Medical official path

Chapter 1095 The aftermath is not over Next

Chen Kai said, "Brother, did something bad happen to you?"

Chen Gang said, "Blessings are unparalleled and misfortunes are not alone!"

Chen Kai said, "Brother, tell me. Even if I can't help, at least someone will share it for you."

Chen Gang said, "Hong Changqing came to me today, and she asked me to transfer her job."

Chen Kai said, "Why is this woman so ignorant? Recently, there have been many messages in Beigang that are not conducive to you. How dare she fool around at this time?

Chen Gang said, "Maybe it was because of these things that she came to blackmail me. Women are indeed the most unbelievable animals."

Chen Kai said, "Brother, this Hong Changqing is really troublesome. When something happened to her in Binhai, didn't you help transfer her to the development zone? How long has it been, and I'm not satisfied again?

Chen Gang said, "This woman is very greedy. I really regret it." He squeezed his lips and said, "Someone sent my black materials to the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection to report that I used my power to blackmail female subordinates to maintain an improper relationship between men and women."

The first person Chen Kai thought of was Zhang Yang. He whispered, "Is it surnamed Zhang?"

Chen Gang shook his head and said, "I have tested him. This should not be done by him. At least for now, he has no need to deal with me."

Chen Kai said, "Will it be very troublesome?"

Chen Gang said, "Although someone reported me, the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection should not have any exact evidence, otherwise I would not have sat here now."

Chen Kai said, "Brother, have you heard that Liu Yanhong, deputy secretary of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, suffered a car accident?"

Chen Gang nodded. Then he sighed again and said, "It's really troublesome."

Chen Kai said, "This woman's life is really hard. She fell from such a high cliff and didn't kill her!"

Chen Gang looked at his brother with some dissatisfaction and said, "You must not say such nonsense. Now it is thought that this is not an accidental traffic accident, saying that someone has designed the work group of the Commission for Discipline Inspection."

Chen Kai said, "What does this have to do with us? It's not what we did. What are we afraid of?"

Chen Gang said, "Don't forget that Liu Yanhong's coming to Beigang has something to do with me. Now that something has happened to her, it is inevitable that some people will suspect me.

Chen Kai sighed and said, "Brother, Beigang is by no means a place to stay for a long time. It's time to make up your mind." Since he was caught by Zhang Yang last time, Chen Kai has had the idea of leaving China.

Chen Gang said, "Wance to go? How can it be so easy? Do you think Zhang Yang is a vegetarian? I dare say that he has been staring at me all the time.

Chen Kai said angrily, "I really don't know what he wants to do? Obviously, he caught our handle, but he didn't put us to death. What on earth does he want from us? Do you want to torture us?"

Chen Gang said, "He wants to use us. It is precisely because of our existence value that he has never made the evidence in his hand public."

Chen Kai said, "Brother, I can't stand it anymore. If it goes on like this, I'm going crazy. It seems that someone is aiming at my neck with a knife, and I don't know when the knife will fall. I'm afraid he hasn't killed me yet. I've been tortured crazy!"

Chen Gang said, "Let's go, it's our only way. Xiao Kai, we must speed up the process.

Although Liu Yanhong had an accident in Chunyang, the accident shocked many people in Beigang. The Yuan brothers were also one of them, after learning that Liu Yanhong was seriously injured when she fell off a cliff in Chunyang. Yuan Xiaogong immediately summoned his brothers to the fourth Yuan Xiao merchant. The reason was very simple. Now Yuan Xiaoshang's wife and son have all gone to Australia, and he is the only one at home, and it is more convenient to discuss things. In the past, they often went to the second brother Yuan Xiaonong's villa in Lighthouse Mountain. But since Yuan Xiaonong took care of his mistress Liu Tian there, the brothers were unwilling to go there.

Yuan Xiaonong was the one who was the most late that night. It was more than 20 minutes away from the appointment at seven o'clock. As soon as he entered Yuan Xiaoshang's door, he hurriedly explained, "There is a traffic jam. I don't know what's wrong with Beigang recently? There are traffic jams at this time every day.

The third brother Yuan Xiaobing laughed but didn't say anything.

Yuan Xiaonong was not happy: "Lao San, what are you laughing at?"

Yuan Xiaobing said, "I'd like to!"

Yuan Xiaogong snorted coldly, "If you spend less time shopping with women, you won't happen to catch the traffic jam."


Yuan Xiaogong waved his hand impatiently and obviously didn't want to hear him continue to explain.

Yuan Xiaoshang patted Yuan Xiaonong on the shoulder and said, "Second brother, don't explain. On the way here, I saw you at the door of 100. He also bought a Beetle for Liu Tian with a big bag and small luggage, right?"

Only then did Yuan Xiaonong understand why his brothers looked strangely at him. He smiled and said, "It's her birthday today."

Yuan Xiaobing laughed again.

