Medical official path

Chapter 1079 Hidden Knife in the Smile

Xiang Cheng had already heard the smell of gunpowder that began to perme from the conversation between Zhang Yang and Gong Huanshan. He smiled and said, "Who doesn't know that you are bold. Don't say that you should be the mayor, even if you are asked to do my position, you can bear it."

Zhang Daguan laughed and said, "Sin, sin, Secretary Xiang, what you said is sarcastic to me."

Xiang Cheng smiled and said, "It's not sarcastic to you, but to be honest. Sooner or later, you young people will not be in charge." Xiang Cheng was very calm when he said this. He realized that he was explaining a fact, a fact that had made him recognize. He was old. In less than a year, he would gradually withdraw from the political stage. The light on his body was given by the position of Secretary of the Beigang Municipal Party Committee. When he took off this On the day of a bright coat, the light on his body will fade day by day, and he will eventually return to silence. People will have such a day. Even Mr. Xue, who used to dominate the world, has left the political arena now, not to mention that he is the secretary of the municipal party committee of a prefecture-level city?

When Xiang Cheng said these words, he did not consider the feeling of Gong Huanshan. Gong Huanshan was no longer young. Although Gong Huanshan was still working tirelessly for the position of municipal party secretary, with the arrival of Gong Qiwei, the hope in Gong Huanshan's heart became more and more slim. He even felt that Xiang Cheng was not like him. In the past, he tried his best. This time he came with Xiang Cheng to celebrate Xue Lao's birthday, with a little bit of begging for nothing, but the palace returned to the mountain without self-esteem. He just didn't die until the Yellow River, and he looked forward to a miracle in his heart. Maybe this trip to the capital. It will completely shatter his illusions.

Maybe it's because the boat is tired, or maybe the pressure in his heart has been too much recently. Gong Huanshan soon had some wine, for people in his position. It's not a good thing to be drunk. He is worried that if he says too much after drinking, he will lose what he says. Get up and say goodbye in time.

Zhang Yang originally wanted to take the opportunity to leave, but he didn't expect Xiang Cheng to talk a lot tonight. Unexpectedly, he took the initiative to invite Zhang Yang to his room for tea.

Zhang Yang and Xiang Cheng have never had a good relationship. Although there has been a period of easing because of Mr. Xue, Xiang Cheng's attitude towards him has always been merciless when he should step on him. It was also after the sarith of the fact of the bonded area, Xiang Cheng found that he had stepped on this man countless times Feet, old arms and legs can't stand this toss, so Xiang Cheng began to turn a blind eye to Zhang Yang. If everyone's well water doesn't violate the river, it's good to have nothing to do. But with the arrival of Gong Qiwei, Xiang Cheng understood that in the final analysis, the province did not let himself rest.

Zhang Yang accompanied Xiang Cheng to his room. Huo Yunzhu did not follow him, but Hong Shijiao came. She knew some tea art and temporarily acted as a tea artist of the two. I made a pot of phoenix fir for them.

Zhang Yang first drank this kind of tea as a gift from Qiu Fengxian. Xiang Cheng was used to drinking clear tea. The first time he drank this kind of tea, he took a sip and said, "Oolong tea?"

Hong Shijiao smiled and said, "Secretary Xiang is so awesome."

There is a secretive smile on the corners of Zhang's lips. There is only one most common aspect for women to praise men's power. When Hong Shijiao saw Zhang Yang's smile, she suddenly blushed a little and whispered, "It's oolong tea. Did Secretary Zhang drink it?"

Zhang Yang said, "I have drunk it several times. To be precise, it should be a kind of phoenix single fir, a kind of oolong tea. It got its name because it grows in Fenghuang Mountain in Lingnan. Most of the tea trees grow in mountainous areas above sea level. The clouds and fog are There are more than 3,000 tea trees, which are more than 100 years old.

Hong Shijiao's beautiful eyes stared round, showing a light of surprise. What is really powerful is publicity. Unexpectedly, he also has a lot of research on tea ceremony.

Xiang Cheng said, "It seems that what is really powerful is Zhang Yang. I just drank oolong tea, but he can drink the origin."

Zhang Daguanren laughed and said, "It's not that I'm better than you, it's just because my eyesight is better than you. I saw the instructions on the tea box."

Hearing what he said, Xiang Cheng and Hong Shijiao both laughed. Xiang Cheng said, "It's opportunistic. I was almost fooled by you."

Hong Shijiao said, "Although there are four words "Phoenix single fir" on it, the introduction is not so detailed. Secretary Zhang must have studied this kind of tea."

Zhang Yang said, "I've also heard about it, but I'm used to turning other people's knowledge into my own knowledge. At this time, I may infringe on someone's intellectual property rights again."

Hong Shijiao smiled and whispered, "Secretary Zhang, I have arranged a room for you next door. The room card is here."

Zhang Yang took over the room card, and Hong Shijiao got up to leave. Her task is to make tea, not to chat with the two leaders. God knows what secrets they have to say?

Xiang Cheng twisted the tea cup and drank a cup. He closed his eyes and tasted for a while and said, "Good tea!"

