Medical official path

Chapter 1076 Under the Grinding Gun

Zhang Daguan entered through the gap in the skylight. Although several people in the car held guns in their hands, in this series of collisions, two people's **** were lost. Only Mr. Cui was still holding ****. He pointed to Zhang Yang. Zhang Daguan's move was much faster than he imagined. **** just raised it. Zhang Yang's fist fell on Mr. Cui's face, which made him snort and his face blossomed.

Zhang Yang then twisted his wrist and grabbed ****.

The driver fainted when his head hit the steering wheel when the Mercedes-Benz rushed out of the guardrail. Liv held **** and ran quickly to meet Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang kicked the door open, pushed Mr. Cui out with a bloody face, and then helped Qin Mengmeng out.

Liv held the muzzle of the gun against Mr. Cui's head: "Say, who sent you here?"

Mr. Cui sneered and said, "You don't want to die!"

Lifu nodded and aimed at Mr. Cui's knee with a shot. She was extremely decisive, which made Mr. Cui scream again and trembled, "You kill me!"

Liv said contemptuously, "Do you think I don't dare?" She raised her arm, smashed Mr. Cui in the face with the handle of the gun, and smashed Mr. Cui to the ground.

Zhang Yang found the key to the handcuffs, helped Qin Mengmeng open the handcuffs, and told her with a voice, "Don't be afraid, it's me!"

Qin Mengmeng's beautiful eyes were full of joy. Knowing that the person in front of her was Zhang Yang, she was no longer afraid. But her face suddenly changed again, and she said in a shocked voice, "Be careful!" She suddenly rushed to Zhang Yang, followed by a gunshot, but the driver woke up and aimed at Zhang Yang with a shot. From Qin Mengmeng's point of view, she happened to see that she instinctively blocked the shot for Zhang Yang.

Zhang Daguan shouted, and he pulled out the saber from his waist. It was thrown like lightning, and the blade hit the driver's forehead. Deep ** into it, until there is no handle. Zhang Yang picked up Qin Mengmeng and saw that her chest had been stained with blood.

Liv aimed at Mr. Cui's head: "If you don't say it, I know it too! Tell Zhang Bijun that I can't forgive her!" The muzzle tilted and then fired, and the bullet smashed Mr. Cui's right ear.

The gunshots here will inevitably attract the attention of the police. They dare not stay for a long time and leave quickly with Qin Mengmeng.

Back on the road, the person in charge of Liv's response has arrived by car.

They got into the car. Zhang Yang clicked Qin Mengmeng's acupuncture point to help her stop the bleeding.

Liv said, "Do you need to be sent to the hospital?"

Zhang Yang shook his head and said, "Send me to Xiangshan!"

Chen Xue was also surprised to see Zhang Yang coming back with Qin Mengmeng covered in blood. Liv did not enter the hospital and left as soon as they arrived.

Zhang Yang didn't have time to explain to Chen Xue and said nervously, "Prepare hot water and bring the Jinchuang medicine I prepared in the study."

Chen Xue hurried to go.

Zhang Yang put Qin Mengmeng in **, and the bullet did not hurt Qin Mengmeng's internal organs. Instead, it was embedded in her acromioclavicular joint, because the blood had condensed and the clothes and the wound were glued together. Zhang Yang asked Chen Xue to soak the wound with warm water, and then cut Qin Mengmeng's clothes with scissors.

Chen Xue said, "What, will it be life-threatening?"

Zhang Yang let go of Qin Mengmeng's pulse and breathed a sigh of relief, "It should not be life-threatening." His palm fell on Qin Mengmeng's snow-white and delicate shoulder, and his internal force was carried out to pull out the bullets deeply embedded in Qin Mengmeng's bones.

Chen Xue looked at the blood-stained warhead in the tray. He said in a shocked voice, "Gunshot wound?"

Zhang Yang nodded, began to disinfect Qin Mengmeng's wound, and then applied his own secret golden medicine. After doing all this, he asked Chen Xue to clean up everything, take all the clothes and bedding stained with blood, and put them to the courtyard.

After Zhang Daguan was bathed. When he came to the yard, he saw that Chen Xue had cleaned up everything, and the burning ashes had been washed away with water. Zhang Daguan laughed and said, "I'm really sorry to bother you all the time."

Chen Xue said, "If you are afraid of trouble, don't get into trouble."

Zhang Yang said, "I seldom get into trouble. It's all about coming to my door."

Chen Xue took a look at Qin Mengmeng's resting room and said, "I think the trouble this time should be small."

Zhang Yang said, "Do you want to know what happened?"

Chen Xue shook her head and said, "No, I find that the best way not to be bothered by you is to stay away from you." She went back to the room and took her handbag.

Zhang Daguan said, "Do you really want to go?"

Chen Xue said indifferently, "You have your business, and I also have my business. I promised the professor to help him sort out his thesis today." Chen Xue went away.

Zhang Guanren secretly sighed that Chen Xue was really a different girl. No matter what happened, she never asked, but Chen Xue's first reaction was to help him silently and would never say anything more.