Yuan Xiaonong was a little embarrassed and hot-skinned at this time. He knew that his brothers were opposed to his dealings with Liu Tian. Maybe there would be a criticism meeting today.

Yuan Xiaogong did not continue to say anything and whispered, "Liu Yanhong, deputy secretary of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and director of the Supervision Department, had an accident on the way to Jingshan. Now he is highly suspected that this is an intentional murder, and some people in Beigang are listed as key suspects."

Yuan Xiaobing said, "It's going to be a crane again in Beigang again."

Yuan Xiaogong said, "I called you here to remind you to be careful. The accident of the deputy secretary of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection has shocked the senior management. I think we are going to take Beigang seriously this time."

Yuan Xiaonong said, "Why did she keep an eye on Beigang? Do you suspect that someone in Beigang has done it?

Yuan Xiaogong said, "Recently, there have been a lot of reports from the leadership of Beigang. The reason why the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection sent a working group to Beigang in a short period of time is to understand these things. Liu Yanhong just left Beigang and had an accident on the way. It is normal for the superior to suspect that this

Yuan Xiaobing said, "Beigang is really not peaceful. Not long after the Ding Gaoshan brothers died, and now Liu Yanhong's matter is also suspected to be related to Beigang. I don't think anyone in Beigang has such a big courage to move the deputy secretary of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection? Unless you don't want to fool around?"

Yuan Xiaogong said, "No matter who did it, this matter has had a serious impact. The superior won't settle it easily. If you don't find out the matter, you will never give up.

Yuan Xiaonong said, "Brother, in fact, you don't have to worry too much. Anyway, this matter has nothing to do with our brothers, and we didn't do anything? Even if Liu Yanhong dies, she can't have anything to do with us.

His words angered Yuan Xiaogong. Yuan Xiaogong said angrily, "Bullshit! When can you take a long-term view? Do you understand what it means that the fire at the gate affects the fish in the pond? When the Ding brothers died, you gloated. If something happened to Liu Yanhong, you think it's none of your business. Please use your own brain. If these things are all related to Beigang, what will you think of Beigang? This series of things is likely to have angered the senior management and prompted them to make up their minds to find out what happened in Beigang. Do you think we can do it alone?

Yuan Xiaonong was speechless.

Yuan Xiaogong said, "How did I teach you before? I told you to keep a low profile during this period. How do you do it yourself? Who in the whole Beigang doesn't know that you, Yuan Xiaonong and Yuan Da boss are romantic and rich? Who doesn't know that you can spend a lot of money for a woman?

Yuan Xiaonong said, "Big brother... I... I didn't do anything?"

Yuan Xiaogong said angrily, "Where did you get your money? Do you want others to check you carefully? Can you explain the context of your income? Are you smarter than others or more capable than others?

Yuan Xiaonong bit his lip. He couldn't stand it anymore and shouted, "Big brother! I know you look down on me, and you all look down on me!"

Yuan Xiaobing said angrily, "Second, what are you talking about?"

Yuan Xiaonong got up angrily and said, "Am I wrong? In your hearts, you are your own brothers. What am I? I'm not smart, and I'm greedy for money and lustful. I'm just a burden to my brother.

Yuan Xiaoshang said, "Second brother, no one thinks of you like this!"

Yuan Xiaonong shook his head hard and said, "I'm not stupid enough. I understand something."

Yuan Xiaobing wanted to persuade him out so as not to further anger the boss. Yuan Xiaogong said, "Let him say it!"

Yuan Xiaonong said, "I don't rely on you today. I was also born and worked hard to come back. Boss, I know you have been taking care of us all these years, but everything I have today is not by your charity. You scold me and I put up with it. Who let you be my eldest brother, but why do you Do you want to dictate your private life? Why?"?

Yuan Xiaoshang came forward and dragged him: "Second brother, don't say a few words."

Yuan Xiaonong shouted, "Isn't it just a woman? What am I trying to do for half of my life? Make money? What is the purpose of making money? Isn't it for enjoyment?"

Yuan Xiaogong said, "Everything should be measured. Everyone wants to live as they want, but if you live in this world, you have to consider other people's feelings. You should know that you are not only yourself in the world, but also your relatives and friends!"

Yuan Xiaonong nodded, and a strange smile appeared on his face: "Brother, I've heard a lot of high-sounding words. What am I not afraid of? Don't be afraid of death. You are afraid of yourself. You are more afraid of losing than any of us.

"Sit, shut up!" Yuan Xiaogong roared.

Yuan Xiaonong said: "You are afraid of losing your reputation, afraid of losing your status, afraid..."

Before he could finish his words, Yuan Xiaobing rushed up and hit Yuan Xiaonong on his back and fell to the ground with a strong hook. Yuan Xiaoshang quickly came forward and hugged Lao San.

Yuan Xiaonong slowly sat up from the ground and wiped the blood from the corners of his lips. He looked at it, then laughed and whispered, "Good fight, you are your brothers..." He staggered up and walked out of the door.

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