Medical official path

Chapter 1061 Who is afraid of whom? Up

Ding Gaoshan had heard Jiang Honggang's hesitation from the phone. He decided to go to Yuan Xiaogong in person. In the face of the director of the public security bureau of Beigang City, Ding Gaosheng did not show any fear. He smiled and said, "Yuan, what's the matter with calling my brother in the middle of the night? Did he kill or set the fire?

Yuan Xiaogong said, "Isn't Mr. Ding clear about what his brother has done? You should know the case of Dong Zhengyang, the owner of Yum Cabaret, who broke his hamstrings the year before last, right?

Ding Gaoshan said, "I heard that, but what does that have to do with us?"

Yuan Xiaogong said, "There were two criminals in Dong Zhengyang's case back then. Now one of them has remitted his confession. He testified that your brother Ding Gaosheng is the real behind-the-scenes messenger."

Ding Gao Shan said, "How credible are the confessions of these vicious criminals? Yuan Bureau is now a society under the rule of law, and you police also need evidence to handle cases."

Yuan Xiaogong smiled and said, "We will not wrong a good person or let anyone go. We asked Ding Gaosheng to assist in the investigation. He is not only suspected of the case of Dong Zhengyang. I can reveal one thing to you. According to what we have learned so far, he may be involved in the crime."

Ding Gao Shan's face changed. He whispered, "My brother won't do this. I guarantee it with my reputation."

Yuan Xiaogong said, "Our public security believes in evidence, not reputation!"

Ding Gaoshan said, "I remember an old saying that people are watching the sky. If you don't believe it, look up. Who has God forgive?"

Yuan Xiaogong's pupils suddenly contracted, and a murderous spirit suddenly spread out of his body.

Ding Gaoshan's expression was indifferent. He forced him to force the breeze around the hills and said with a smile, "I once hoped that all our officials would be strong, upright, honest and fair, and unselfish, but my hope was shattered again and again. Yuan Bureau has known me for so many years. It seems that you don't know me.

Yuan Xiaogong said, "I'm a policeman. You're just a businessman. There is no intersection between us."

Ding Gaoshan said, "Then I'll help you understand me a little bit. I would rather be jade than complete. If others treat me well, I will be twice as good to him. If others are cruel to me, I will be a hundred times more vicious than him.

Yuan Xiaogong said, "Do you know that I can sue you for threats based on what you just said. Mr. Ding has been in the business world for so many years. He should not be legally blind. Do you know the consequences of threatening public security personnel?"

Ding Gaoshan said tit-for-tat, "That depends on whether I have the capital to speak or not. There are many things in the world. Don't easily provoke others on the premise that you can't clean your buttocks. Be careful not to make yourself dirty when you dirty others. He stood up and said that it was equivalent to clarifying everything.

Yuan Xiaogong looked at Ding Gaoshan coldly and gave him a sentence: "There are many ways for a person to die, but he is the only one who can take the initiative to make a choice. There is only one."

Ding Gaoshan paused for a moment. Of course, he understood the meaning of Yuan Xiaogong's words. The kind of choice that people can take the initiative to make is suicide.

Ding Gaoshan said calmly, "In the future, if I go first, Yuan Ju, don't hesitate to a bunch of flowers. If Yuan Ju goes before me, I will definitely send it in person."

Ding Gaoshan did not tell Jiang Honggang that he broke up with Yuan Xiaogong. Although he and Yuan Xiaogong turned against each other, he still placed hope on Jiang Honggang, hoping that Jiang Honggang could resolve this matter.

Jiang Honggang did not answer Ding Gaoshan's phone. In fact, his mobile phone was silent and is currently participating in the emergency standing committee of the city. At the meeting, Xiang Cheng first affirmed the achievements of the raid on public security last night. Jiang Honggang noticed that Xiang Cheng stressed that the purpose of this operation was to crack down on criminal crimes. Yu's anti-pornography and gambling are all taken over.

After Xiang Cheng affirmed last night's results, his eyes glanced on Jiang Honggang's face intentionally or unintentionally. He stayed for a short time. His voice was full of strength: "The public security situation in Beigang was directly named by the provincial leaders, saying that the crime rate of our Beigang is the highest in the province. Let' According to the statistics, there is a fact that we must see that there are great shortcomings in our work. Finding shortcomings is not a bad thing, but a good thing, which proves that we still have room for improvement. No matter what will happen in the future, I still have one year left in my term of office. During my term of office, I will do my best for Beigang Do a few things and do a few good things. Even if I can't go down in history, I don't want to leave a bad reputation. I want someone to say a word when the people of Beigang mention me in the future. Secretary Xiang has done some practical things. Xiang Cheng knocked on the table when he said his last sentence, which seemed to be very emotional.

Knock on the mountain and shake the tiger! Almost most of the Standing Committee think so. This time, the crackdown is aimed at Jiang Honggang. The province is dissatisfied with the security of Beigang. It was also after Jiang Honggang went to the Dongjiang River. Jiang Honggang's eagerness to take office has been found by many people, and Gong Huanshan will not easily give up the opportunity to him. Last night Gong Huanshan's counterattack.

