Medical official path

Chapter 1112 In the same boat

Zhang Yang got out of the car and walked to Pier 17. Before boarding the ship, he saw two bodyguards in black suits. One of them came over and made an invitation gesture to Zhang Yang and boarded the yacht. There was no one on the deck. He looked down and saw Yuan and Sachiko in white casual clothes standing in the cabin.

Mr. Zhang walked in through the hatch and said with a smile, "Madam, are you going to drive in person today?"

Yuanhe Sachiko said, "The rudder is the most reassuring only when it is in your own hands." She made a gesture outside, and the bodyguard let go of the cable.

Yuan and Sachiko started the engine, and the yacht left the dock and sailed to the wide sea. Zhang's official was quite surprised. He didn't expect that there were only two of them on this trip today. He said curiously, "You didn't bring a bodyguard?"

Yuan and Sachiko looked at him and said, "The bodyguard is to avoid danger. Does Mr. Zhang think he is very dangerous?"

Zhang Daguan laughed.

Yuan and Sachiko said, "It seems that you don't know yourself."

Zhang Yang sat down in the back chair.

Yuan and Sachiko said, "There is red wine in the cabin next door. If you don't think it's troublesome, can you pour me a glass of wine?"

Zhang Yang nodded, turned around and walked in. He chose a red wine from the wine cabinet, and took two clean cups and returned to Yuanhe Sachiko. He poured a glass of red wine and handed it to Yuanhe Sachiko: "I thought there would be a lot of people."

Yuan and Sachiko said, "Some words are not convenient to be heard by too many people."

Zhang Yang poured a glass of red wine and took a sip and said, "There don't seem to be too many secrets between us, right?"

Yuan He Sachiko said, "People can't choose many times, just like Mr. Zhang's ideal collaborator was not me."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Where do you start? At the beginning, the renovation and expansion project of Fulong Port was a public bidding, and Yuanhe Group was the final winner."

Yuanhe Sachiko said, "If the choice is in your hands, you will definitely choose the Star Moon Group instead of us. Be honest and don't admit it. I won't have a grudge against you because of this matter."

Zhang Daguan laughed and said, "Madam, you asked me to be on the same boat today just to figure this out?"

Yuan and Sachiko smiled indifferently and said, "Actually, you don't want to be on the same boat with me. But the reality is that we are already in the same boat, so since we are in the same boat, we need to be in the same boat.

Zhang Yang came to Yuanhe Sachiko's side with a wine glass and looked at the calm and waveless sea through the wide porthole in front of him. The weather is very good today, and there are no wind and waves on the sea. The boundless ocean is like a huge sapphire. Zhang Daguan swallowed it. Red wine, seeing Yuan and Sachiko's flawless face from the side, whispered, "It's so beautiful!"

Yuan and Sachiko said, "I don't like the sea that is too quiet. Tranquility is actually the most hypocritical side of the ocean. Only when the storm comes, there are stormy waves on the sea. What is presented to us is the most [true] temperament of the ocean.

Zhang Yang said, "I like tranquility. People like me love peace more. Maybe this is the biggest difference between Chinese people and [Japanese] myself, right?"

Yuan and Sachiko said, "It seems that you are biased against us."

The white yacht was sailing on the sea. Zhang Daguan walked on the deck to enjoy the sea view in the evening. A group of white gulls and birds circled and chased the yacht with the same color as them.

The dark blue sea is drawn by a bright white water line by the yacht.

Zhang Yang closed his eyes and felt the soft light of the sunset. Breathing the fresh air, his body and mind felt so relaxed. After this period of time, he ended the matter of Beigang. He went to Temple Island to find Yanran and have a long vacation with her. The sea there should be blue and clearer than here.

Just when Zhang Daguan was thinking about it, he suddenly felt that the hull of the ship shook, and then the speed of the yacht was getting slower and slower.

At the beginning, Zhang Daguan thought it was the ship slowing down, but he soon realized that there should be something wrong with the yacht. He came to the cabin: "What's the matter? Why did the boat stop?

Yuan and Sachiko said, "I don't know, this boat is newly bought. The mechanic just checked it yesterday.

Zhang Yang said, "Isn't it out of gas?"

Yuan and Sachiko said, "It seems that there is something wrong with the electronic equipment. It's really troublesome."

Zhang Yang said, "This really responds to your words. We are going to be in the same boat." He took out his mobile phone and looked at it. There was no signal on the mobile phone.

Yuan and Sachiko went to the cabin to have a look, and soon came back: "I can't check anything wrong, so I have to call someone over."

Zhang Yang raised his mobile phone and shook it to her, "No signal!"

Yuan and Sachiko said, "There is also a radio!" When she was busy contacting, Zhang Yang noticed that there was a fishing boat in the distance. He smiled and said, "A boat is coming."

Zhang Yang came to the deck, took off his yellow T-shirt, waved it vigorously, and shouted, "Help!"

