Medical official path

Chapter 1045 Bear it alone

Qiao Mengyuan's arrival was a surprise for Zhang Yang. He invited Qiao Mengyuan to work in Binhai at the beginning, which was full of jokes. Of course, this is not that he did not want to ask Qiao Mengyuan to help him, but that he thought that as Qiao Mengyuan, she should disdain such a job. Zhang Yang did not Coming to Binhai soon, he thought that Qiao Mengyuan would take a long time to digest the pain of her mother's death.

After receiving a phone call from Qiao Mengyuan, Zhang Yang arrived at Beigang Railway Station on time. When the train arrived at the station, Qiao Mengyuan saw Zhang Yang standing on the platform at a glance. The weather was cold, but he was only wearing a black T-shirt, and he looked so outstanding in the crowd.

Seeing Zhang Yang, there was an indescribable warmth in Qiao Mengyuan's heart. Although the sky was dark, a bright color appeared in her dark heart for a long time.

Zhang Daguan found Qiao Mengyuan from the window of the car. He smiled heartlessly and smiled heartlessly, as if the bright sun lit up the dark sky. This man has such an infectious power, but the infection also needs to be divided. Qiao Mengyuan belongs to the category of being infected by him.

Qiao Mengyuan dragged her suitcase out of the train, and her heavy heart became relaxed because of the appearance of publicity.

Zhang Yang took over the luggage and said with a smile, "Welcome Mr. Qiao to visit Binhai. How long are you going to stay this time?"

Qiao Mengyuan whispered, "That depends on how long you are going to hire me."

Mr. Zhang was stunned for a moment, and it took him a long time to understand. He was surprised and said, "You mean..."

Qiao Mengyuan said, "If you change your mind, it's not too late for me to leave now before the train leaves."

Zhang Yang said, "You mean..."

Qiao Mengyuan said, "Didn't you ask me to help you preside over the investment promotion work?"

Zhang Guanren was so happy that he kept nodding: "Yes, yes!"

Qiao Mengyuan couldn't help laughing when she saw his appearance. She bit the cherry lip and said, "Zhang Yang, are you going to stand here forever?"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I'm so happy, so... Welcome, I raise my hands and feet to welcome!"

Qiao Mengyuan said, "It doesn't have to be so grand. I'm not a great and important person."

"Maybe not from the perspective of the world, but from my personal perspective, you are. You are absolutely."

Qiao Mengyuan finally couldn't help laughing: "You are so poor!"

After Zhang Yang started the car, he remembered a question: "Mengyuan, do you want me to call some old friends to congratulate you in the evening?"

Qiao Mengyuan shook her head and said, "I really can't think of anything to celebrate. In my current state, it's better not to affect the mood of too many people.

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "Okay, then calm down first. I'll have fun with you in Beigang these two days."

Qiao Mengyuan said, "I'm here to work, not to play. Zhang Yang, I want to change my way of life.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "You can live no matter how you want. Believe me, you can play different wonderful things here."

Qiao Mengyuan was infected by his smile: "Zhang Yang, why do you always like to talk big?"

"I don't even dare to talk big. How can you still hang out in officialdom?

Knowing that Qiao Mengyuan was coming, Zhang Yang arranged a room for her at the county party committee hostel in advance.

After taking Qiao Mengyuan to the room, Zhang Yang said, "Before you came, you didn't tell me that you were going to work in Binhai for a long time, so I didn't arrange a suitable accommodation for you. I can only wrong you to stay in the hostel for two days. I will ask them to arrange a suitable house tomorrow."

Qiao Mengyuan looked at the environment of the suite and smiled and said, "It's already very good here. At least it can be regarded as a four-star standard in the capital. Secretary Zhang. Don't make it special. I haven't made any contribution to Binhai yet. If you don't make any achievements, you won't get credit.

Zhang Yang said, "You are the key talent I have always wanted to introduce, our Binhai~~ Book Network - update first release~~ The attitude towards talents is clear. We must let the outstanding talents who come to work in Binhai feel the warmth of home here, and only you really regard this as Own home. Only then will you be willing to make all your efforts for Binhai.

Qiao Mengyuan smiled and said, "I'm not an excellent talent, to be honest. I have never done investment promotion work, which can't rule out the possibility that you don't know people well.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "If that's the case. I admit it. Of course, if you really don't have the ability, I will also resign you.

Qiao Mengyuan came to the window and looked outside.

Zhang Yang said, "You take a break first. I'll go back to the office. I'll pick you up for dinner at six o'clock."

Qiao Mengyuan nodded.

Before Zhang Yang went out, Qiao Mengyuan stopped him: "Zhang Yang, I want to start working as soon as possible."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Yes, I'll arrange it later."

Zhang Yang returned to the office and saw Chang Haitian waiting for him in the office. He smiled and said, "Haitian, I was going to find you, but you took the initiative to send it to your door."