After Chen Xue left, Zhang Yangsi still called Luo Huining after thinking about it. Although Qin Mengmeng's current situation has stabilized, her situation is still dangerous, and some people will be unfavorable to her.

Luo Huining did not know that He Yumeng is Qin Mengmeng now, not to mention that Qin Mengmeng has had plastic surgery, and her appearance is completely different from the past. Luo Huining gave Zhang Yang a suggestion. If you want to ensure He Yumeng's safety, you'd better send her to the Embassy of the Bahamas in China. She will arrive there in an hour and assist Zhang Yang to send He Yumeng there.

Qin Mengmeng woke up from her sleep and felt that her shoulders were numb and her right arm was unconscious. Then she saw a sunny smiling face. Qin Mengmeng whispered, "Brother!"

Zhang Yang nodded, helped her wipe the sweat off her forehead with a towel, and whispered, "Don't talk, have a good rest."

Qin Mengmeng said, "Are you all right?"

When Zhang Daguan heard that the first sentence she said was actually about whether she was injured or not, he couldn't help but be moved. He smiled and said, "Silly girl, how can I be fine? But if you hadn't helped me block the bullet, I'm afraid I'm the one who's injured now." In fact, with his reaction, even if the other party fired the bullet, it should not endanger his life. On the contrary, Qin Mengmeng's desperate behavior made her innocently injured.

Qin Mengmeng breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's okay. Is my hand broken?"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "With me, I will ensure that you will recover as usual within a week without leaving a scar."

Qin Mengmeng nodded and said, "You are not Jianghu Langzhong. You are an unparalleled magic doctor."

Zhang Daguan said, "You continue to rest. I'll go outside to have a look. Maybe my godmother has arrived."

Qin Mengmeng said in surprise, "What is she doing here?" The first thing she thought of was that her identity might be revealed.

Zhang Yang comforted her and said, "Don't worry, my godmother doesn't know your real identity. She came here to help me send you to the Embassy of the Bahamas." Zhang Yang had heard the sound of cars outside, so he got up and went out.

In order to be safe, Luo Huining came in person this time. Seeing Zhang Yang, he couldn't help sighing and said, "You, it's always endless."

Zhang Yang smiled with some embarrassment, "Give mother, I finally found it. The more I don't want to bother you, the more I have to bother you."

Luo Huining said, "Let's talk about it when we get in the car."

Zhang Yang returned to the room and picked up Qin Mengmeng. Luo Huining naturally recognized that the girl who appeared in Zhang Yang's arms was Qin Mengmeng, who used to make his son fall in love with him.

After the car was started, Luo Huining just said, "I have contacted the embassy. She can stay in the embassy for the time being to recuperate. After the injury is healed, the Bahamas will arrange for her to return to China."

Qin Mengmeng said, "I want to see Mr. He."

Luo Huining shook his head and said, "I can't arrange this matter. Now under the close supervision of all parties, you encountered an attack as soon as you got off the plane. From this incident, it has proved that he is not only interested in some national departments, but also some forces that we don't know."

Qin Mengmeng whispered, "I don't understand why they are targeting Mr. He."

Luo Huining said, "The man is innocent and guilty. Maybe there is some secret hidden in his body, so someone wants to use you to force him to spit out this secret."

Luo Huining personally sent Qin Mengmeng to the embassy in the Bahamas and left immediately after settling down. Before she left, she called Zhang Yang outside and whispered, "I didn't even know that He Chang'an had a daughter."

Zhang Daguan pretended to be confused and said, "I don't know. The last time he went to Dongjiang, he told me that He Yumeng was his illegitimate daughter. Not to mention, it's really similar."

Luo Huining said, "He Chang'an has been galloping in the business world for many years, and the accumulated wealth is quite amazing. He should have thought about the way out a long time to transfer overseas property to his illegitimate daughter. I think it is this matter that has brought so much trouble to He Yumeng."

Zhang Yang said, "I think these people not only want money, but also want life."

Luo Huining said, "He Chang'an should be fine. Now He Yumeng is in the embassy, which is much safer than outside. When her injury improves, persuade her to leave as soon as possible. Don't get too involved in this matter. She glanced at Li Wei beside her and said, "I asked Li Wei to stay here to help for the past two days. He is more familiar with diplomatic matters than you. It is more appropriate for him to protect He Yumeng. Even if someone knows He Yumeng's whereabouts, as long as he knows that I am involved in this matter, he should not

Qin Mengmeng sat in ** and quietly looked out of the window until the loud knock on the door woke her up.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "What are you thinking about? So distracted?"

Qin Mengmeng said, "I'm worried about his business." He pointed to his father, He Chang'an.

Zhang Yang said, "Don't worry, I visited him the day before yesterday. His illness did not hinder much. The facilities of Bishuitan Hospital are very good, and the safety measures are also complete."

Qin Mengmeng said, "I'm sorry to trouble you again this time. I heard that he was suddenly seriously ill, so I rushed here."

Zhang Yang said, "The blood is connected, and you should care about him." He sat down on the chair by the bed and whispered, "He guessed that you were coming and asked me to contact you as soon as possible, hoping that you would give up this idea. Unexpectedly, I still couldn't stop you from coming back."