son was safe and sound, he quickly called an ambulance.

It didn't take long for the ambulance and the police car to arrive first. Xie Xiaojun said with tears, "They were going to kill me, but... it was Xiao Ning who pushed me away and helped me block the bullet."

Lin Xiu's eyes also turned red. Looking at Xu Ning's pale face, the evil thoughts about the girl just now have completely disappeared. If the girl hadn't blocked the bullet for her son, I'm afraid her son would have died at this time.

After all, Xie Zhiguo is the director of the Public Security Bureau. He calmly said, "Send him to the hospital first, and let's talk about other things later."

Xie Xiaojun accompanied Xu Ning to the ambulance and Zhang Yang said to Lin Xiu, "Don't worry, her life is not in danger. The bullet didn't hit the point."

Lin Xiu was so scared that he couldn't say anything. After a long time, he recovered and muttered, "How could it be like this... How could it be like this..."

Xie Zhiguo's mobile phone rang, and he went aside to pick up the phone.

A negative test voice sounded: "Thank you, how's your son!"

Xie Zhixin's heart sank. He looked aside, took a few more steps forward, and said angrily, "Who are you?"

"You have to leave three points in your life and things, which is good for yourself and everyone."

"What do you mean?"

The sound is full of drama // Book Fan Building's fastest text update no pop-up window no advertisement //: "You know, the collected goods will not be just like this!"

The phone hung up, and Xie Zhiguo's mood became extremely heavy. Zhang Yang came to him and said with concern, "Uncle Xie, are you all right?" In fact, he has heard the content of Xie Zhiguo's phone call just now.

Xie Zhiguo sighed and said, "I came here. I collected a batch of drugs before. It may be that the drug dealers are plotting revenge."

Zhang Yang said, "Are the criminals so rampant now? Catch one and knock one out. I think they dare to continue to engage in this kind of conscienceless business.

Xie Zhiguo shook his head and said, "I will solve this matter."

Zhang Yang said, "Don't take it lightly."

Xie Zhiguo squeezed his lips, and his face seemed particularly resolute: "Who dares to touch my family? I made him regret coming to this world."

Everyone will burst into such anger after the life of their family is endangered. Zhang Yang doesn't think Xie Zhiguo is just talking. As the director of Jingshan Public Security Bureau, Xie Zhiguo has such power. He has deep contacts and relationships in the whole Beiyuan. These drugs The rampant sling of vendors has aroused Xie Zhiguo's fierce anger.

When Xie Zhiguo led the team to handle the case, Zhang Yang and Lin Xiu went to Jingshan People's Hospital to visit Xu Ning.

Lin Xiu is very guilty now. If Xu Ning hadn't blocked the bullet for her son, I'm afraid she would have lost her son. She can't imagine the consequences of this. If her son encounters an accident, I'm afraid she will go crazy.

Xie Xiaojun sat in front of the operating room, rubbing his hair with his hands painfully. Zhang Yang went over and patted him on the shoulder. Xie Xiaojun raised his head, his eyes were covered with blood, showing uncontrollable anger: "Master, if I find those people, I will definitely smash them into thousands of pieces."

Zhang Yang said, "Let's talk about these things later. The most important thing now is to take care of Xu Ning."

Xie Xiaojun said, "Master, will Xu Ning have something to do?"

Zhang Yang shook his head and said, "It's okay. She's not hurt. I'll give you a bottle of Jinchuang medicine later, and I'm sure it won't leave a scar in the future."

Lin Xiu said, "Xiaojun, don't worry, Mom will stay with you."

Xie Xiaojun was obviously a little angry with his mother because of what happened just now. He turned his face and didn't want to talk to his mother. He thought that if his mother hadn't treated Xu Ning too harshly, Xu Ning would not have left early. If he hadn't chased him out, he would not have encountered this shooting.

Lin Xiu looked at his son and felt very sad.

At this time, there were noisy footsteps on the other side of the corridor, and an anxious voice said, "How's my daughter? How is my daughter?

As soon as Zhang Yang heard it, he knew that Xu Ning's family was here. The leader was gray-haired, extremely strong, his face was full of flesh, and his expression was very anxious. It was Xu Ning's father, Xu Daguang, who was the boss of Chongming Aquatic Company in Jingshan City. His background was not clean in Prison is also a well-known social figure in Jingshan. Zhang Yang saw the six followers behind him and immediately realized that this person was by no means a good person.

Xu Daguang saw Xie Xiaojun sitting there, rushed up and grabbed his collar, and roared, "Fangster, what did you do to my daughter?"

