Medical official path

Chapter 1097 Seeking Medical Treatment Next

Qi Shan said, "I don't know why I was packaged as a drug dealer. Since my brother's death, the police's investigation against me has not been interrupted, but they can't come up with any evidence. It's not because I hide it well and cover it up well, but because I haven't done it at all. I can Take responsibility for what you have done.

Zhang Yang said, "QI Shan, do you know that if a person lies, no matter how well he hides it, there will be subtle changes in his physiology."

Qi Shan smiled and said, "What's the change?"

Zhang Yang said, "The facial expression will become unnatural. There is a fundamental difference between the natural expression and the deliberately controlled expression. Just like when we watch a movie, even the best actor can see the composition of the performance from his face."

Qi Shan smiled and said, "It sounds reasonable."

Zhang Yang said, "When a person lies, his pupils, his breathing, his heartbeat, even his movements will be very different from usual."

Qi Shan stretched out his hand to Zhang Yang: "I know you are good at taking the pulse. Please help me see if I lied?"

Zhang Yang stretched out his hand, but he shrank back when his finger was about to put on the door of the Qi Mountains.

Qi Shan looked at him with inquiry.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Don't take your pulse. What you told me must be a lie."

"How do you see it?"

Zhang Yang said, "No businessman is treacherous. I expect the businessman to tell the truth that the old sows can climb the tree."

The two laughed at the same time.

Qi Shan's feeling to Zhang Yang is very mysterious, and he always feels that this person is unpredictable. Zhang Yang did not deny that he appreciated Qi Shan very much. Qi Shan was shrewd and generous. From the perspective of friendship, this person was worth making friends with him, but Qi Shan always made him feel that he was full of too many secrets.

In the early morning, Liu Danchen came to the beach as scheduled. Seeing that Zhang Yang was already waiting there, she smiled and said, "Secretary Zhang, you have been waiting for a long time."

Zhang Daguan turned around and looked at it. However, Liu Danchen was wearing a pink tight sportswear on his upper body and gray cropped trousers underneath, showing his beautiful posture. The exposed arms and calves are as white and delicate as milk.

Liu Danchen was a little embarrassed by his eyes and whispered, "What are you looking at? Haven't seen it?"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "What did you just call me?"

Only then did Liu Danchen realize that she would come over. She smiled and said, "Cousin!"

Zhang Yang said, "I asked you here today to help you treat your waist injury. Your waist injury has fallen since you were a child. The reason why you are injured is that your practice method is not correct, so you must correct this. I will teach you a set of boxing techniques."

Liu Danchen said, "Isn't it massage or acupuncture?"

Zhang Yang said, "The trauma needs to be treated externally, and massage and acupuncture should be carried out later. Now you must stretch your muscles and bones first, and after the tendons are open, you can proceed to the next step of treatment.

Liu Danchen said puzzledly, "I have been practicing since I was a child, and my tendons should have been active for a long time."

Zhang Yang said, "Your practice method is only for the local area, and you can't deal with the overall situation. That is to say, some of your muscles and bones have been exercised, while some places have not been exercised. In the long run, over time, a kind of imbalance has been formed. It is this accumulated imbalance that changes your spine structure. The set of boxing I taught you is called Taijiquan.

Liu Danchen smiled and said, "I still think it's a profound skill, and I can also do Taijiquan."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I'm afraid there are hundreds of millions of people in the world who can do Taijiquan, but how many of them are really ignorant? What I teach you is a kind of boxing that I have improved, including Tai Chi and Kongming. I have streamlined seven moves and formed a set of boxing. Look carefully.

Zhang Daguan stood in the face of the rising sun, slowly stretched his arms, and played the seven-style Tai Chi on the beach. The so-called Tai Chi was just using its name. The moves are already similar. This set of boxing focuses on soothing muscles and bones, which seems to be not difficult for a girl like Liu Danchen, who has been practicing She played like a good one after reading it, but it took a lot of effort to really practice this set of punches in place.

Liu Danchen's talent in martial arts is still quite amazing to Zhang. Her understanding is not inferior to An Yuchen's. A person's talent in martial arts does not depend on whether she can practice moves in a short time, but on her grasp of details. Liu Danchen's understanding of each action is easy to grasp. The essence of this set of boxing.

Liu Danchen took only an hour to master Zhang Yang's boxing. Zhang Daguan praised: "It's not bad, it's not bad. Your understanding is really amazing."

Liu Danchen said, "The teacher still teaches well."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I dare not be your teacher." He looked at the time and said, "I have to go to work. Practice by yourself. I'll help you correct your bones in three days."

