Medical official path

Chapter 1038 Accidental Discovery Next

Chapter 1038 [Accidental Discovery] (Part 2)

Kang Hongliang's expression was a little embarrassed.

Xu Daguang said, "What is this?"

Kang Hongliang said, "It's normal to have some ice in frozen aquatic products."

Xu Daguang pointed to the fish's abdomen: "Don't tell me that this is a fish swimmer. I'm not so confused that I can't even distinguish between condoms and fish swimmers."

Kang Hongliang said, "Brother, I told you that it's ice!"

Xu Daguang's eyes widened and pointed his finger at Kang Hongliang's shoulder: "I believe in you so much. I'll leave all the business to you. You fucking carry me to sell drugs behind my back!"

Kang Hongliang said, "Brother, times have changed. Do you think you can make money by selling some stinky fish and rotten shrimp? Can you feed so many brothers? In the past few years, you don't care about anything. Just reach for the money when the time comes. Have you ever thought about how much you can make with your business? Xu Daguang said angrily, "Sumsy thing, do you know that drugs can't be touched? I'm not afraid of going to prison, but we are no longer young. We have families. We have made enough money. There is no need to risk our lives."

Kang Hongliang said, "You've made enough, but where are your brothers? You live in a villa and drive a luxury car, but your brothers are working hard for three meals a day. You don't care about them, but I can't leave them alone.

Xu Daguang was so angry that he punched Kang Hongliang in the chest. Kang Hongliang staggered and almost fell to the ground. Xu Daguang patted his chest and said, "I, Xu Daguang, do things worthy of the conscience of heaven and earth. With my brother, which one have I treated them badly? You were chased like a homeless dog at the beginning. If it weren't for me, you would have been hacked to death. Now you are telling me about loyalty. What right do you have to mention the word loyalty to me? He raised the axe in his hand and said, "Believe it or not, I'll split you?"

Kang Hongliang's face showed panic.

Xu Daguang said, "Although I'm old, I'm not confused. Tonight, my daughter was shot and implicated by Xie Xiaojun. Someone wants to kill him and take revenge on his son Xie Guozhong. This matter is related to the methamphetamine case that Xie Guozhong cracked a few days ago. You are in a hurry to buy Tell me to make it clear!" He picked up the axe and pushed it to Kang Hongliang aggressively.

Kang Hongliang said in a trembling voice, "Big brother...Big brother... What do you want to do?"

Xu Daguang gritted his teeth and said, "I'm going to clean up the door today."

Kang Hongliang's knees softened, and he knelt down for him with a splash. "Big brother...Big brother... I know I'm wrong... You give me a chance, and you give me another chance."

Xu Daguang said, "Give you a chance? Give you a chance to deceive me again?"

Kang Hongliang, who seemed to be scared by Xu Daguang, suddenly moved. The dagger hidden in his hand poked into Xu Daguang's lower abdomen. At such a close distance, Xu Daguang had no time to react. He was also extremely tough. He raised his axe and chopped down on the top of Kang Hongliang's head, with a slight He quickly passed through the air through the muffler and accurately shot on Xu Daguang's right wrist. His wrist was shot, and the axe could no longer be grasped, and it fell to the ground with a bang.

Kang Hongliang picked up the axe on the ground and rushed up with a fierce face~~ Book Network first release~~, raised the axe and cut Xu Daguang's shoulder fiercely: "Old man, go to hell!" Blood splashed everywhere, and Kang Hongliang's face was stained with blood. He looked like a ferocious bloodthirsty beast, waving his axe and cutting on Xu Daguang again and again.

Although Xu Daguang brought four of his men, he was shot one after another before the four of his men could react.

Xu Daguang was covered with blood and staggered down. Kang Hongliang chased him, raised his axe with both hands, and was ready to cut off Xu Daguang's big head. A cold light suddenly shot over from a distance and hit Kang Hongliang's right shoulder. Kang Hongliang snorted with pain. His arm softened, and the He cut on Xu Daguang's left arm without much strength.

There was a ping-pong sound in the warehouse, and several lamps inside were smashed, and the warehouse suddenly fell into darkness.

Kang Hongliang stood up in horror, still holding the axe in his hand. A scream sounded from the darkness, and the bullet shot in the direction of the cry. It seemed that someone had fallen, but then returned to silence. The warehouse was so quiet that he was afraid of people, and only the sound of the shell shell falling to the ground was heard.

The silence did not last long. It didn't take long to hear a series of muffled hums and screams. Everyone present was in deep panic. Did they meet ghosts?

Kang Hongliang felt ** flowing down his body. He couldn't tell whether it was blood or cold sweat. His heart was shrouded in deep panic. He thought of escape. Not only Kang Hongliang, but everyone thought of escaping. The darkness brought fear, and the other party's haunted skills infinitely amplified the existence of fear. In.