Yuan and Sachiko followed closely. Hearing him shouting for help, they couldn't help laughing and said, "You called the coast guard!"

Zhang Yang said, "If you don't call it that, others won't notice us!" At this time, he noticed that Yuan and Sachiko were holding a signal gun in his hand. Zhang Daguan smiled and said, "If I had said that there was such a thing, I wouldn't have to spend so much effort."

At this time, the sky was getting dark, the sea was dark, and the color became darker and darker, and it had turned black and blue. Yuan and Sachiko raised the signal gun and fired a signal flare into the sky. The red signal was launched. After a while, the fishing boat seemed to be unresponsive.

Yuan and Sachiko fired a second signal flare. This time the fishing boat should have seen it, turned around and drove in the direction of their yacht.

Yuan and Sachiko said to Zhang Yang, "It seems that we will be late tonight."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "There seems to be something wrong with the quality of your yacht. [Day] This goods?"

Yuanhe Sachiko said, "The things produced in South Korea rarely break down halfway."

Zhang Yang said, "Electronic things are not reliable. Next time I would rather go boating to White Island."

Yuanhe Sachiko said, "There is a life raft. If you want, you can row to Baidao now, but I can't be in the same boat with you. I'll take that fishing boat.

The fishing boat was getting closer and closer. There were two men standing in the bow of the boat, one of whom shone on them with a hand lamp and shouted, "What's wrong?"

Zhang Yang covered the strong light of the other party with his hand and shouted, "Hometown, the ship has broken down. Can you help send us to the nearby port?"

The man said, "Okay, let's lean the boat over now."

Zhang Yang said, "No, just help me drag the yacht over."

The other party said, "We are not a tugboat, and we are not on the road. You think it's a tow truck! Besides, our ship is very heavy and the horsepower is not enough. For safety reasons, you'd better come here.

Yuan and Sachiko said, "He's right. Let's put down the life raft and row over it."

With the ability of Zhang's official, you can jump over the distance between the two ships, but there is no need to show your martial arts in front of outsiders. What's more, Yuan and Sachiko are still by his side. It's better to keep a low profile. Zhang Yang helped Yuan and Sachiko put down the anchor, and then

Zhang Yang first jumped off the life raft, and then helped Yuan and Sachiko enter the raft, and rowed the fishing boat with his oars.

The fishermen put down the rope ladder, and Zhang Yang helped Yuan and Sachiko board the fishing boat. He then came to the deck. As soon as the two stood still, the two fishermen raised their pistols, aimed at them, and sneered, "Be obedient, and I won't embarrass you."

Zhang Guanren sighed and looked at Yuan and Sachiko helplessly and said, "It seems that we are on a thief ship."

Six more robbers, five men and one woman, gushed out of the cabin. The woman is very tall and walks around, looking tougher than the men around her.

With the martial arts of Zhang's official, it is not difficult to subdue these people, but he feels a little strange. Why did this group of people kidnap them and why did the yacht have an accident here? Is the whole thing a conspiracy of Yuan and Sachiko? Zhang Daguan decided not to take action for the time being and watched the change. Two kidnappers came over and tied their hands behind their backs.

The woman should be the leader. When she came to Yuanhe Sachiko, she reached out and raised her jaw. She stared at Yuanhe Sachiko coldly and said, "She is really beautiful. No wonder she can fascinate the old ghost of Yuanhe Zhenyang."

Yuan and Sachiko said indifferently, "What do you want?"

The woman suddenly raised her hand and slapped her in the face, so that Yuan and Sachiko's lips were bleeding. She said viciously, "Don't put on a high-ranking look in front of me. As long as I want, I can sell you to the dirtiest brothel in the world at any time, where there will * To ruin you, don't think you are noble. Now you are mine. I let you live. If you die, you have to die.

Zhang Yang said, "They are all women. Why do you embarrass her?" Looking at the palm marks on Yuanhe Sachiko's snow-white cheeks, Zhang Daguan felt pity in his heart, that is, only a woman could do something to her. In any case, he did not have this cruel heart.

The woman bent down and stared at Zhang Yang's eyes. Zhang's official secretly, **, as long as you dare to slap me in the face, I will break your hands and throw you into the sea to feed the bastard.

However, the woman did not take action against Zhang Yang. She pulled out a saber, put it against Zhang Yang's heart, slowly drew a circle, and whispered, "Aren't you afraid of death? At this time, you still come up for this woman. It seems that you like her. [Sun] Is this woman in ** special **?

Zhang ignored her and said indifferently, "This is not the high seas. Someone will come here soon. I advise you not to go too far."

The woman smiled strangely and said, "What's too much?"

Zhang Yang said, "If it's for money, say a number. If it's a death, you shouldn't wait until now."

The woman said, "Let me think about it!" She frowned and seemed to be brainstorming, but she quickly took out her pistol, aimed at Zhang Yang's forehead and said, "For me, you have no value!"