The working group of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection obviously came to Beigang this time to make a difference. Wei Longxing did not expose this when he first met Zhang Yang. If the first time was just to get to know each other and talk about friendship, then their second meeting was to officially talk about work.

Zhang Yang thought that Wei Longxing would ask questions related to Liu Yanhong, but Wei Longxing came to him this time for Dong Zhengyang. Wei Longxing asked about the details of Zhang Yang's beating of Dong Zhengyang at the Ding brothers' funeral on the same day.

Zhang Yang was obviously a little impatient when he heard Wei Longxing mention of Dong Zhengyang. He thought that this matter had come to an end, and his godmother Luo Huining also said hello to the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. Wei Longxing just came to Pinghai and mentioned this matter. Does he still want to make some articles on Dong Zhengyang? Zhang Yang said, "I have made it very clear about Dong Zhengyang. I have also written a detailed report on the incident at that time and handed it over to the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. The police have also investigated it. There are no doubts about the whole matter. If Wei Hall is still interested in this matter, he can call up relevant materials."

Wei Longxing said, "Zhang Yang, don't get me wrong. I didn't mean anything against you when I mentioned this matter. Maybe you don't know that before I came to Pinghai to work, I served in the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. I was responsible for the materials sued by Dong Zhengyang's family."

Zhang Yang said, "Wei Hall, do you think I have a problem with this matter?"

Wei Longxing shook his head and said, "This matter has calmed down. You have also made the story clear. I didn't mention this matter to hold him accountable, nor is it because I'm curious. I want to understand everything as much as possible. During this period, I have learned something, did some work, and I know Dong Zhengyang and The reason why the Ding brothers have a grudge.

Zhang Yang didn't say anything. He knew all these things. The reason why he kept silent was that he wanted to hear what version Wei Longxing said.

Wei Longxing said, "In the final analysis, the contradiction between Dong Zhengyang and the Ding brothers is because of the land grabbing. What happened between them has the nature of underworld crimes. Although there was no evidence to find that the Ding brothers broke Dong Zhengyang's hamstrings, judging from Dong Zhengyang's hatred for them, this matter is Misunderstanding."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I didn't expect Wei Hall to be a master detective."

Wei Longxing said, "No department can complete the task independently. It must cooperate with other brother departments. If we only treat everything separately, then the problem we are destined to see is one-sided. The working group of the Commission for Discipline Inspection has never been able to make progress in Beigang in the past, and their working methods. It also has a lot to do with it."

This sentence made Zhang very unhappy. Wei Longxing was suspected of denying Liu Yanhong's work performance. Did he think he was great? Zhang Yang said, "Some things are not as simple as they seem."

Wei Longxing said, "That's why we decided to conduct a comprehensive investigation into the matter of Beigang and turn everything back on the past."

Zhang Yang said, "That's to deny everything?"

Wei Longxing also noticed the dissatisfaction contained in Zhang Yang's tone. He smiled and said, "There's nothing we can do. We must do this before we can rebuild!"

Zhang Yang smiled, and his smile was full of sarcasm.

Wei Longxing said, "As for the problem of Comrade Jiang Honggang, we have also begun to re-examine. We believe that the relationship between him and Ding Gaoshan is by no means as simple as an IOU. In the process of his tenure as the deputy secretary of the Beigang Municipal Party Committee, he is likely to use his authority to create convenient conditions There will never be any omissions in any details.

Zhang Yang said, "Wei Hall is really vigorous."

Wei Longxing said, "Zhang Yang, there must be a lot of places that need your assistance in the future work."

Zhang Yang said, "I'll try my best to help, but I don't think I can help much either."

Wei Longxing smiled and got up to say goodbye.

Zhang Yang became a little depressed because of Wei Longxing's visit. He realized that this was only the beginning. Because of Liu Yanhong's incident, there was a reason for the province to directly intervene in Beigang, the working group of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and the task force of the Provincial Public Security Department. The arrival of these people is bound to cause The conflict on.

It is not only Zhang Yang who realizes this, but also Xiang Cheng, Secretary of the Beigang Municipal Party Committee, has the same view as him. In recent days, Xiang Cheng was also in a very bad mood. Chen Gang, Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, realized from Xiang Cheng's face that it was not the right time, but he couldn't do it. He squeezed out a smile and said, "Secretary Xiang!"

Xiang Cheng said, "What's the matter?"

Chen Gang nodded: "I want to report to you about the working group of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection."

Xiang Cheng said, "You should talk to Wei Hall about this."

Chen Gang sighed and said, "Secretary Xiang, has the province interfered too much with us?"

Xiang Cheng said, "That's because our cadres in Beigang don't know how to self-discipline. Now they have finally attracted the attention of their superiors. To this point, some people blame themselves and can't blame others."