With a bang, the sound of broken glass came from the southeast corner, and then a bullet shot exactly at the place.

The person who sneaked into the warehouse in the dark was Zhang Yang. After he entered the warehouse, the first thing he did was to extinguish all the lights and use the darkness to launch a raid on the other party. He had successfully put down seven. The sound of broken glass just now was that Zhang Yang threw out a glass bottle. He used the sound to attract the other The man who shot was quite good and alert. There were not many people carrying weapons at the scene. After the other party shot, Zhang Yang locked his position.

Zhang Daguan sneaked quietly in the dark. Everything Liu Yao confessed tonight can be said to be an accident. Zhang Yang judged from his words that there must be something wrong with Kang Hongliang, which may be directly related to the murder case.

When Zhang Yang rushed to the No. 7 warehouse of Chongming Aquatic Products, he happened to see the scene of Kang Hongliang waving an axe to kill Xu Daguang. Zhang Yang threw out a flying knife to stop Kang Hongliang from cutting off Xu Daguang's head.

Zhang Yang is really interested in this gunman. His shooting skills are accurate, and the pistol he holds is equipped with a muffler. These characteristics are in line with the killer who assassinated Xie Xiaojun. If this person is Lin Guangming, then the real murderer who killed Jiang Liang has been found.

Zhang Yang quietly picked up a can and threw it to the left front. As soon as the can landed, a bullet hit it accurately. The can jumped on the ground a few times, and then rolled up.

Zhang Daguan Ren identified that the shooting came from his right rear, and he quietly walked over.

The gunman was very cunning. He had realized that the other party had thrown two things one after another in order to attract his attention. His two consecutive shots might expose his current position. He began to move his footsteps and planned to change his position.

As soon as he took two steps back, he felt that a danger was approaching him. This was the killer's intuition. He looked at the ground under his feet suspiciously, slowly aimed the muzzle at the ground, and put his finger on the trigger. Just as he was about to pull the trigger, he suddenly felt There was something strange around him. His wrist holding the gun had been held, and the gunner quickly reacted. His left hand pulled out the saber from his waist and stabbed the attacker with lightning speed. The other party grabbed his wrist holding the knife and twisted it hard. He only heard a crisp sound, and the gunner's arm holding the knife was unexpectedly stiff The life was broken by him.

The gunman snorted because of the pain. At this moment, the other party seized the opportunity to snatch the pistol in his right hand, and then turned the muzzle and aimed at the grabber's thigh and fired a shot.

The gunman's knees softened and he knelt on the ground with a plop. Then his heart suffered a heavy blow, and his eyes darkened and he fell into a coma.

When the gunman woke up, he found that he was tied to the pillar. A fire was lit in the warehouse. Through the light of the fire, he could see many people lying crooked in the warehouse. The common feature of these people was that they all lost the ability to resist. During his brief coma, Zhang Daguanren had finished all the battles. The biggest regret was to let Kang Hongliang escape in the chaos, and the biggest gain was that the gunman in front of him was Lin Guangliang, the professional killer who killed Jiang Liang at the beginning.

Zhang Yang shook a cold saber in his hand and came to Lin Guangliang. Without saying a word, he stabbed him in the shoulder with a knife, and then rotated counterclockwise, and Lin Guangliang's body twitched in pain.

Zhang Yang said, "I can stab you a thousand times and let you wake up and live."

Lin Guangliang gasped: "Since you hate me so much, killing me... Why humiliate me..."

Zhang Yang slowly pulled out the saber and wiped the blood on the blade on Lin Guangliang's body: "It's too cheap to kill you."

Lin Guangliang smiled miserably and said, "I don't know you..."

Zhang Yang said, "Do you know Jiang Liang? The policeman you killed in Dongjiang, my best friend!" When Zhang Daguanren talked about resentment, he stabbed his thigh again, and the blade pierced the bone. Lin Guangliang even clearly heard the sound of the blade breaking through the femur. The unbearable pain was not as good as death, but his mind remained clear, and every detail of the pain was so clear.

Lin Guangliang opened his mouth wide and exhaled, trying to use this way to relieve the pain in his body, but everything was in vain.

Zhang Yang said, "Who let you do it? Who asked you to kill Jiang Liang?

Lin Guangliang bit his lips hard, and his lips were quickly bitten out of blood by him: "I don't know... others give me money... I... I'll take the money to do things..."

Zhang Yang shook his head, and the handle of the knife turned slightly. The pain through the bone marrow made Lin Guangliang snort. He screamed, "... His name is Bang Zai... Hong Kong people..."

Zhang said step by step, "Where can I find him?"

"I don't know... I really don't know... I only know Bang Zai... in Dongjiang and the Qi brothers to grab the territory... Qi Feng... Qi Feng also died in his hands..."

The pupil of Zhang Daguan suddenly contracted.