Zhang Yang also took a sip and said, "Tea is good, but it's a pity that the time to make tea is not good enough. Kung Fu tea must be enough to taste good enough."

Xiang Cheng smiled and said, "How to solve it?"

Zhang Yang said, "Needless to say, the process alone is already dazzling. Kung Fu tea needs, appreciate the fragrant tea, Meng Chen Linlin, oolong into the palace, hanging pot high, spring breeze brushing the face, smoked Xianyan, Ruochen out of the bath, jade liquid back pot, tour of the mountains and water, Guan Yuye back to the pot, high and low sifting, Ruochen's re-bath, re-existence of mellow rhyme, and three liuxia. What I mentioned above are the basic 18 processes. If a tea artist does it, I'm afraid it will be more complicated.

Xiang Cheng opened his eyes when he heard it. He only felt that the tea in his mouth was not as wonderful as Zhang Yang's words. He whispered, "No wonder three people must have my teacher."

Zhang Yang said, "Secretary Xiang, I don't agree with you. At your level, it should be that there must be my master for three people! One of them must be your master.

Xiang Cheng laughed, and Zhang Yang's sentence is very applicable. In Xiang Cheng's memory, when he rarely had such a pleasant conversation with Zhang Yang, he also found one of their common points, that is, they are all people Xue Lao likes and trust, and this time they are also guests of Xue Laoshou.

Zhang Yang remembered something. He deliberately said, "Secretary Xiang, I know you will definitely come to celebrate Xue Lao's birthday this time, but I don't know that Mayor Gong will also come."

Xiang Cheng smiled faintly. He knew what Zhang Yang wanted to say. Gong Huanshan and Xue Lao really had no friendship. In Xiang Cheng's eyes, the reason why he insisted on following him was that he was ready to do the last fight. Xiang Cheng can understand Gong Huanshan's current mood. Gong Huanshan has lost confidence, not only in himself, but also in his attitude towards him, the current secretary of the municipal party committee and the eldest brother. Xiang Cheng said, "Mayor Gong and Mr. Xue have known each other for many years." He didn't say much, and it didn't make any sense to explain too much. Although Zhang Yang is young, he is a sensible person who can see the mystery clearly.

Zhang Yang said, "I'm afraid Mr. Xue didn't invite him to come over."

Xiang Cheng couldn't help laughing. After all, the young man still couldn't calm down. Zhang Yang was really straightforward. If Gong Huanshan was here and heard him say this, he was afraid that he would be angry to death by him. Xiang Cheng did not directly answer Zhang Yang's question, but said, "Zhang Yang, is it because of the mayor of Gong's joke just now?"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Does Secretary Xiang think I'm so small? What Mayor Gong said was a joke, not to take it seriously. Even if he took it seriously, he doesn't count at present in Beigang. You are the leader. You didn't let me come to the capital for distribution. Why is he in a hurry? Zhang Daguan had a smile on his face, but when it came to Gong Huanshan, he was full of disdain.

Xiang Cheng sighed and said, "Zhang Yang, I have to talk about you well. You should treat the leaders with respect. What kind of leader and second-in-command? Everyone is working for the country. How can there be no high or low?"

Zhang Yang said, "I'm just telling the truth. Secretary Xiang must not be serious with me."

Xiang Cheng said, "Zhang Yang, the reason why I left you for tea is that I have something to talk to you about."

Zhang Yang said, "Secretary Xiang, I can see that I am also drinking your soft mouth now. Today, you invited me to drink and tea. Thinking about the past, I often made you unhappy. I regret it in my heart."

Xiang Cheng said, "You don't have to regret it. I allow you to keep your personal opinions on things at work. Because of the disputes arising from work, I won't take it to my heart. Although I'm not a high-ranking official, I still have this kind of ambition. If I can't even distinguish between public and private, Yes."

Zhang Yang said, "Secretary Xiang, I think there is a generation gap between us. I admit that we are a little radical."

Xiang Cheng smiled and said, "Then you just forced me to admit that I was more conservative?"

Zhang Yang said, "Secretary Xiang, if you say so, it means that you will never admit that you are conservative. In fact, don't be in a hurry to admit it. I don't think you are conservative. Maybe we have different understanding of development."

Xiang Cheng said, "Zhang Yang, whether I admit it or not, I'm old. When I'm old, my thinking will inevitably not keep up with the times. Otherwise, we wouldn't have a retirement system."

Zhang Yang said, "In fact, experience is also a valuable asset."

Xiang Cheng said, "This era is an era of change. It is far from enough to do things based on experience alone. A lot of things have happened recently, and some of them have touched me a lot. I began to look back and reconsider the problem. I found that there were errors in the judgment of the development of some things."

Zhang Daguanren didn't believe his ears. Xiang Cheng could take the initiative to admit that he had made a mistake in his work in front of him. This was a little bit of a sun coming out of the west. When the leader criticized himself, Zhang Yang was of course not suitable to add oil and vinegar. He blinked his eyes, looked confused and modified confused At that time, you have to pretend to be confused.

It's only half a day before the end of the month. Don't keep the monthly tickets. Let's all vote for the doctor! Well... the octopus is a little greedy!