Medical official path

Chapter 1114 Light rise and fall

Rong Pengfei did not greet anyone during his trip to Beigang. He did not want to disturb too many people. This time, he came to see Wen Haonan. Wen Haonan's investigation did not go as smooth as expected. Although the momentum was very strong, he did not make much progress. Gao Zhonghe, director of the Provincial Public Security Department, decided to

Wen Haonan was a little resistant when he heard this decision. He shook his head and said, "Rong Hall, now that things have just come up, and now withdraw the task force, isn't it all your previous achievements?"

Rong Pengfei said, "What's the point?"

Wen Haonan said, "I suspect that someone in the Beigang public security system is related to smuggling crimes."

Rong Pengfei said, "Who? Are you talking about Yuan Xiaogong?

Wen Haonan didn't say anything, which is equivalent to acquiesced to Rong Pengfei's words.

Rong Pengfei said, "Someone has reported the matter of Yuan Xiaogong for a long time. I'm still the old saying. What about the evidence? You can't find Yuan Xiaogong guilty by suspicion.

Wen Haonan said, "I'm looking for evidence. I now highly suspect that the death of Yuan Xiaonong and the Ding brothers is a feud caused by a dispute over interests."

Rong Pengfei said, "Haonan, you seem to have deviated from the direction of work. The purpose of our special task force is to investigate the car accident that Comrade Liu Yanhong suffered in Chunyang, and you are now investigating possible smuggling crimes in Beigang."

Wen Haonan said, "Isn't it our police's duty to crack down on all criminal offences? Excessive compliance is rigidity.

Rong Pengfei sighed and said, "Haonan, you have to understand that if you want to hurry, you can't reach it. I also want to clean up all violations of the law and discipline. But in reality, we can't do it. After you came here, you found out a lot of old cases in the past, which has made the local police feel confrontational to a certain extent. They think this is our distrust of them, which is extremely detrimental to our future work.

Wen Haonan said: "Rong Hall, Yuan Xiaonong's mistress Liu Tian has been identified. Yuan Xiaonong has been engaged in smuggling crimes for many years.

"Do you have any evidence?"

Wen Haonan said: "There was a car loss case in Beigang before. A Mercedes-Benz SUV of Qiao Mengyuan was stolen on Haifeng Road in Beigang. Zhang Yang, Secretary of Binhai Municipal Party Committee, violated the rules. He led the Binhai Public Security to cross-district operations and intercepted the Xinglong at the Xinggang wharf. At that time, not only three stolen vehicles were found. And five million worth of red wine were seized.

Rong Pengfei said, "I know about this."

Wen Haonan said, "But what was the result of that? According to the summary record of the case, the owner of the Xinglong registered ship is Li Wangjiu, and Li Wangjiu committed suicide soon after his arrest, that is to say, the whole matter has no evidence, but Liu Tian has provided me with a very important clue. Xinglong has always belonged to Yuan Xiaonong, that is to say, Yuan Xiaonong has For smuggling crimes, the red wine worth 5 million yuan on the ship is all Yuan Xiaoshang's goods.

Rong Pengfei said, "What you are talking about now is all Liu Tian's words. Can she come up with solid evidence?"

Wen Haonan Road: "Rong Hall. Don't you think this case is full of doubts? I have investigated the situation of Li Wangjiu's family. If the ship is his, even if he is not rich, at least it can be regarded as a lot of money, but in fact. His family is extremely ordinary, and this person even owes a lot of gambling debts outside. He and Yuan Xiaonong have made friends with each other. The only possibility is that he has taken the blame for Yuan Xiaonong. If the Xinglong is Yuan Xiaonong's, then he has been engaged in smuggling crimes for so many years. Why hasn't anything happened? As the director of the North Hong Kong Public Security Bureau, is Yuan Xiaogong not aware of this at all? Since Zhang Yang found a problem on the Xinglong, why didn't he continue to investigate? Did you encounter obstacles, or did you reach a tacit understanding with some people behind your back?

Rong Pengfei's eyes were cold, and he suddenly realized that Wen Haonan's investigation in Beigang was far from simple. Who was his real goal? His chess game is very big.

Wen Haonan said: "The reason why Zhang Yang did not continue to investigate on the Xinglong. Maybe only he knows, but from some things, we can find some signs. The fireworks used in the celebration of the withdrawal of Binhai County and the city were all given by Yuan Xiaogong, and these fireworks were smuggled stolen by him. Zhang Yang and Yuan Xiaoshang had a good relationship. He saved Yuan Xiaoshang's son. Yuan Xiaoshang regarded him as a lifesaver. When Zhang Yang's sister got married, all the Yuan brothers went to Dongjiang to watch the ceremony.

Rong Pengfei whispered, "Do you suspect that Zhang Yang also has a problem?"

Wen Haonan said, "I hope he is innocent, but the truth may not be as I imagined."

Rong Pengfei's expression became extremely grim. After a moment of silence, he said, "Haonan, the matter of Beigang should be put aside for the time being."

Wen Haonan was slightly stunned: "Why?"

Rong Pengfei said, "Don't ask why, this is my decision."

Yuan Xiaogong had expected the result. He said indifferently, "Xiao Shang, I told you that there is no need to meet him. In the eyes of this prince, we are just ants. He disdains to associate with us."