Everyone understands that such a severe crackdown on such a scale must be nodded by Xiang Cheng. This matter tells everyone that the power of Beigang is still in the hands of Xiang Cheng.

Xiang Cheng wants to let some of the standing committee members who have begun to hesitate to recognize the situation through this severe crackdown. Don't think that you are about to reach the point, and you can forget the respect for yourself.

Gong Huanshan said, "Secretary Xiang, the crackdown last night was remarkable. We are going to carry out such a surprise rectification in the future, and strive to make a qualitative leap in the security environment of Beigang in a short time."

Jiang Honggang sneered in his heart, cracked down on criminal crimes, arrested a few criminals, arrested a few warblers, and confiscated some gambling money to solve the problem of Beigang? Ghosts believe it! The crux of Beigang is not here. Xiang Cheng is just a bluff. He is avoiding the main contradictions. Although Jiang Honggang can see clearly, Jiang Honggang does not dare to face it against the wind. If he puts forward his opinion now, he will definitely be seized by Xiang Cheng.

Huang Bucheng, Minister of Publicity, quietly glanced at Jiang Honggang. Jiang Honggang looked at the table at this moment and looked a little listless. Huang Bucheng couldn't help but be a little disappointed when he saw him. Compared with Xiang Cheng, Jiang Honggang still lacked confidence.

Chen Gang, Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, said: "I support this crackdown in the city. If you want to live and work in peace, you must first create a harmonious and peaceful environment, have a stable social order, and let the people feel safe from the bottom of their hearts. This crackdown in the city is very necessary Yes, Secretary Xiang's decision is extremely wise.

Jiang Honggang scolded Chen Gang in his heart when he heard this. Don't flatter him so brazenly, right? This Chen Gang was really a wall grass. The wind was a little strong, and he immediately followed the wind.

Jiang Honggang found that many members of the Standing Committee were looking at him. Everyone understood and knew who Xiang Cheng was going to embarrass him this time. Didn't Jiang Honggang say in front of the provincial leaders that the public security in Beigang was not good? Well, I'll show it to you.

Jiang Honggang realized that he had to say two words. If he didn't say anything, the little prestige he had just established in the Standing Committee would be immediately disintegrated by Xiang Cheng. Some time ago, the reason why the Standing Committee began to hesitate to stand in line was that they saw their gradual toughness. He was hardened for a few days. If he was stunned by Xiang Cheng's heavy punch, for example, Chen Gang will immediately return to Xiang Cheng's team. No one is a fool, and Huang Bucheng can't foolishly accompany a person who has no hope to be the secretary of the listing committee. He wants others to support him, or he will show himself If you have the strength of others, you must let this group of people see hope.

Xiang Cheng's severe crackdown is to sweep Jiang Honggang's face, and to shatter the glimmer of hope just established by the Standing Committee for Jiang Honggang.

Jiang Honggang said, "I also agree with this severe crackdown. The Beigang police are timely and correct to implement the instructions of the provincial leaders." When Jiang Hong just said this, he had already considered the consequences. This sentence pointed straight to Xiang Cheng, and it was suspected of weakening Xiang Cheng's credit. He was telling others that this time it was not you, Xiang Chengying, but your helplessness. If it hadn't been for Song Huaiming's point that the public security in Beigang was too poor

Jiang Honggang said, "Of course, we should also realize that the public security in Beigang wants to fundamentally improve. It is not enough to rely on one or two crackdowns alone. It may play a role, but it will not solve the fundamental problems."

Xiang Cheng rudely interrupted Jiang Honggang: "Comrade Hong Gang, what do you think is the fundamental problem?"

Jiang Honggang said, "The fundamental problem..."

Jiang Honggang's words had no chance to continue at all. Gong Huanshan rushed out to interrupt him and said, "Comrade Hong Gang, you are very dissatisfied with the public security situation in Beigang. I don't know if you understand Beigang's efforts in public security. Do you know that the crime rate in Beigang is decreasing year by year "

Xiang Cheng smiled and said, "Ganshan, let Hong Gang finish his words."

Jiang Honggang said, "I have nothing to say. I went to the province for a meeting this time. Secretary Song criticized me severely in this regard. I just conveyed the truth that I am not dissatisfied with the public security of Beigang. I have also seen everyone's efforts. Mayor Gong said so as if I have ulterior motives. I am also One member, I don't want others to say that Beigang is not good.

Gong Huanshan said, "Yes, family ugliness should not be spread out. Even if Beigang is not good, I believe Comrade Hong Gang will not do anything to slander Beigang outside."

Jiang Honggang's voice became louder: "Mayor Gong, what do you mean by that? I just conveyed the opinions of the provincial leaders. Do you doubt that I have ulterior motives? If you don't believe me, call Secretary Song yourself to see if he has said such a thing!"