Medical official path

Chapter 1125 Go for it

Traveling around the world is an idea that exists in almost everyone's heart. Zhang Daguan is now only paying attention to a part of the world. He carefully studied the map left by Zhao Tiancai under the lamp.

Qiao Mengyuan brought him a cup of coffee: "What did you find?"

Zhang Yang took a sip of the coffee and said, "It should be in the area of Toyama in the suburbs of Beijing, and the genius marked it."

Qiao Mengyuan said, "It's very difficult to find someone in such a large range."

Zhang Yang said, "No matter how difficult it is, you have to find it. Only by finding Sophie can Wen Haonan let go of the genius."

"When will it start?"

Zhang Yang raised his wrist to look at the time. It was already ten o'clock in the evening: "Now, the sooner you find Sophie, the safer she will be."

Qiao Mengyuan said, "Do you want to exchange Sophie for Zhao Tiancai?"

Zhang Yang said, "Wen Haonan doesn't dare to take genius! After all, he is a policeman and won't mess with him.

Qiao Mengyuan said, "I feel that you'd better stay away from him. He is very hostile to you. This resentment should not be because of one thing."

Zhang Yang knew the real reason. He smiled and said, "I can't help it. I thought about it calmly. We really can't blame him for making it like this. I did a lot of things and lack consideration. I didn't take into account his feelings. A little dissatisfaction accumulated for a long time, and finally formed a volcano."

Qiao Mengyuan sat down beside him and whispered, "Can it be resolved?"

Zhang Yang said, "I'm not that great. I can't repay grievances with virtue, but I will definitely not take revenge on him."

Qiao Mengyuan looked at Zhang Yang's eyes with a little tenderness, and the longer she spent with Zhang Yang. You will find that the more bright spots there are on him, except for this one's affectionate heart.

Qiao Mengyuan's inadvertent tenderness was accurately captured by Zhang Yang. Zhang Daguanren was definitely a master who was good at seizing the opportunity. This man's EQ far exceeded his IQ. As soon as he stretched out his hand, he held Qiao Mengyuan's slender waist. In her arms, Qiao Mengyuan was hugged by him and knew that she should struggle. But with no strength at all, he blushed and said, "Let go of me."

Zhang Daguan said, "It's not okay to let go. You have to kiss me first."

Qiao Mengyuan said anguly, "You are shameless!"

Zhang Daguan said, "This is my strength."

Qiao Mengyuan has no choice but to take him. He whispered, "Close your eyes."

Zhang Daguan Ren closed his eyes with a smile. Qiao Mengyuan summoned up the courage to kiss his lips like a dragonfly, but he didn't expect Zhang Yang to hold her more tightly in his arms with his arms. Not only was his body close, but their lips were also glued together. Zhang Daguan's hand stroked Miss Qiao's delicate The legs, indescribable comfort in his heart, the desire in the man's heart also quickly expanded with somewhere in his body. His hand had just penetrated into Qiao Mengyuan's short skirt, and his lips suddenly hurt. But he was bitten by Qiao Mengyuan, and his beautiful eyes were like smoke and fog. Chu Chu said pitifully, "Don''re going to save people..."

The official Zhang just woke up a little and reluctantly withdrew his claws: "What... How do I feel that I am the one who needs to be redeemed?"

Qiao Mengyuan separated from him for a while, and her head drooped. She was infinitely shy. She stared at her toes and whispered, "Be more careful..." If it hadn't been for the patience and panic that she was harassed by Zhang Yang, she must insist on going with Zhang Yang.

At three o'clock in the morning, the night rain gradually stopped, and a military jeep appeared on the road in front of the Toyama Reservoir Dam. This car just appeared. It has been found by Pan Qiang, who is hiding in the forest.

The two lights on the mountain road were moving slowly. It was not until the light approached him that Pan Qiang put down his telescope. He carefully observed the situation around him. Except for this military jeep, no other vehicles came. It seemed that Wen Haonan kept his promise.

The military jeep slowly stopped at the appointed place. Wen Haonan pushed the door and walked down. There was no one in the dam. As he looked around, he heard the sound of the motorcycle engine. A mountain motorcycle came in his direction from far and near.

Wen Haonan narrowed his eyes and put his hand on the pistol at his waist.

The motorcycle stopped five meters south of Wenhao, and the driver turned over and got out of the car. Wen Haonan recognized at a glance that it was Ding Lin's driver Liu Xinsheng, that is, Pan Qiang, who kidnapped Sophie.

The two of them looked coldly at each other, and they both felt the killing in each other's eyes.

Wen Haonan looked behind Pan Qiang: "Where are the people?"

Pan Qiang said, "Where's Ding Lin?"

Wen Haonan said, "In the car!"

Pan Qiang suddenly took out his pistol, aimed at Wen Haonan's forehead, and shouted, "Take me to see her!" The moment he took out the pistol, Wen Haonan pulled out the pistol at a speed not as fast as him and aimed at his chest.

Wen Haonan shook his head and said, "Don't think about it until I see Sophie!"