Yuan Xiaoshang said, "I saw him just to prove one thing."

"What's the matter?"

"He also looks down on Zhang Yang."

Yuan Xiaogong laughed. After the laughter, he stood up and took two steps in the study. Finally, he came to the window, opened the curtains, looked at the dark night sky, and whispered, "After Wen Haonan came to Beigang, his every move was under my control. At the beginning, I also thought he was just to do it. Some achievements have accumulated political achievements, but I later found that his investigation was not divided into primary and secondary. The province asked him to come and investigate Liu Yanhong's case, but he focused his main attention on the crime of Beigang. It was not until he found out the second case that I realized that this drunken man was not drunk.

Yuan Xiaoshang said, "He took Liu Tian away!"

Yuan Xiaogong said, "Although the second brother is addicted to women, he is still measured on key issues. Liu Tian doesn't know anything about his business, especially those involving our brothers. She doesn't know anything about it at all."

Yuan Xiaoshang said, "But after all, she knows what the second brother is doing?"

Yuan Xiaogong said, "So what if you know? Does she have any evidence? Even if there is some evidence, she can't implicate you.

Yuan Xiaoshang said, "Big brother, you can't let Wen Haonan continue like this. Even if he can't find any evidence, if it goes on like this, I'm afraid your reputation and our business will all be affected."

Yuan Xiaogong whispered, "I don't think he has such ability. There must be a high-level person behind him."

Yuan Xiaoshang blinked his eyes and didn't understand what the eldest brother meant.

Yuan Xiaogong said, "Zhang Yang and Wen Haonan are brothers. Will they sing white faces one by one and red faces, and play together to show us?"

Yuan Xiaoshang thought for a moment, shook his head and said, "Impossible!"

Yuan Xiaogong said, "Why are you so sure?"

Yuan Xiaoshang said, "It's impossible. Zhang Yang himself is also in trouble. Have you heard that he broke up with Secretary Song's daughter? Now he is not as indulgent to him as in the past. His situation is very bad."

Yuan Xiaogong said, "The separation between men and women is very common. If they are separated for a long time, they will be separated. Many things make me feel strange. Wen Haonan is not surprised to us, but why did he target the case of Zhang Yang and Xinglong? If it is found out according to his wishes, Zhang Yang and Cheng Yandong will Do you know what's going on?"

Yuan Xiaoshang said, "The family affection of the official family is already much thinner, not to mention that there is no blood relationship between Zhang Yang and Wen Haonan. Brother, should we put some pressure on Wen Haonan? Let him leave Beigang.

Yuan Xiaogong said, "I still can't figure out what the provincial hall means. This matter is put aside for the time being. Even if Wen Haonan wears a dragon robe, he is just a headless fly. In Beigang, he wants to sort out the context. I'm afraid it's not so easy."

Yuan Xiaogong's words were interrupted by his mobile phone ringtone. He answered the phone, and a low and powerful voice came from the other party: "Comrade Xiaogong, I'm Rong Pengfei."

Yuan Xiaogong smiled and said, "High Hall!"

Rong Pengfei said, "You come to Dongjiang tomorrow. I have something important to discuss with you."

Yuan Xiaogong hung up the phone, and Yuan Xiaoshang realized that something was wrong from his frown: "Brother, what happened?"

Yuan Xiaogong said, "The boss asked me to go there."

Yuan Xiaoshang was full of worry and said, "Brother, will it be okay?"

Yuan Xiaogong shook his head and said, "It's impossible. They don't have any evidence. The most thing they call me to investigate the situation."

Yuan Xiaoshang said, "Brother, don't take it lightly. In Wen Haonan's eyes, our brothers are all criminals who are illegal and disciplined. He has a certain influence in the provincial department."

Yuan Xiaogong said, "Legally, they can't find my loophole. Forget it. I don't want to. Anyway, I have to go this way."

To everyone's expectations, Yuan Xiaogong's trip to Dongjiang was not to be held accountable, but promoted. Gao Zhonghe, the director of the Provincial Public Security Department, personally announced the decision to him, and transferred Yuan Xiaogong from the director of the Beigang Public Security Bureau to the deputy director of the Provincial Public Security Department to replace Tian Qinglong, who It was handed to Yuan Xiaogong: "Comrade Xiaogong, congratulations, this is the result of the discussion of the provincial leaders, which also reflects the trust of the superiors in you. I hope you will live up to everyone's trust and exert more energy in the new job."

With this transfer order, Yuan Xiaogong sighed with emotion in his heart. From the position of the director of the Beigang Public Security Bureau, he was promoted to the deputy director of the Pinghai Public Security Department. This span is not a big extent, but there are only six deputy directors of the provincial department. There are undoubtedly the last one. The reason why the It's not because of how outstanding his work performance is, or how outstanding his ability is. The reason is that out of dissatisfaction with the current situation in Beigang, Tian Qinglong happened to vacated a position, so he seemed to put himself here as a matter of course.

The first volume of the medical entity book has been sent to all alliance leaders one after another. At present, only 17 people have received the contact information of the octopus. As for the other alliance leaders, if you want to sign the sample book, you can contact the sub-version of Haizhong Life.

Say it in advance, the signature of the octopus is really scum. Everyone is laughing!