Chang Haitian said, "I just went to Minister Wang to talk about something, and by the way, I came to you to report."

Zhang Yang nodded, went to the ice bar and took out two bottles of water, one of which was thrown to Chang Haitian.

Zhang Yang took a sip of the waterway: "Is the work of the bonded area going well recently?"

Chang Haitian said, "The problem of funds has been solved for the time being, but now we are seriously understaffed. There are only a few people in the construction headquarters. It's not my hard work. Since the construction of the bonded area began, I haven't even had a day off."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Director Chang, you have worked hard. I will give you the first credit after the bonded area is built."

Chang Haitian smiled bitterly and said, "Secretary Zhang, don't fool me. I honestly tell you that your sister-in-law is about to become a resentful woman now. Every day when I go home, I listen to her nagging, saying that if I had known to marry me like this, she should have married a few years later."

Zhang Yang laughed and said, "Haitian, I can't help you. The development and construction of the bonded area should be done, and the development and construction of your own home should also be done, and neither of them can be delayed."

Chang Haitian stared at him and said, "I knew you didn't have anything good to say."

Zhang Yang said, "Haitian, I have noticed the personnel problem for a long time. Now I am also busy looking for help for you. The young people we send out for training will come back in batches. Everything is difficult at the beginning. You have to work hard first. After this period of time, it will be no problem when everything is straightened out By the way, I have good news for you. I have invited a great man for you.

Chang Haitian took a sip of the waterway: "Tao Ren? Which one is the best?"

Zhang Yang said, "Qiao Mengyuan, she promised to come and be in charge of investment promotion."

Chang Haitian was a little surprised to hear Qiao Mengyuan's name: "Isn't she always in business? Why all of a sudden..." Before he finished speaking, he patted his head. He entered the officialdom from the mall. Needless to ask, Qiao Mengyuan must have been convinced by Zhang Yang to come to Binhai to help.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "What do you think?"

Chang Haitian smiled and said, "Of course, it's the best. Now that you put all the things on me, I'm about to be crushed. She comes to be responsible for the investment promotion work, and I can devote my energy to the construction. Qiao Mengyuan has been quite successful in the shopping mall in the past. The investment promotion work is not a The background of her home is there. If she can come to Binhai, I'm afraid no one will dare to talk about the work in the bonded area.

Zhang Yang laughed. He is in a good mood today.

Chang Haitian said, "When will she come?"

"It's arrived, and she wants to devote herself to work as soon as possible."

Chang Haitian said, "That's no problem. I'll prepare the office for her later. By the way, shall we hold a welcome ceremony in the evening to welcome Qiao Mengyuan to join the management team of the bonded area?

Zhang Yang said, "Let's forget about this matter. It hasn't been long since her mother passed away. She has been in a low mood recently. Let's talk about the welcome later."

Chang Haitian nodded and said, "Yes, let's talk about it later."

After Chang Haitian left, Zhang Yang came to Mayor Xu Shuangqi's office alone.

Although Zhang Yang is young, he is the leader of Binhai. It is rare for the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee to take the initiative to come to the mayor's office. When Xu Shuangqi heard that Zhang Yang was coming, he quickly got up to greet him.

As soon as Xu Shuangqi's buttocks left the stool, he saw Zhang Yang strode in. Xu Shuangqi said, "Secretary Zhang, why are you here?"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Come and discuss something with you."

Xu Shuangqi said, "Secretary Zhang just make a phone call." He behaved very politely. After all, the level is there. Zhang Yang is a little condescending here, but this also proves that Zhang Yang really has something important. Xu Shuangqi and Zhang Yang have been working together for a period of time, and they also have a certain understanding of this person's life. He must ask for something from others. I don't What's the calculation?

Zhang Yang sat down on the sofa. Xu Shuangqi asked his secretary to pour tea. Zhang Yang waved his hand and said, "No, I'll leave."

Xu Shuangqi still insisted on letting the secretary make tea. After the secretary closed the door and left, Xu Shuangqi made a gesture of inviting him to drink tea: "Secretary Zhang, what's the important thing for me?"

Zhang Yang said, "There is nothing special. The construction of the bonded area has been carried out for some time, and the work in all aspects is smooth."

Xu Shuangqi nodded. He didn't make much effort in the matter of the bonded area, and he didn't intend to contribute. Today's Binhai is completely under the control of Zhang Yang. Although he is the mayor of Binhai, he is only a foil at best. In the past, Xu Shuangqi would be unhappy when he thought of this, Xu's meaning of resistance, but now he is completely discouraged, and he is not his opponent. Speaking of which, even his current mayor is still following Zhang Yang. If it hadn't been for Zhang Yang's solution to the problem of removing the county and changing the city in Binhai, he would still be the former head of Xu County, but Xu Shuangqi also understands that although the title has changed, his actual power is not as big as when he was the county

The second update is sent, please ask for three or two monthly tickets! ( To be continued) RQ