Pan Qiang smiled grimly and said, "If you don't let me confirm that Ding Lin is safe, let's stop tonight's deal!"

Wen Haonan nodded. He took Pan Qiang to the jeep and opened the door of the car. Pan Qiang looked inside. Sure enough, he saw Ding Lin sitting in the car, with one hand hand handcuffed to the handle by the window. She carried a black travel bag on her body, her mouth was sealed with tape, and the expression on her

Pan Qiang said excitedly, "Xiao Lin, don't be afraid. I'm coming, I will definitely take you away safely, I will..." Ding Lin is extremely important in his heart, otherwise Pan Qiang would not sacrifice his life for her.

Wen Haonan interrupted Pan Qiang coldly: "The travel bag is full of bombs. As long as I push this remote control, she will be blown up with the car."

Pan Qiang looked at Wen Haonan with a trace of fear in his eyes. He immediately smiled and said, "You dare not, you dare not at such a short distance!"

Wen Haonan smiled and said, "There is nothing in the world that I dare not do, Pan Qiang, hand over Sophie to me now!"

Pan Qiang said, "You release the bomb on her first!"

Wen Haonan said, "If we all die here, Sophie will definitely be safe, right?"

Pan Qiang said, "She will starve to death! No, she will die of sultry. If I don't go back within an hour, she will be bored to death because of lack of air.

Wen Haonan said, "Everyone will die, it's nothing more than sooner or later!"

"Don't you care about her life or death?" Pan Qiang roared.

Wen Haonan said, "Each other, if you really care about Ding Lin's life and death, then you put down your pistol now."

Ding Lin shook her head desperately in the car, and she tried to stop Pan Qiang from doing so.

From Pan Qiang's eyes, it can be seen that he is hesitating.

At this moment, it suddenly burst out! With a soft sound, a bullet was fired from the bottom of the car, which accurately hit the ankle of Pan Qiang's right foot. Pan Qiang snorted. His body staggered and almost fell to the ground. At the same time, Wen Haonan's leopard rushed over, grabbed his wrist and pressed Pan Qiang to the ground.

The two rolled and fought on the road. Li Wei immediately came out of the hiding place under the car and helped Wen Haonan control Pan Qiang together.

Pan Qiang hit Wen Haonan with his head. Wen Haonan hit his face with a heavy punch, which made Pan Qiang's face full of blood. Then he grabbed his collar and roared, "Where is Sophie?"

Pan Qiang gritted his teeth and looked at Wen Haonan and just sneered crazily.

Wen Haonan punched his face a few times in a row. He took out his pistol, held the muzzle against Pan Qiang's bloody face, and roared, "I'll give you a chance, three, two..."

Pan Qiang laughed crazily and said, "If you have guts, you can shoot. If I die, your woman will be buried with me!"

Wen Haonan raised the butt of the gun and hit him hard on the mouth, and one of Pan Qiang's front teeth was knocked off.

Li Wei stopped Wen Haonan from continuing to go crazy. He said to Pan Qiang, "Sophie is innocent, and you don't want to kill an innocent life, do you?"

Pan Qiang said, "Unless we are released, there is not much oxygen for her to breathe... If you want her to live, you'd better let me go!"

Li Wei looked at Wen Haonan.

Wen Haonan said to Pan Qiang with the muzzle of a gun, "I won't give in. Don't be delusional."

Li Wei said, "Sophie should be nearby, Haonan. I will immediately inform everyone to carry out a carpet search in this area. Maybe there will be a discovery."

Wen Haonan put Pan Qiang in the car.

Ding Lin looked at Pan Qiang with a bloody face, and two lines of crystal tears gushed out of her eyes.

Pan Qiang whispered, "Xiao Lin, don't cry, at least the three of us are together, forever together..." He underestimated Wen Haonan. To be precise, it was he overestimated Wen Haonan's feelings for Sophie. He thought that Wen Haonan did not dare to take the risk of Sophie being killed. It

There was a row of sheds between Qingyun Temple and Toyama Wood Processing Factory, which had long been abandoned. Zhang Yang kicked the door of the shed one by one and found that it was empty.

After searching inside and outside the shed for nearly an hour, Zhang Yang still did not find any trace of Sophie. The location marked by Zhao Tiantian should be in this area, but the reality of the search disappointed Zhang Yang. One of the sheds should have been visited by someone. Zhang Yang found the rut on the muddy land in front of the shed. Following the rut, he continued to search forward, and the rut continued in the direction of the Toyama Reservoir.

After entering the cement road, it lost its rut.

Zhang Yang turned around and looked at the temple and found that he was about three miles away from the temple, which just formed a triangle with the location of the wood processing factory, which also seemed to be in line with Zhao Tian's description. But there are no buildings around. No, there should be one, which is the arch bridge across the river under his feet.

In the past, the riverbed here had already dried up. Because of the heavy rain, the flood kept washing down from the mountain, and the river regained some vitality. The highest point of the bridge arch is about five stories high from the water below. Zhang Yang searched one by one along the culvert of the bridge, and finally found Sophie's whole body wrapped in plastic bags in a small culvert at the end of the bridge. ( To be continued) RQ