Medical official path

Chapter 1108 Intensification

Xiang Cheng looked at the collision of the two Mars on the earth, and his heart was really happy. He took a look at Chen Gang. From Zhang Yang's words, he could tell that Chen Gang seemed to play a role in it. Perhaps he had successfully told him that Gong Qiwei denied Zhang Yang's becoming a member of the Standing Committee of Beigang in front

Everyone thought that Zhang Yang beat Jiang Liang was against Gong Qiwei's speech just now, but Chen Gang did not think so. Chen Gang once witnessed the conflict between Zhang Yang and Jiang Le because of the conflict between Sang Beibei in Tianjie. The two had accumulated grievances, and today it was ignited through Gong Qiwei's matter.

Xiang Cheng is here, and there are still so many members of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee. It is doomed that this conflict will not get out of control. Gong Qiwei still chose to be calm and restrained. The two sides dispersed separately, and Xiang Cheng had to reprimand Zhang Yang again.

Zhang Daguan has calmed down now. He did not contradict Xiang Cheng, but hummed angrily, "It's just a secretary. What is it? How dare you dictate in front of me.

Xiang Cheng said, "Zhang Yang, this is your right. Even if there is something wrong with Xiao Jiang's attitude, you should not beat him in front of so many people. You are now the secretary of the Binhai Municipal Party Committee, and your every move is under everyone's attention. If the behavior just now spreads, it will definitely be laughed at

Zhang Yang said, "Secretary Xiang, don't you trust me?"

Xiang Cheng said, "Where did you start?"

Zhang Yang said, "Do you want to give me a tight spell if you let Deputy Secretary Gong be in charge of the work of the bonded area?"

Xiang Cheng's real intention is to use this matter to create conflicts between them. He knows that Zhang Yang is unconvinced. Anyway, he can't control it. Since he can't control it, let Gong Qiwei take over the matter. Xiang Cheng said, "What kind of curse? It's nonsense. I think you have cooperated in Nancy in the past. Deputy Secretary Gong is your old superior. It should be no problem for you to cooperate together.

Zhang Yang said, "Thank you for Secretary Xiang's kindness. We can solve Binhai's matter by ourselves."

On the way back, Xiang Cheng specially called Gong Qiwei to the same car. Until now, Gong Qiwei's face was very ugly. The secretary's beating obviously seriously hurt his face.

Xiang Cheng said, "Qi Wei, are you still angry?"

Gong Qiwei said, "This publicity is getting more and more outrageous!"

Xiang Cheng said, "Qi Wei. Didn't you have a good relationship in the past? Why did it suddenly become like this?"

Gong Qiwei said, "The public is the public, and the private is private. I have always been right about things and not people."

Xiang Cheng said, "This boy Zhang Yang has always been a smooth donkey. You said something too heavy just now. It's not that you don't know that he loves face. In front of so many people, it's no wonder he is annoyed when you say that.

Gong Qiwei said, "Secretary Xiang, I don't agree with what you said. Is there any problem with his work in Fulong Port? Can't our leaders say a word about him? Binhai is not alone. Anyone who makes a mistake must admit it. He can't tolerate young cadres like him. The more accommodating they are, the more spoiled they will be spoiled, and they will become ignorant of heaven and earth.

Xiang Cheng said, "Qi Wei, don't be angry. It's not worth hurting the harmony between comrades for a small thing."

Gong Qiwei said, "I said it a long time ago. He is too young and impulsive, and he must be tempered.

Xiang Cheng said, "I was once ready to suggest that he enter the Standing Committee of Beigang. Judging from today's situation, Zhang Yang is indeed too young."

Gong Qiwei said, "He can't forget about Jiang Le. It's very bad in nature. We must deal with it seriously as an example, otherwise, how can we get people's trust and how can we carry out our work in the future?

Xiang Cheng looked at Gong Qiwei and felt a little surprised. Gong Qiwei insisted on dealing with publicity. Was he angry for a while, or did he really want to do so? Even if you want to deal with Zhang Yang, you have to think about it carefully. Does Gong Qiwei really want to turn against Zhang Yang?

Chen Gang did not follow everyone. The reason is that Zhang Yang beat Jiang Le in public. He is the secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection. This kind of thing belongs to him. Xiang Cheng meant to let him leave later and have a good talk with Zhang Yang. It's better to let Zhang Yang realize his mistake.

The conversation between Chen Gang and Zhang Yang began with a long sigh. He put on a rather puzzled face and said, "Zhang Yang, why are you suffering today?"

Zhang Yang seemed to calm down at this moment. He sighed and said, "How did I treat him in the past? He actually embarrassed me in public."

Chen Gang said, "Listen to me. Although Jiang Le is begging for a fight, it doesn't make sense for you to beat him in front of so many people. Apologize to Deputy Secretary Gong. A man can bend and stretch out. Don't get into trouble because of a moment of anger."

Zhang Yang sneered and said, "Do you think I will be afraid of him?"