Xie Xiaojun felt guilty in his heart. He drooped his head and said guiltily, "I'm sorry... Uncle Xu, I'm sorry..."

"Fuck you!" Xu Daguang hit Xie Xiaojun in the face with one punch, so that Xie Xiaojun sat on the ground with his buttocks, and nosebleeds suddenly flowed out.

Lin Xiu was immediately anxious when she saw her son being beaten. What's more, Xu Daguang was so vulgar. He actually said such a thing in front of her. Originally, Lin Xiu was very guilty about this matter, but when she saw Xu Daguang hurting people, she immediately became angry. She came forward to help her son up and said angrily,

Xu Daguang pointed to Lin Xiu's nose and roared, "Hit him, I'm going to kill him. If my daughter has three or two shorts, you can wait to collect the body for your son!"

Zhang Yang didn't want to get into this kind of family dispute, but when he saw that Xu Daguang was such a character, he couldn't stop him to say a word. Zhang Yang went over and stopped Xu Daguang and said, "Everyone is very sad that Xu Ning was injured, but you'd better be careful Don't learn to scare people from the underworld.

Xu Daguang's eyes widened and stared at Zhang Yang. He wished to eat him in one bite: "What? What if I'm the underworld? Fart rule of law, I'll leave my words here today. If my daughter has a long and short story, I will kill your whole family.

The official Zhang sneered and said, "It's arrogant enough. If it hadn't been for your daughter blocking the bullet for Xie Xiaojun, I could have arrested you now."

Xu Daguang roared, "Catch me? What the hell are you doing? I'm afraid of you?"

A majestic voice sounded behind him: "Why? I'm a policeman!" Xie Guozhong came over with two assistants. He had just finished the scene and rushed to visit Xu Ning. Unexpectedly, he encountered such a scene.

Although Xu Daguang was tough, he was also a little stunned to see Xie Guozhong. He knew Xie Guozhong, and few people in the mixed society did not know the local public security director. However, Xu Daguang did not know that his daughter was in love with the son of the director of the public security bureau, and his head was a little confused. The six fierce helpers behind him were also afraid when they saw Xie Guozhong. Although this group of people were fierce, they couldn't help but feel guilty when they met the police chief.

Xie Guozhong looked at his son, who was still bleeding by nose. He was a little distressed and looked at Xu Daguang coldly.

Xu Daguang did not show any retreat. He was unwilling to show weakness and looked at Xie Guozhong: "Your son has harmed my daughter!"

Xie Guozhong said, "Xu Ning saved Xiaojun. I am very grateful. Our Xie family owes this girl. You should fight Xiaojun, but there is something that can't be said nonsense, underworld? Tell me again, you don't know the law?"

Xu Daguang swallowed his saliva, and he really dared not say that he was a gangster in front of the director of the public security bureau.

Xie Guozhong saw that Xu Daguang was a reckless man. It was understandable to know that he had lost his mind because of his daughter's matter. Xie Guozhong did not mean to investigate. He sighed and said, "Xu Ning was injured. Everyone is sad. Even if you are angry and make trouble now, it won't help. It Say it."

Xu Daguang touched the back of his head, with a sad face, and muttered, "I only have one daughter... If she has something, I... I..."

Zhang Yang said, "Don't worry, Xu Ning's life will not be in danger."

While talking, the lights in the operating room went out, and everyone gathered around the door of the operating room.

The surgical director in charge of the main knife came out. He took the mask and couldn't help frowning when he saw so many people outside the door, "What are you doing? A big party?" However, he soon saw Xie Guozhong, the director of the Public Security Bureau, and immediately smiled and said, "Mr. Xie is also here."

Xu Daguang said anxiously, "Daughter, how is my daughter? Is she all right?"

The director of surgery ignored him.

Xie Guozhong also said, "How are the injured?"

The director of surgery said, "It's not life-threatening. The bullet is very close to the abdominal aorta. If it deviates a little more, I'm afraid it will be hopeless. If part of the intestine is removed, it will not affect her future life."

Hearing the director of surgery say this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, the medical staff pushed Xu Ning out. Xu Daguang greeted him and shouted, "Daughter, daughter!"

The nurse couldn't help scolding, "What are you doing? The patient hasn't woken up after anesthesia. What's your name?"

Xu Daguang was not angry and smiled stupidly.

Xie Xiaojun followed the trolley and looked at Xu Ning's pale face and tears were about to flow out.