Chen Gangxin said that you are not afraid of anyone. You can even do the matter of killing people and abandoning corpses. What else can't you do? Chen Gang said, "It's not worth it. You, calm down yourself. I will help do the work today. It's all my comrades. It's better to turn big things

Chen Gang talked with Zhang Yang for more than half an hour. In the end, Zhang Yang did not make it clear that he wanted to bow to Gong Qiwei to admit his mistake. Chen Gang could only say this for this, and he got up and left.

Binhai's city leaders all saw that Secretary Zhang was in a bad mood today, and no one would take the initiative to touch his mold.

Zhang Yang returned to the office, picked up the phone, called Chang Haitian and Cheng Yandong over, and scolded them severely.

Chang Haitian and Cheng Yandong were criticized by him for more than half an hour. They also knew that they were wronged. The matter of Fulong Port was indeed their poor work. The two of them left Zhang Yang's office listlessly with their heads down and met Chang Haixin outside the door.

Chang Haixin returned to Lanshan a while ago. He just came back today. Seeing the appearance of the two of them, he already understood seven or eight points. Chang Haitian told his sister what happened today and reminded her, "Secretary Zhang is in a bad mood now. Whoever is caught and scolded, you'd better not hit the muzzle."

Chang Haixin stuck out his tongue and said, "It's so terrible. Well, I'd better avoid the limelight for the time being." She said to avoid the limelight for the time being. After the two left, she went directly to Zhang Yang's office.

Zhang Daguan is taking the opportunity to play today. He is not in such a bad mood. When Chang Haixin came in, he was reading magazines with great interest.

Chang Haixin came to him and grabbed the magazine in his hand and read it. It turned out to be an entertainment magazine with He Xinyan's news on it. Chang Hai said in his heart, "I still think you are furious today. It turns out that you are hiding in the office to enjoy the beauty photos."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Hai Xin, when did you come back? Why don't you inform me to pick you up?"

Chang Haixin rolled up the magazine and hit him on his shoulder: "My brother has offended you? Did you scold him like that?"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I didn't scold him, I just criticized him. What's wrong? As a leader, I can't criticize my subordinates.

Chang Haixin said, "If there is anything wrong with my brother, just say it, but I don't allow you to bully him."

Zhang Yang said, "Daughter, let's not mention this annoying thing. Come on, let me hug and see if I have lost weight."

Chang Haixin said, "I'm too lazy to talk to you, and I will bully honest people."

"What else did your brother say?" As soon as Zhang Daguan pulled Chang Haixin, she lost her balance and sat on Zhang Yang's body. She felt that the hard thing was holding her ** part. Chang Haixin wanted to get up, and Zhang Yang hugged her.

Chang Hai said in a delicate voice, "My brother is right. I really hit the muzzle of the gun."

Zhang Guanren couldn't help laughing. Chang Haixin struggled away and said to him blankly, "You, don't even look at where it is."

Zhang Yang said, "How about going back to Lanshan this time? Have Hailong and Xue Yan's wedding been decided?"

Chang Haixin nodded and said, "It's agreed that they will get married on July 1st."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "It seems that I can't wait."

Chang Haixin said, "Don't talk nonsense. On the way, there is something I haven't asked you yet. How did Sister Qing resign?"

Zhang Yang said, "She has been under a lot of pressure at work recently, so she has come to mind. You shouldn't ask me about this. You should ask her directly!"

Chang Haixin said, "I'll go to Jiangcheng to find Sister Qing this week."

Zhang Daguanren smiled and said, "Go, you two sisters haven't seen each other for so long. There must be a lot to talk about. If I have nothing to do, I'll go with you."

Chang Haixin said, "I don't want you to make trouble with me. If you go, we can't talk about anything."

Zhang Daguan laughed.

Chang Haixin was a little surprised and said, "No, your mood seems to be very good, and you don't seem to be angry at all."

Zhang Yang said, "I have always separated my work from life, and I never bring my work emotions into my life."

Chang Haixin said, "But why do I always feel that you are plotting?"

Zhang Yang patted her ** and said, "Let's go back and have a rest first. I'll come to you tonight."

Chang Hai blushed and said, "No, I'm tired and need a good rest. Besides... It's inconvenient for him today."

Zhang Daguan sighed with regret.

Chang Haixin said, "I'm leaving. You should be nice to my brother in the future. If it hadn't been for your friendship, he wouldn't have put down his career and come to help you."

Zhang Yang nodded with a smile and said, "I know."

After Chang Haixin left, Zhang Yang remembered that he had made an appointment to meet with Sang Beibei tonight. If there was no accident, the appraisal results of Yuan and Sachiko should have come out. Thinking of this matter, Zhang Guan was still a little nervous.

At six o'clock in the evening, Sambebe appeared at their agreed place on time. Zhang Yang rarely drove his sitting tiger recently. It was too ostentatious. As long as the vehicle appeared, everyone knew that he was coming, and now he was driving a black Audi.

Sam Beibei was very careful and was sure that no one was following him around, so he got into the public car.

Ask for a guaranteed monthly ticket! ( To be continued) RQ